Member Reviews

I have a lot of mixed thoughts about this book. I’ve always felt like Sophie Jordan’s writing style is very basic and very quick and this transition from historical to fantasy was interesting. I felt like the writing was pretty flat most of the book, a little bit repetitive, but overall I enjoyed it despite how lackluster of a review I’m giving it rn 🤣 Sometimes fantasy authors cause try so flipping hard to build this epic world and it drags on and their expansive phrases strangle me to death. This book though I feel like could’ve used a bit of a fantasy boost. Just. Give it a little bit more flavor in the writing style.

I liked these characters, I liked the premise, the little twisty ending there was uh. Idk. Idk how I feel about it. I honestly loled like whuuuuuuttt the fuuuuhhhhhh at multiple times throughout this book and I don’t understand what the hell is going on but who ever does in fantasy, amiright?

I need more people to read this for further discussion.

Will be continuing this because despite everything I’ve said I enjoy Sophie Jordan and I enjoyed this book.

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I could not put this book down. I was enthralled from the beginning to the end. Everything ran together well and, every chapter I had to keep reading because I needed to know what happened next. I enjoyed the characters, even though I think they could’ve used more depth. The ending was gripping, and leaves many different options for a second book! This book reads like a SJM book, where everything happens in the last 15% of the book but wowza was it enjoyable.
I would’ve loved some more world building and a larger confrontation in terms of storyline, but I can see that coming in future books. Even though I would’ve liked more from this book, I couldn’t put it down, so I have to give it 4 stars. I’m looking forward to the next book, would definitely recommend!

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Whooo boy I DEVOURED this book in one day! Sophie Jordan doesn't pull any punches with this one. The characters were compelling, the plot moved quickly and the stakes were high throughout the story. If fantasy isn't your usual genre I'd still check this out because it has just enough worldbuilding to flesh out the world but not so much that it devolves into infodumping. The plot was so engaging and I fell HARD for our main character. There's something so angsty about whipping girl/boy characters. I adored how Sophie Jordan allowed Tamsyn to feel complex feelings about the people who raised her but also allowed her to be hurt. It was incredibly cathartic to read about her untangling all those complicated feelings about her upbringing. Arranged marriage is perhaps my favorite trope so I was thrilled when the story went in that direction. I felt for both our leads as they were placed in a complicated situation and it was an absolute joy to see Tamsyn find someone who would finally pay attention and actually see her for who she is (and not just a tool to be used). I felt so many things reading this book and now I am on the edge of my seat waiting for book 2!!

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Thank you so much to Avon and Harper Voyager for providing me with this ARC of A Fire in the Sky! So grateful to have had the opportunity to read this early and review it!

A Fire in the Sky by Sophie Jordan was a read I just absolutely ate up! The dragon lore 👀, the strong FMC who will do anything for those she loves, the dark and bad Beast of the Borderlands MMC, and the ATTRACTION between those two just kept me going, I could NOT put it down!

Our main heroine, Tamsyn, is raised to be strong and how could she not be as the royal whipping girl for her “sisters”. I really enjoyed how Sophie Jordan showed how courageous and loving this FMC is, especially when faced with the opportunity to save her royal sisters.

I know Tamsyn didn’t feel this way, but it felt like such a betrayal when she was offered up as a proverbial lamb for slaughter to the supposed “Beast of the Borderlands”. I mean the Queen says she loved her but … yeah you don’t just sacrifice someone you love that way even if Tamsyn was more than happy to do so.

Now our Beast of the Borderlands himself, Fell. 🫠 I just love the tough exterior but really has a good heart inside. I mean he had this whole plan to have a seat at the table with the King by marrying a princess just so he can champion his people and the people of the outer reaches of the realm… 😫 how freaking sweet. Sure, did he get a handful with a whipping girl instead, yes, but like the intentions were there!

The chemistry between these two though is 10/10!! That first scene.. I mean she was wearing a veil and yet I was blushing with the hots they have for each other! I loved how he wanted to take care of his bride and closed the curtains during the ceremony so no one would see her. Like yea! Take charge Fell!!

Not going to spoil anything but the twist! The backstory of both Fell and Tamsyn… oh boy. I can’t wait to hear more about Fell. We see a bit of Tamsyn and learn a bit of her history but I think Fell is going to be the real ringer.. I feel like maybe the previous Beast of the Borderlands/his adopted dad may have killed his mom on that cave… if you know you know.

