Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this novel. The love stories. The mystery. The biblical components. The dual timelines. The story really drew me in. I really enjoyed following the characters as they solved their mysteries…and as the haunting history was revealed.

It was a novel that not only brought to light certain deeds (human trafficking), but also helped show its presence not only in our modern day but also in the past. I was previously aware of it, but this really opened my eyes to how it affected women and children in the past. It was obvious that the author did some research when writing this book. The author did a great job at approaching this subject, unveiling its presence with care.

If you’re looking for a Christian historical fiction novel with some intrigue, check this one out!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, received from the publisher and author through NetGalley. However, all thoughts and views reflected are strictly my own opinions.

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What a beautiful and heart-tugging dual time story based on real events!
It’s 1885 and Lillian Freeman, a young widow still dealing with the heartache of loss, finds herself embarked in a dangerous journey as she searches for her long-lost niece who was abandoned at the Foundling Hospital. Thank God, she meets Matthew McGivern who is a journalist and is investigating on a series of cases of missing girls from the same Hospital, and compromises himself into helping Lillian find her niece. While spending time together for this purpose, Matthew’s feelings deepen, but is Lillian ready to open herself up to love again when it holds so many risks? Will the result of their investigations lead to the truth and justice these children deserve?
Meanwhile, we get a good glimpse to a related event in the present day, as we join Janelle’s journey of suddenly becoming the Director of the Foundling Museum and its challenges to survive. But when filmmaker Jonas arrives wanting to make a documentary on the Museum and help the funding campaign, they both get involved in the discovery of disturbing facts about the history of the Museum. Should the truth come out to light? Or should Janelle hide their findings in order to keep the Museum’s image and success?
First of all, I want to compliment the way the dual timelines were managed. The story flew flawlessly and I never felt confused when we changed the timeline. I always find a big challenge for a dual timeline story to be easy to read, because there are more characters involved and the different periods of time, but A Token of Love shines in this and many other aspects. I love stories that are based on real events, and with this one you can truly recognize how well researched it is. The theme is a hard one: child trafficking. But it is dealt with respect, yet with realism. Be prepared to share a few tears, but don’t worry, the story is so full of hope, and the characters, in spite of being flawed, are so inspiring, that your heart will soar after the pain. The plot has a good pace and it never drags, addressing the difficult issues from the start. I felt captivated and totally engaged waning to know how the story was going to end. Also, cheering the main characters in their quest of finding truth and justice, and discovering what is the right, not only convenient, thing to do.
I loved the story, the characters were relatable and lovable, and the faith inspired message of trusting God, living your faith, find forgiveness, and discover that doing what is right to God’s eyes may require some big sacrifices, but it’s all worth it and so fulfilling. The romances were really clean and sweet, just like I like them. All in all, a book that inspired me and warmed my heart, and that I highly recommend to anyone. I'll definitely be rereading this again!
I received a complimentary copy from the Publisher but wasn’t required to post a positive review. This is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of A Token of Love by Carrie Turansky. All opinions are my own.

This was my first time reading a book by this author, but I definitely want to read all of her books now. A Token of Love was truly an amazing book and is without a doubt one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.

This story was beautiful and did such an excellent job discussing the issue of human trafficking in a way that wasn’t just informational but also moving and heartbreaking. While this story was fictional, the topics discussed were not, and I thought the author handled the subject matter delicately, and she offered resources to educate readers further.

The connection between the dual timelines in this book was interesting, and I appreciated how the characters used information that they learned from the past to further improve the future. While some stories with dual timelines fail to keep my interest in both time periods, this was not the case in this book. I loved the time spent both in the present day and in the late 1800s.

The characters in this story were so lovely, and the relationships they formed (both romantic and otherwise) were beautiful. I loved seeing the characters grow into themselves and in relationships with others in ways they never imagined. The kindness and bravery of the characters was inspiring, and I appreciated that they were imperfect.

As this was my first book by this author, I didn’t know what to expect as far as faith elements. I was, however, pleasantly surprised to see how the author wove themes of spiritual growth and prayer into these characters’ lives in a natural way without being pushy.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone! It was beautiful, and I didn’t want to put the book down.

