Member Reviews

Such a fun read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The Blooming of Delphinium, Moonberry Lake #2, by Holly Varni
Main character, Delphinium Hayes, is a uniquely talented and unconventional woman who runs a flower shop in the small town of Moonberry Lake. She has strong enthusiasm and talent as a florist, and an understanding tenderness for senior citizens...which is why when the town's assisted living facility's air conditioner goes out, and a handful of them make their way to her shop, she does not kick them out. Her kindness is appreciated as the seniors continue to sneak out of the facility in the name of freedom and stubbornness, giving the facility Director Elliot a difficult time as he attempts to wrangle the rebel seniors back. Delphinium faces other challenges aside from the seniors and Elliot, like Mason McCormack, who volunteered to help the seniors in their outlandish requests. Delphinium's Flora Emporium is the place to be in Moonberry Lake, and The Blooming of Delphinium is the book you need to read.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book. Truth be told, I was only drawn to the beautiful cover, not so much the description. The main character's name is a mouthful - Delphinium - but the quirky name fits her, her flower shop, and this book extraordinarily well. I genuinely chuckled at the shenanigans the senior citizens were in throughout the entire book - even putting the book down temporarily to call my own Nana to tell her about this book. A few times, I questioned whether or not author Holly Varni knew my Nana and her friends because some of the conversations were just about word-for-word with what my Nana tells me...or complains about. I assume that the author has a huge heart for senior citizens, much like Delphinium. I truly struggled to put this book down, it was one of the best lighthearted fiction books I have read to date. I also was very pleased that the romance was not only clean, but it was written well to keep the reader guessing a little while longer - I think a lot of lighthearted romance make it clear right away, but Holly Varni was able to keep the mystery, and besides, romance was NOT the thing that everyone is going to remember about this book - it's Delphinium and the seniors of The Gardens Assisted Living Facility. I don't have any complaints, though I would love to see the next Moonberry Lake book to include a main character with a strong faith. I was given a copy to read in exchange for my honest opinion (thank you #NetGalley & #Revell), and I will likely buy a copy to gift to a friend.

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Delphinium owns a florist business. She has a special ability to sum up a person just by catching their scent, not perfume or deodorant, but their essence. For instance, if one smells like thyme, they have strength and courage. Each of her floral arrangements have meaning so she is sure to ask what the occasion is or who the recipient will be. Henry Folden is an elderly gentleman who is her best friend. He had also been a dear friend of her late grandmother who she misses dearly. He helps her with the accounts of her business and gives advice.
I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for my advanced reader's copy of this touching novel. This is my unsolicited opinion of the story. There are some very colorful characters in this book. The seniors who 'invade' the flower shop after escaping their senior citizen home on the daily with Henry are quite the bunch! Two men also become involved with the group and Delphinium. Handsome Mason, a customer, who takes a liking to the older crew and nose to the letter of the rules, Elliot, administrator of The Gardens Assisted Living Center. (A place with no real gardens.) The strange thing, one of these men have no discernible scent for Delphinium. What could that mean?
There is great humor in this debut novel for Holly Varni with laugh out loud moments. It is a sweet and poignant story that highlights faith without being preachy. It also touches beautifully on the needs of the elderly. I give it a 4.5 out of five stars. You may need a tissue while reading.

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The Blooming of Delphinium was so easy to love. I absolutely love the senior characters, they always capture my heart. The characters were phenomenal, and so well devoloped they seemed so real.

This is such a heart-warming feel good story and I loved every minute of it

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I really enjoyed this quirky story of a florist named Delphinium. The shop she owns becomes the hangout for a group of seniors from the assisted living home who are protesting basically everything they can think of. Delphi faces some realistic challenges - financial difficulties, parents she has little in common with, and grief over her grandmother's death. She also has the unusual ability to detect each person's scent that is associated with plantlife and what that scent represents. Not quite magical realism, but close.

Delphi is a person I want to be like. She has a huge heart, she delights in helping others, and she is just herself with little apology (even when her hair is wild).

This is Christian fiction though there is very little discussion of God or faith. This is a clean romance.

Family friendly.

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I have never read any books by Holly Varni before. I enjoyed her book The Blooming of Delphinium and will add any of her future novels to my reading list! Plus I am an amateur gardener so I loved reading about Delphinium's flower shop. It was different from other Christian fiction books.

