Member Reviews

Read my review at Shelf Awareness here: https://www.shelf-awareness.com/sar-issue.html?issue=1247#m24448

While well researched and an excellent format for telling the story of the most famous leaders of World War II, the book fails to find a voice of its own beyond the most assured and common facts. The author is continually putting very hard-lined assumptions and emotional states of leaders in black and white terms that lean to the side of made up in the most egregious parts. This is the most googling I have done reading a non-fiction book and that is not a good thing given this is one of the most studied and published upon parts of our human history.
I would generally avoid this book, if the author had stuck to the facts and setup the book with better context and the nations under the leaders at large there would have been more consistency here. It too often fails to meet a consistent standard of historical writing and there are many books on these leaders that do a much better job.

These 5 men have a position in history, whether or not we like it. Some helped the world, some wanted to make the world a 'better place" by destroying everything they thought was evil and wrong with the world. Some men tried to stop the evil that was trying to take over. Some caused the evil. This is a unique look at these 5 men and their places in history. It was a great read.