Member Reviews

In a world of in betweens, will you find a sanctuary, or will you shatter? I have stunning @goldsborobooks special editions of Kate Dylan’s first duology but have not gotten to them in my physical tbr, and yet I couldn’t resist asking for an advanced reader’s copy of this book when I read the description. And I must say, I am definitely even more looking forward to the other two books now.

With a color-based magic system that also bears a desaturated, and often threatening parallel plane, this world is both familiar and very unique. It hits a lot of typical fantasy beats, but it never felt like it was slow or boring. The heist aspect gives the feel of popular TV shows like Leverage and series like Shadow and Bone, while the stark and hateful divide between a fanatic religious sect and the often equally harmful magic wielders draws clear connections to reality. Overall, a very fun read that I would recommend to most fantasy readers.

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The way Dylan writes kept me captivated and interested in this book. However, I found the book to be a bit confusing to follow along with and the beginning info dump didn’t really help with that.

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Until We Shatter is a fantasy heist novel about Cemmy, a magic-wielding outcast. Desperate to save her sick mother, she agrees to steal a powerful relic from a dangerous realm. Teaming up with a mysterious partner, Cemmy must navigate a world where magic is feared and controlled, all while trying to survive long enough to claim her prize.

DNF at 20%. This was not it for me. That cover was an immediate hook, as was the heist plot. But the story just unravels inside the protagonist's head for the majority of the pages I read; I was not going to read another 300 pages of internal monologue. There was no atmosphere and I couldn't connect with any of the characters. The magic system was kinda weird and overly complex? I did not like the whole shade/hues/colour thing going on and it just didn't grab me at all. But I will say the cover illustrator done an AMAZING job 👌 I'd buy the book just to have the cover on show on my shelves.

It seems reviews are mixed on this one ... A huge thanks to the publisher and netgalley for my digital review copy in return for an honest review!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in Until We Shatter For and the relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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Cemmy, our main character, is a very desperate thief, trying to keep herself and her mother afloat in a city which is on the brink of a civil war between the Church (anti-magic) and the Council of Shades (pro-magic), both of which hates her kind: A Hue, Half a Shade, able to dip in and out of the shadow realm by anchoring herself to the In-Between but not able to survive there without an anchor. But she is not alone, she belongs to a small group of misfits, hunted by all sides.

In her desperation, Cemmy is caught in a bad situation that ends up with her and her friends being blackmailed by a rogue Shade to steal a very secure and heavily guarded artefact since the Church though to create all protection systems to catch full Shades, but not Hues. Queue in the crew of blackmailed misfit Hues, using their colour-specific magical talents, in a life or death heist. Of course we are also served with a side dish of romance.

This book promises a lot for its relatively short length. The world building and the magic system were complex and missed some more explanation and development, since I often got confused about the different colours or metals and their powers and had to go back to where it was explained in order to follow the story again. I liked the concept of the magic system overall, even if I’m missing some depth in it, and I’m a sucker for a good found family story.

It’s worth to mention that this story also features bisexual and disabled representation (a deaf character).

I had never read anything by Kate Dylan, but the writing and pacing of this book was perfectly achieved. I felt, however, that it promised more and ultimately didn’t deliver. The story would have benefited from either from simplification, or a lot more depth being given to the world building and the magic system, as well as the already formed relationships between the characters.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read with good prose and a good old heist.

Thank you so much to Hodder & Stoughton | Hodderscape and NetGallery for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Until We Shatter by Kate Dylan

✨️ YA Fantasy
✨️ enemies to lovers
✨️ heist
✨️ unique magic system
✨️ found family

It was a quick, fast-paced, and action-packed read that I finished in a day. The world-building and magic system were complex but refreshingly unique. It's a YA Fantasy with no spice, but the story was so captivating that I didn't miss it at all..I initially found it challenging to connect with the main characters, but they gradually grew on me. They were likable despite their flaws, which made them feel more human to me. Cemmy was a compelling lead and I enjoyed the dynamics between her and her friends. Her journey of overcoming trauma and mastering her magic was beautifully written and I think she and Chase had a great chemistry. I was truly surprised by the twists at the end of the book. Even though it's a standalone, the ending felt somewhat open-ended. I hope we might revisit this world, perhaps through the perspective of a different character.

