Member Reviews

Wow. Okay. First, thank you Entangled Insiders and NetGalley for the ARC. Second, holy mother of pearl what just happened. I read this and I was expecting to like it… I was not expecting to be pulled in and having to remind myself I have to get up to eat or I won’t be able to read. This book is SO GOOD. I think I’m just going to be waiting on pins and needles until we get the next one. WHEN IS THE NEXT ONE?!

Morally Grey MMC/Shadow Daddy
Strong FMC
Forced Proximity
Touch her & unalive
Found Family

Plus the spice?! And tension?! Ughhh. I cannot wait for Cate and Lach’s story to continue.

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Filthy Rich Fae is an urban fantasy, where a young woman has exchanged her life for her brothers. Cate now belongs to Lachlan Gage and is thrust into a world of dark magic and ruthless power plays amongst the filthy rich fae elite.

Having read Filthy Rich Vampires, I jumped at the chance to read the Filthy Rich Fae. Geneva knows how to hook you and each chapter builds upon the last. I stayed up way too late watching Gage and Cate’s story unfold in the fae realm and New Orleans. If you love a romantasy with a morally grey love interest then this book will be perfect. Beware of the cliffhanger ending.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing @entangled_publishing @genevaleebooks for my advanced reader copy. This review is honest and voluntary.

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Oh my goodness this book!!!
You have to get it! It’s sooo good.
Thank you to NetGalley, and entangledteen, and Brittany for this amazing arc.
I have no words! I could not put it down.
3/🌶️ for now. I know it’ll be more in the next book.
I love the tension between cate and Lach.
All I have so say I want the next book!!! Like now! Because oh my goodness the ending!!! Such a cliffhanger!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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Loved this! This was a slow start for me, but I ended up enjoying the slow burn. I liked that the author took time building the world and developing the characters. I love the strength of Cate as a character and all the flaws of Lach. It’s not the story of 2 perfect people falling in love. It’s the complexity of their circumstances that made it so compelling. I wish I had come across this later, when the whole series is out. I hate having to wait for the next one. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Excellent start to the series. I can see this becoming very popular.

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Cate has been taught to judge and fear Lachlan’s organization her entire life. When she finds out her brother is working for him she goes to make a deal with the devil himself.

She finds out the only way to save her brother is to trade her life for his.

The banter and chemistry between Cate and Lachlan is top tier! He is never told no but she totally puts him in his place and challenges him.

I was hooked from page one and the end leaves you on a crazy cliffhanger and I can’t wait for the next book!

+Enemies to lovers
+ Forced Proximity
+ Touch her & die
.+ Opposites Attract
+ Rivals
4 1/2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I had read the first in this author’s other Filthy Rich series, which I am hoping to get back to, and I thought this might be as good. As I’ve tried to shy away from genres that aren’t in my top two, I wasn’t sure since this is mostly a romance. I had forgotten just how complex and great this author’s writing is, and this is a prime example. The author weaved together a story of two individuals who have to navigate their bargain while trying not to give into their feelings. Add to that, fae politics are keeping poor Lachlan occupied. I really loved the dynamic between Lachlan and Cate; she didn’t take any guff from him and vice versa. Their path to getting together was full of turmoil. And, finally, when they finally reach a steady state…you’ll have to read this to find out. Lovely, complex, interesting, and so very well-written. Highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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What a book! Loved it from start to finish.

I loved the chemistry between Cate and Lachlan and whew is it spicy.🥵 and the cliffhanger on the ends has me on edge waiting for the next one. A great start to a new series set in the Filthy Rich world.

Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled for the e-ARC.

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Where do I even begin with this book? I was captivated from the very beginning. The world Geneva Lee has built its fantastic. The world building is not too overwhelming but enough to be able to understand it. Cate is a great protagonist, very relatable with her passion for her family, she is kind hearted and caring. The chemistry between Cate and Lach was eye watering, it was so well written that I just wanted more of it. Lach is a typical brooding prince, that is harden by the role he is forced to play but has a softer side that he often hides until Cate draws it out of him. This book is a slow burn but it was absolutely worth the wait.

I loved literally every single thing about this book and I cannot wait to see what book two brings. I would highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys a slow burn filled with magic, fae and a sprinkling of spice.

