Member Reviews

What do we do with our hard times? If God is good, why am I suffering through [insert struggle here]?The answer to this question is called our theodicy, and everyone needs to have one. There are many different ways people through time have answered this question and one person's answer might work emotionally and intellectually for some but not others.
Books like this one are basically a theodicy writ large and they are not uncommon. Two excellent ones that come to my mind are Even if He Doesn't by Kristen LaValley and Our Broken Hallelujahs by Rebecca Burtram. While I enjoyed this book by Lisa Fields, it doesn't quite hit on the same levels for me as those two do. But like our theodicies, books like these will have varying levels of impact or effectiveness for different people. Her theology is sound. Her analogies are practical and real. And since Lisa Fields leads an apologetics ministry called Jude 3, she clearly has experience addressing and overcoming objections some might have.
So if you are struggling with your faith. If you are going through what St John of the Cross called the "Dark Night of the Soul," then I would strongly recommend this book. And I would strongly both of the other books I have mentioned. And there are many others. Most of all I would recommend you continue moving forward in your faith. As another has said, "If you catch hell, don't hold it. If you are going through hell, don't stop."

As someone who has encountered plenty of struggles, I felt like this book felt more like a coming alongside rather than a how to. I appreciated the authors point of view and felt encouraged. I didn’t learn a lot, but I enjoyed the read.

In short I really, really liked this book.
I believe this book should be read by every believer, everyone who is thinking about being a Christian, and those whom Christianity has hurt. I like how the author dives right into things that so many people don't address. Lisa has the ability to call things as they are and leave them there. Also, I love that Lisa does not try to say this is a one-size-fits-all book and in the end, everything is not going to be sunshine and roses. However, she encourages and challenges us to change our perspective. So often religion is the reason we are disappointed. No one has taught or told us who we are so how we go into trials predestine us for failure. I would recommend this book.

I am happy I could read this e-ARC, thanks to Netgalley and the publisher. I connected to the book personally through the prayers, pain points, Bible verses, and prayers. It is a boom for those going through the complexities of faith. #netgalleybook #Faith

I was thankful to receive an eARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. It's Biblical, sensitive, and thoughtful for Christians who are struggling with difficulties in life. I appreciated the insights in this book, especially the prayers and the "pain points" with Fields' responses to each. However, I felt there were multiple places where the book didn't address the title fully, only obliquely. It was still a great, encouraging read.
This review contains my honest opinions. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC. I will post this review on Amazon closer to publication; the review is also cross-posted on Goodreads.

I just submitted a review for this work for Today's American Catholic....it is a great piece of writing. The review should be coming out in the coming weeks.

Lisa Fields delivers a simple yet profound answer to the question of what to do when faith disappoints. She writes from a place of compassion and understanding. Her words are full of truth and full of hope. The book is a clarion call to return to faith for the cure when inauthentic faith and people of faith have been the cause of the harm. If you know someone who has been hurt in the church, this is an excellent book to recommend.

We Christians often struggle with the distance between what we believe and what we experience. Fields reminds us it is okay to question God when things happen we don't understand. She does warn us that the answers may not be emotionally satisfying. If we think God's will is solely about our happiness we will be disappointed.
Fields uses a number of her own experiences to illustrate her teaching. Her insights are not new. She reminds us God's ways are not our ways, that humans have free will, that God brings good out of evil actions, and more.
I like her reminding us we do not have control over our lives. God did not design us that way. We are rather to rest in God's control and, although we may not understand, we need to continue to trust God.
While I did not find any insights about which I have not read before, this is a good book reminding Christians to continue to trust God.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

It is really hard to still trusting God after every trauma and disappointment we have toward God. It is even harder when we know that so many people in the same situation with us. Lisa Fields bring us a breakthrough understanding about our suffering and bring us a healing to our pain.

Lisa Victoria Fields is a Christian apologist and founder of the Jude 3 project. Having grown up as a pastor's kid, she was completely unsettled when a college professor caused her to start rethinking some of her beliefs. In "When Faith Disappoints: The Gap Between What We Believe and What We Experience", Fields encourages her readers that questioning their beliefs is normal and even welcomed by God. Just as we ask questions when getting to meet someone for the first time, we should ask God questions in order to get to know Him better as well. Fields splits this book into pain points., which she defines as "an expressed or unexpressed issue a person has with a product, service, or experience." Some of the most common pain points believers struggle with revolve around the following issues: personhood, peace, provision, pleasure, purpose, protection, and power.
I really liked the author's discussion about finding a goal line and asking ourselves, "Will I be satisfied when I get the answer to my questions?" If we don't have a goal line and we ask questions without one, we'll never be pleased regardless of the answers. I thought this was a very helpful book for anyone who may be questioning their faith. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

"When Faith Disappoints" by Lisa Victoria Fields is a deeply insightful exploration of the dissonance between our beliefs and life's realities. Fields delicately navigates the complex emotions that arise when faith doesn't align with our experiences, offering solace and wisdom to those grappling with similar struggles. Her compassionate writing style gently guides readers through moments of doubt, offering hope and encouragement along the way. Thanks to NetGalley for providing an opportunity to delve into this profound and thought-provoking book.

A solid book about doubt and disappointment in the Christian life and how to develop a resilient faith

We have many expectations of how life will go. When we follow Jesus, we may have suppose that all will be well. We may assume that suffering and uncertainty are over and God will give us happiness and prosperity without stress.
And when life isn't perfect or smooth, we may blame God for his lack of protection or provision. Whether we are interested in power, lose our purpose, or feel restricted by God, we may find our faith a disappointment.
Fields offers hope that the God we belong to loves us, has our best interests at heart, and is guiding our journey. With scripture and interesting stories, Field provides reassurance that faith is worthy the pursuit and staying the course. Each chapter ends with a prayer.
Whether you are doubting your commitment, straying from your Christian heritage, or uncertain if following Jesus is worth it, read this first.