Member Reviews

The third and final book in The Glacian Trilogy! I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews about this series and those reviews were accurate!

Adrik’s character arc is so fascinating in this one. Seeing someone so desperate that is makes them insane is so fun and captivating!

We also get to see some new POVs in this book.

We really get more into the politics and desperation behind the decisions of everyone in this book. And I LOVE that kind of thing.

The pacing can feel stop-and-start at times, but I can see how it makes sense with what’s going on in the story, I just wish it flowed a bit better. The beginning was especially slow, but then when it picked up, it PICKED UP! And it was non-stop action from there.

Ryon is so likable and I felt like that just increased with each book in this trilogy, and I really appreciate that kind of thing. And he has wings. And who doesn’t love that these days?!

And oh my goodness! The twists, the reveals! And the things done with those twists and reveals! The farther into the book I got, the higher the stakes, and the more those twists and reveals came into play.

Overall, a very fulfilling and satisfying ending to this trilogy. I SPED through this series! I would definitely recommend this trilogy to anyone looking for a fun and uniquely-located fantasy.

And that super ambiguous ending! I eat that stuff up!

The dedication in this book made my heart very happy.

Thank you to NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion! My review is already up on Goodreads and my review on TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) will be up at the end of the month with my monthly wrap-up.

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This was a great conclusion to a great series! If you loved the bridge kingdom. Then you will love this book! The romance was so perfect in this book!

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I really like this world that Stacey McEwan created - a brilliant magic system and loving charcters. I had so much fun with the two first books, and was so happy when I got the ARC.
However, "Valley" was kind os slow and in the same time a lot happend - and sorry, but I did not like the ending...

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What can I say.... this trilogy was beautiful, heartbreaking, action packed, devastating, and wrapped in a magnificent little bundle. It was everything. What a way to end this series and now I cry myself to sleep because it's over. This book was such a perfect ending to this incredibly epic trilogy. There are some amazing surprises (no spoilers here though!) in terms of what awaits everyone at the end of the chasm and where the villains end up and who turns to Dawsyn's side. Gah! I want to read all of these all over again as if I'm reading it for the first time. I didn't want this to end but it had to and Stacey did it beautifully. Could not recommend this trilogy enough especially for those that love the found family trope: Stacey does this with such ease and beauty. I fell in love with every side character, every single one. This book was perfection. No notes. You have a forever reader in me Stacey McEwan!

Thank you to NetGalley and Angry Robot for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this trilogy! This was the perfect conclusion. Did not see the twist coming! I definitely have recommended this series to friends and I can't wait to read Stacey's next series!

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I was so excited to get this arc from netgalley.
It throws us right back into the story where it had left off.
I am going to try and do this without spoilers.
There is more action and the surprises just kept coming.
We learn a lot about the pool, more about how the characters connect and so much more than I ever imagined.
We lose people, some we love and some we hated but the with the losses so much more. The way it ended with the epilogue made the bitter sweet losses not hurt as much.
Thank you to Net Galley and Angry Robot for the arc and these thoughts and feelings are my own.

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This is an amazing trilogy, the conclusion was beautiful and fitting, and I am so happy this exists.

I read an early copy courtesy of netgalley and angry robot publishers, thank you very much for that opportunity!

Dawsyn freed the people of the Ledge—and then she has to save them too. Ryon is perfect and also a sexy damsel in distress. Everyone else is unique and fun or sad but still worth caring about. Except the Queens, they are garbage people.

The amount of STRESS I experienced reading this was a little cruel. Honestly. But I was so invested, and anxious to see what happened. And the ending was surprising to me, but I think it was a charming choice and I really really like it. It fits.

As with this entire series, I LOVE THE WRITING. It feels aggressive and short and chunky but that’s what the story NEEDS and it sucked me in and I don’t know, man, it just really does something for me. Just, 10/10 on writing.

There are some spicy scenes that are more sensual than graphic and fit the story very well, I think they were perfect.

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I am obsessed with this trilogy and this final book was no different! I thought it was wrapped up really well and everything came together in a satisfying conclusion with an epilogue I found so interesting as well. The FMC of the series is literally one of my favorite ever and it’s the perfect amount of action and romance and plot. Will recommend and be adding this third book to our library 100%!

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Reading the final book in this series was fulfilling. Dawsyn has gone through so many lows, I wanted to see so many wins but that’s not what we see. They are trapped in the chasm and it just gets bad. On top of that, the ledge people are doubting Dawsyn and end up making a different decision. The start of the book was very slow paced, I wished we saw that part go faster but it was important to see them struggle even more. My surprise was having Yannes’ POV and Alvira’s POV as well as Cressida’s. It was quite the plot twist to see Yannes’ backstory and the big revelation come from it. As for the Queens’, I was glad to see how mad Alvira was and a redemption arc from Cressida.
Overall, Dawsyn and Ryon are still going strong and that’s all I needed to know. Ryon trying to make Dawsyn not become a martyr herself was a new one and I’m so glad she kept her promise.
The epilogue was a big mystery and I loved how abstract it was, i think the epilogue was my favorite thing.

