Member Reviews

A new standalone from this author of the Ryker series, and is packed full of intrigue, corruption, dodgy characters, politics,and with a hint of romance too. It is well paced as we follow the main character of Curtis across the continents in search of his brother with lots of action along the way. Great page turner and with an unexpected ending too!!

Thanks to Netgalley /Boldwood books for the ARC to review.

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Having read many of this authors previous books I was looking forward to this one. I was not disappointed! As always with Rob Sinclair you are guaranteed a book full of action and suspense and this one is no different. This is very fast paced and takes you to many different locations over a two year spell.
An assassination attempt is made on a US Senator but the attempt is foiled by an unknown hero who promptly disappears after the event. As a nationwide search to find this hero starts one person recognises him from TV footage. Curtis Delaney, a lawyer, believes the hero to be his estranged brother Finn. Believing him to be in some sort of trouble Delaney puts his work commitments and other matters to one side as he hunts Finn down. This search puts his own life at risk and others he encounters on the way.
Each character and event is well described throughout. There are many twists and turns in this thrilling book.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m delighted to report that Rob Sinclair is still a remarkable author. Granted, it’s been a few years since I read anything by him, but I have already agreed to read and review more. The story is whip-smart and moves at a very high velocity. The opening scenes set off at a grand pace and never particularly slowed down. Ok, so there is breathing space as the narrative sets the scene, and we are told more about the connection between Curtis and the unidentified hero.
As we meet Curtis, his marriage is balanced on a knife edge, and his secretive behaviour is doing precious little to improve that situation. We are made aware of the fact that Curtis is estranged from his brother, Finn, but we learn a little more about the reason for this as the book progresses. I liked Curtis but found myself willing him to be more open with his wife and share his thoughts. He was a dependable type but seemed unable to be completely honest with her.
Finn immediately felt a little more dangerous, and I was eager to learn more about how he came to be the hero in a major situation in the US Capitol building. With an exciting backstory, I soon found myself turning the pages hungrily to see what would happen next. Of course, Finn is flawed, and he makes for an interesting character.
Both brothers were perfectly imagined, and I could picture them, complete with their flaws. The excitement racks up to a crescendo, and the endgame is not as I had guessed. Sinclair kept my attention throughout, and I am more than ready to read more from this terrific author.

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It's an action-focused thriller that begins with a dramatic shootout. From the dual viewpoints of brothers Finn and Curtis, it explores what led to the incident and what happened afterwards. Whilst many of the characters, including the protagonists, are unlikeable, this doesn't detract from the story's complexity, contemporary relevance and adrenaline-rush drama. It's a challenging read; the dual viewpoint and dual timeline approach demand concentration. I like the characterisation, the relevant plot and the use of sensory imagery to bring the story to life.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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Rogue Hero by Rob Sinclair is a standalone novel told from the viewpoint of two brothers, Finn and Curtis Delaney, with a timeline that eventually merges, although they are not concurrent. Mostly set in the US and Mexico, we do have side trips to Italy and the UK.

Our two main characters are far from likeable, and neither are the individuals they interact with. There's a lot going on. Both brothers have complex backstories and there is a huge cast of characters, although in the end, it does come down to a few main players.

Complex plotting sees the reader switching between the two brothers' point of views, and also two different time lines. With a collection of unsavoury characters, possible FBI intervention, a possibly dirty politician and a web of financial chaos, the eventual ending is somewhat unexpected.

A complex thriller, sure to appeal to fans of the genre.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

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An innocent bystander becomes a hero. A man who sees his brother stop an assassination. This is one of those thrilling page turners that you can't put down. This is a book that is packed with action, thrillers, suspense and drama. It will keep you reading and make you want more throughout.

Great characters, great writing and edge of you seat reading. This one is a 4 star read for me. .

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I liked the writing and the book is gripping, action packed and it is filled with twists and turns. The characters are multifaceted and the story is multilayered. There are multiple perspectives. The character development is good. Finn was a mystery to me and I liked the action packed beginning.

