Member Reviews

This was such a great conclusion to the Glacian trilogy by Stacey McEwan.

I absolutely love Dawsyn and her badass attitude and strength for all she has endured. Of course Esra continues to provide all the entertainment.

There were a few big shocks in the final trilogy and the finale of the book was very satisfying, though a bit more predictable … but in a good way.

This is an addictive series and definitely for fans of strong FMC, enemies to lovers, twists and spice!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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This final book in the trilogy is definitely my favorite. I felt like I was into the story more (once I got a bit in) and I was loving the character development from our two main characters. However, I still feel like our supporting ensemble got the short end of the stick. I wanted more of them. We spent half or more of this book in the chasm with several dozen people, but it didn't feel like our characters were surrounded by people. I also wish we'd just gotten to see more personality from our favorite supporting characters. Often, they felt like they were there only as show and did not contribute to the story, which is disappointing because I wanted to like all of them but did not feel connected.

I was worried there at the end that is was just gonna be an abrupt ending and I was going to hate it, but the Epilogue was absolute perfection and gave us enough info that we can be satisfied with everybody's ending. I am really happy with how things were wrapped up by McEwan.

I also just have some thoughts on Yennes. Nobody in the chasm mentions knowing Yennes. I know it's been a hot second since she was on the ledge, but surely someone recognized her and said something. I also am still confused about her motives for her actions later in the book because they weren't well explained. I really enjoyed her POV chapters giving us a glimpse from the past. I felt these chapters taking place in the past were much better done than in Chasm.

On another side note, what happened to all the human servants and the humans that were essentially post-pool zombies? They just never get mentioned again.

I loved the couple of glimpses we got of the den of girls. That is the content I want more of!

Overall, this was an okay series. You might like it, you might not. I'm glad I got this review copy because I'm not sure if I would have finished the series otherwise and I did enjoy this conclusion to the story.

Review going live September 5

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What a trilling conclusion to this trilogy!
Dawnsyn finally frees the Ledge - born with the promise of Valley but only she knows it lies at the end of the chasm instead of the mountain.As she traipses through the chasm with her people it becomes immensely uncertain whether there’s a valley at all and her lies are quickly catching up to her.
In addition to their doubts a sickness suddenly ails them with the company of voices that seeks their ruin.
But none compared to pain Dawsyn suffers when she realises she was leading her people to their death instead of their salvation.

I would never pass an opportunity to experience the main characters, the absolutely comedic duos in this series. Ezra and Salem!
They expelled so much laughter from me when I ought to have been in despair! I thought Dawysn and her merry band did not appreciate them enough.
So much surprising things I didn’t even expect and while it was slow to get into at first the plot twist and revelation made up for it.

Thank you so much Netgalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was thrilled when I was approved for an ARC and wanted to love this book as much as the first two.

Plot wise this was a satisfying conclusion to the series. Pacing wise it was a drag- especially the first third of the book. As the reader you are absolutely experiencing the characters’ relentless march at the beginning of this quest. After such a slow start I was never able to get really immersed in the story again even when the action picked up in the second half.

I appreciated the depth the other POVs added to the story. There were twists, redemptions and backstories revealed that enhanced the plot and kept it interesting. Unfortunately, at times it was hard to tell whose perspective you were reading and that tended to pull me out of the story.

The main romance definitely took a back burner this time. And characters that I barely remembered from the previous books never really justified their screen time- I would have liked to have spent more time with Dawsyn and Ryon instead. I do feel satisfied with the fate of all the major players and the epilogue was a treat!

I’d recommend this for readers as closure for the series but it wasn’t the magical ending I expected for such strong first and second books.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC for my honest review.

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Valley is an absolute masterpiece, an incredible conclusion to a series that captivated me from start to finish. The beauty of this book lies not just in its storyline but in its vivid imagery. Every scene was painted with such detail and emotion that it felt as though I was right there with them.

The ending was nothing short of stunning, a perfect wrap-up that left me both satisfied and wrecked. It's rare to find a series that holds its quality from the first page to the last. The characters, who I've grown so attached to, will be dearly missed now that their story has come to an end.

This is one of those rare books that I would give anything to experience for the first time again. Stacey McEwan has crafted a story that will stay with me long after the final page was turned. I wholeheartedly loved this book, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Thank you to Netgalley and Angry Robots for this ARC.

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4.5 ⭐

What an amazing conclusion to The Glacian Trilogy!

What am i going to do now without Dawsyn and Ryon?? Someone please tell me!??

It was so lovely diving back into this world, I've been in a bit of a reading slump recently, so picking up the final book in this trilogy, was familiar, and i just found it so easy to read to get back into it and just enjoy the story, which was really nice. We pick up right where Chasm ended, went right back into the action, and while its a little slow to get it going, the story does really pick up quickly, I found myself reading a huge chunk within a day. It is action packed with twists, turns, and a few flashbacks that provide so much more backstory to our characters.

Valley wraps up so beautifully, and I just wish there was more of Dawsyn and Ryon, I feel like they were kind of forgotten a little bit for the sake of the plot and other POV's or flashbacks, but it also didn't affect the story badly in anyway, this is me just being a hopeless romantic.

This trilogy was beautiful and i can not thank Angry Robot and netgalley enough for this e-arc

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I can't believe this trilogy is at an end.
This book gripped me from the very beginning and had me sitting at the edge of my seat, stressing over how on earth there could possibly be a happy ending from the constant hardships Dawsyn and company face.
But it also made me laugh out loud in multiple sections, mostly due to Esra and Salem's bickering and banter.
There were moments where I had my hand over my mouth, unable to believe what was happening. Or I would put it down in disbelief.
The ending itself was perfection, if not without its heartache.
I'm sad that this series is over but I'm excited to see what's coming next from Stacey.

