Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

I had a fun time in this world, I have never read about Elves before (Think LOTR Elves). I really enjoyed this world, and did enjoy the plot as well.

There was something this story was missing for me, sometimes it was extremely slow, and I had some issues connecting with the main characters. And speaking of the main characters, I would like to discuss them.

Let’s start with our female protagonist, Yasmin. Out of our two main characters I liked Yasmin the most, she was very vulnerable, even though she had been through some terrible hardships, and I loved seeing her be raw and real with her emotions. I know he driving force was the kids, but it felt like we forgot the kids entirely until it was convenient to bring them up, Ravi seemed to become Yasmin’s full focus about a little over a quarter of the way into this book, and then the kids came back up conveniently for our third act break up. I wish maybe we had a bit more background on Yasmin and the kids? Maybe we’ll receive that in the next book!

Secondly, Ravi. There was just something I was not feeling for him. It was hard to understand exactly what it was, but basically, he felt shapeless, I didn’t really see him having a lot of personality. Really he only cared about Yasmin, and that’s it. We have a bit of background on him, but really, all I gathered from this whole story about him, was how much he loved Yasmin.

Overall, the plot was good, and I enjoyed myself, and I would suggest this to people who are starting out on a fantasy reading journey! I would read the second book, and I am happy I read this book. I hope we get more information on both our characters in the next novel.

4 stars from me!

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This is an incredible read! Such an intricate weave of suspense, action, magic and love. At times it made me shudder, smile or rush to find out what happens next.

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Thank you netgalley and Donna Grant for sending this book for review consideration. All views are my own.
A sun elf, Ravi, and a human, Yazmin, begrudgingly set out on a journey together to stop a potential threat from causing harm to thousands of elves and humans. Ravi’s an agent and in his world, everything is black and white, there’s a proper solution to everything. Yazmin, a human living amongst elves, understands life isn’t what is seems on the surface, and to survive you must be willing to take chances and sacrifices. They journey to a place no one has ever escaped from alive, no one besides Yazmin. Enemies to lovers, high fantasy, slow burn, and sexual tension. This story has something for everyone. I liked the story, and my only complaint is that i wish there was a little more depth to the writing. Short sentences, short non descriptive scenes. Questions were left unanswered, maybe the answers will be in book two.

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When Yasmin is caught stealing she’s given a choice, go to prison or help an agent get to Shaldorn and retrieve a bomb. Yasmin swore to never return after she escaped four years ago. Ravi is a DIA agent and a sun elf. He is to go and get the bomb before it can be sent to the dragons and cause a war.
Yasmin has a deep hatred of elves and being made to take one to Shaldorn is something she’d rather not do. Ravi doesn’t think much of humans and believes elves are more superior. The trek through the woods and over mountains brings them closer together. Once they reach their destination it will be tricky getting into the castle and finding the person responsible for selling the bomb. Can Yasmin and Ravi overcome their differences to work together or will they be torn apart by betrayal?
New series my Ms. Donna Grant and let me just say, what a way to start it. Action. Secret. Enemies to lovers. Yasmin has been beaten and abused but still has love in her heart. Ravi was betrayed and it’ll take someone special to trust again.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed for Netgalley *

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This book was addicting. It was a little slow moving at the beginning but once I got a few chapters in I couldn't put it down. The two MCs were strong characters and I loved the character development they went through not only together but on a personal level too. The romance was a true enemies to lovers and slow burn. As much as I loved the MCs, I absolutely loved Dain. He always knew when to call someone out and had so much charisma. I can't wait to see what happens to them in the next book.

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This was my fist time reading a book written by this author, and I enjoyed myself immensely. I will be absolutely reading more books by this author and continuing this series.

We have enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst and more! I love anything high fantasy, and this certainly delivered.

Do pay attention to TWs.

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Yasmin - A human living in a land predominantly populated by Elves, (there are seven different types) has experienced a difficult life
Ravi - A Sun elf who works as DIA agent.
Yasmin is caught stealing and given an ultimatum Help Ravi on a mission or go to prison, she agrees in order to save herself and the ones she loves.

