Member Reviews

What do I say about this book….other than wow?!? This book was such a shock for me. The fae world, the spiciness, the frustration all made me want to never put this book down.
Cate is a nurse trying to make it through the day. Stuck in a life that seems a bit miserable, even more so because she’s trying to keep her brother on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, he shows up at the hospital during her shift with a bullet wound. She finds out that he is somehow wrapped up with the crime lord family the Gages. But there’s more to that family and She’s about to make a bargain with Lachlan that she’s unprepared for.
Pick up this book for a fantasy story of a human thrown into the Fae world, family and politics drama, and some super spicy scenes. Be ready for a cliffhanger.

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Excuse me Geneva Lee!?!!? You cannot leave us like this!

Cate has sacrificed a lot in order to keep her brother safe. Now she makes the ultimate sacrifice and gives her life to the Gage's. She doesn't know how much this sacrifice will mean though.

Of course this is a romance, and Lachlan Gage can't be all that he seems. He turns out to be everything, and I ADORE him!

I could not get enough of the banter and wit that Cate and Lachlan express. Their back and forth, will they won't they, is just so good!

Thank you so much Entangled for allowing me to join in on the read along and have an advanced copy of this story. Can we have the next one, please?

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Filthy Rich Fae was such an amazing read! I was so immersed in the plot, and Geneva does an exceptional job describing both New Orleans and the Otherworld. I could not put this book down! I kept sneaking little moments whenever I could so I could get an extra chapter in! The characters are amazing; I really enjoyed the spice and relationship between Cate and Lach. I hope to see more of the side characters and courts in book 2 or future books (especially Roark!). If you love Romantasy, you definitely have to read this book!
Thank you Entangled, Geneva, and Netgalley for providing the ARC!

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Filthy Rich Fae. Shut- the- front- door! My fellow readers. Excuse me while I recover from end of the book. Late knight reading. Fae drunken stupor.
If you read the book you understand stand what I’m going through right now. I have so many questions, but I have one in particular for the author? What. The. Hell. Was. That?!
For the past few weeks I’ve come across books that had me on the verge of giving up on reading. Yep I consider it! I can’t believe it myself either. They were some books that took me down that proverbial rabbit hole that most readers fear going down. They were that bad.
But something in the back of my mind said stick it out. Hang in there. On some rare occasions I’ve found some phenomenal gems in the book industry. There have been some books that honestly have blown me away. The books are simply spectacular and writers show exceptional talent.
And might I just add- this book places the author in that category. At least in my opinion it does. Now this is my second fantasy romance read and might I just say fantasy is slowly converting me. Readers this book will have you hooked from the word Channing. What siblings will do for each other?
The story has its twist and surprises that will shock you a little, but will also drop your jaw. Bain? Who the hell do you think you are, walking up in someone’s house like that? Didn’t yo mama teach you some manners? I really believe Ciara had something waiting for that man.
Ring. Ring. “House keeping.”
“Cleaning on the penthouse level please. Bring extra bleach.”
I loved the action and the nipping scenes the best. The constant gain of dominance between Lachlan and Cate in the unique relationship is definitely a love story in itself. It certainly kept the Gages entertained. Can I quickly add that Ciara is my favorite character? Ok. Ciara’s my favorite character. Oh gosh, I’m fan girling.
I knew that woman was a bad you know what from the moment she told Fiona to kick rocks. I believe the woman owned all the men around her, even Lach. Read the book. You will see. Ciara would enter a room, Lach would be like, “ I’m outta hear”.
She has the man wrapped around her finger. All the characters are simply superb. They’re storylines are wonderfully written in this gem of a book. The plot had meaning. The characters actions, and motives sticks to the nail biting end of the book.
Whew, talk about a book with characters and a plot that is so sensational. As a true reader this is one of those books that you will not forget. Now let’s talk about the romance. The love scenes did leave a little to the imagination, but I understand that the book was based around more of the fantasy part. Lach and Cate do have the steam factor, however I would have like to read a little more detail between the sheets.
More of the dirty talk as they say. Stretch the scenes some. Just- a- smidge. Thank you for choosing Cate with a mature age over twenty-four or older. I appreciate that very much. The maturity levels speaks volumes with these characters.
Cate definitely has some credibility behind her critical thinking skills during some intense scenes. The secrets revealed definitely were a show stopper for me. That ending left me floored. In my mind I was like, “ is that how it is huh? You going to leave it like that?
What am I supposed to do until you decide if you want to address all the crazy shenanigans that’s happening in these realms? What the heck is Happening people? I need answers? I totally loved this book. What a way to start off your summer read at the beach.
This is an exciting book to have at book clubs. Gab with your girlfriends and text or Tik Tok about. What ever you do, just make sure that you enjoy reading the book. I give this book two snaps and a question. Which Gage new that Lach invited a Wolfe in sheep’s clothing into his house?
Oh. And uh, I haven’t forgotten about Fiona. Until next time my fellow readers . Read on! I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I had a hard time getting into Filthy Rich Fae. I think it was because I had certain expectations and Cate wasn't resonating with me. I considered dropping the book but glad I did not. Not only was Cate and Lach charmed me, but the plot also started to pick up. And, I finally felt the chemistry between the main characters.

