Member Reviews

While the senator’s car was strolling in the vicinity of Capitol Hill an assassination attempt took place. A Good Samaritan intervene to prevent the attack and save their lives. Now the senator is giving a reward to the hidden hero.
Curtis a corporate lawyer, following the news of the event thinks that the hero is his brother Finn and without even telling his wife, is in a quest to find him, even though he does not know where to look.
Now Curtis must decide if his brother is a hero or a villain.
Is my first book by the author and I will definitely check the others as I enjoyed the back and forth, the different settings and the story.

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I’m a big fan of the authors work so was eager to get stuck into Rogue Hero.

The story starts of strong, setting the scene as a failed assassination attempt takes place.. but why did the hero run away? Who were they?

Curtis Delaney watches the footage as it hits the news and immediately knows who the hero is… it’s his brother Finn.

They might be brothers but it’s been 6 years since they last saw each other and they didn’t part on good terms.. but Curtis can’t help but want to help his brother out..

Here’s where things start to get juicy, the story switches focus between characters and we learn about Finn’s past.. it teases you in it’s build up.

We also see Curtis in the current day trying to balance his own work and life commitments with that of finding his brother.

What I really found interesting was the character development.. the focus shifts so neatly, the pace so good that you find it hard to really form the full picture of Curtis and Finn.. there’s so much going on.. its was a marvellously jam packed tale.. the brothers are more similar than you originally think.. both jealous and impetuous..its the perfect combo for a engrossing action thriller novel.

The devil is in the detail they say and Rob Sinclair knows how to write! When you are about 50% through.. while the waters are still unclear you start to see a shift..links.. but there’s more and more questions too.

It’s a complete mind f**k to pardon my language.. like its so unbelievably good but you just don’t see things coming.. like wow..there’s murder.. fraud.. blackmail.. but to what end? Oh Mr Sinclair.. you know how to hook me in don’t you ha ha.

I think the word to best highlight for this book is pace, in every aspect, the chapters flow well, not too long or short either.. each chapter designed just to give you enough to see the movement but not enough to give everything away too soon but at the same time nothing was drawn out or boring.. just a perfectly executed story that I reckon everyone will love!

This is by far the most engrossing tale from the author yet!

Easy 5*!

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I had never read Rob Sinclair before, it has not typically been the type of book that interested me. I am so glad that I picked this up to read. It was AMAZING! It was fast paced and fun of action from he beginning. I didn't want to put it down. All I wanted to do was keep reading. Loved it!

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This was my first read by this author.
The story was well-written with lots of action and twists and turns.
I didn’t like any of the characters but for me that’s not a problem. This was not my usual type of book and I felt that it was quite predictable. Some scenes were implausible and left me rolling my eyes. Unfortunately it was not for me.
Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley UK for the ARC.

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Rogue Hero by Rob Sinclair is a standalone book told by two brothers, Finn and Curtis Delaney. They have not seen or contacted each other for years. However, while watching the news on television, Curtis sees that there has been an assassination attempt on a famous politician. He is surprised to see that the hero looks like his brother Finn. Still sitting shocked at seeing on the news, Curtis sets out to find his brother and hopefully put all their grudges behind them.
The only way Curtis is going to find Finn, is to hire a private detective as he will not be able to find him on his own.
Things change quickly for Curtis and finds himself being watched closely by the FBI and the Secret Service officers. Finn has got himself into deep trouble involving a very rich dodgy businessman. But, Curtis is so determined to find Finn and he will do anything to find him, he will even put his own life and personal life in the firing line............He needs to help and find his brother before it's too late.

WoW........This book was full of great twists and turns throughout and a great storyline that just had you gripped from the beginning till the very end.

I highly recommend this book. Another 5 star read and great for holidays.

Big Thank you to Netgalley and BoldWood Books for my ARC.

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Action packed from beginning to end, with plenty of back stabbing to go round. And at the end of it all is one brother’s love for another and their quest for revenge. Thank you to Netgalley for the advance reader copy.

