Member Reviews


This book was FANTASTIC and I ate it up.
It really did give acotar but in different font and I’m NOT saying that I’m a negative way. Filthy Rich Fae still had its own story and own vibe!

The writing was fast paced but done well enough to not leave any gaps. So basically a fast paced slow burn LOL.

There was absolutely no time wasted jumping into the plot and it was so refreshing, the world building was perfect and it was so simple and easy to imagine where they were. OH DID I MENTION THEY LIVE IN NOLA?!?

I adored the FMC Cate and her stubbornness, her stiffness, her emotional wall. I resonated with her a lot actually and understood her from the first chapter. Now Lachlan? I KNEW the moment he was introduced that I was in love with him. He gave broody, mysterious, cocky and INFURIATING. All the things we all love in a dark haired fae daddy right?!?

I also very much enjoyed the found family aspect of the book. It’s one of my favorite tropes.
So it wasnt difficult for me to fall in love with Roark, Ciera and Shaw.

Overall I enjoyed every second of this book and read it very very fast. It was way too good to put it down. There was enough foreshadowing for me to be super excited for a second book announcement so I’ll be watching Genevas instagram like a hawk.

I can’t wait to see how Cate and Lachlans story continues.

Thank you to Geneva Lee and Entangled Publishing for my review copy of Filthy Rich Fae. This was so fun, you all are the best!

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Thank you Entangled Publishing, Brittany Zimmerman and NetGalley for this E-Arc in exchange for an honest review.

This book was an absolute pleasant surprise! This is not my first introduction to Geneva Lee, I had previously started her Filthy Rich Vampires series and am pleased to say this has run along the same lines with pacing, leaning in to a more slow burn for the couple. I am a big fan of a micro trope of the human being pulled into the Fae world and this hit it right on the dot. Geneva continues to marry excellent banter and sexual tension while bringing us into an urban fantasy world. The plot of this book I feel is an introduction to the series as a whole, it very much felt like the starting point to a much bigger world, where the pace really picks up in the last quarter of the book.

Cate is very much a survivor of a character. She's strong, resilient and has grown a lot from her backstory. Lach is a good compliment for her, they both have lived through hard times and come with some rough edges that were interesting to watch how they work through them. Even the supporting characters really were much more complex and had me wanting to know more of their stories.

Over all this was a really intriguing first book and I am excited to see where we go after that huge cliffhanger in the sequel! The plot will only thicken with all the groundwork Geneva laid out.

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We start by meeting Cate. She’s an ER nurse in New Orleans and her shift takes a turn for the worst when the EMTs say they have a GSW(pew pew wound) and it happens to be her brother gets rolled in. After finding out her brother has been involved in some nefarious acts with the powerful crime family the Gage’s. Cate goes against everything she’s been taught about staying away from the Gage family to beg for her brother’s life.

Once she gets there she makes a bargain of a lifetime and quickly wonders if there is more than what meets the eye when it comes to Lachlan Gage.

Unsure of his motives Cate has to decide between her humanity; she is a nurse after all, or allowing herself to get swept away in the glamor that it the Otherworld of the Fae.

This. Book. Filthy Rich Fae(FRF) had me up at midnight asking my what did I just read? in a good way. But also I’m ready to fight some fae!!

I really enjoyed this book overall. Geneva Lee’s ability to make you fall in love with her characters is perfection. There is a little bit of a slow start and Cate did get on my nerves a little bit in the beginning but she finally gets it together. As a Filthy Rich Vampires(FRV) fan I do wish that there was the alternating POV between the two main characters HOWEVER! The crossover of characters between FRV and FRF has me curious if there will be any other cameos. And in true Geneva Lee fashion the cliffhanger?! This is why I’m ready to fight book characters. Can we say red herring?! I was NOT ready. Sign me up for book two.

Thank you Entangled Publishing & NetGalley for my ARC. All thoughts and opinions shared are my own without influence from the publisher.

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This book was such a wild ride! The world building is the perfect amount, the pacing was just right, the MMC is “chef’s kiss”, and the BANTER. I need book two immediately.

Thank you to entangled insiders for the ARC for the read along!

