Member Reviews

5 stars, instant 5 stars. This book is so ridiculously good, I struggled keeping with the Entangled Read Along schedule.
We meet Cate, a nurse, whose world is about to completely change when Lachlan Gage enters the picture. Cate has sass and an internal conflict between her instincts and everything that is new. Lachlan Gage is rough, tough and mysterious.

~Urban Fantasy
~Slow burn
~ Touch her and you die

There is banter, bargains, tension, and a little spice. What more could you want? I took the apple, will you?

Thank you to Geneva Lee, Entangled Publishing, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this Arc.

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This was my first ARC, my first read along and my first Geneva Lee book, (a lot of first, I know) so I was a little worried…thank God I never let worries to put me down!

I loved this book almost instantly, and it’s been really hard to refrain myself from reading it all at once and stay on track for the read along.

I would have loved a little more insight about how the Otherworld works and how it is organized.

The characters are all mesmerizing, not just the lead ones but the secondary as well.
Lach is such a mistery, always balancing between bad and not so bad.
Cate I could almost immediately relate to…her being sassy, love for her family, always torn between her instinct and what society and life told her.

The story is a whirl of emotions and every time you think you know what’s about to happen, it proves you wrong.

If you love gangsters, love stories and fantasy (Fae in particular) this book is for you!
Be prepared to hang on cliffhangers though.

I need book 2 ASAP! January 2025 is way too far away…but I’ll dive into other Geneva Lee books while I’m waiting.

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-Slow Burn 🔥💕
-Enemies To Lovers 💋
-Banter, Tension, Chemistry 🔥🥵
-Morally Grey MMC 🖤
-Urban Fantasy 🌃 (Mafia meets Romantasy Vibe)

"Filthy Rich Fae" is a must-read for anyone who loves a bingeable Urban Fantasy. I went into this book with high hopes and it surpassed my expectations!

The author took some of my favorite tropes and created a captivating storyline. The slow tension-filled romance between the leading the characters had me on the edge of my seat throughout most of the book. The push and pull dynamics of their relationship, is exactly why I can't get enough of an enemies to lovers trope. Like every good slow burn story when the burn finally hits, it really sizzles 🥵

Cate Holloway is one of the most resilient FMC's I have read about in awhile, if stuff goes down I want her on my team. Lachlan Gage is the sinfully sexy morally grey MMC that will have you swooning.

I can't wait to get my hands on book two, especially after that ending!

Thank you Geneva Lee, Entangled Publishing LLC and Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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Thank you Brittany for the eARC!

Ugh, am I really going to need to wait for book 2???? Geneva did it again with a start to a great series. Filthy Rich Fae takes place in the same universe as Filthy Rich Vampire which I think will make for some fun potential crossovers in the upcoming books. At this time, to read this book you do not need to read her others if Fae are more your thing than Vampires. This could potentially change down the line.

I honestly am having a hard time forming words to describe how I feel about this book in a good way. While it took me some time to get into it only for personal life reasons, once I had the time to read I couldn’t stop. Geneva conveys emotions beautifully in this book and the relationship dynamics of two people trying to get out of their own way. Once they finally do, shit hits the fan.

We have hunters, egos larger than a hotel, and two very stubborn main characters. The way the story unfolded was not what I was expecting as it felt much more modern than Vampires did and I think that is what kept me guessing. I am excited to see where this series takes us and how it is going to play out considering we travel between the human and Fae world. I think that is really going to spice things up. If you are looking for an easy and short read for your TBR list, add this to it!

Read if fans of:
- Vampire Diaries
- Twilight
- The Originals

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I own several Geneva Lee books but this is the first one I have actually read and let me tell you, I am a fan.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of Filthy Rich Fae (FRF) from Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

I loved everything about this book. It's hard to do Urban Fantasy right but Geneva knocked it out of the park!

I am a huge fan of Shakespeare and the subtle instances and general vibe I got from this book was giving major Romeo and Juliet vibes. But not just any Romeo and Juliet, Leonardo DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet vibes.

If you've seen the movie then the world that is portrayed in the film is exactly how I pictured the world that Geneva has painted for us. When you read this you'll be able to pick up on the Romeo x Juliet vibes especially towards the end.

An exciting new adventure with a colorful world that leaves you wanting more.

Perfect for fans of:

Touch her and die
Urban Fantasy
Magical Bargains
Found family
And more!