Towards the end, It was slightly confusing for me because there a lot of going on yet it felt like not much happening at the same time. It seemed as if the author wants to be cryptic and mysterious while also giving us hints and answers but just did not translate that very well for me. Nevertheless, the last 25% of the book definitely had me on edge and the ending left me wanting for more.

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Another fantastically addictive urban fantasy meets romantasy read from Geneva Lee. This is a great read for slow burn, enemies to lovers and morally grey character lovers. It had a mafia romance feel as well, The pacing is on the slower side at first but then it picks up and holds your attention long past its cliffhanger ending. The magical system and world building didn’t over reveal and I’m guessing will be further explored in the continuation of this series. I really enjoyed the overall banter and connection between our MCs and I’m really interested to see where their story heads next after that ending! This was a great start to a new series that opened the door for a fantastic continuation.

Thank you Entangled for this ARC in exchange for my honest review

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ARC Review

Cate lives a quiet life as a New Orleans nurse while recovering from childhood trauma. Her days spent saving lives from a local drug epidemic, in the hospital owned by the drug supplier himself. That is, until the patient on the gurney is no longer nameless, but her adoptive brother, and the only family she has.

Turns out that against his better judgment, Cate's brother has found himself in yet another predicament, this time unfortunately owing a favor to the dangerous Lachlan Gage. Cate would do ANYTHING for her brother, and this leads her right to the door of the Gage family, demanding an audience with Lachlan.

Enter Lachlan, cocky, egotistical, and HANDSOME. Cate is well over her head when she makes a deal with what she finds out is not just the most dangerous man in New Orleans, but also a Fae. Before she even realizes she's sealed a deal she's whisked away to the Otherworld, where she now must face the reality that the creatures of stories are actually real, and Gage is not just any Fae, but a prince.

Cate starts off desperate to leave, searching every avenue for an opportunity to break the deal, until she starts to see who Lachlan really is. Maybe he isn't the monster that he's portrayed as, but what is it exactly that he wants with her? Why is it her demands her soul and all of her evenings to him for the rest of her life?

A fast-paced grumpy X grumpy Romance🤣 the buildup on this one was very slow, but I kind of appreciated that? And the spice hits hard at the end, but in the early chapters of the book you get an opportunity to learn who the characters really are. While the plot is easy enough, it keeps this read to the low thought and low effort, making it perfect for a relaxing read or palate cleanser. I was lucky enough to score this title as an arc and participated in a group read along! Turned out to be the perfect airport read!

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This book will wow you! It starts with the magnificent cover art and does not disappoint as you begin to read. The setting is to die for as the author describes scenes that are out of this world. The characters are superbly entertaining as they engage in dialogue that is at times either witty or funny. Lachlan is man of many priorities and responsibilities. Cate is fiery and strong willed. The cast of characters is varied and strong. The plot is a maze of twists and turns as the different characters plot their different paths. I just can’t wait to see what the next book in the series is going to bring in the life of the characters. This is a new must have series to add to your list.

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3.5 -⭐⭐⭐💫

You would do well to remember that I have the power to make your life pleasant." Gage traced a finger up the length of my spice, sending an unbidden thrill fluttering through my body. He smiled down at me as if he knew exactly the reaction that touch produced. "Or miserable every night for the rest of your life."

Filthy Rich Fae is the first novel in the adult paranormal romance series by the same name. It is set in the same world as the other series Filthy Rich Vampire . In the novel we follow Cate Holloway, a human nurse who finds herself drawn into the world of fae when she strikes a bargain with Lachlan Gage, of the powerful crime family, in exchange for her brother's safety. Except Lachlan doesn't bargain over frivolous things...he bargains with souls and he is determined to have Cate's. Cate doesn't know Lachlan's endgame but she refuses to just submit to his will. He gives her 30 days to break the bargain and she knows the steaks are high...but what if the temptation to remain with him rises?