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How would you feel if you spotted on the news your estranged sibling playing hero on CCTV footage? Shocked? Intrigued? Curtis was thinking WTH! He knows Finn, a selfish brother so the word hero is not in his DNA.

This leads Curtis on an unexpected path of playing detective and going on the run with a woman who has threatened him and also wants brother Finn found for a very different reason. Curtis is thrown into a world he didn’t know his brother lived.

Speaking of which, intermingled with Curtis’ story is that of Finn, of the events that happened the previous year leading up to the fateful day on Memorial Hill. The life Finn has been leading, one of which I’m not going to say much about #nospoilers. What I will say is as I switched between the two brothers’ timelines, my mind was racing to keep track of the whys and the wherefores, of Finn’s actions that sent Curtis along the journey he did.

Sinclair has written an intricate international action thriller where he sends his characters across the Atlantic in the hunt for a missing man. It’s got real pace to it which I expect having read a lot of Sinclair’s spy thrillers previously. But he’s upped the ante with Rogue Hero. The dual timeline adds a new dimension to his action thriller writing. Cracking standalone read from Rob Sinclair 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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3.5 stars
This was my first book by the author and I love his writing style, this is fast paced, emotional and thrilling.
The brothers were epic, I loved that their stories were ran at different timelines but as coincided along side each other in the same path, bit the brothers were so different and intriguing, but for me, I was more hooked by Finn and him setting up the events.
I now need to binge the rest of the authors books

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An utterly thrilling ride from a writer who has always been a favourite of mine.
Great characters, intricate but well executed plot and a perfect pace.

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This is an intense but fast-paced thriller about two brothers who have been estranged for years but are suddenly put in the crosshairs of some dangerous men even though they are not together. It begins with Senator Charlton who offers $50,000 to the man who saved. his life in a shootout. Defense attorney, Curtis hasn't seen his brother, Finn in years but somehow recognizes him as the hero who saved the senator's life. And so begins a journey from Cancun to Dubai to Georgia as we witness all sorts of shenanigans as Curtis searches for Finn and gets caught up in a worldwide chase for money and the truth.
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This was my first book by this author and what a page turner- I could not put it down- just one more chapter, oh well, maybe just one more…. Great plot twists. It’s a 5 star recommendation from me

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I first discovered Rob and his brilliant books a few years ago now. I haven't read everything that he has written to date but that is something that I hope to rectify in the not too distant future. I read the synopsis of 'Rogue Hero' and it certainly sounded like the sort of book I have come to expect from Rob - a fast paced, action packed thriller with more than a twist or two. Well 'Rogue Hero' was certainly all that and so much more. I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Rogue Hero' but more about that in a bit.

It's no exaggeration to say that I was hooked on 'Rogue Hero' from the synopsis alone. As soon as I started reading the story itself, well that was it. I knew that I wouldn't be doing anything other than reading for the rest of the afternoon because I knew that I wouldn't be able to put the book down for any length of time. My Kindle wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it went everywhere with me. It was as if the book had developed a hold over me and it was a hold that I wasn't willing to break. I found the relationship between the brothers to be rather interesting and I was eager to find out more about them. I also had to keep reading to see if the story was going to play out as I suspected it would. The more of the book that I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker the pages seemed to turn. I was so wrapped up in the story and in the lives of the different characters that I didn't realise just how quickly the time was passing or how quickly I was turning the pages. All too quickly I reached the end of 'Rogue Hero'. I found 'Rogue Hero' to be a gripping, tense and dramatic story which certainly kept me guessing and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

