Member Reviews

A very interesting book, but very heavy. Not a light read for those that spend most of their time in the world of fiction. For me, a slow read. Slow because it's packed full of information and the weight of the truth takes awhile to digest.
An important read.
3 stars for ease of reading
4 stars for importance of subject.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.
David Penklis’s Organized Hypocrisy delves into the intricate web of contradictions that permeate our global landscape. With meticulous analysis and compelling case studies, Penklis exposes the disconnect between rhetoric, decision-making, and action—a phenomenon he aptly terms “organized hypocrisy.”
Synopsis: In this thought-provoking work, Penklis dissects the concept of organized hypocrisy, revealing its prevalence across international politics, corporate structures, and government institutions. From climate change negotiations to state-building endeavors, the book unearths instances where talk and action diverge, leaving us questioning the authenticity of our leaders’ promises.
Key Insights:
Strategic Use: Organized hypocrisy isn’t accidental; it’s a calculated strategy employed by actors worldwide. Whether it’s the silence of corporations like General Electric or the flawed reporting by Enron, Penklis demonstrates how this phenomenon shapes our daily lives.
Scandals and Institutions: The VW and Enron scandals serve as stark examples of organized hypocrisy. But it’s not limited to the corporate realm; renowned organizations like the African Union, UNICEF, and the World Bank also grapple with this paradox.
DNA of Hypocrisy: Penklis argues that organized hypocrisy is ingrained in our DNA. It’s part of the fabric of governance, decision-making, and discourse. We cannot ignore it; we must confront it.
Thought-Provoking Case Studies:
Climate Change: How do nations’ commitments align with their actions? Penklis dissects climate change negotiations, revealing the gap between promises and implementation.
BREXIT: The UK’s departure from the EU exemplifies organized hypocrisy—political maneuvering versus tangible outcomes.
Human Rights: Despite lofty declarations, human rights violations persist globally. Organized hypocrisy thrives in this arena.
Corporate Failures: Enron’s deceptive reporting and VW’s defective cars highlight the chasm between words and deeds.
Penklis’s prose is accessible yet intellectually stimulating. His blend of theory and real-world examples keeps readers engaged. As a book reviewer, I appreciate the clarity and depth he brings to complex concepts.
Organized Hypocrisy is a must-read for anyone intrigued by the intricacies of power, ethics, and accountability. Penklis’s insights challenge us to question the narratives we encounter daily. Whether you’re a seasoned political observer or a curious reader, this book offers fresh perspectives on the human condition.
David Penklis’s Organized Hypocrisy sheds light on the shadows of our systems, urging us to confront the paradoxes that shape our world. Prepare to be enlightened, provoked, and inspired. 📚🌟

Organised Hypocrisy serves as a comprehensive source for anyone looking to delve deep into the intricacies of organizational contradictions—why one thing is said and another is done. Diving deep into different theories, with many case studies and copious citations, the book revisits ideas previously discussed in the field and consolidates a vast array of information into one accessible location.
Written with the meticulousness of a senior thesis, it systematically presents synopses of key sources, though it would benefit from more original analysis and a sprinkling of practical applications or narrative links. Its an art to bring large facts together into a narrative that explains the world, and this text only reaches that occasionally. The current in-line citation style clutters the flow a bit, so footnotes might be a neat trick for smoother reading in future editions.
This book is ideal for those who appreciate a thorough exploration of the subject or as an educational resource for dedicated learners eager to understand every facet of organizational challenges.
I'm very grateful to the publisher and author for letting me read this book early.