Member Reviews

What a fantastic read! My only criticism is I wish it were longer. This is very much a beginner's guide/101 about the world of secondhand goods: thrifiting, estate sales, consignment shopping etc. As someone who is a novice myself, this book couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I will be getting a copy of the book once it's officially released to have on hand when I go thrifting, and I would recommend others do as well. There is a lot of content packed into this book, but it is organized in a way that if you are venturing to a flea market for the first time, or visiting an estate sale, you can just flip right to those respective sections and make your plan from there. I'm glad the author has social media so that it will be possible to continue to get real time tips, but I do hope she writes more books that are fully dedicated to each topic area. I would absolutely read a whole book on navigating estate sales alone.

* I received a digital ARC copy of this book through NetGalley

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I'm a big thrifter and I got really excited about this book. I love that it touches on financial limitations, environmental concerns, and unique fashion sense. It has a lot of practical tips, and it focuses more on the practical than the creative. It discusses the types of places to thrift as well as what to look for and even how to mend or alter clothing. It is really well organized and helpful.

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I've been a thrifter since the early 70's! I still enjoy looking for vintage treasures. What I have noticed over the past few years is that thrifting is getting real trendy and prices are being jacked up. The poor many of these places served, are no longer affordable by the very people they were meant to help! Ah, well, times have changed... Second Chances needs better editing. It's a tad too repetitive But perhaps the teens who will be reading it won't care. I was kid of expecting some fashion modleing of clothes to show teens some ideas of outfits. The books in inclusive in including the LGBT community and plus-sized folks in it's pages. If there is someone in your life who enjoys thrift shops, fleamarkets, second hand shops, etc, they may well enjoy this book. Oh, it sheds lots of light of the clothing industry fast fashion, recycling, bad for the environment clothing, etc. Lots of reasons to thrift for sure.

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