'Rogue Hero' is superbly written but then I have come to expect nothing less from Rob Sinclair. Rob certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and draw them into what proves to be one hell of a story and then some. For me, the story hit the ground running and maintained a fast pace throughout. I honestly felt as though I had landed in the middle of a Hollywood blockbuster movie whilst I was reading 'Rogue Hero'. Rob's characters are so well planned, vividly and realistically described that the characters seemed just as real as you and I. Reading 'Rogue Hero' felt like being on an unpredictable and scary rollercoaster ride with more twists and turns to it than you would find on a 'Snakes & Ladders' board. Just when you thought that you could take a minute to catch your breath and gather your thoughts then off the action would go again. I love the way in which Rob makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. That's how I felt anyway.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Rogue Hero' and I would definitely recommend it to other readers. I hope to read much more of Rob's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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I have read a number of Rob's previous books and have thoroughly enjoyed them and this one was no exception; it kept me engaged from start to finish.

A US Senator is saved from assassination by an unknown hero who disappears. Curtis Delaney, a lawyer, recognises the hero as his estranged brother, Finn and so begins his search to find him. Curtis comes into contact with plenty of nefarious characters in several countries which puts not only his but others lives in danger.

Rob really knows how to write a thriller with fantastic characters, a thrilling plot, great pace and twists and turns and I would recommend this and his other books. Many thanks to the author, Boldwood Books and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of this book.

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Curtis has pretty much given up on having a relationship with his "flighty" brother, Finn. He's not seen him for years...until he sees him on TV foiling the assassination of an "extreme right wing" shall we say politician. Finn was no hero when he left - in fact Curtis all but called him a wimp before he left. So how on earth did he get involved in world politics and assassination attempts?

The rest of Curtis life is falling down around his ears - his job he hates, his wife and he are drifting apart and friends that he can't really rely on. So he becomes the man most likely to hunt down his brother!

You will have to disengage the common sense sometimes but if you just go with the flow this is a great political thriller. The intense needs Curtis develops to find his brother was the biggest roadblock I had to get over but after I accepted the familial need I just went with the story. I did find Curtis a very unlikely and if I'm honest, unlikable hero, at first. The story is as much about him being the unlikely hero as Finn is.

The action does slip back in times as we see what led Finn to that fateful encounter. So whilst not the best thriller book I've ever read, this is far from the worst. The storyline is well thought out, the politicians are realistically ruthless and self-serving and I'm all for a MC who is out of their depth but rises to the challenge. I'd certainly read more books from this author.

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In Washington, D.C., a senator's life is saved by a mysterious figure who disappears as quickly as he arrives, leaving the nation buzzing with curiosity about his identity. Meanwhile, in Atlanta, lawyer Curtis Delaney watches the footage of the incident and is shocked to recognize the savior: his estranged brother, Finn, who is far from the hero the public believes him to be. Driven by a mix of concern and disbelief, Curtis embarks on a quest to find Finn, only to discover that not everyone has his brother's best interests at heart.

Rob Sinclair, a master of the thriller genre, has penned another page-turner with 'Rogue Hero'. It's my first foray into his work, and it's a wild ride filled with a cast of characters you love to hate: billionaires, cartel members, and even family members, each more despicable than the last. Yet, it's the theme of family, with all its complex emotions, that truly elevates 'Rogue Hero' above the standard thriller fare. My only minor complaint is the wish for some unresolved aspects to be addressed, but this doesn't diminish the value of the story.

'Rogue Hero' serves as a stark reminder that wealth does not equate to wisdom or virtue. It's a call to question the blind adoration of the ultra-rich, many of whom have merely stumbled into their fortunes rather than using their resources for the greater good. It's a thought I leave you with as I conclude my impromptu TED talk.

For those unacquainted with Sinclair's work, consider this an enthusiastic recommendation. His James Ryker series stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the best in the thriller genre.

A heartfelt thanks to BoldWood Books and NetGalley for granting me early access to 'Rogue Hero'. It's been a privilege.