This series has a lot of promise and I am curious! I will say I didn't realize this was a multi-book series so that cliffhanger got to me (I assumed they were interconnected standalones with Filthy Rich Vampire .

Cate is a tough cookie. She is a nurse and cares fervently for her only family member - to the detriment of her safety. She's got sass and she refuses to stand down. I felt her personality worked to create tension with Lachlan. Now, Lachlan is a fae of mystery. We don't understand his true motivation but his push and pull with Cate is fun.

This book is about 2 spicy peppers out of 5 spicy peppers. It is a slow angsty burn with some cock blocking and eventual spice towards the 70/80% mark. The spice is explicit and the characters engage in multiple activities. It was fun.

"Save you prayers. Your gods are not listening...That you touched her would be reason enough, but you made her bleed. There will be no mercy."

The story itself focuses on a tainted drug entering the market, Cate's determination to break the bargain, and fae politics. These elements were interesting and built things up - especially to give more depth to side characters - but I struggled because of the main character's romance. I am someone who is invested based on character relationships and the angst, at times, was too much for me. I didn't fully understand why things were as hostile as they were, especially because it didn't help and Cate felt more like she was in denial. I also don't understand why Lachlan was acting the way he was. That said - the final 80% really picked up the romance, the connection, and the plot which has me interested in the next book. I felt once I had a better sense of Lachlan and Cate's relationship I was better able to invest in the story. The ending I was not expecting but I did enjoy the twist!

Overall, I felt the second half drew me in and I am very curious to see how things go but it took some time to get invested! I will be keeping an eye out for book 2!

Thank you Entangled for the arc!

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I’m new to Romantasy but every book I pick up makes me love it even more.

And it’s no different with Filthy Rich Fae. I loved everything about it. Filthy Rich Fae hooked me from the beginning. The entire story is so good.

The characters including the side characters are everything. Cate is a badass and there’s no stopping her when someone she loves is in jeopardy. And Lach is gonna be the newest book boyfriend because he’s 🤤. The banter and tension between Cate and Lach was 🔥.

And the ending about killed me….

I can’t wait for everyone to get their hands on this one and even more importantly the rest of the series to be released!

Thanks to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for a copy of Filthy Rich Fae in exchange of an honest review

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Thank you so much to Entangled Publishing for providing me with an eARC and ARC of this book!!

4.5 🌟/5

Cate Holloway is no stranger to death. Working in Gage Memorial ER, it comes through her doors too many times to count. More often than not, those deaths come at the hands of Gages. She knows the unspoken rule about the Gages in New Orleans; avoiding dealing with the Gages at all costs. But when her brother comes in with a gunshot wound while working for the Gages, Cate has no choice but to make a deal to save her brother. But what exactly does Lachlan Gage, the devastatingly handsome head of New Orleans, want with her? For what reasons does he have for making a bargain with her?

First off, the banter between Cate and Lach are 🤤🥵🔥. I loved every single interaction between the two. That’s part of the reason I may have not been able to give it a full five stars as it was a bit of instant love (kind of there but if my suspicions are correct, it’s more than that). The chemistry between the two characters was off the charts and I loved it. And what he did at the end to save her?? Swoon but damn it.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. It started off slow at first. I had to start and restart the book twice before I finally settled into a pace. It may have been from where I had just finished a 0.5 star read and went straight into this one but I don’t know. Now the second time I started it, I was immediately hooked. Hook, line and sinker. I stayed up until midnight (you young folk don’t come for me. This is late for me with a 7 month old) just to finish this book. I kept saying “just one more chapter” and then something would happen and I couldn’t stop. Before I knew it, I was reading the epilogue.

I have my suspicions and theories about where this book is headed. But what threw me completely off was Oberon. Hiding in plain sight like they always say. I am curious as to how that is going to play out. Is he doing it for his court? Or something more selfish? I cannot wait for the next book!

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This novel contained many of the fantasy themes I love to immerse myself in.
Gage, the main male character, has a dark and dominative personality as the fae royalty of New Orleans.
Cate, the female lead, is adapting to a secret world she never knew existed after striking a deal to rescue her sibling.
As they navigate a treacherous environment with unknown dangers, can their connection withstand the test of love?
🌟🌟🌟Soulmates destined to be together, transitioning from enemies to romantic partners.

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The first couple of chapters pulled me into this book. After about fourth of way through it was addicting and hard to stop reading! It flew by! I was so invested into this new world, Cate’s predicament and determination to save her brother at any cost. Lach was such an intriguing and interesting character. I can’t wait to read more from this series!