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I thought this was a really fun read with lots to enjoy about it. For a reader who likes mafia, fantasy, strong FMC, emotional content, found family, and slow burn will love this book.
Cate is a caring older sister who will do anything to protect her brother, even if that means making a bargain with the man in charge of the feared NOLA family. Lach is not what he seems and she gets herself immersed in more than just mafia business.
The banter between Cate and Lach was to die for. I loved her sense of humor, she really was an enjoyable character. Lach was amazing, tough but fair in all ways. A strong head of the family who will do what he needs to do to make sure everyone survives the political games.
The “side” characters were heavily involved in the story and felt like main characters in the way they shined on paper. I enjoyed reading about them as much as I did Lach and Cate.
I had never read anything by this author before and she made a fun of me! Cannot wait for the second book and to see more of their story.

Thank you entangled publishing and NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book.

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Rating: 1.5 stars

I'm honestly confused how this book has such a good rating. Maybe I'm not reading the same book as everyone else?

This is my first book by this author, and I was interested in it because of the pretty edges, cover, and title of the book. I thought this was going to be a fun read, but I honestly ended up wanting to DNF it by chapter 12. I did end up finishing the book, but it took me way longer than I would have liked it to.

First off, this gave me ACOTAR vibes at first. Just a lot of similarities, which I was here for. It's almost like the book started off okay, then continued to go downhill. I think my main issue with the story was Cate and how inconsistent she was for the main character. One second she would act and think one way, then the next she would act and think another way, and it honestly just felt like whiplash. It almost became normal for me to just expect that even if she said something, she would change her mind within a page or so. But really, I just did not like her. Ever. And that creates a problem when you are reading a book only told from that character's POV.

Now Lach wasn't a terrible character. I actually did like his character at first. But over time, I just didn't like his as much and really he wasn't worth finishing the book for. I thought maybe he would be the thing that would keep me interested, but nope. I really didn't care.

Okay, so now onto the plot...this didn't really interest me. I liked the bargain. But pretty much everything else was very drawn out and made me question when anything of importance would actually happen. I just kept thinking to myself how long this book was and how did I have so much left to read. This book took me eight days to read. Eight. Now while that may seem quickly to some of you, I can read about 20-40 books in one month. So spending eight days on one books is a long time.

There felt like so many inconsistencies as well throughout the book. And I'm okay with brushing off a few, but there was just way too many for me to be comfortable with. For example, cell phones and electronics don't work in the Otherworld or whatever the fae land was called. But then they kept referring to their phones, asking "why didn't you call me," "my cell phone died," "I didn't charge my cell phone," types of things WHILE THEY WERE IN THAT WORLD. If there is no service, how could anyone have called anyone using a phone? This happened a couple times and just bothered me to no end. There were more than just this instance, that was just the main one that bothered me because of how big of a deal they made it in the beginning of the story.

And finally, this book ended in a cliffhanger. Just so you are all aware if you don't like cliffhangers, you might want to wait until the series is released to read this one. I personally don't care what happens to this character and am okay never knowing.

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This book started off strong and was all in. Then it took a turn where I struggled with the character connection. It didn't flow and seemed forced. I kept expecting it to pick back up, but it didn't. I finished, just don't know if I'm that interested to continue with it in the next book.

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If you’re looking for your next book with these vibes:

He falls first
Fates mates
Touch her and die
Urban romantasy with mafia vibes
Slow burn

Check out this book!

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This book is my favorite read of 2024! It is addicting, a serious page turner.

This Urban Fantasy Romance is an addictive read that you wont want to put down. The romance is a slow burn, with enemies to lovers. The book is spicy.
The tension, and suggestive language, and spicy scenes makes for a spice lovers dream. The book moves at a quick pace following Gate as she does whatever it takes to save her brother from the trouble hes found himself in. Meanwhile, Lach is willing to take advantage of the situation. Things will heat up as Cate, and Lach get to know each other more. Cate is a independent, and feisty woman. While Lach is a morally grey Fae with a dirty mouth who oozes seductiveness. The book takes place during contemporary times on earth, also in a parallel fantasy world.

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A nurse and a powerful fae meet at a hotel and end the night with a bargain in this unputdownable fantasy romance. Geneva Lee is one of my go-to fantasy romance authors who never disappoints. Filthy Rich Fae is intriguing, exhilarating, and enticing.