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"A Token of Love" is a romance with two connected stories, one set in 1885 London and the other in present day. The main characters were likable and reacted realistically to events. The romantic pairs worked well together. Historical details were woven into the story. My only complaint is that the men in the 1885 story were all disrespectful toward women, even the hero. Lillian's a wealthy widow who had been handling her own affairs for years. Matthew's a stranger from a poor background. He thought about how he's so far beneath her that no relationship could occur. But then he started acting like her husband or relative, ordering her staff around and guiding her actions.

For example, in one scene early on, Lillian and Matthew were in a closed carriage together, he suggested they have the coachman leave them alone, and she agreed. He told the coachman to leave, and he did. Wait, Lillian's the one who paid him. The coachman ought to make sure she's okay and wanted to be left alone with a man. Yet he never questioned the orders of a stranger. In another scene, Lillian walked down a street while dressed plainly but respectably when two constables arrest her as a prostitute. They'd be able to tell by her dress, education, and the fact she's not a known prostitute that she's a respectable lady. Instead, they refuse to listen to her....until Matthew vouches for her.

Lillian didn't mind Matthew taking over, and they shared a passion to help poor women and children, so they made a good pair. It's just that I doubt most men were that disrespectful toward respectable women. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this historical-focused story.

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This is a well-crafted story of faith and a journey through huge challenges. It's told in a dual timeline, and is a great pick for fans of historical fiction,

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This is a dual timeline historical fiction. Split between 1885 and present day.
Though a split timeline there are many connecting factors and things that were relevant in the latter time are still very relevant today.
1885 London: The Foundling Hospital is supposed to be a safe house for children of bad circumstances but when young girls are disappearing from there with no records being kept and without a trace there is an investigation. When some of the children are placed in the Foundling Hospital, they are brought in with a golden token identifying them so they can be reclaimed at a later date. As the investigation continues, we get a taste of the seedy underhanded ways some people operate and the dangerous ways of the streets.
2023 London: Now the Foundling Museum, I found this interesting the documentation of the Foundling Hospital and what happened to some of its. As more is uncovered and comes to light it may not show the Foundling Museum in its best light. Now the question is how to keep investigating and not spoil the reputation of the museum. I enjoyed immensely the research that was put into this as this is based on historical facts. Informative and interesting. Well written!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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I loved this story filled with faith, love, and a little mystery from the past. I loved Lillian, Mathew, Janelle and Jonas. I loved the stories from the past and the present that were based around the Foundling Hospital in London. I laughed and cried and could not put the book down. I received a copy of the book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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A Story For The Heart-

A Token of Love paints a vivid picture of London’s Foundling Hospital and historical Foundling Museum, past and present. The past includes the disappearance of a group of young girls while the present questions the discovery of the event. Again, Carrie Turansky beautifully weaves settings and characters, real and fictional, into a tale that is both emotional and inspirational. This story is, no doubt, one for the keeper shelf.

The narration of this audiobook is authentic and relaxing. Susan Lyons accent, inflections and portrayal of different characters proves to capture the story and bring it to life. I highly recommend it.

This book is suitable for teens and older with no inappropriate intimate scenes and no bad language. I received the ebook format from a LibraryThing giveaway through the publisher, free of charge, with no expectation of a positive review. I purchased the audiobook format.

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This dual timeline story has the Foundling Hospital as its common thread. Ms. Turnasky does a nice job in moving between the past and the present. You are sure to be caught up in this story of these two couples.

In the past, Lillian Fremont finds her 8 year old niece caught in a web of deceit and the unthinkable, working in a brothel. Discovering this and being able to return her safely to her mother, along with the help of Matthew McGivern, was exciting and dangerous.

In the present, Janelle Spencer and Jonas Conrad are preparing for a fundraiser event and stumble upon the hospital’s dark past. They are faced with the dilemma of sharing or keeping it hidden and not take the risk of losing much needed funds for the hospital museum. I found the story to be interesting and loved seeing them investigate what had happened.

Things to enjoy:
Dual love stories
Faith of the characters
“Remember my love”

Due to the subject of human trafficking in both stories, I recommend readers young adult and older as the reader audience. The subject is tastefully done and no details are given.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley and AustenProse. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Dual timeline story set in 1885 and present day London, England. Deals with various aspects of human trafficking in both storylines. I very quickly got invested with the characters and the search taking place on the 1885 timeline. It took me longer to connect with the characters in the present-day timeline for some reason. I would have been happy if it had been completely ser in 1885. Each time I entered a chapter set in the present, I wanted the other timeline. I did enjoy that the present-day timeline provided answers to what happened to the characters from the past. It provided good closure for the characters.