Curtis hasn’t seen his brother since last six years. While when he saw news of the Senator Charlton. He saw someone there and he is certain about him. He is determined to find his brother but he doesn’t know what secrets and truth, his brother Finn is harbouring. The book is filled with so many twists and turns. So many things happens and it kept me on the edge of the seat. And the characters get tangled in the web of corruption, conspiracy, power and greed. It genuinely becomes difficult to fathom who is a hero and who is villain in this book. While I felt sad for Curtis, in a quest to find his brother, his relationship with his wife falls apart. The book was not only action-packed but emotional, touching and heart wrenching too. I felt The ending was twisted and jaw dropping. And the revenge plot is done well here.

Thanks to the Author and Publisher

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An action packed thriller well written that I found unputdownable.Well written multilayered a book that I enjoyed from beginning to end.#netgalley #boldwoodbooks

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An enjoyable read,full of action which kept me guessing all the way through.
I was invited to read this and was glad I did

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“Rogue Hero” by Rob Sinclair is an action pact book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The story is fast paced and makes you want to keep reading.
Curtis is living a normal life with a wife and a job. When one day he sees his brother on the news. He hasn’t seen or heard from in over 5 years. This sets off a series of events that Curtis cannot undo. As Curtis tries to help his brother the learns just what he has been up to in the past.
Highly recommend to anyone that loves lots of actions in their books.

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An enjoyable read, in a fast moving environment, whilst not falling into the immediate page turning category.

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Brothers Curtis and Finn are not exactly close. They have not spoken for several years. They are very different, one is reckless while the other is hard-working and focused. So when Curtis recognises his brother in a news story he is shocked to find he is being described as a hero. This is something he would never think of his brother as. So why did Finn stop an assassination attempt or is something else going on?

This is a brilliant book and it is a mix of mystery, murder, extortion, corruption and suspense, but at its heart is greed and power. When Curtis tries to find his brother her finds himself wandering into a world that he has no experience of. He is trying to be the good guy, follow the rules and leads, but this gets him nowhere. Finn, is ruthless, he is good at what he does but has he overstepped and underestimated?

This is a story that flits between the two brothers, Finn's story is in the past and the author gradually works through his timeline. Curtis's is the present and it follows his journey. It is only as Curtis starts digging he discovers what his brother is doing, is capable of and how much of an impact it will have on his own life.

The author has set a great pace for the book and his characters travel to various countries, one to set things up and the other to try to follow the clues. There is the constant hint of some ulterior motive but quite what this is and how it fits doesn't become apparent until a lot further in the book. In some ways, Curtis has to travel and experience things before he can try to get to his brother finally.

There are various characters, but not many so that you get jumbled, and it is ideal for this style of book, it is one where secrets and blackmail go hand-in-hand. The story had me wondering and at times I wasn't sure who was the "good guy", the author plants seeds of doubt, suspense and intrigue so kept me on my toes.

This is a fabulous book and one that is for those who like a slightly more complex cat-and-mouse type of crime mystery and thriller. It is dark and dangerous and I adored it. It is one I would definitely recommend.

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Corporate espionage how can you not want to read it the way the world is.

This isnt something i would normally read but i am so glad i did i really enjoyed this book. It was full of twist and turns and just action packed with every page. It has you interested and entertained at the beginning until the end.

Great Reading and will read more by this author.

Thanks NEtGalley for letting me read and review.

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Well this was all things a bit convoluted and interconnected.. but, despite it being a bit over the top in places, it was jolly good fun! In a good way!
So... we start with Curtis Delaney watching news footage of an assassination attempt on a politician. In it, he sees a "mystery bystander" play hero, saving the day before disappearing off. This incident sparks a hunt for the unidentified hero. Unidentified to all but Curtis though, as he clearly recognises his estranged brother Finn, despite not having any contact with him for six odd years. This causes him a bit of a dilemma as, the Finn he remembers is no hero. Which then leads Curtis to turn his back on his life - wife, job, friends - and, well, try and find Finn... Now this is the bit I struggled with. Curtis is a lawyer, and has his own dubious methods of doing things, taking shortcuts, all that stuff, but I can't quite understand his motivation for wanting to find his brother. Especially given what happened last time they met. Especially with what he was prepared to sacrifice to do so... But, in order to carry on, I just had to accept he knew why he was doing it, so I did and what happened next was fast paced, action packed, present linking with past, well plotted narrative which, once it got going, didn't let up until the very end. Which, I am happy to say, was worth the steps I took to get there!
Yes, I might have other niggles about the implausibility of some of the things that happened in this book, but they aren't major and at least they were included to progress the plot and/or speak to character definition. To be honest though, I didn't really like Curtis, although I'm not sure I was supposed to, but in this genre book, it does help to have some affection for the main character. I didn't and it was OK but not brilliant.
Aside from this book, this author is one of my favourites. His Enemy series was imply superb, as was the one it segued into, featuring James Ryker, and we also have Dani Stephens and the Sleeper books. All cracking reads which is why this one was a bit of a disappointment for me. Not quite hitting the mark, but at the same time, was my bar set too high...?
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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An attack against a senator in Washington, D.C. is stopped by an anonymous bystander who vanishes as fast as he appeared. The nation wants to know who the hero is. In Atlanta, lawyer Curtis Delaney is home watching the replay of the hero in action. Curtis is stunned by what he sees. He recognizes the hero immediately. Curtis has not seen or heard from his brother in six years. Head swimming, the only thing Curtis is sure of is Finn is no hero. Motivated to find Finn, Curtis starts asking questions and soon realizes not all have his brother's best interest at heart.