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Cate is working as a nurse in a hospital on a regular day but suddenly she is plucked from normal boring world to world filled with faes, magic and mafia. She gets into a deal without understanding what she was really getting into and now she is fae world almost attached to Lachlan and meeting other court princes. Lachlan and Cate have slow burn going on but their banter is fun to read. Just when I thought it was a bit slow, the ending twist comes out of nowhere and leaves us on a cliffhanger.

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I know "obsessed" is such an overused term to describe a book one loves while writing their reviews, but I am about to use it 75x because I can't think of anything else to say, because I'm truly speechless. I loved this book Intensely.

I am utterly obsessed with this book, and I wish it was 500 pages longer. I didn't want it to end. I am obsessed with the cover. I am obsessed with Lachlan. I am obsessed with the cliffhanger. I am obsessed with talking about this book. I am simply obsessed!

I don't have a single thing to say that I DIDN'T like. 5/5 stars!

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Overall, a good read. This book has several elements that reminded me of ACOTAR, but I found myself wanting more to happen. The story started off good, but was slow with not much going on through out. It finally picked up at the end, leaving me on a cliffhanger. I will likely pick up the next book when it comes out, because I’m a little curious to see what happens next.

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4🌟I devoured this book! I really enjoyed the Filthy Rich Vampire books by Geneva Lee, but I think I loved this book and where it might go in the series even more! The story, the spice, I loved it all. I can’t wait to hear more of Cate and Lacy’s story when the next book comes out!

Thank you NetGalley, Amara, and Entangled Publishing for the eARC of Filthy Rich Fae by Geneva Lee in exchange for my honest review.

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This is one of the best books I've read in 2024! I want to confess that I DNFd the first book in the Filthy Rich Vampire series, so I think I should circle back to that one, but this book is an absolute masterpiece! From the very first, the setting - New Orleans - and the rich characters drew me in! The intrigue - trying to figure out what Lach got out of the deal - along with all the little breadcrumbs along the way, made it hard for me not to finish this in one sitting. Trust me, I could have. The chemistry between Lach and Cate was electric! I cannot wait for book 2 - do I really have to wait until January 2025?!?

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This was a good book. I actually liked the storyline better than Filthy Rich Vampire. The plot was interesting. The characters unique and developed. The sarcastic witty comments were funny. The world building needed a lot of work though. We get very little in terms of how the magic or the different realms work and that’s frustrating. I also didn’t really appreciate the mega slow burn. I mean good tension but dang it comes about 30 pages before the end of the book. Disappointed to not have more romance between the two mains especially since decisions at the end make it seem like they’re totally in love which is weird because they barely got together before then.

The ending was like well crap there’s a cliffhanger without a real cliffhanger and you just want the next book. Probably closer to a 3.5. Will definitely read more of this author though.

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I started this book as part of an Entangled Publishing read along very hesitant as it was my first Geneva Lee book and I wasn’t sure how I was going to like it. Cate in the first few chapters bothered me immensely and it made me nervous for the rest of the book but I am not one to DNF so I pushed on… and thank gods I did!!

Cate grew on me and Lachlan Gage…. Mmm Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome oh he took no convincing. Their banter and back and forth, that teeter of when are they gonna just kiss ffs, for me that’s a hallmark of enemies to lovers and oh does it deliver.

The world building was a little slow, mostly spread throughout the beginning of the book as opposed to just piled on all at once which I enjoyed. We learned with Cate which allowed you to feel more involved in the story. I enjoyed the magic system/political layout, but think a little bit more on the specifics of the Fae magic in each court would have been nice. I see of lot of people calling Lach a Shadow Daddy but he not once showed any signs of shadow magic so I cannot in good conscience agree just because he rules the Nether court. I can see some attributes generally associated with a shadow daddy in him but I would argue that they’re also just the hallmark of a morally grey character.

That aside Lachlan Gage is an impressive Fae Prince and the dual perspective of ruling in The Otherworld but also in the Human world in New Orleans gives this book a different vibe from most Fae romantasy books. Fae meets mafia was not what I was expecting but also so not complaining. Ciara was a lovely addition in she allowed us to see another aspect of Lach and also allowed a friend to Cate and vice versa while they were both in difficult situations. I will say I was very sus of Shaw at first. His behavior and demeanor was looking like it was setting him up to be the bad guy but around the time of the midnight feast his behavior and his interactions with Lach did a 180 and it felt like maybe the story changed directions while writing??

The spice in this book was a 1.5-2 for me personally but I hope there’s more in the books to come!

Definitely glad I did the read along and will be adding the Filthy Rich Vampire series to my TBR immediately…. Now to just wait until January to get the answers to the questions that ending has left me with!!!


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