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This was Such a riveting journey. Very creative blended troupes/themes here = Fae, Mafia, Forced proximity, Takes place in the City of Sin of the South (New Orleans) so you just know there are going to be bad guys and the wierd, crazies ! Does not disappoint, HOT Fae guys of the Dark Court, alphahole who has a soft side. The tension of Cate / Lach who keep trying to deny the chemistry. Of course there are the other Fae bad guys. There is enough sass from Cate that keeps you laughing and boy can she get into trouble. This is a great journey on past trauma healing, finding your worth, fighting with the hottie, fae parties with endless bargaining ...... and its NOT over - it continues with a whopper of a cliffhanger .... so who is the bad fae group ??? I THINK THEY ARE ALL ROTTEN ! Tried to stay with the week long read-a-long but after 8 chapters it was full speed ahead and finished the whole book the NEXT day. Now I am off to read her other series. Perfect balance of new series world building, adventures/excitement, intimate conversation & relationship building, steamy angst and FINALLY the burning HOT scenes.

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This was the first book I’ve read by Geneva Lee and I can guarantee you it won’t be the last! I loved this story! I love fae and this book did such a great job of bringing them into a “real world” setting! Cate is a very relatable down to earth character, she doesn’t have all of the answers and makes mistakes along the way. I love the back and forth between her and Lach. The ‘will they, won’t they’ kept me very invested. I also really liked the dynamics of the Gage family. Overall, loved it and can’t wait for the next one!

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This book had an amazing cliffhanger
I cannot wait for book 2 to be published
In the books both the characters had amazing chemistry and the angst between them was the best...
The character of Shaw the one i mostly liked..

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I absolutely loved this book! From the fascinating plot to the complex characters and everything in between.

It's filled with witty banter, lots of tension and a delicious slow burn that is definitely worth the wait!

I was hooked from the beginning and just couldn't put it down. I'm totally obsessed with this world!

And wow that ending was wild in the best way possible. I'm so excited to see where the story goes from here!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for allowing me to read this book ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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"Filthy Rich Fae" by Geneva Lee is an absolute gem in the realm of fantasy romance! Lee's vivid imagination transports readers to a world where magic, intrigue, and passion collide in the most captivating way possible. The characters are richly developed, each with their own complexities and charm that keeps you invested from start to finish. The romance is sizzling hot, filled with tension and undeniable chemistry that leaps off the pages. With a plot that is as enchanting as it is thrilling, "Filthy Rich Fae" is a must-read for anyone craving a captivating escape into a world of magic and desire. Bravo to Geneva Lee for delivering a spellbinding masterpiece that leaves readers eagerly anticipating more!

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Once I started this book I was unable to put it down. I finished it in one sitting. I can't wait to read more books by this author!

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Wow! I so enjoyed this ride. Sign me up for book 2. I haven't experienced much about faw before this read and love the challenges presented with the magical world created and our reality(those of us that aren't magical beings)! The burn was good and worth it!

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Cate is an overworked nurse at a local hospital in New Orleans. One night, her brother is wheeled in after affiliating with a notorious family run by Lachlan Gage, who owns the city's underworld crime scene. She knows her brother is caught up with the wrong people, and it can only end with his death, so she goes to Gage to beg for his life. He makes a bargain with her for her soul, and she is thrown into his Fae Otherworld that she never knew existed. Feeling tricked, she begins to devise a plan for escape and how to break the bargain, trying to navigate her place in the Nether Court, and stay away from danger while the other Fae courts are being hosted there for a celebration.

This is a slowburn, enemies-to-lovers, touch her and die fantasy romance. It is mostly told from Cate's point of view, but you get a little part at the end from Lach's point of view. Speaking of ending, the action leading up to the cliff-hanger has many twists, will keep you guessing, and while giving you some closure with lingering questions from the current plot, leaves it open for a book two in the series. The plot flowed very easily and had me doing the old "one more chapter" routine! I'm looking forward to continuing this story when the next book comes out!

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Holy Moly! I couldn’t not put this book down. I started this at 10:30pm and finished it at 2:15 pm! It’s that good.
The beginning started out really strong and stayed that way. There was no boring or repetitive parts. One drama after another. I like the fact that Cate is just like most of us who stands her ground for what believes in no matter what the cost. She has integrity and strong moral. I love the fact that Lach had been a complete gentleman to her for their bargain.

Just get this book. It is entertaining and easy to get lost in another world with Fae Magic. What have you got to lose?
Four and an half stars from me.
Thank you Entangled and Netgalley for this fun As usual, all of my reviews are purely my own opinions without any influence from any publisher.