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This book brings with it a lot of emotions. It's not an easy story to read, or to tell, I imagine, but it is so worth your time. Human trafficking is a horrifying and terrifying reality in our world today and to think about how it effected people 140 years ago is crazy to consider. So, read this book and be prepared to want to cuddle your people.

If you like parallel timelines, mysteries, London, history, and light romances, check this one out.

CW: Christian novel with heavy themes such as human trafficking

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I could not put this story down! Carrie does a beautiful job of weaving a current day and a historical timeline and the stories compliment each other so well. I was invested in the story from the beginning and I couldn’t wait to see where the story was going to take these characters. A wonderful read!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, as well as purchased my own Audible copy. I was not required to post a positive review and all thoughts are my own.

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Carrie Turansky sweeps the reader right in with her latest novel, A Token of Love! A Token of Love is a split-time novel that takes place in London, England and takes the reader between the years of 1885 and 2023. In 1885, the Foundling Hospital is a respected establishment similar to an orphanage that helps the city take care of children who need a place to stay. Family members can come back to get their children by leaving a token with the child to help identify them so that they can return home to their loved ones, but very few do. Lillian Freemont is one of those that is looking for her loved one. When Lillian arrives at the Foundling Hospital to bring her niece Alice home, Lillian is told that Alice is dead. Before Lillian leaves, an employee tells Lillian that Alice’s death is a lie. Lillian enlists the help of investigative journalist Matthew McGivern to help her locate Alice. In 2023, Janelle Spencer is helping to run the Foundling Museum and oversee the Foundling Museum Gala. The Foundling Museum has enlisted the help of videographer Jonas Conrad to create a documentary of the Museum’s history. When Jonas uncovers some unsavory history, Janelle and Jonas set out to find the truth. As Lillian and Matthew and Janelle and Jonas seek to find the truth in their own timelines, all are learning a powerful lesson of how God is in control and true justice comes from Him.

Carrie Turansky’s A Token of Love has swept me in like no other. A Token of Love is a type of Christian Historical Fiction novel, that, to me, is in the vein of Liz Tolsma’s Echoes of the Past series, Kim Vogel Sawyer’s My Heart Remembers series, and Lisa Wingate’s Before We Were Yours (which is some of my favorite books of all time). I love how Ms. Turansky writes the transitions between 1885 and 2023 effortlessly. I love how each storyline of 1885 and 2023 are equally their own and at the same time, somehow meet up to to wrap the storyline in a perfect bow, with a perfect ending. I love all the main characters. I love the character of Lillian and how she used what God has blessed her with to bring justice to those less fortunate. I love the character of Matthew and how he goes after a story for the sake of good. I love the character of Janelle and admire her for what she overcame. I love the character of Jonas and how he always sought to bring Truth to whatever he is trying to create. Though generations apart, Lillian and Matthew and Janelle and Jonas’ lives parallel a lot. I love how Janelle and Matthew lives mirrored not growing up with biological families. I love how both Matthew and Jonas had jobs in the communications field. But more importantly, I love how Lillian, Matthew, Janelle, and Jonas put God and His Justice first above all. The Message I took away from A Token of Love is this: When things don’t always work the way we think they should, God is still working behind the scenes and can use it for good. That Message is woven all throughout A Token of Love! If you are looking for a read that is encouraging, full of Godly Truth with a little bit of suspense and romance sprinkled in, then I highly recommend A Token of Love by Carrie Turansky!

Have you read A Token of Love? What did you think of the book?

I would like to thank Carrie Turansky for giving me a copy of A Token of Love to review and for letting me be on the A Token of Love Launch Team. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

My review is also on Amazon, Goodreads, and my blog Leslie's Library Escape.

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A Token of Love by Carrie Turansky is a must read!! In this time-split tale, women are threatened with the horrifying human trafficking issues. The storytelling was so strong, drawing me in until I found it difficult to put it down. Don’t miss this book chalked full of God’s mercies and compassion.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Set in London, this dual timeline tells the story of London’s Foundling Hospital in 1885 and present day Foundling Museum. Both timelines captured my attention and as I followed the stories of Lillian in 1885 and Janelle in 2023. I think the author crafted a beautiful story, even in light of the difficult subject, and infused such grace and hope in how the characters overcame the tragic circumstances in their lives.

