Member Reviews

An engaging book that had me captured as I followed the plot with such different twists and turns. The characters were full and very real to life, sadly true of many people I know ... Good and bad.

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This is another fast-paced, gripping read from Irene Hannon!

Apparently I did, in fact, read book 1 in the series (though I'll admit I had little to no recollection of it, haha). So the good news is that it could more or less be read out of order; a couple references to Bri's story, such that you know there is a story already told there, but it didn't provide any "spoilers," per se.

I really enjoyed getting to know the two MCs here, and obviously enjoyed the story as I read it in only 3 days! LOL!

I'm already ready for book 3 to come out. I'm duly impressed at Hannon's talents both as a storyteller and as a writer across multiple genres. Her Hope Harbor series is one of my favorites, and this is a solid as well! (Just not one I'd suggest reading at night ... ask me how I know.) :D

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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What a wild book! I really enjoyed this thriller. I have never heard of this series before and now I NEED to go get the first book! Looking forward to reading more!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Lindsay is not having the best luck lately. She was a witness to an event that she would like to forget. She is going to need all the help she can get to survive. I liked this book.

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Over the Edge is book 2 in Irene Hannon’s Undaunted Courage series. There are so many different facets to the numerous characters involved including lots of twists and turns. It really kept me on my mental toes, making it hard to put down. This is Jack and Lindsey’s story and a great romantic but also psychological suspense thriller. It deals with PTSD following a couple of traumatic events. After Lindsey witnesses a murder, someone is out to discredit what she remembers. It is a race against time as Jack tries to catch a killer. I enjoy Irene Hannon’s books and this one did not disappoint.

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** “Just goes to show how the upright image some people project to the world can mask a dark soul.” **

Irene Hannon once again delivers another incredible suspense thriller with “Over the Edge,” the second installment in her Undaunted Courage series.

When personal chef Lindsey Barnes stumbles upon her client’s dead body and realizes the murderer is still there, she’s horrified and terrified. It reminds her of a past trauma she experienced, sending her to see her therapist, Dr. Oliver.

St. Louis County Detective Jack Tucker responds to the scene, but doesn’t understand why Lindsey gives him the cold shoulder. With the help of Dr. Oliver, can they work together to figure out who killed her client? And when strange events keep happening to Lindsey, can they really dive deep into the truth of the matter and keep safe?

As always, Hannon creates a plot filled with twists and turns, action-packed moments, and just enough romance to please the lovers of love. She develops characters that readers can relate to, ones with flaws and self-doubts. She also fills “Over the Edge” with some good themes, like love and trust; overcoming trauma; dealing with loss; and you don’t always know a person’s true soul.

Fans of authors like Lynette Eason, Terri Blackstock and Colleen Coble will love “Over the Edge,” which is due out Oct. 1. The series’ third installment, which features Jack’s sister Cara, is due out in October 2025.

Five stars out of five.

Revell provided this complimentary copy through NetGalley for my honest, unbiased review.

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Over the Edge is an exploration in how trauma survivors recover and handle new trauma. Lindsey Barnes is in the middle of healing from an experience that nearly took her life. As she's rebuilding her life, she inadvertently walks into another trauma situation. Only this time, her mental stability is now being questioned.

Detective Jack Tucker wants to believe Lindsey but her stories just have no credibility to them. The more he gets to know her though, the more he is drawn to Lindsey, despite her attitude toward him.

Can Jack solve the mystery of who is targeting Lindsey and also solve the crime that has caused this new inciting trauma in her life?

Irene Hannon has done it again with this story. I had zero clue who the culprit was. The story was filled with twists and turns I did not see coming. I loved reading about Lindsey and Jack and his patience with her as she is learning to open up about her trauma. I felt this story took a different approach to mystery and explored more of the mental aspects and I loved this perspective!

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Over the Edge is book two in the Undaunted Courage series. Lindsey is a personal chef that ends up in the middle of a murder scene. Jack Tucker is the police detective who gets the case. Lots of twists and turns as Lindsey begins to have lots of weird things happen to her. This is a good Christian romantic suspense novel.