This Fantasy novel written by Donna Grant had everything you could want in a novel, elements of Magic, and slow burn, it had found family. I must admit I was apprehensive when starting this book as I hadn't read anything by this author but from the first chapter, I found the way Donna Grant writes to be captivating and she found a way to give a backstory to the characters without dragging in on pages. I knew five chapters in this book was something I was going to enjoy, Five stars immediately! I cannot wait for her next one to be released!
Whenever possible, put the positive things about a book up front.

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Rising Sun dives into the Elven Kingdom. There are seven different kinds of elves as well as humans. Yasmin is a human who has survived severe trauma and will do whatever it takes to save the children in her care.
There is adventure and mystery as well as a slow burn romance.
Please check the TW as I was not prepared for the abuse mentioned and showed on the page.

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I quite enjoyed this book that was a mixture of a magical heist mission and romance. Grant has pretty good prose and performed some excellent world building in a short number of pages.

Ravi and Yaz were great lead characters and I enjoyed watching them come together. I quite liked that the spicy scenes came at the end of the mission when both were in the right head space for some spicy times.

Dain was probably my favorite character and if he doesn't have his own series, he totally should!

I am looking forward to reading more from this author!

Reviews going live on 4/24 on storygraph, goodreads, instagram and tik tok

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Rising Sun by Donna Grant is the first book in a new series featuring Yasmin, Ravi, and a cast of mysterious and not necessarily human beings on a dangerous journey.

Yasmin hasn't had an easy life and as payment for being caught stealing, she is to escort Ravi on a dangerous journey or else face unimaginable punishment. The journey takes them from being near enemies to something so much more.

Ms. Grant weaves a beautifully adventurous love story that made me sad for it to end and anxiously awaiting the next installment in the series.

Thank you SO much to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ebook ARC in consideration of an honest review. All opinions are my own and I can't wait for this to come out. I want a hard copy of it on my bookshelves.

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Rising Sun (Elven Kingdoms, #1) by Donna Grant
This book took me a little while to get into. Iti s a slow burn and I am giving it 4 stars - there is a lot of world building with angst, danger, and a slow building to attraction. I enjoyed Yasmin and Ravi and look forward to the next book.
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Page-turner Entertaining Whimsical Unpredictable Action-packed Scary Happily Ever After Wonderful characters Great world building.

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⭐️High fantasy
⭐️Enemies to lovers
⭐️Angsty Slow burn
⭐️Check TWs

This is the first book I’ve read from Donna Grant and it’s fair to say I will be looking into more of her books after this instalment.

This book follows Yasmin, a courageous human woman with a dark past seeking answers to who she is, escaping her past and aiding to create a better world for others with a past as tormented as hers.

Ravi is a closed off and mysterious Sun Elf who is tasked to receive something that is in a place that links to Yasmins past.

The duo must work together to complete their mission, leading to a angsty journey through a will they/wont they slow burn, that had me almost ripping my hair out at points. The growth of the enemies to friendship to lovers of the two characters had me consumed whilst reading, following them both open up to one another as the book went on had my heart in a vice.

The descriptive high fantasy elements painted wonderful pictures of the world in this series and has me grasping for the next book to get the answers to the questions that had been introduced during the glimpses of reveals during reading.

This is a great book, the world building and magic system is superior and has left me wanting to know more and more after this first instalment.

I give this book 4 stars, possibly 4.5 at times, however, sometimes this book became slightly slow and dragged, not enough to lose interest, but it could have been less and more plot driven than descriptive. But over all I really enjoyed this novel and I can’t wait to read the next one.

*This was an ARC read, for my honest review*

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I received this ARC through NetGalley for my honest review.