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I really enjoyed the writing and loved the concept of magical heists. Though what I found is that there was a lot happening and I did find it confusing at times. The main problem I found while reading was the magic system was very over complicated and I had to back go back for reference a lot of the time. I will say the magic system is very unique and different to what I have read before but I just wish it had been easy to understand.

It does pick up in the second half and I found myself enjoying that part a lot more.

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Kate Dylan delivers and unique and explosive fantasy story..
There's a lot to hold on while reading cause it feels very differently from the other fantasy books out there, but once you figure out whats happening everything will become clearer..
Magic, heist, love , friendships, deceptions, lies, secrets, it what you'll be expecting from this story
Read if you like
Enemies to lovers
Action packed
Complex world building
Unique magic system
Twists and turns
Thanks to Netgalley, the Author and Hodder & Stoughton for this arc

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Not sure where to start with this one. Huge disappointment. I’ve read (and LOVED) KDs previous books but this was just confusing.

Overly complicated magic system and I felt like most of the narrative was spent explaining the mechanics of it rather than actually moving the plot on and telling the story. I persisted as others said the payoff was worth the trudge at the beginning, in all honesty I wish I’d quit at 10%.

I just don’t think it works. Overly complicated and quite unlike able characters.

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I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley, thanks!

All in all I really struggled with the world building, it felt overwhelming at times and in the end I was left without a clear sense for the world in which the story was happening. I did also struggle with the magic system and I found myself having to scroll back on my kindle to reference (though I do think this would be easier with a physical copy!) One thing I will say though is that the magic system is very unique and unlike anything I have read before, I just wish it had been explained a little clearer!!

I can see why this has been compared to six of crows with the heist element however I dont think they are comparable at all. I did really enjoy this but I got completely different vibes to six of crows and honestly the characters in this felt a little bit more 2 dimensional.

Once I got over the hump of the world building at the start I was hooked on the story from about 30% in until the end and I found that I couldn't put it down. I do think it is worth a read for lovers of fantasy.

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“Until We Shatter” by Kate Dylan is a thrilling, action-packed heist fantasy that will captivate fans of “Six of Crows” and “A Darker Shade of Magic.”

The story follows Cemmy, a desperate thief whose life is constantly under threat from both the Church and the Council of Shades, with both factions warring over the control of the people.
When her mother falls ill, Cemmy is forced to take on a life of crime. She meets Chase and is put in a position where one dangerous job could solve all their problems. She must team up with him, an enigmatic and dangerous character, to steal a powerful mysterious object.

The book excels in its world-building and magic system; which is both unique and intricate. It revolves around Shades, which are colors that represent different types of magical abilities. Characters’ powers are derived from these Shades, and there are also forbidden Hues, which are dilutions of these Shades.
The found family characters are well-developed and engaging, with Cemmy’s relationships adding depth to the narrative. The plot is filled with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, especially in the later parts of the story.

Overall, “Until We Shatter” is a vibrant and explosive fantasy novel that combines high stakes, a compelling heist, and a richly developed world. It’s a must-read if you're looking for a fresh and exciting adventure caper!!
Thank you to @thekatedylan and @netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this amazing Arc

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Cemmy is a Hue, the child of a magicless human and a shade full of magic based on color. Being a half-breed, she has been hunted her whole life due to her existence being illegal. In order to make ends meet for herself and her dying mom, she uses her gifts in the Gray to steal from those around her. But when a lift goes terribly wrong, she and her other Hue friends must team up with the enemy to save the Gray and the world.

This is an interesting book to review. The concept was so unique and I loved the magic system. However, it felt so convoluted for how short this book is. The reader is constantly thrown all these colors and their associated powers. The beginning of the book provides a basic index of the shade colors and their magics, but not the hues. This is purposeful due to information revealed later, but it made it very hard as the reader to keep up with all the info dumping.

My other issue was the characters are felt very flat. We’re told of their relationships and how close they all are, but rarely did I feel it true. This could be another by product of this being a 300 page book, but I couldn’t bring myself to care about any of the characters. I felt like too much happened off page and I felt like an outsider to the story.

All this to say, I found the book just okay. There was nothing that kept me from wanting to pick it up, but nothing that kept me wanting to come back for more either. I think a lot of people will enjoy the mystery and heist, both of which were my favorite parts of the book. The second half of the story is definitely where it shines, so if you can read the first half in quick succession I think you’ll have a must better experience.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hodder Books for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I had an arc of this book, and i struggled to finish it. However I did enjoy the story it was a bit confusing at times or too slow paced.