In the book, Delphinium has a condition similar to Synesthesia. She smells different scents on people based on their personality traits. Prideful, timid, bossy, sweet, deceptive, or caring, Delphinium can smell it when she's around them. It sounds crazy, but it works for the story. Her flower shop collects a delightful group of elderly citizens that you will fall in love with. One day, Delphinium meets a man that doesn't have a scent and one that smells overwhelmingly like violets, her favorite. Delphinium is on the verge of losing her shop and her apartment above the store if she doesn't get a miracle soon. All of these situations come together in one very fun novel with humor, love, loss, and faith in God.

I recommend that you read The Blooming of Delphinium. There is nothing foul or gross and I am letting my seventeen-year-old daughter read it. It is a clean, light romance. Five stars!

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I was not familiar with Varni's previous book so I was not sure what to expect.

The Blooming of Delphinium was a sweet story that has a fun cast of characters. There were a few points that I found it a little too sweet and a bit cringy but overall I enjoyed the story. I enjoyed the ornery older folks who took over Delphinium's flower shop.

I receive an ARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Blooming of Delphinium is a delightfully quirky tale I thoroughly enjoyed. Holly Varni takes readers on another fantastic journey in the town of Moonberry Lake. 4.5 stars

The story's filled with quite a variety of characters, from the assisted living facility there's the seniors who are a troublemaking handful that have their director Elliot at his wits end. Then there's Delphinium and her senior friend Henry who gives her financial advice about her beloved but struggling flower shop. Delphinium has the trait of being able to "read" a person based on their scent. So much fun! Elliot is a classic beta hero, but he still manages to express himself pretty well, eventually.

There's a lot of love and care shown in this story and Varni does a beautiful job expressing it on the page. I highlighted quite a few quotes but here's a few favorites,

*"No matter a person's age, they want community. The deepest longing in all of us is a sense of belonging."
*Letting go of your pride and humbly asking for forgiveness are always big pills to swallow. It's best to do both in one gulp."

I appreciate Revell Publishers making a copy of The Blooming of Delphinium available for review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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This is the first book that I have read by this author, and in this series. This book can definitely be enjoyed as a standalone. Delphinium is still grieving her grandmother as she runs her struggling flower shop. Delphinium has talent in not only creating the perfect bouquets for all occasions but can also smell someone and know their major personality trait. Her elderly friend Henry brings her comfort and financial advice. He also brings his senior friends from the nearby assisted living. They started to take over her back room and refrigerator for poker games and social events. Two very different men come into her life. One is Mason, who she is suspicious of because he has no smell and buys flowers for different women. The other is the director of the assisted living Elliot who smells like violets and is concerned about his residents being at her shop. When her flower business is in dire trouble, the seniors try to help, but is it the help she needs? I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. I found this book delightful. It's amusing, uplifting, and has a sweet romance. I love that Delphinium's real talent is her big, open heart

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This is a sweet romance with the hint of magical realism I enjoy but a main character who could be a bit much at times. Delphi is tricky; she's delightful but impulsive and is also one of those characters who the entire book spends every second telling her how wonderful she is and yet she keeps missing that somehow. It gets a bit old and the yo-yo romance had one too many break-ups for me BUT the draw for this read is Delphi's found family of troublemaking seniors who keep escaping from the local assisted living facility to play poker in her flower shop's back room. They make this book as entertaining as it is in my opinion. I will also note I didn't know this was Christian romance when I picked it up but the author keeps that fairly low-key. There are a few passages where it pops up but you can enjoy the story even if that is not your thing (like me).

*I received an e-ARC from NetGalley to provide this review

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I received a free copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and Revell; all opinions expressed are exclusively my own.

If I was rating two different parts of this book, the first half would be a solid 3-4 stars. The relationship between the main character and the elderly is entertaining, and the idea of her gift being a form of synesthesia is an interesting premise. She comes across as a likeable person struggling to find her place and save her dream business at the same time. The humor involved with the residents of the nursing home is reminiscent of the humor in the Janet Evanovich books, and the idea of them as Delphinium's found family is adorable.

So far, so good. However, the second part definitely drops into the 2 star territory, and by extension drags the whole story down with it to the point where I had to force myself to finish it. With the introduction of her parents, the main character changes from a person who was attempting to reconcile with her true self as opposed to who she was expected to be into a wayward child who just isn't mature enough to understand how her parents really had her best interests in mind all along. It's roughly the same with the romantic relationship; it seemed cute enough in the beginning, but followed the same pattern. By the end, instead of feeling like Delphinium bloomed, it felt like she withered into a sad, immature child who needed to be led by her parents and new boyfriend.

For sensitive readers, this book contains illness, death of loved ones, and representations of Christianity.