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I adored this books so much! Returning to the same world system as Filthy Rich Vampires was pleasant. I didn’t feel the need for a large amount of world building. The FMC and MMc were very well written. I caught on early to one of the twists, but was incredibly surprised by the twist at the end. I can’t wait to read the next book by Geneva Lee!

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Wait…. Fae are real? And they are in New Orleans? And their leader is… well, hot?

Geneva Lee has done it again, this time in Filthy Rich Fae. A fast-paced, ganster romance set in modern New Orleans, Filthy Rich Fae, is a page turner that you won’t be able to put down. Lee has certainly leveled up, and the first book of the series did not disappoint.

Overall, the characters are well written, with a strong, no-BS female lead taking the forefront. Combine that with a tall dark and stormy male lead, and the energy is electric. I was certainly not expecting this gangster romance, though it should not be surprising after the page turners of Filthy Rich Vampire. FRF is a spin on the fae as we know them, and includes high stakes bargains, twists and turns, and a crime boss who is everything that we expect and everything that we don’t. The twists and turns will keep readers engaged, and words cannot describe the ending. For the length of the book, the world building is well paced. Cate and Lachlan are the perfect foils for each other, and do not diminish as the story progresses. I laughed, cried and screamed my way through this book in all the best ways, and I am eagerly anticipating book two!

Thank you Entangled Publishing for this e-ARC!

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Thank you so much Geneva Lee, Entangled Publishing, and NetGalley for the eARC of Filthy Rich Fae. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Filthy Rich Fae is one of those delightful reads that is bursting with luxury, drama, court intrigue, romance, and just the right amount of fantasy. Besides being an ideal read for romantasy readers, I think this would be the perfect novel for anyone looking to dip their toe into the romantic fantasy genre for the first time.

I absolutely adored FMC, Cate Holloway. She is intelligent, funny, doesn’t shy away from a challenge, and goes all in for the people she loves. I really admired her bravery and willingness to enter into a bargain with a man she loathed in order to protect her brother. I also couldn’t get enough of the scenes where she used that sharp tongue of hers to put Lachlan in his place! 😂

Speaking of Lachlan 🔥😍! The sparks really flew whenever he sauntered onto the page! He exudes confidence, seductiveness, and skill in everything he does. However, as the story progressed, I was pleasantly surprised to see his tough-as-nails-fae-billionaire-prince facade start to fade away. He’s a tormented softie at heart and I couldn’t get enough!

Also, that ending?!?! 🤯 What am I going to do with my life until book two falls onto my impatient hands?

If you’re a romantic fantasy fan, you’ll want to add Filty Rich Fae to your tbr! If you’re thinking about reading romantic fantasy for the first time, I think Filthy Rich Fae would be a great place to start!

In the pages you will find:

🧚 Billionaire fae royalty
🗺️ New Orleans
❤️ Romance
🌶️ Spice
🤝 Found Family
👗 Glittering fae parties
🪄 Magic
🔪 Touch her and die
🔥 “She’s mine”
🤯 A mind blowing ending!
📖 The first book in a new series!


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Let me just say WOW. Geneva Lee left me wanting more after finishing Filthy Rich Vampires and Filthy Rich Fae did not disappoint. I love how her writing sucks you in and gives you just enough information to think you have an idea of what's going on without it being obvious and then she drops a bomb at the end. This book has it all. A strong FMC, and hot, mysterious, broody MMC, found family, enemies to lovers, and spice.

In an attempt to save her brother, Cate enters a dangerous bargain with the powerful and extremely wealthy Lachlan Gage. At first glance she thinks she knows exactly who he is with his “fae trickery” and assumed evil intent. However she realizes there is more than meets the eye and that may be the most dangerous of all. I had so many unanswered questions throughout the first 90% of the book and then the last 10% answered some of them while leaving me with so many more! The plot twist at the end leaves Cate and Lach’s story as well as the fate of the Nether Court in the balance. I’m already pining for book two.

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Geneva Lee did it again!!