All that to say, i really enjoyed this book and will definitely be purchasing a physical copy when it is published later this month. If youre like me and you love romance, dragons, magic, medieval-vibes, and some interesting lore, read this book!!

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The world building and story for me was a very slow burn and was just not my style of story. The writing is very good but the story as hard for me to get into.

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2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

My kingdom for a great, well-rounded romantasy! The genre, when I first dipped my toes into it, seemed promising. I’ve read quite a sampling now, and very few provide both good romance and good fantasy. A Fire in the Sky feels very much like a student tried to make word count in an essay with filler words. Two characters meet. A marriage is arranged. One of the spouses is duped, and throughout the rest of the story the two, though sexually attracted to one another, develop “deeper” feelings…hardly. Romantasys should develop romance within an intricately developed world, great pacing, and complex inter-relational problems and solutions. That’s not what readers get here; instead, there’s a lot of bloat and the interactions feel forced, stiff, and immature. Readers looking for an easy read with some smut to pass the time will enjoy this one. Just don’t expect much substance.

Primarily, the world building here seems to be simplistic. The focus for this narrative lies on the two main characters and their sexual attraction to one another with casual mentions of creatures and places offering no contextual explanation, well incorporated or otherwise. If a reader has not read the aforementioned Firelight series, a YA trilogy published about 14 years ago, things about the world may be confusing or just not matter. The backstory and world logic therefore seems to be the burden of the reader to find out about, and one can only assume the way to learn more is to read the aforementioned YA series. From 14 years ago.

Let it not be said I lack understanding that Romantasy books should be about the romance first and the workings of the world and magic systems second. With this understanding, I am willing to give lackadaisical world building a slight pass. I know I’m not reading Jordan, Abercrombie, or Clarke—I don’t expect too much sophistication in that regard. However. I do expect fantastic character building and interaction with strong, well written relationship development and romance. A Fire in the Sky does not offer that. The plot meanders, feels bloated with filler, and few things really happen in the story other than the characters moving from one place to another where one bit of action occurs.

For character development, Tamsyn and Fell are a bit flat, and the foundation of their attraction is purely physical lust. Romantasy should have romance. There just wasn’t any here. They bump into one another briefly in passing before they’re forced on one another as bride and groom (though one of them doesn’t know). Then, they spend the next great swath of the narrative not really interacting in meaningful ways. Having read The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman when in elementary school, I am familiar with the concept of substitutionary punishment Jordan uses as a plot device. I’m not sure it’s used for more than a gimmick, though. Tamsyn’s role as a whipping girl only lasts for a brief part of the first couple of chapters, and then she’s carried off into the wilds with Fell. She grows up in a castle with an attractive guard and befriends him, but there’s never a spark of attraction in her for any other person before Fell shows up, and then she suddenly discovers sexual attraction. She’s over 20 years old. In a castle. With a bunch of meat wall guards who also have muscles, just like Fell.

Fell possesses a bit more development, but not much. He’s a generically relatable character—seeking to provide protection for his people and receive more for the protection his people ensure the kingdom in return. For someone tested regularly as a formidable warrior, battle strategist, and leader, he doesn’t seem to have many scruples. Sure, he possesses a gentle empathy for Tamsyn, but it’s treated as a surprise even to him. How he feels and acts toward her yo-yos back and forth, giving readers absolutely no consistency.

Overall, 2.5/5 for the story and 4/5 for narration. I probably should not have picked this one up right after reading Susanna Clarke. I can’t really describe it as anything else but simplistically vapid.

Multiple narrators make keeping up with the character POV’s easy, but the narration is very dramatic and gets loud and soft often. I don’t think a narrator should be monotone, but too many ups and downs in voice can be taxing.

My thanks to HarperAudio via Libro FM and Avon via NetGalley for the ALC and eARC (respectively), for which I willingly give my own, honest opinion.

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My first Sophie Jordan book, and it was a bit of a mixed bag for me.

The writing was fine, the storyline was fine (although there were slow stretches with little or no movement forward), but the characters just didn't grab me. I didn't feel that the two mains were fleshed out enough, especially our hero, Fell (hopefully that will come as the series develops), and I didn't feel as invested in them as I would have liked.

In some ways, this felt like an historical romance with some dragons thrown in for some action. I understand that Jordan has written in that genre, and I saw that background in her more intimate scenes. As far as the romance part of the book went, I felt myself missing the slow grow toward a more devoted relationship between Fell and Tamsyn. There was insta sparks (both good and bad), a surprisingly and seemingly out-of-character first intimate scene (on the part of Tamsyn), back to bad sparks, then some ambivalence and back to intimacy by the cliffhanger conclusion. I actually felt that the dragon aspect of the plot sort of got lost or overshadowed by the back-and-forth relationship arc.