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What a conclusion to The Glacian Trilogy!

Dawson is determined to save her people from both the Ledge and the Queen, but she does not know what lies ahead.

The Glacian Trilogy is one of my favourite series I've read recently. The characters are strong willed, unique and plenty of fun - when appropriate.

Valley starts a bit slower as our heroes are making their way through the chasm, trying to find an end that isn't going to put them back on the Ledge. It feels much more like an emotional book than an epic-battle book (but! there are definitely epic battles to be had). There are a lot of struggles the characters have to face, within themselves but also with each other.

The final chapter was such a bittersweet ending to a wonderful trilogy.

While the romance is a driving factor for the plot, there is so much more The Glacian Trilogy than just romance. I think if you're a fan of either romance or fantasy, you should pick this one up.

Thank you to Angry Robot Books for an earc of Valley! All opinions are my own.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

I love ledge and chasm and it was so lovely to be back in this world again.

Book 3 picked up where Chasm ended and although I found the first 30% a bit slow but still interesting so it kept me wanting to read.

We learn more of the history and back story of some of the characters through flashbacks which I really enjoyed. Also the plot twists! Amazing!

I loved Dawsyn and Ryons relationship since book 1 and it just gets better. Dawsyn is such an amazing FMC.

A brilliant ending to this trilogy.

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This was a good ending to the trilogy. I think some parts went on too long but overall, I liked the way that this series wrapped up. We also learned more about some of the side characters which I always appreciate. Looking forward to what this author does next.

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This series is SO GOOD!!!!! I love Ryon and Dawsyn oh so very much! The epilogue is perfect. I loved every second. When chapter 35 revealed stuff, I *screamed* ugh so good! Cannot recommend this series more!

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Valley - 4 ⭐️
I really enjoyed the conclusion of this series! The first third of the book was slow for me. The rest of the book redeemed it, and I read half the book in one sitting. I don’t like it when a character makes an obviously dumb choice or when tension is based on lies. Makes me cringe. I know our hero has to have a low, but that’s is a frustrating way for them to reach a low point. The book really picked up after the low point though. A few of the twists were great, but the ultimate ending of the book was fairly predictable along the way. Still a good journey to get there! I like how much happens all at once at the end of each book in the series. So much gets packed into the last bit and keeps me hooked! Some satisfying revenge! I’m so fond of the characters. Dawsyn is bloodthirsty in the best way. I didn’t reread the other books beforehand, and that would have been really helpful. Trying to remember characters and plot points was a guessing game. I felt caught up by the end luckily! Great trilogy!

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Fairly epic. The scenes in the Chasm were a bit long for me, but it all played out. Super clever the way Yennes story is told as flashbacks but backwards. The ending is excellent, especially the epilogue. I've really enjoyed this series!!

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What a beautiful conclusion to this trilogy. A lot happens in this book and there were moments I wasn't sure how it was going to end which is always entertaining. I do wish a few things were expressed or explored a little bit more at the end, but I also found the epilogue enjoyable. I'm going to miss this world in these characters.

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Valley is very on par with the rest of the Glacian trilogy, which is to say if you loved the first two books, I think this will be a satisfying conclusion.

It was very reminiscent of the first book, in which there is a lot of walking and talking, and repeating that over and over. I enjoy the author's prose and overall narrative voice, but I often find it feels very stiff and disconnected from the characters. It's not *bad* but the rigidity is noticeable and occasionally distracting.

Considering this book isn't particularly long, I would have liked a bit more time spent really selling the conclusion. For so much time to be spent doing nothing for half the book, the end really needed to pack a punch and I think it missed the mark by a bit.

I think this trilogy is a solid 3 throughout, and I got exactly what I expected from this conclusion to the story. While I wasn't deeply obsessed with anything in particular, I had a good time following Dawsyn and Ryon to their finish.

Thank you to NetGalley and Angry Robot for the e-arc!

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This is the 3rd book in the Glacian Trilogy. Ledge, Chasm, and now Valley all have my heart. The author writes her characters so they are relatable. This particular book had a few twists, one big one, and I absolutely loved it! This is a series I would encourage fantasy and romantasy readers to get ahold of and devour. Prepare the tissues, because there are some strong emotions the author elicits throughout this journey.

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Since the very first book in this trilogy came out I’ve been hooked on Dawson and Ryons adventure, romance and challenges, so when I got my hands on valley I was so excited to read it and finish this trilogy and it didn’t disappoint! Challenges, bretrayal, hope, curve balls and romance! Everyone needs to read this series

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I have yet to read the first two books in the trilogy, that said, I very much enjoyed this book and although there are some references that I assume relate to the other books, I was able to read this as a "standalone" without being terribly confused. Now to go back and read the first two

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Receiving this ARC made me finally sit down and read the first two books of this series (I bought them what feels like ages ago now). I regret putting it off for so long, I love this trilogy as a whole, and this book was fantastic and a perfect conclusion. The characters are amazing, and I love the humor throughout. The plot was amazing and on a scale of one to ten - was a steady 20 throughout all three books, and in Valley it was no different. That is my opinion though, I’m not hard to please when it comes to fantasy or romantasy books. Definitely recommend this trilogy to anyone who enjoys the genre!

Thank you NetGalley, Stacey McEwan, and the publishers for giving me an opportunity to read this book. I look forward to reading more by this author.

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A beautiful conclusion to a wonderful series. I'll admit, I felt like book 3 abandoned Dawsyn a bit and was a little annoyed with the amount of backstory and additional characters that were included. However, I loved the ending and the epilogue feels very fitting to Dawsyn. It all came together very well and I will absolutely be reading whatever Stacey decides to write next.

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