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What a ride! I thought her vampires were epic, but her fae are even better! The banter, the sexual tension, 🤌 *chefs kiss* Lachlan Gage is the arrogant book boyfriend I never knew I needed and can't get enough of! And Cate is a badass, independent FMC- even to her own detriment. I love it! And after that ending, I can't wait for book 2!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

I didn’t think I could like one of her books more than Filthy Rich Vampires but this may have topped it for me! I couldn’t put this book down and read it in one sitting!

Cate knows to avoid the Gage crime family but when her brother gets mixed up with them she marches in to save the day! Or so she thinks. Little does she know the Gage family is Fae and their bargains are binding. Once she is bound to Lachlan he whisks her off to the Otherworld. A realm full of beauty and shadows.

This book will hook you in from chapter 1 and won’t let you go!

5/5 stars and will recommend to everyone!!!

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As I've read Filthy Rich Vampire, I knew this book would probably end on a cliff hanger, but it definitely wasn't what I was expecting! This book was a quick read for me and I enjoyed it. Cate a human living in New Orleans finds out about the fae when trying to help her brother and ends up making a bargain with Lachlan Gage, who is fae. As this is a romance, obviously there is sexual tension between the two even though Cate hates him for his involvement with her brother and their bargain. While I was able to guess some of what would happen, there were a few plot twists I was not expecting.

I do hope in the next books we get a little more into the world of the fae and what all they can do, as well as hearing more about Ciara and Shaw. Thank you Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"Slay the monster, princess."

I finished Filthy Rich Fae.

Life no longer has meaning unless Lachlan Gage is in it.

This book. THIS. BOOK. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Where do I even begin??

I was going to summarize the plot, but I feel like that would do the book a disservice. What you need to know about Filthy Rich Fae is simple:

Lachlan is the perfect brooding morally grey lead in this enemies-to-lovers masterpiece. Cate is the strong-willed and loyal partner he's always needed but was too afraid to hope existed. The banter is off the charts, and the burn is slow but steamy with healthy doses of inebriated bad decisions and protective antics.

You need to read this book. You're going to scream at the end, both in pleasure and pain, and immediately want to read it again!!

Thank you, Entangled Publishing and Geneva Lee, for the opportunity to read this book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Geneva Lee has done it again! The slow burn and chemistry between Lach and Cate consumed me.

“You made a bargain...
Your soul for his―and now, you are mine.”

As a Louisiana girl, I loved that this story is set in New Orleans. The banter is top notch. The story keeps you guessing with an amazing plot. The only negative is that we have to wait for book two, especially after that huge cliffhanger!

I preordered the beautiful first run after I read the first chapter of this e-arc! With Geneva’s enthralling writing it is a no brainer that this would be a favorite. Thank you Entangled Publishing for providing this amazing story!

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Filthy Rich Fae
By Geneva Lee

First OMG this book is fantastic and drop everything and go read it. I can't wait for the next one to come out. I generally stay away from cliffhanger novels but this one didn't feel like it's like another chapter is opening.

So what would you do if your brother made a deal with the man who owns everything including the hospital you work in? Yep I'm pretty sure you'd do the same as Cate Holloway made a deal with Lachlan Gage when he wouldn't accept her only family heirloom a ring she knows nothing about. But Gage does and now Cate must come every evening to be present during the Fae Court Equinox. Little does she know that she'll come to care for Gage's family and protectors including his sister Ciara.

Along the way she'll learn about the different Fae courts and the difference between the good and the bad plus Cate who has always been a foster child who never had a family discover that she has one and what she'll do to protect them. It's a wild ride so hang on it will be bumpy and exhilarating.

Thank you Entangled Publishing and the author for a fantastic book I loved it.

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It’s been over a month since I finished this book and it’s still all I can think about. You can catch me on threads harassing @genevaleebooks until she publishes the next!

I think this book is for all the girlies who finish ACOTAR and fall into a slump and want to know what to read next. There’s fae, there’s binding dealings, there’s secrets, there’s sassy banter, there’s great side characters, there’s a strong FMC, and the slow burn is everything you could want. Plus if you love a shadow daddy with a heaping side of touch her and die… you gotta read this.

I devoured this book so fast. The story was intriguing, the relationships were top tier, and the twists and turns had me hanging onto every word. If you read FRV and didnt necessarily love it (you know I’m talking about you @robinbythecatsandbooks ) then I still think you should check this one out.

Okay but once we know a release date for book two, someone @ me. @entangledteen 🤪🤪

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