Member Reviews

What can I say? Stacey created a wonderful world I don't want to leave behind. The twists and turns, the characters. I will miss them all. Stacey had me on an emotional rollercoaster I did and didn't want to end. I'll miss Dawsyn and Ryon.

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This entire trilogy is epic and captures the blinding rage we all wish we could release at any given moment. Dawsyn and her band of misfits (for lack of a better term, and Salem, boy is he a misfit...and I love him) trek through the bottom of the Chasm with little food, little hope, no light and a will power that is beginning to fade by the second. Through their trek they face illness, despair and whispers coming from the walls of the chasm. Whispers that beckon Dawyson to end it all. Though the do eventually make it to the "end" of the Chasm, it isn't without paying a hefty price. And what they find at the end? Well, it wasn't at all what they hoped.

I loved getting a POV from Yennes, who we end up finding out is not at all who she claims to be.

This book is the perfect ending to the Glacian trilogy. Through tragedy, triumph, grit, sheer willpower and rage we see Dawsyn and Ryon through to the very end. There is so much to this story that I could simply sit here and spout off all my feelings, thoughts and ideas for hours, but I won't do that. What I will do is thank the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review one of my most anticipated 2024 reads! And thank you to Stacey McEwan for making me cry. Making my heart race. Making me sweat and grip the edge of my seat.

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An epic conclusion to this trilogy. I love this world that Stacey has created. So many twists & turns, action packed, great banter and on the edge of your seat moments. I adore the characters, there is the most beautiful found family amongst them and I felt like I was one of them. Dawsyn is one of the most badass FMC’s ever written. She fights for justice, for her people and for her family. The love her and Ryon share is pretty epic. Brace yourselves and expect the unexpected. Stacey loves to shock us.

A fantastic conclusion to this trilogy. I look forward to reading more from Stacey in the future.

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I need a minute to process!
This series has my whole heart!!!! Dawsyn and Ryon are my everything.
Ok I’ve had a few minutes to process this and I am honestly blown away with not only this book but this trilogy. This series played in my head like a movie (also low key this would be an epic movie/tv series). There was so much happening, so many twists, so much drama, it was just perfect. It was the perfect conclusion to the series. I am so sad it’s over. This series has consumed me since 2022 when Ledge was released and I just can’t believe we have made it to the end 😭

If you have come this far in the series, you will not be disappointed. Everything ties off perfectly with no loose ends and the epilogue was perfect.

Stacey, I’ve said it to you and I will scream it to everyone, you are a phenomenal writer. If you write it, I will read it (and talk allllll about it).

Phenomenal ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The final installment of the The Glacian Trilogy, VALLEY a strong ending to a weak fantasy series. The second book left us on a cliff hanger, just as the first book, and the last 25% was a complete info dump that came into play in this book. The magic system doesn't have much rules. but it was interesting to play with the idea of magic being alive. This trilogy could've benefit from different POVs, at time Dawson is just so tiring.

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A great conclusion to an amazing series. It completely met my expectations and had some surprises I didn't see coming. Stacey has built a great world where you can see and feel it.

This book picks up where the second left off and the story keeps moving and flowing at a pretty good pace with lots of action.

Dawsyn is someone who fights for the people she loves, but at the same time has some doubts about her ability which makes her very realistic and her strength is unparalleled.

Ryon, is the heart of the story, he was a steady hand.

I love the Found Family feel with Dawson, Ryon and all their friends. You could tell they would stand by and believe in each other.

The ending was perfect, but bittersweet at the same time and you have to read it to completely understand.



Strong FMC

Strong Found Family

Amazing worldbuilding and dangerous

Thank you, NetGalley and Angry Robot for this ARC.

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With Chasm spending so much time on the hero’s journey and not a lot of time on action, I really did expect Valley to hit the ground running on page 1. Instead it dragged for about the first 30% and I found myself struggling to care about these characters anymore.

Once we got through that third, though, the rest of the book moved quickly, with lots of action and exciting conclusions to everyone’s stories. For this being her first series, I thought Stacey did a great job, and I look forward to reading anything else she chooses to write.