That being said. While I did think the concept of this book was good. Sadly it was a DNF. That does not mean it wasn’t a good book.
For me personally I was just having a hard time getting attached to the characters. I was pretty confused in the beginning as well. (Which could be just me)
I did enjoy the writing style though.
I might even start using the term “nay” lol

Review posted on Goodreads as well

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Wow! This was a definite page-turner. From the time Yasmin agreed to go with Ravi back to a place where she experienced her worst nightmares, I was captivated. The strength of Yasmin to persevere through her fears because she gave her word, and along the way fell in love with Ravi, sucked me into the story. I am very much looking forward to the next book in the series! slow burn with spice. 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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I was intrigued by the premise of the story but unfortunately this is a DNF for me. I appreciate the opportunity to read this though.

I didn't feel there was a ton of character development and it felt like the spice just came on suddenly when he was sick??

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I flew through this because I just couldn't put it down! I loved both Yaz and Ravi and couldn't get enough of their journey together. It was a thrilling read - I couldn't wait to see how it would end - while also a sweet love story between two people who had a lot of preconceived notions about each other that initially lead to a lot of dislike. If you like romantasy and enemies-to-lovers then this one is definitely for you!

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This is a 3.5, check the TW
Yasmin is trying to survive and has already been through some major trauma at the beginning of the book. She is forced to guide Ravi back to the place that caused the majority of the trauma. I really did not like Ravi at the beginning. He started out arrogant and unlikable, but grew into a more compassionate person. Yasimin dislikes elves, Ravi dislikes pretty much everyone. Neither trust or like the other but in order to make the journey and complete their mission they need to learn to rely on each other and watch each others backs. Watching them evolve was what kept me reading.

The author did a good job of creating a believable world for the story to take place in. However, there were some slow parts that dragged on and caused me to lose interest. But overall, it was a good read, and I look forward to the next book in the series.

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Hold onto your cloaks and sharpen those elfin ears, because Donna Grant is whisking us away on a wickedly seductive ride in her latest series! In a tale where danger and desire blend as smoothly as a well-mixed potion, we meet Yasmin—a bewitching human with secrets as deep as the dungeons of Shaldorn—and Ravi, the deliciously ruthless elf who is as swoon-worthy as he is judgmental.

When Yasmin, a survivor with a heart cloaked in shadows, is caught stealing, she’s thrust into a treacherous bargain: escort the enigmatic Ravi across the Dangerous Peaks or face a fate worse than her darkest nightmares. But what starts as a journey teetering on the edge of animosity, blossoms into an all-consuming passion that could either be their salvation or their undoing.

With each step towards the impenetrable stronghold, their journey intensifies—full of peril, promises, and a slow-burning romance that’ll leave you breathless (and yes, Ravi is definitely worth the wait!). As they navigate the thin line between love and hate, secrets unravel, and the stakes soar higher than the peaks themselves.

Will Yasmin keep her word? Can this unlikely pair breach the fortress walls—and the barriers around their hearts? And more importantly, can they make it back out?

Grant’s narrative is a masterclass in world-building—complete with a glossary of Elf classes that’s as detailed as it is delightful. True enemies-to-lovers fans, gather round, because this is a love story with teeth and truth, wrapped in layers of lush, mythical intrigue. And let’s not forget more Dain—because, seriously, who could get enough of that?

This is why Donna has been one of my favorite authors since 2012. Get ready to be enthralled, enchanted, and utterly entwined with Yasmin and Ravi’s adventure. A five-star fantasy that’s as thrilling as it is transformative. Don’t miss this ride!

**This ARC was received from NetGalley for my honest review **

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Donna Grant crafted a tempting novel that will leave many questions about the series left unanswered … until book 2 comes out. If you adore spy’s, tragic pasts and quest this is a great book to dip into.

This was an ARC (thank you NetGalley) , the start of this series is filled with; fast paced action
A forced Quest.
An MC whose past makes them cautious of the future.
And slow burn.
High fantasy vibes.

I do have many questions I want answered. I am hopeful in the next book we can dive deeper into both of their past as the sample we were given hasn’t been enough.

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It was an interesting concept but the book just didn't hold my attention. I dnf'd it about 40% in . I couldn't find any of the characters interesting enough to keep my attention and the story just didn't do anything for me.

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