Member Reviews

Thank you Simon and Schuster and Netgalley for the eARC, these opinions are my own. I love a Scott Reintgen story, always so imaginative! And this one has dragons so I absolutely had to read it! Each planet, moon, and star has a dragon. They all interact with humans in different ways. Lunar lives on Mars and travels the land looking for treasures. When his friend is hurt he discovers a group of kids and a dragon. They’ll join together and work on becoming the next dragoon. Such a fantastic story, exciting, adventurous, and thrilling! If you’re interested in sci fi but also love Dragons this story is for you! A wonderful MG story that the youngers are sure to love!! And it will leave you wanting more!

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Mars is habitable - to an extent. The residents can't grow their own food so they depend on Earth to send them shipments of food using their dragonships - spaceships that are run by the power of real dragons, like Luna. Dust storms rage acorss the planet, uncovering hidden metal left over from the war when humans and dragons killed Ares, the Mars dragon. Lunar Jones is a scrapper, he travels into the wastelandes to find the hidden treasures to help feed himself, his scout that helps him, and the kids he lives with in the orphan clinic, one of many in his town of Harvest. While out scrapping, he and his scout, Little Will, get attacked by a large rival group of scrappers and to survive, Lunar carries the injured Little Will into a secret bunker he locates - one filled with kids his age, a military general, Dread, a dragon they are raising to be the a new dragonship and to help save Mars from collapse. The twenty military trained kids expected to the be next dragoon, Dread's chosen companion, but he chooses Lunar. Now, Liunar must learn to lead the new group, all more highly trained than him, and bond with Dread. A wonderful science-fiction book giving every planet, moon, and star it's own dragon, each that view humanity in different ways and either help, ignore, or attack them. The world building is amazing, and Lunar and the other characters are vivid, filled with strengthes and weaknesses they all must overcome, and each shine in their own light. Give to dragon and science-fiction fans who will love the twist at the end that drops the bomb for another book.

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"The Last Dragon on Mars" is a middle grade sci-fi/fantasy by Scott Reintgen. Lunar Jones is an orphan on the planet Mars. To make money he goes out daily to collect scrap from the desert wasteland. When a scrapping session goes wrong, he ends up in an undercover military base where he meets Dread, a dragon who has been hidden away. Dread speaks to Lunar telepathically and chooses him to be his dragoon, a rider and partner. From there the story becomes less Eragon and more Ender's Game, with military training amongst other trainees. A fun and interesting novel (dragons in space? Sign me up!) that will be a hit for middle schoolers who love dragons and science fiction. A recommended purchase for middle grade fiction collections.

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Thank you, Simon and Schuster's imprint - Aladdin, for providing me with an eARC!

Rating - 4.5 🌟 (rounded up the stars to 5 for Netgalley)

This right of the bat made me think of Red Rising as it is set on Mars but with DRAGONS!

I really enjoyed the concept that each planet in our system had a dragon and that dragon is either king or queen to the planets moons, which also have a dragon to each moon.

This book is set towards younger audiences, but it also made such an amazing story for adults. Can't wait for the story to continue.

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