Cate is a nurse in New Orleans who makes the most of what she's given. When she is working a shift at the hospital, and her brother is rushed in, she vows to do anything to protect him. Even if that means going toe-to-toe with the infamous Lachlan Gage. They meet and right away he is a mystery. She doesn't know what to think, but ends up making a bargain; Lach gets her and her brother Channing remains safe. Cate learns that everything is not what it seems as she finds herself in the Otherworld; a world of fae and their courts. She could panic, but she wanted to do whatever to get back to reality as quickly as possible. But Lach lets her know that she will be his until their deal is broken. Cate has about a month to figure out how to break the bond or she could be stuck with him until her last breath.

I loved everything about this book. The New Orleans setting truly sets the perfect tone for the story and adds to the mystery. Cate was thrown into the world of fae so quickly but never freaked out. She had questions, but again she just wanted to make it through. What was so unexpected was the attraction and banter between Cate and Lach. They have both been closed off to feelings and can't help but feel sparks when they are around. It's fun to see the tension and how it cracks occasionally. I thought the author wrote a beautiful, unique love story that is so right for Cate and Lach. And when I reached the last chapters there was no way I could wait to see how it all played out. I stayed up past my bedtime, but it was well worth it. I wasn't even mad at the cliffhanger. I am so ready for the next book in the series!

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Review: Filthy Rich Fae by Geneva Lee

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5 stars)

Dark Fae Mafia Meets Modern New Orleans – An Irresistible Combination!

“Filthy Rich Fae” by Geneva Lee is an absolute gem that swept me off my feet and left me breathless. From the first page to the unexpected cliffhanger ending, this book delivers a dark and tantalizing tale set against the vibrant backdrop of modern New Orleans.

The story centers around Cate, a fiercely sassy heroine who strikes a perilous bargain with Lachlan Gage, the ultimate bad boy of the fae mafia. Her mission? To save her brother. But the cost? Her freedom. Lachlan’s chilling declaration, “You made a bargain, your life for his—and now you’re mine!” sets the tone for their intense and electrifying relationship.

Cate is a protagonist you can’t help but root for. Her sharp wit and unyielding spirit shine through in every scene, making her a formidable match for Lachlan. And speaking of Lachlan, he is everything you want in a fae shadow daddy badboy: tough, enigmatic, and surprisingly tender when it comes to Cate. The banter between them is pure gold, filled with tension, humor, and the kind of chemistry that ignites the pages.

One of the standout elements of this book is the slow burn romance. Geneva Lee masterfully builds the attraction between Cate and Lachlan, making each interaction more sizzling than the last. The line, “I was a single star in the vast dark sky and Lachlan was the black hole that would devour me,” perfectly captures the irresistible pull between them.

The setting of New Orleans adds an extra layer of magic and mystery to the story. The city’s rich history and vibrant culture serve as the perfect backdrop for this dark fae tale, making the world-building both immersive and compelling.

As the plot unfolds, the stakes keep getting higher, leading to an unexpected cliffhanger that left my mind racing and my heart aching for more. Geneva Lee has crafted a story that is as enthralling as it is addictive, with characters that stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.

In summary, “Filthy Rich Fae” is a 5-star read that combines dark fae intrigue, sizzling romance, and sharp-witted banter into a story that is impossible to put down. Lachlan has firmly secured his place at the top of my list as my new book boyfriend, and I eagerly await the next installment in this captivating series. If you’re a fan of dark fantasy and slow-burn romance, this book is an absolute must-read.

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Thank you Entangled Publishing for the eARC. Filthy Rich Fae was such a good read. The banter with Cate and Lach was hilarious. As the story progressed, you see how much their relationship/non relationship grows. I love that it was set in New Orleans, and how the fae control the area and other major cities. The cliffhanger was the worst in the best way possible. I cannot wait for the second installment of this series.

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This book was incredible. It had me in an absolute chokehold from start to finish. Geneva Lee can honestly do no wrong.

My absolute favorite thing about this was the banter. I can't count how many times I cackled, snorted, wheezed (you get the idea) because of the banter. It never felt forced or unnatural or even over the top. It was just a natural back and forth, and that alone would make me give it five stars.

The tension??? I love me a book with spice, but some good tension can be better, and this was most definitely better. It's a slooooooow burn, but in some parts, the tension could actually make you blush. The side characters, who were so fleshed out they didn't feel like side characters at all, were constantly calling their attraction out as well. That, of course, pushed everything up a level.

It was all just fantastic. The characters, their growth, the plot. I genuinely don't have a bad thing to say about this book. Except maybe the ending because 👀👀 rude. I'm going to actually become deceased waiting for part two.