I love the strong faith message as we see how the characters relied on their personal faith to sustain them. Both Lillian and Janelle as well as Matthew and Jonas shine so brightly in the story. I also appreciate the extent of the research involved in this book. The historical content is very detailed and thorough and I learned so much about a part of history that I had not previously been aware of. I highly recommend this book.

I received an early copy - the opinions expressed are my own.

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What a great story and a hard topic to write about. Human trafficking is horrible and the author does a great job with telling the story. I really enjoyed this split timeline story. I will admit I was more interested in the 1800s story but I loved all of it. I loved all the characters and their determination to keep the innocent safe. There is good Christian content included as well. I also liked that there was some romance in the story too. Overall, I thought this was an excellent story and I definitely recommend!

Content: young girls sold to brothel, girl injured at brothel, girl almost gets kidnapped by online guy

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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Another brilliantly crafted historical novel by Carrie Turansky with relatable characters, thoroughly researched history, intrigue, gentle romance, and a strong faith component. A dual timeline novel set in London in 1885 and 2023, the author has tackled the extremely hard subject of human trafficking with gentle grace. The inspiration for this book came from a trip the author took and the discovery of the “tokens of love.” It is sad to think that an institution like the Foundling Hospital had to exist. The story is so beautifully written that I found myself lost in the pages when I should have been doing household chores. My favorite character was Matthew McGivern. He was gentle, kind, gruff, strong and shy. The romance between the characters in both 1885 and 2023 moves at a gentle pace that is exactly right. As always, Ms. Turansky has woven faith throughout the story. Gentle reminders that no matter the season, trusting in God and His strength is the best way to get through the tough times.
It is a sobering realization that women and girls in Victorian England faced the same kind of challenges that women and girls face today.
I highly recommend this book to all readers of historical romance and Christian fiction.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher/author through Net Galley. I was not required to write a review. The opinions are my own.

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This story is so good! I learned so much in this novel and although it is a tough, heartbreaking subject to read about, the author did an amazing job weaving this all into a story that I could not put down. Lillian gets word that her sister is severely ill and wants to see her, she confesses what she did with her daughter years ago when she felt she had no other option and asks for Lillian's help in finding Alice. With the help of an investigative report they uncover something more sinister than they could have imaged and are now on the hunt to find Alice before something worse happens. Janelle has the huge undertaking task of keeping things running at the Foundling Museum, while her manager is out on a medical leave. Bound to keep things as normal as possible, she agrees to continue with the gala event that was already scheduled as well as the filming of the museum's history to help drum up donations to keep the museum up and running. As her and Jonas dig through the museums past, they uncover that a few children had gone missing from there and were connected to a terrible scandal of one man. But is this true? What if this gets out, could it be the demise of the Foundling Museum? With the help of Jonas, they come up with a plan and Janelle is putting everything on the line for what she believes is right and unfortunately it is still happening today. I really loved this story, the characters, how everything unfolded and the dual time line to reveal it all. Thank you to the author for allowing me to be a part of the launch team and for the complementary novel. This review is of my own opinion and accord.

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A Token of Love by Carrie Turansky
This dual timeline historical fiction story set in London featured two women who alongside their family and friends encounter child exploitation and human trafficking. Carrie Turansky shared tough truths in compassionate ways by allowing several characters to experience the situations.
As Lillian and Janelle and those around them wrestled with choices and feelings, hope touched each decision, even the ones that didn’t work out as planned. That felt like the heart of Carrie Turansky’s writing.
Comprehensive research blended effortlessly with the fictional storyline. I didn’t want to rush through the book, but I did want to finish so that I could read the author’s notes.
Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley shared a complimentary copy of this breathtaking book with me. It was my pleasure to read A Token of Love and share my review.

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This was a dual time story that tells the history of the London Foundling Home and later the London Foundling Museum. The author has done wonderful research into the practice of leaving a token with the home in hopes of reclaiming the children given into its care. It is based on fact, real people and documented stories of children in 1885 London. Ms. Turansky weaves a touching tale of searching for a lost daughter and the shocking practices that were uncovered in connection to the foundling home. Present day has acting director of the museum Janelle and videographer Jonas researching the Foundling Home for a fund raising video for the museum. What they uncover has Janelle questioning the outcome if certain things come to light as they search for the truth behind it all. An interesting part was the recounting of the first investigative journalist in 1855 London. See how the past impacts the future in this fascinating tale based on real events. *I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House on behalf of the author and via NetGalley. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are mine alone.*

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