I loved her Filthy Rich Vampire series and couldn't wait to read this new book Filthy Rich Fae! I cannot thank Entangled Publishing and NetGalley enough for this ARC, I completely -DEVOURED- it! Geneva is incredibly talented in her writing, offering a perfect balance in storytelling and spice. I seriously questioned my priorities having stayed up until the wee hours a few nights just to read, I could not put this book down!

I enjoyed the multiverse approach linking the world as we know it and the Otherworld, and how different Courts were from different cities. This made sense in a matter of speaking especially having read the vampire series. The chemistry and interactions between Cate and Lach were on point, the depth of the story and side characters opens up many possibilities for future books, including major players from the other Courts. And what a plot twist at the end!!! I now need to re-read it and see if there were signs!

This book is a must read if you like this genre! I can't wait for book #2!!

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The banter was wonderful!

Glad to be back in the Filthy Rich world. This book has just about everything I love, morally grey characters, fun banter between the characters, a strong independent female lead and just laugh out loud interactions.
I completely loved this book, even more than the vampire series.

Thank you entangled publishing for the joy of reading this book.

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I was hooked from page 1. I love this world that Geneva Lee created for us. First with the vampires and now with the fae. Great characters. Some slow burn romance. Lots of action. The suspense. OMG the ending. I was not expecting that. I can't wait for the next book to find out what happens.

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Rated 4.5 Stars

Filthy Rich Fae was an amazing story!!! It took me a little bit to get into it but when I did oh boy did it suck me in. I loved these characters and their journey. There was action, suspense, a slow burn romance, betrayal, treachery, twists, turns and so much more. I loved it and cannot wait to read the next book in the series. I very highly recommend it. It was awesome.

Copy provided by publisher through NetGalley

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for this amazing read.

I absolutely fell in love with loved Julian and Cate. Their banter back and forth was spot on!

The slow burn romance was done to perfection! I was egging them on all the way!!!

Warning, the book ends on a cliffhanger!

It going to be a long wait until the next read!

Five stars plus!!


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Thank you to Entangled Publishing for this e-arc! Everyone needs to go out and buy this book! Especially with those sprayed edges 😍

I am so happy to be back into this Filthy Rich world! I love this world that Geneva Lee created and love that we get a new side of it in this series. Lachlan may be giving Julian a run for his money. I love Julian, but there is something there with Lachlan. He is the morally gray hero we all need and deserve. I was invested in his and Cate’s relationship from the very first meeting. I mean what an introduction! Cate loves her brother so much that she went to go confront the one person she should be scared of, Mr. Lachlan Gage. I love how fearless Cate is when she is brought into the world of Fae.

The banter between these two, perfection. The plot, top tier. The sexual tension, out of this world. While there is some spice in this book, it’s not a lot. I am ready for more 🤭.

And that cliffhanger 😱. I knew I didn’t trust *name redacted*. They were sketch from the beginning. How am I supposed to live now waiting for book 2??? I need it now!!!

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Wow. Just wow. This book is definitely a top read of 2024.

The plot 🧐
The banter 🤌
The tension 🫠
The mfc 💪
The mmc 🥵
The feels 🥹



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I devoured this book the same way I would’ve devoured Lachlan at that Midnight Feast!!

Lachlan is the epitome of morally grey. He’s tall, dark, handsome, stinking rich, and has the whole possessive, touch-her-and-die vibe that I love so much. Oh and let’s not forget his sexy magic and panty ripping vibe! 😏 I would so let Lachlan Gage ruin me too!

Cate was a badass with such a big heart. I loved the way she never backed down from Lachlan and challenged him at every turn!

That Midnight Feast. Woooo. Lee painted a nice visual there with the “ready cocks” everywhere. What I wouldn’t do to try a glass of ambrosia fairy wine!

The storyline kept me on my toes the entire time. There was so much going on with the other courts that it was hard to figure out who to trust, which explains why I was so shocked by those last few chapters!!

The swirling tattoos. The ring. I literally have so many unanswered questions and I’m so sad I have to wait to have them answered! I hope Roark, Ciara, and Shaw all get books too!

I’ll just be here impatiently waiting for book 2!

“I’m the bad guy, princess.” 😍

“Lach was like a busted faucet — hot and cold and constantly getting me unexpectedly wet.” 🥵

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