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When Lindsey Barnes inadvertently sees a murderer she is once again subject to a traumatic experience. Detective Jack Tucker is called to the scene of the murder. He can't understand why their key witness Lindsey is so cool towards him. When unexplainable things begin to happen to Lindsey everyone thinks it is just the trauma of her experience. Jack is ready to chalk it up to a mind that has been subject to too many bad things, but is that the case or is someone legitimately targeting Lindsey?

While to me the relationship between Lindsey and Jack was a bit rushed I like them as a couple. I wanted to see them together and I thought they fitted together well. I enjoyed the mystery of who was the murderer. Author Irene Hannon never disappoints with her mysteries and I enjoyed this one very much. I look forward to reading Jack and Bri's sister Cara's story in the next Undaunted Courage book!

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Undaunted Courage Book #2

Lindsey Barned is the main character in this story and Detective Jack Tucker is a strong secondary player both made this story and exciting read.

The story in a few words:

Lindsey has much going for her and is trying to stay one step ahead of the trauma experienced years ago till the day she thought she was losing her mind and find herself in the middle of another crisis. Not only she is the sole witness in a high-profile murder case but her sanity is in question....Then come into play Detective Jack Tucker to save the day.....

My thoughts:

Ms. Hannon never fails to give us a captivating story that will be hard to put down and will pin us down and on the edge of our seat till we reach the conclusion. This latest adds a tad of psychological aspect by playing with her protagonist’s mind: is Lindsey losing her mind or not? Is she seeing things that were never there?

The very handsome Detective Tucker tries to make sense of the information Lindsey is provided but wants not only to believe her but put an end to the mystery. Doing so, Tucker faces a multitude of twists and counter twists to derail him and us as reader questioning is we may have figured out the right whodunit....Three quarters in I had an idea who it may be...hey I was half right. Of course the two of them working closely together the inevitable happened and both had twinkles in their eyes... awe.....

This story is well-written: clean with a tiny bit of romance, a small amount of faith and lots and lots of suspense.

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Enjoyable read that had you wanting to get to the next chapter.
I cannot wait until the 3rd installment.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from Revell through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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From the very first page, I was hooked and couldn’t put this book down. I find that to be very true for every book written by Irene Hannon that I’ve read. Such a gifted storyteller!
Lindsey was hired as the personal chef at the home of Heidi and James Robertson. She stopped by their house to get the knives she left there, intending to run into the kitchen and out quickly when she found a man on the floor covered in blood. Lindsey soon realized the man was dead and the murderer was still there so she hid herself under the kitchen island and prayed nobody would find her.
Fast forward a few weeks, and a few months, when one strange thing after another continued to happen to Lindsey. She was beginning to doubt herself when she considered that perhaps she had imagined all the very bizarre, scary and dangerous things that have occurred.
Eventually after so many strange occurrences, the Detective assigned to the case, Jack Tucker, began to question the validity of her stories. Did someone actually move her car, or did she forget where she parked?
This is a fast-paced story that kept me turning the pages until the last one. The characters are strong and memorable. It will be a while before I forget this intriguing, riveting story.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. All comments and opinions are my own.

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Over the Edge by Irene Hannon is a well written romantic suspense. I always enjoy this author’s books and this one was no exception. A great edge of your seat plot that kept me glued to the book. Another winner by one of my favorite authors. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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“Over the Edge” is a masterfully woven tale of suspense that will leave readers wondering and guessing until the end. Irene Hannon has done a wonderful job developing deep and real characters while weaving together a plot full of twists and turns. I had a hard time putting this book down, and when I did put it down, the story was lingering in the back of my mind constantly. Lindsey, a personal chef with tricky parental relationships, has spent the last twenty-one months recovering from a traumatic event with the help of her therapist. Jack, a detective with a nightmare childhood, is assigned lead detective on a murder investigation that ends up cold no matter which way he turns. Circumstances keep throwing Lindsey into contact with the detective, and he doubts her sanity. I highly recommend this book. I will not write more on the content of the book, because I want the reader to enjoy the full effect of the plot without spoilers!