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The initial 40% of the book progressed at a glacial pace, with minimal notable developments. I persevered due to my deep admiration for both the author and the series. However, the narrative significantly accelerated in the latter half, which I found engaging, particularly through the multi-perspective approach that delved into various characters and their motivations. This shift, however, relegated Dawson to a secondary role. Without revealing the plot twist, I found the character's motivations for their secrecy and eventual betrayal perplexing and lacking coherence. Despite this, I thoroughly enjoyed the battle scenes and the conclusion, though certain elements (which will be apparent upon reading) detracted slightly from my overall satisfaction. The "spice" was introduced only in the latter part of the book, but Stacey McEwan consistently excels in this aspect. The epilogue provided a sense of closure, which I appreciated. My primary critique is the lack of action in the book’s first half.

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This was a little bit of a slow starter, trying to get back into this world was hard. The pacing, the reminders of previous books were enough to keep me pushing through until I caught myself back up. This was a super satisfying end to this trilogy. I always want more romance, but the story here was so good and so page turning. I loved the twist in the second half and I really loved how we got hints of it without realizing what we were getting. It was so well done.

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4.5 stars - solid conclusion and I might even like it better than Ledge.

The story picks right immediately after Chasm where we find our band of a chasm where things aren't looking the best for everyone. Things inevitably go from bad to worse for a while before we see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am being intentionally vague so I don't give away spoilers but one thing I did like was the flashbacks to the past where we get a more rounded story to all the characters and events - again being vague.

This book made my cry multiple times (which is less than ideal when one is reading at work on their lunch break) but that epilogue almost broke me.

Thank you to Angry Robot and Netgalley for the ARC - as usual all opinions are my own

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I found Ledge by accident while scrolling through social media last year and picked it up only because author's videos were funny and engaging. I loved the book instantly within first couple of chapters; couldn't wait for another one.

I knew I needed Valley as soon as I was done with Chasm. Last book doesn't disappoints - the atmosphere and writing are great. Fantastic end to equal amazing series.

I am looking forward to future work of Stacey McEvan.

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Mother above, but what a magnificent creature this book is.

I gave myself a couple of days to write this review, to gather my thoughts and emotions that were left in a puddle after finishing this. But alas, their state remains unchanged.

The character arcs, the world building, the madness, the resolutions, the journey to get there, THE LAYERS. The first thing I wanted to do after finishing this was go straight back to Ledge and start all over again so I can revel in all those delicious layers that were so carefully weaved throughout this series.

And I cannot even deal with the perfection of that ending. A quintessential finale with an understated epilogue that spoke to the truth of every part of that found family. This book is everything to love in a romantasy.

If you haven’t already, read this series and relish in its glory.

Thank you Caroline Lambe at Angry Robot Books, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book, and thank you Stacey McEwan for writing it.

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As in my review for the second book, I reiterate this could and should have been a duology.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. I really enjoyed the first book a lot. The second book absolutely dragged. This book also drags. Important events from books 2 and 3 could have been combined into one book.

The struggle with this book is that there is a lot of wandering. They're in the chasm and then they're not and on the mountain again. Then they're at the Colony then they're not. It feels very second Lord of the Rings Book. We have some separate POVs that I am not sure we really needed.

Spoilers follow
Yennes (the witch) was known as Farra and she had a son with a Glacian who WOW no surprise turns out to be Ryon. She wants the queens to liberate the Ledge and helper her save her son after she agrees to save one of the Queens lives. But the Queens won't and she just gives up. But she manages to work with one of the Queens (the one she saved) later on to turn on the other and basically liberate the Ledge folk (although given her own son isn't with them it feels all just a little too late and too little to begin with.)

She sacrifices herself to take in the magic from the pool so that it no longer exists. One Queen the bad one turns on the kind of meriocre one and kills her. The guard and some of the soldiers band with the half breed good Glacians and Ledge folk to beat the other Queen who D kills. D decides she doesn't want to be Queen and honor her grandmother's legacy (hated this part but whatever) and gives the title to Ruby, the guard who was on her side.

Apparently her and her friends go an build an inn away from everyone on the other side of the forest and live out their lives having kids. Although IDK how any of them survive it, specifically D when we are told that half breeds kill their mothers but maybe because it would be 1/4 Glacian it is ok but we know that two of the kids are named after both their moms so clearly they had children.

Anyway the ending is pretty rushed. Some mages were in hiding and decided not to fight the Glacians or help undo what they did when making the pool (also stupid).

Overall, most of this book was unnecessary.

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WOW - absolutely epic conclusion to the trilogy.

I have loved this series and these characters. I knew this third and final installment would be full of action, but I had no idea of all the twists and turns and jaw dropping moments that awaited me.

There were interesting time jumps used that kept me glued to the story. I couldn’t put it down!

I am still wiping happy tears from the epilogue.