Rob Sinclair is a fantastic author who doesn’t receive the praise he should. The standalone— Rogue Hero—might be my favorite work by him. The book has everything; billionaire assholes, cartel assholes, family assholes. A whose who of assholes. Family—along with love and all the emotions that come with it—runs throughout Rogue Hero. This undercurrent elevates Rogue Hero to a higher level. Where Rob Sinclair belongs. My one nitpick--while not germane to the ending--I would have liked to have a few plot points tied up.

Rogue Hero is a cautionary tale. A warning that we should not idolize or take uber uber-rich at their word. Because someone has money flying out the wazoo does not make them smart, or better than you, or even a good human being. Quite the opposite. Most—not all—had it fall in their lap. You can name billionaires off the top of your head. Harder to name those who use their wealth for the betterment of humanity. And that is the end of my TED talk.

If you aren’t familiar with Sinclair’s work do yourself a favor and get on it. His James Ryker series is as good as the best thriller writers today.

My sincere gratitude to BoldWood Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Rogue Hero!

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This isn't my typical type of book but I decided to give it a shot based off the description and I'm glad I did. This is an action packed page turner and a very entertaining read. Right from the start I was interested in the story and I was interested to find out why this mystery man would stop an assassination attempt and what his motives were. I loved the fact that Curtis recognizes the hero as his estranged brother and was interested to learn how the book would turn out. Great storytelling and kept me turning the pages.

Thank you Net Galley and Boldwood Books for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Corporate espionage thriller! Wow! I don’t usually pick up this type of book but I blew through the pages like my life depended Curtis Delaney finding me! Read it! Thanks NetGalley and publishers for the arc of Rogue Hero by the very talented author Rob Sinclair.

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Curtis recognizes his estranged brother as the hero in an attampted assassination. As he attempts to locate him, he finds that many others are as well, and for a variety of reasons. The search is worldwide and dangerous leading to many action-packed situations. Very entertaining!

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A mystery hero thwarts an assassination attempt on a US Congressman. When his estranged brother, Curtis, sees the news, he immediately recognizes that it is Finn. But how did he know the Congressman? And how did he happen to be there at just the right time? Curtis' search for answers could destroy his family and his career, and even cost him his life, but his urge to protect his younger brother is still strong, despite the 6-year estrangement.

This book will draw the reader deeply into the life of Finn who is playing a dangerous game of blackmail in order to secure business deals for his mega-millionaire boss. When the tables are turned, can Finn survive his ruthless opponent? Will Curtis find him before it's too late?

The brilliant plot, well-developed and sympathetic characters, and international locales will keep the reader engaged to the very end. Spectacular!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I read Rogue Hero over the weekend and finished this in two sittings, I was gripped and thought it was going one way and it ended up completely throwing me off (which I love). When a mystery bystander stops an assassination attempt on a prominent politician, it sparks a national search that captivates the nation…
Curtis Delaney watches the footage play out on the news, and immediately recognises the unidentified hero. He hasn’t seen his brother Finn in six years. He doesn’t know where he’s been in that time, or what he’s been doing….. I challenge you to guess how this will pan out! Brilliant! Cancel all plans while reading - I inhaled this amazing book over one weekend and resented everything that kept me away from it! The writing was top notch and the characters were very real. Top marks ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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