I requested and received a copy of this book for review. The thoughts expressed here are wholly my own.

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This book put me over the edge!! These suspense books with a sprinkling of romance are so good! The book had me guessing who the suspects were and my jaw dropping when they were revealed!

Lindsey has been through so much in life and keeps fighting and trying her best to overcome. Jack also has skeletons in his closet that he's had to fight to overcome. I enjoy that he makes time for his sisters and their comfortable banter.

Make sure you clear your calendar when you read this book, you won't want to put it down!

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own

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It is not possible to go wrong when you choose to read a book by Irene Hannon. She has written one memorable story after another with characters who come to life and plots that always keep me glued to the pages. It also is a very good idea to pick up one of her books when you have some time off; otherwise, the lack of sleep will make working very, very difficult.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! It always adds to the experience when the characters are ones you come to care about. The addition of details, conversations and personal mannerisms, make the the characterization top notch. The plot itself was original with twists that I didn't expect, making this an incredibly engrossing story with a neatly wrapped up ending!

Definitely 5 stars!

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Really good romantic suspense with just enough of both to keep you flipping the pages.
Lindsey Barnes, a personal chef, is an emotional wreck after discovering her client's
husband's body in their kitchen and discovering the killer is still in the house. Being
forced to hide under the table while the killer walks around sets the tension rising.
Having survived a trauma just a couple of years previous, she is fragile and extremely
wary of being thrust into the midst of another tragedy, once again, as a witness.
When she recognizes the detective on the case, Jack Tucker,, the entire investigation takes a turn
and veers off into intrigue with romantic sparks.
Strong characters with solid definitions and a story line that moves right along.
Not my usual reading genre but thoroughly enjoyable.

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This was the quickest that I have read a book in a long time. Be prepared to finish the book in one or two sittings. This thriller of a book sends the reader on ride full of suspense, mystery, and of course through a love story that will put a smile on your face. With a murder to solve, the reader will have fun trying to solve who did it. The twists and turns will leave you on the edge of your seat.

I received a complimentary copy through NetGalley and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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lindsey is a personal chef now and stumbles upon a murder. jack is the detective trying to solve the murder .but strange thing start to happen with lindsey . this is a riveting story to the end. if you like suspense you will enjoy reading the story i was given a copy of the book by netgalley but this is an honest review

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Another 5 star romantic suspense read from Irene Hannon! Though this is book 2 of the Undaunted Courage series, it can definitely be read as a stand-alone. We do get to catch up with Bri, the heroine in book 1 (as well as Cate from Labyrinth of Lies in the Triple Threat series), but their stories are not integral to the plot of this one, so you can enjoy this one on its own. Fans of the prior books will be glad to catch up with "old friends" again and see how they're faring, though. This is another book that hit the ground running and didn't let up. This book opens with Lindsey Barnes finding a dead body, and catching a glimpse of the murderer on their way out. When crazy things start happening to her, she begins to question not only her sanity, but if the things she is remembering are facts or not. Detective Jack Tucker is immediately drawn to Lindsey, both for her beauty and to figure out why she's so aloof towards him, but is hesitant to get involved with someone who seems to have some sort of psychosis due to his own tainted past.

This story had a good level of intensity. I wasn't jumpy while reading, but definitely needed to see what happens next and was up WAY too late on a worknight to finish this one because I just couldn't stop turning pages. There were lots of twists and turns. I did suspect the villain somewhat simply because I tend to suspect everyone. But the motives threw me for a loop! The characters were likable and relatable and even though I don't much care for the romance element of romantic suspense, I was cheering for Lindsey and Jack. Their character growth and development throughout the book was stellar as well. I appreciate good open communication between characters in a book and this author did that well with these characters. The faith thread in this one was a bit subtle, but it was hovering in the background and this was a completely clean read. All in all, this was a thoroughly enjoyable story and one I would easily recommend to fans of romantic suspense. Special thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance e-copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

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