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Rob Sinclair certainly knows how to write a riveting thriller as Rogue Hero demonstrates right to the very last line of the story. Beginning with an attempted shooting of a Congressman, Senator Charlton and ending with a question of morals, this is a very well thought out story tapping into the world of organised crime in the world of today.
A mysterious gunman prevented the death of the Senator and Corporate Lawyer Curtis Delany has a gut instinct that the mysterious hero of the day is his estranged brother Finn; a man who seemed to walk on the boarders between right and wrong in the Corporate world of seriously big money.
His gut instinct turns out to be real and Curtis, in spite of having a number of issues in his life that need to be dealt with, decides Finn, wherever he is and whatever mess he has become involved in, needs his help.
This decision plunges him headlong into a world of subterfuge, ruthlessness, crooked dealings the highest of levels, Drug Cartels, and cold blooded murder, a world he feel ill-equipped to deal with.
The plot is fast moving through the Corporate world, the world of high finance the background for the brutal, false but flamboyant life lead by Victor Travers, a man who had climbed the Corporate ladder with flair and ruthlessness.
Curtis sets out to dig into what he sees is Corporate corruption at the highest levels, only to discover his brother Finn was working along similar lines, which sees Curtis facing some terrible decisions, having to trust a woman, Alyssia, he has met searching for her sister Mariana, Travers assistant of many, many years.
A bloody disaster occurs when Finn makes the decision to expose Victor Travers for who he really is, which ends a terrifying shoot out with Curtis and Alyssia being arrested!
Rogue Hero is a story that once began is very, very difficult to put down as the pace is fast, the action thrilling, with characters well described and defined.
An excellent read.

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This was my first book by this author, and I was really in the mood for something high-energy and engrossing. It delivered on both counts. Jumping straight into the inciting incident in which an unidentified hero saves the life of a US Senator, his actions replayed on TV screens nationwide in the hope that someone would recognise this rogue hero. That someone was Curtis Delaney who, after years of estrangement due to a family matter, saw through the blurry images of the cap-wearing hero his brother, Finn.
Having parted on bad terms, Curtis is curious about his brother's involvement in this high profile case. Whether subconsciously he sees this as a way to reach out to Finn is not made clear, but Curtis feels a need, a desire, an instinct that makes him want to find Finn. And, of course, it was never going to be easy.
Finn has led a very different life from Curtis, and has done things he is not always proud of, but working for Victor Travers sees him fall in love - deeply - with Mariana, and his perspective on life changes, especially when he senses something going on between Mariana and Victor.
What follows is a fast paced hunt on Curtis's part and a vengeful mission for Finn. An intense race to the finish sees many things change for both brothers, but the gap between them narrows even if only in terms of seeing justice done.
Action-packed as well as emotional and touching, the story explores the familial relationship while the revenge plot plays out. Sadly, not everyone gets their happy ending but there's a sense of fulfilment and bonding and hope.
A great read, and a new author to follow.

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Another action packed thrilling read by Rob Sinclair. If you haven't read anything by this author start now you won't regret it!

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Well worth the wait.

Excellent stand alone novel from Rob Sinclair, telling the story of Curtis and Finn estranged brothers, a chance sighting.

Rollercoaster of a read, all the twists and turns expected of Rob’s work

He hasn’t lost his touch.

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A stand-alone action thriller centred around the Delaney brothers. Finn is the wild one whilst Curtis is more the homely type of guy. Finn is a ‘fixer’ and Curtis is a lawyer. They haven’t seen or spoken to each other for 6 years. Told from the POV’s of the two brothers this is a fast paced and exciting dual timeline read.

Briefly, one day Curtis sees a news flash about a shooting in Washington DC. On the screen there is a picture of a so called hero who has disappeared and he recognises the man as Finn! As Curtis follows up and tries to find Finn we also hear Finn’s story of how and why he ended up on the television.

This is a story of high finance and a bloody and deadly game of revenge and retribution. Good twists kept me guessing with an en expected climax. Quite a complex story with a lot of characters this is an enjoyable thriller typical of what i have come to expect from this author.

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