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I love a book with quirky characters and this one is full of them. With a name like Delphinium, you're bound to run a florist shop. What Delphinium didn't expect was a bunch of senior citizens wanting to use her shop as a place to play poker. "What am I going to do with a refrigerator full of elderly men?" (location 173). Delphinium's beautiful spirit hears their hearts and she quickly comes to love them and care for them.

The seniors were amazing! They want to see changes at their senior living center and aren't afraid to say it. When they get an idea, they run with it even if the results are very unorthodox. They had me laughing hard. I could just picture them. It was delightful. I loved them. I hope the next book in Moonberry Lake includes them again.

It was interesting learning more about flowers and what they signify. I would love to see Delphinium's bouquets and shop. It sounded magical. This was a fun read. I'd highly recommend it. Thank you to Revell for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher through LibraryThing via NetGalley. The following is my honest review.

4 stars
The Blooming of Delphinium was such a unique read. It wasn't what I was expecting so I had a little trouble getting into it. I'm so glad I persevered because it ended up being cute and enjoyable. The characters, especially the assisted living residents that take over Delphinium's flower shop, are quirky and hilarious. The book delt with serious topics in a lighthearted way. I'd love to follow Delphinium's story in future books.

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The Blooming of Delphinium by Holly Varni is the second A Moonberry Lake Novel. It can be read as a standalone for those who have not read On Moonberry Lake. While Delphinium is the main character, there are a number of secondary characters. The senior citizens are quirky and entertaining. It can, though, be difficult to keep them all straight. I thought Delphinium’s gift was unique. I wish her gift had been explained like her grandmother’s synesthesia. The senior’s antics will have you laughing out loud along with their unusual list of demands. I like the closeknit community of Moonberry Lake. I can understand why Delphinium made this charming town her home. There is romance as well. The story also delves into loss and how it affects people. The Blooming of Delphinium is a slow starter, but it picks up when the seniors begin their exploits. I did feel that the story was a tad too long. If the repetitive bits were removed, it would be just the right length. The Blooming of Delphinium is a quirky small-town tale with senior escapades, beautiful bouquets, transportation troubles, an intoxicating scent, a financial plight, an unwanted skunk, and a special romance.

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This book left me sad. With losing her grandma flower shop and home. The two men were trying to trick her into believing they were not deceiving her. This is a book I wish I had missed

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So cute with all the feels. I laughed & cried. The characters were adorable, especially the seniors. This is my first book buy this author and though sometimes it seemed to drag on, other times it was a quick read. Definitely a great story and worth the read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Revell for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I attempted to read book #1 in this series before jumping into this one even though it seemed that the only connection between the two was the place- Moonberry Lake. I quit reading book 1 because I was bored. And I hoped this book wouldn’t bear the same results.

These two books couldn’t be more different! Yay.

I found this book unique, funny, and interesting. The wit of the main character, Delphinium, and the old senior men that wanted to play poker in her flower shop’s freezer had me laughing through the whole thing. Until one of those same men had me crying. Well, that was unexpected.
Seriously though, the senior men and women were a hoot and the stars of this book!

This story kept my attention throughout (which is hard to do). I was pleased with all the patriotic and uplifting messages and the faith and healing and great quotable words it contained.

I felt it could have removed about 10% of the end to shorten it and we could have done without the part that made me cry at about 80%. Sad! 😢

For the humor of the seniors, the faith, and the good vibes for most of it, I give it 4 🌟

I received a complimentary copy of this book & this is my honest opinion ✨

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I fell in love with the gorgeous cover and loved the story
Due to health issues cannot write a proper review now even if I enjoyed this book. as it's well plotted, fascinating world building, and entertaining. . I liked the good storytelling
A more extensive review will follow
Recommended.Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Vibrant, beautiful, funny, tender. I laughed and I cried.

Opening quote by Thich Nhat Hanh sets the tone for this charming story! "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers."

I absolutely love the characters and the fictional town of Moonberry Lake in Minnesota.

From Delphinium Hayes to the seniors from The Gardens Assisted Living Facility, they won my heart. What a hoot they all are. I highly recommend this beautiful story of life, family, flowers, and an eclectic cast of characters!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own.

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Not having read any books by Holly Varni, I wasn't quite sure what to expect with The Blooming of Delphinium. Wow, I loved it. It is a delightful story that kept my attention from beginning to end. I loved the humor, the sweet romance, and the characters (some of which were a hoot!). All around just thoroughly enjoyed the book! I was given a complimentary copy of the book through NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

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