If you haven’t read this series yet- I highly recommend it! The third person omniscient writing style always takes me a minute to get into, but it’s so worth it.

I can’t wait to see what Stacey Mcewan does next.

Thank you to netgalley for the chance to review an advance copy.

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“Only fools trust the fates. Destinies are forged, not written.”

Stacey McEwan really went for it. And she delivered. This was a heart wrenching, emotional, action-packed tale to tie up the Glacian Trilogy.
It felt like it had just enough of everything in it. Found family, love, war, intrigue, betrayal, satisfying endings for many characters. Even some twists I didn’t see coming. This trilogy really turned it up a notch from book 1. I was really impressed by Chasm and Valley was a perfect end to the series.

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This book was a nice conclusion to an adventurous trilogy. I found that the first half of the book started off a little slow; traveling through the valley. It was much more about internal character turmoil than any advanced plot. However, I did enjoy seeing the queens' perspectives more, as well as what was happening around them during this journey. In the second half of this trilogy, it definitely did pick up quite a bit. The combination between mythology and lore, magic and truth, and an overall purpose to live was a really nice balance. I was also a little sad at the lack of romance in this book, as it was very minimal. That being said, overall, I did really enjoy it and I loved that for the most part, all the characters had a happy ending.

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Thank you, Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

What a great conclusion to an amazing story. It was dark and heartbreaking but also beautiful and at times funny. Things never happened the way i thought it would and it kept me on the edge of my seat till the last page.
I loved the romance and how through everything they keep finding eachother.

I hope the author will keep expanding upon this world in future books but i have to say i want to read everthing she'll write at this point.

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Wow, what an ending to a fantastic series. This is the final installment in the Glacian trilogy, Dawsyn and the people of the ledge are now at the bottom of the chasm and surrounded by darkness. Battle weary, surrounded by whispers, and with low food supplies. Up top, the Queen and new King of Glacia are still searching for her. Will she be able to lead them all to safety? With betrayal from an unexpected source, things will soon be coming to a head.

I envy anyone else who gets to pick up this book, and read it for the first time. I for sure have a re-read of this series in my future. I have absolutely loved and raged every minute throughout the years of reading and waiting for this trilogy to be published. I mean, Stacey, I will be getting with you about where to send my therapy bills! It has been such a journey, and I don't think there could have been a more perfect ending. I have LOTS OF FEELINGS!! But, it really came together the way it should have. It was like a warm hug being back with so many beloved characters, right before you ripped my heart out and stomped on it a little. Only to give me, to date, my favorite epilogue ever. The way in which you wrote that... chefs kiss! Thank you for dreaming up this world and these characters, to love and hate in equal measure and thank you for sharing them with us readers!

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An epic conclusion to the most bingeable series I read all year!! I highly recommend this series to everyone who loves fantasy romance.

I devoured this series and this was a fabulous ending to this trio!! The epilogue had me in tears!!

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Rating: 5✨
Spice: 1.5🌶️

Thank you to the author, Netgalley & Angry Robot Books for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review is voluntary & honest.

This 100% surpassed my expectations of what this series finale was going to be like. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions, from feeling tense throughout the journey within the chasm, happiness & giddiness at the the moments between Dawsyn & Ryon, as well as their found family & also angst & shock in certain moments on the second half of this book. This book made me feel everything, but the epilogue was by far my favorite part of this book & it left me staring at the wall, wanting to experience this series for the first time all over again.

Dawsyn had several challenges within her journey that tested not only her strength & endurance, but also her confidence & belief in herself. It was difficult for her to lead others & have that pressure of being depended on by so many in moments where she felt she needed guidance & reassurance herself. Her overall journey throughout the series is one that I’ve truly loved & it is one that has you feeling proud of the FMC once the story has reached its conclusion. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to her.

Ryon, this man stole my heart from the first book. He is so supportive & protective of those he holds dear & will lay it all down for them no matter what, regardless of what that would mean for him. Ryon overall is such a humble hero with a heart of gold, but the ability to tear you to shreds if needed. In this book, Ryon is once again facing those who wish to destroy all that he has fought so hard for & take away the one who he loves and has become a deeply ingrained part of him.

The stakes are higher than they’ve ever been & the odds are not in their favor. This final installment had some twists I did NOT see coming at all & an ending that leaves your heart feeling all the bittersweet emotions. Dawsyn, Ryon & their found family are characters I will keep with me forevermore. If you’re considering reading this book or series, I definitely recommend it! 💚

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