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Thank you NetGally and the publisher for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book and I'm delighted to share my honest thoughts - all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
I'm in awe of how the author has masterfully woven together so many intricate threads into a single, unforgettable book. The final chapter of this trilogy is a masterclass in storytelling, with the author saving the best for last. The conclusion is a beautifully crafted blend of emotional depth and satisfying resolution, leaving the reader spellbound and deeply fulfilled.
For sure Stacey McEwan's storytelling prowess is truly remarkable!

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I was sent a copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.....for a full review please see my Amazon and Goodreads accounts

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This was an EPIC conclusion to the trilogy. It managed to end exactly how I thought it would but travelled plot points I would never have anticipated!

I highly suggest re-reading the other books in the lead up to Valley as there are multiple storyline’s that would benefit from the refresh. Stacey McEwan has sprinkled so many teasers throughout that culminate into plot arcs you never saw coming!

Dawsyn is possibly one of my favourite female characters ever. I adore her so much.

Confession time - I am an epilogue hater. However this is one that is not to be missed. It gives me the feeling I had watching the final episode of the TV show six feet under which is the highest compliment I could bestow upon any creative.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read an advanced copy of Valley. I am leaving this review by my own choosing.

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Oh Stacey McEwan you have my whole heart! This was the perfect ending to an incredible story. How did you pack all of that into one book?! I had to pace myself reading it or I would have been absolutely wrecked. The struggle, the stakes, the found family, the love - just absolutely beautiful! And, of course, the ending made me cry. I can barely review this without giving so much of the story away, but everyone needs to know that our heroes were in good hands with this author. They have a story I will never forget and will likely need to re-read every year. I'm going to miss this band of outlaws so. dang. much!

**Thank you NetGalley and Angry Robot for the eARC**

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The final book in the trilogy and I absolutely loved every little bit of it. I am so thankful to have received this ARC. Being the last book in the series I fell like the author did an amazing job at wrapping up all the loose ends while still making the book intriguing to finish through. I would read more from this author in the future.

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DAWSYN, the queen that you are.
Ryon, my humble king.
And all my soft babies who deserve to be held and loved: I’m so glad I got to meet you and fall in total love with you. I will think of you constantly.

What an all star ending to one of the best trilogies I’ve ever read

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This is the final book in a trilogy. I found the first half to be slow and all of Dawson’s choices to be frustrating. It was hard to see Ryon put up with her; he is such a great MMC (main male character) and deserves the world. The second half, however, picked up pace and reminded me why I liked the first two books. Some twists and some reveals, a bit of action with a quick but strong finish to the series.

I was given a copy by the publisher via NetGalley (thank you!) and all opinions are my own.

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Honestly a super underrated series, and love and hate it's ended. But I definatly will reconmend this series to people and think more people should be reading it

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The final instalment of this trilogy left me utterly spellbound. The author’s enchanting storytelling reached its zenith, crafting a breathtaking conclusion that was both deeply emotional and richly satisfying. I felt every shiver and pang of hunger alongside these characters, as if I were truly walking through the Chasm with them. And, the constant twists and turns had me gasping and weeping uncontrollably. The deep connection I formed with these characters makes this trilogy one of my all-time favorites. The ending was so beautifully perfect that I’m left with a heart full of gratitude and awe.

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Book 3 of the Glacian trilogy. Dawsyn must lead her people home.... Challenges and betrayls abound...

Love this book. I have been waiting for the conclusion for a while now! The story is breath-taking. Very exciting and fast-moving. Love the characters. I was a bit surprised by the twist in the middle. It's a good one but just surprising.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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The dedication : « To all the wild-eyed, sharp-tongued, fire breathing-girls »❤️‍🔥

The first book (Ledge) was absolutely one of my favourite reads in 2022. I remember thinking this author’s writing was absolutely mesmerizing and that I could feel the cold seeping through the pages.

The second book (Chasm) left an imprint on me with the characters. She writes such strong and unique characters. I grew attached to the lot of them.

This third book in the trilogy wrapped up all of her enchanting writing skills to conclude this quite perfectly.

I felt like I was walking with the Ledge people through the Chasm. I felt the cold, the hunger and the desperation.
I loved having the Queens POV. I gasped so many times while reading this one.

The twist at the 60%? Never saw it coming. I couldn’t keep the tears from falling all the way till the end.

I felt deep attachment to these characters and consider this trilogy as one of my favourites.

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