I do plan to continue with the next in series just to hopefully see more character development and see where the cliffhanger leads. Not a bad book at all, just some pet peeves for me.

My thanks to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for providing the free early arc of A Fire in the Sky for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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I figured it was finally time to jump back into world of romantasy so I went ahead and binged this ARC as fast as my eyes could read! Although this was right up my alley, I feel there was some things that could have been done a bit differently through the story line.

Tamsyn and Fell were definitely fun to read about and I felt that she was really able to open him up despite his reputation. With the challenges she faced early on in life, I had hoped the arranged marriage would work out in all the best ways.

This was a quick read and although some portions were repetitive, the unique story and of course the addition of dragons always grabs my attention. I’m bummed I have to wait for book 2 to continue on in the story but I will impatiently be waiting for more info!

If you’re looking for something with plot twists, a steamy romance, and an ending that’ll have you running to see what the next book is all about, this is it!

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Tamsyn, adopted by the king and queen as a baby, is raised as the royal whipping girl. Although she enjoys nearly all the same privileges as the princesses, she is punished for their misbehavior, which constantly reminds her of her lower status. When Fell, the leader of the borderlands, arrives seeking to marry one of the blood princesses, Tamsyn is secretly chosen for the arranged marriage. Fell, unaware that Tamsyn even exists, is deceived into believing he is marrying a true princess.

The plot largely revolves around this deception, but the pacing of the story feels sluggish. The first third of the book focuses on preparations for the wedding and the effort to trick Fell into believing Tamsyn is a legitimate princess. The middle section follows their journey to the borderlands, but it lacks much action or excitement, making it difficult to stay fully engaged. The romance and tension between the characters add some intrigue, but overall, not much happens throughout the story.

Despite the slow build-up, the book takes an interesting turn toward the end. A surprising twist and cliffhanger give the conclusion more energy and tension than the earlier sections, making it more enjoyable than I initially anticipated. The ending and the addition of some romantic "spice" helped lift my overall impression of the book, resulting in a higher rating than I had originally planned.

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It was an enjoyable book! I found the world-building and mythology surrounding the dragons to be very intriguing. There was a mystical atmosphere throughout the whole story that made it very easy and engrossing to read.

The romance was nice. I wish there was more romantic connection and build-up between the two leads, as I felt like the development of the romance didn’t feel very believable. However, I did like both leads, and I enjoyed reading their point of views and getting to know their motivations, backstories, feelings, etc. I did think that while the romance was lacking, the moments when they had chemistry and sexual tension were really well-written and left me swooning.

I’m excited to read the second book after the way things ended in this book. I definitely feel like there’s so much potential for the sequel to be even better, and I hope that it’ll explore the world of dragons with more layers, depth, and nuance. I’m certainly intrigued thus far and would recommend to any romantasy fans!

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All the yes! I finally got around to reading one of my most anticipated reads and it did not disappoint at all. It kept me on the edge of my seat and turning the page and not wanting to put it down. I loved everything about it from start to finish and just wish I could read it again for the first time.

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A Fire in the Sky by Sophie Jordan. Dragons, Romantasy, Easy Read.

I rated this 3 stars.

Tamsyn is adopted by the royals after being left for them as a baby. Tamsyn was the Whipping Girl, she took the punishments for her “sisters” when they did something wrong. She is then placed in arranged marriage with Fell, the Border King. The ending is a cliffhanger.

Was the book good, sure was it great ehh no. I found it very predictable, choppy and repetitive. It was an easy enough read that I wasn’t annoyed with it or felt like I needed to DNF it. But I don’t think I will pick it up again or think back on it.

Thank you, NetGalley and Random Avon and Harper Voyage for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Tamsyn has been raised alongside the princesses, punished for their transgressions. Her best friend, Stig, captain of the guard, wishes for more between them, but Tamsyn must do her duty one last time, and marry Fell, the Beast of the Borderlands, in place of one of the princesses. After they have wedded and the deception’s revealed, Fell plots his revenge. But as they travel north, the arrival of a dragon changes everything…

This multi-POV romantasy hooked me from the start and I eagerly turned pages.

Tamsyn was strong and relatable, vulnerable and real. Fell’s reputation masked a complex character capable of brutality and beautiful tenderness.