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I had the pleasure of receiving this book as an ARC to participate in a readalong through Entangled.

Right away, this book gripped me. It starts off with Cate, a nurse at the local hospital. Like many nurses, she is overworked and exhausted when her brother comes in. This sets off a chain of events that propels Cate into a bargain to save her brother. We follow Cate as she enters the world of the fae and gets swept up in all of its glamour, its darkness, and by one of the court princes, Lachlan Gage.

I would have like more world building. You get some about the courts which was interesting, but it still feels like there's a lot about the world that should be further developed and hopefully will be as the series moves forward. I enjoyed the characters, especially the Gage family. You get to know Lach and Ciera the most, so hopefully Shaw and Fiona get a larger role in the next book as well. I enjoyed the character development, despite some annoyance with the banter between the two characters initially. I was surprised by the ending and am looking forward to the next part of the story, including more development regarding the world and its characters.

Thank you Entangled and author Geneva Lee for the opportunity to read and review this ARC prior to its release date.

Release Date: June 25, 2024

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Filthy Rich Fae by Geneva Lee, releasing on June 25, 2024!
Thank you @entangled_publishing for this ARC, and for adding me to the insiders party room! I had such an amazing time reading along with everyone and having thorough discussions! ✨

This book was an instant five star for me!❤️ Lach has the potential to become the next highly talked-about book boyfriend, because he does ALL the right things. (Yes, ALL of them). I’m in love with him! 🔥Because I read this on a timed scheduled (to allow for discussion) I was constantly left wanting more. I truly think I could have finished this in one sitting, it was that good!
I really enjoyed the banter, angst, and slow burn between Lach and Cate. I will say, I wish there was a little more world building, but I’m hoping it comes in the next few books!

Overall great read, fast paced, and enjoyable! Highly recommend! ❤️

This book does end on a cliffhanger (so be warned) but the next book comes out in January!! (I already preordered it) haha!

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This book was so eloquently put together I am so pleasantly pleased.

Did it leave me gasping and wanting more? I mean fucking duh! But it was done in such a delicious and delightful way. I adored that fact.

In a way it almost reminded me of beauty and the beast. Just little tidbits. His growls and falling first. Her stubbornness and mouthiness willing to trade herself for the one person she loved Most.

I really enjoyed that there was character development all around and not just the two main characters.

This review is different from others I’ve posted because I am just so darn delighted by the story of Cate and Lach and curious to see where it leads to next.

Thank you so much Entangled Publishing for this amazing opportunity of a giant read along. It was so much fun!

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The best book I’ve read this year!

Filthy Rich Fae puts a contemporary twist on the fantasy fae stories that have the bookish community in a chokehold. Based on present day New Orleans, our female main character Cate spends her time as a nurse in a hospital owned by the infamous Gage family. Known for putting the drug Clover on the streets, among other things, the Gage family is not to be messed with. But when her foster brother finds himself mixed up on the wrong side of Gage business and a patient in Cates hospital, she takes matters into her own hands and seeks out the crime lord himself.

Lachlan Gage is the morally grey cinnamon roll of your dreams, and my new favorite book boyfriend. Magical Bargins, court politics, royal betrothals, and a midnight feast that satisfies a more primal hunger— Filthy Rich Fae leaves you with the biggest book hangover that can only be remedied by the sequel.

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I really enjoyed the world building in this book! It was really fun reading the banter between the characters. The end really was a great plot twist and I can’t wait for the next one!

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*Firstly, I'd like to thank the publisher for the NetGalley of this book to read in advance and to provide my own personal review.*

This book was so good!! I think I enjoyed this one 10x more than I did Filthy Rich Vampire, to be honest. I never post spoilers in my reviews, so here are my spoiler-free thoughts.

I loved that this book used the Fae lore that we all know and love (i.e. bargains, saying something three times for it to take effect, riddles, bonds, traveling between worlds), but was able to make it modern. I hadn't been interested in contemporary fantasy books much, but this one changed my mind, because....Lachlan Gage.

This book had lots of twists and turns, that I didn't see coming, so it definitely kept me on my toes (and I love that in a book!).

If you love these tropes, you may enjoy this book:
- Magically binding bargains
- Age gap romance (Fae are always really old!)
- Urban fantasy
- Enemies to lovers
- Slow burn
- "Eyes on me."
- Spicy/steamy, Open door romance

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