Tamsyn and Fell’s connection was intense and believable. The tension from their false beginning turned into a delicious slow-burn. I loved watching both characters grow and change.

The world-building was solid but also left things open to explore in future books. I can’t wait to return to this world.

Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books for the ARC.

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4.5 ⭐️

Tamsyn was raised alongside the princesses as the royal whipping girl. She feels a sense of obligation to put them first and protect them in all things. Because of this she does not protest when ordered to marry Fell, the Beast of the Borderlands, in place of the princesses. Tamsyn questions her attraction to Fell, who feels slighted, and is determined to show her strength on the journey home to the north. Chaos and adventure ensues.

A Fire in The Sky was a quick and easy read. While the amount of spicy scenes makes it a definite adult romantasy, the writing does feel more young adult. Tamsyn’s naiveté was frustrating at times, but I did enjoy her overall. I also enjoyed Fell as a MMC. This book definitely felt like a stage setter. Some of the twists were easily guessable. Overall it was just a fun time which is what I look for in my romantasys! I look forward to book two where hopefully more action takes place.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon for an advanced copy in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the gifted ARC!!
This was SO good…like I literally could not put it down and finished it in two sittings. This was such a unique story and I’m officially dying for book 2. Is this my new favorite dragon book?? This was such a good balance between plot and romance.
The romance was everything. I love an arranged marriage and the tension?? Yes please. And the way Fell chose Tamsyn over everything…my heart.
The world building in this was really easy to digest, and I’m so interested in the world and can’t wait to see how it expands in future books.

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I loved this book. I think it was so unique. I can’t wait for the next book. The cliff hanger is really infuriating.

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I was totally intrigued by A Fire in the Sky, and I highly anticipated this book.

I saw another reviewer say this book isn't bad, but it isn't necessarily good either, and I agree.

There were so many repetitious thoughts for both main characters, and it got a bit tedious. They had minimal interactions and it made their connection not as believable as it could have been.

I also wish the world-building was a little clearer and more developed, and I would have loved a map.

The depiction of the dragons threw me, too. They sounded too humanoid for my tastes, and trying to imagine what they looked like was distracting.

That being said, I enjoyed the cliffhanger, and I could probably be convinced to read the sequel to see where this story goes.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley.***

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A Fire in the Sky offers an engaging blend of forced marriage and hidden identity themes within a fantastical setting. Though shorter than many Romantasy novels, it packs a punch with its imaginative elements, including dragons, witches, and a particularly eerie Huldra. Tamsyn stands out as a fierce and empowering female lead, while Fell, despite his reputation as the Beast of the Borderlands, reveals a surprisingly wholesome and affectionate side. The ending is both gripping and tantalizing, leaving me eagerly anticipating the next installment (I hope there’s a next one!)

Thank you NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager, and Sophie Jordan for the e-ARC!

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I was so excited to read this book when I read the description. A book about a forced marriage, dragons, multiple POV's, and hidden magic, count me in! This is also my first Sophie Jordan book.

Tamsyn is our FMC who is the royal whipping girl, someone who receives the lashings when the heirs misbehave/get in trouble. While she is seen as a "sister" and "daughter" to the royal family, others are not so fond of her, so when the the Beast of the Borderlands, Fell, comes and demands a princess as his wife, Tamsyn is offered as a "princess" to Fell. Even though their marriage started off with lies and deception, Tamsyn and Fell are drawn to one another as they journey back to the Borderlands.

We get three point of views, Tamsyn, Fell and Stig, Tamsyn's friend and captain of the royal guard. He is predictable and definitely makes some questionable choices. There is some repetition when it comes to changing POV's, but it didn't bother me. As the story continued, I was eager to learn more about Tamsyn and what was to come of her, but also just as interested in Fell and hearing his thoughts, learning of his lands and people and role he plays. I didn't really have a care for Stig's and his chapters were pretty short.

I liked this book and can definitely see where it could go based off the ending. There is a small amount of world building for a fantasy book, but I liked that it was simple to follow for Book 1.. I suspect there will be more to unravel in Book 2, especially with how the last...15% of the book went. Which, speaking of the ending, it was also a little predictable early on in the book, however, I enjoyed the adventure. The plot is fun and easy to follow, it was not as slow burn as I thought it would be, but I have a suspicion that I'll leave out due to spoilers.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager, and Sophie Jordan, for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book! Start to finish I was obsessed. Anything with dragons is a must for me and this one was no exemption. I highly recommend if you love fantasy.

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