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A book of magical heists - usually right up my alley. The writing itself is well done. What really hindered this book for me was the FMC and the overcomplicated magic system that was introduced a little too brashly and bluntly. In theory, using the colours and such as a base for the system is a great idea, but there are too many holes and lacking structure to support the book. It is a writing style that implies the reader already knows the world and then tries to backtrack and explain it. What also hurt this book for me was the e-copy received was very poorly structured/formatted, which made reading it awkward. I would be interested to read another of this authors work because the writing itself is good, but the story and world were not for me,

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Absolutely amazing 💙 Kate has done it again, and how is it possible to love this book even more than her first one I do not know…but I do!! If you loved Mindwalker you are going to have this on your favourites shelf as soon as you finish the last page (after you have a mini rant of emotions to whoever is closest).

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Thank you Netgalley for letting me read the ARC of this book.

I had a great time reading this one. The characters were fleshed out and had great dynamic with each other. The story also had me hooked from beginning to end. The only thing that was a minus for me was the magic system. I had a hard time understanding and following the powers and the Gray area. But that is only a me issue. But other than that I was entertained throughout.

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Definitely one of my favorite fantasy of 2024!! The world building and the magic system were super well done and very different from most things I've read. I really liked the characters and the found family trope was very well developed too, the romance didn't really win me over, but honestly everything else made up for it. Also can we NOT talk about chapter 24???? it hurt!!!! 😭

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Shadow and Bone, Six of Crows meets The Black Prism.

Cemmy is a thief, trying to keep afloat in a city which is on the brink of shattering amidst a civil war between the Council of Shades and the Church, both of which hates her kind. A Hue. Half a Shade, only able to dip in and out of the shadow realm by anchoring herself to the In-Between.

Cemmy and her friends of fellow misfits, hunted by both sides, are blackmailed to steal the most securely guarded artefact.

Cemmy makes a lot of bad decisions a lot of the time. But she is always fuelled by mostly good intentions. Protecting her friends, caring for her mother’s sickness, dealing with her own fear and trauma of a previous job gone wrong.

For this reason, she can be an incredibly frustrating character to follow. Wrapped in secrets like a security blankets leads to more and more problems (and betrayals).

I don't want to talk, or go home, or act sensible. I want to burn.
The problem with a burn is that it's wont to blister. And when it inevitably does, the pain only screams worse.

It is fascinating that a lot of the issues the crew runs in to is a matter of false information by people who control the flow. How altering what people know can shape their prejudices, fear, and sense of self.

“A perfect soldier is a Shade they can predict and control," Chase says, jaw tense, voice bitter. "And when power is afraid, you can always trust it to make the most morally bankrupt choice."

The magic system was hard to grasp to begin with. A lot of colours and their aligning powers and attributes and weaknesses, yet so long as you get your head around the main crew, it is easier to follow.
However, I do think a glossary at the start might have helped.

- Bi-sexual representation
- Deaf and signing representation

Thank you to Hodderscape for sending me the physical arc in exchange for a review!

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this is such a hard review to write. Whilst I enjoyed Dylan’s writing in this book, I just did not get on with the story and the world.

I read and loved Mindwalker, so I was very much looking forward to this one and was delighted to receive an eARC in exchange for an honest review. Unfortunately, this really let me down.

I genuinely don’t feel like I understood the world enough to be able to write a summary, and what little I did understand felt convoluted. The magic system of shades and hues and their powers was overly complicated, which left me feeling very confused throughout. We do get some explanations about 40% in, but this felt too little too late and in all honesty left me none the wiser.

I thought that the friendships between our main characters were underdeveloped and therefore unbelievable. I would have liked to have seen more of our main character Cemmy with her friends Novi, Ezzo and Eve.

I also felt that the “romance” sub plot between Cemmy and Chase was underdeveloped, unnecessary and I just couldn’t get on board with it. I would have done away with this and just had more time devoted to explaining the magic system.

It’s been 24 hours since I finished this, so I’ve had time to think about it, and I’m still coming away confused, disappointed and frustrated.

I *think* I can see what Dylan was trying to do, I really do love her writing and I appreciate the effort. The execution however, was disappointing.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hodderscape for the eARC.

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Super tricky to write this review because honestly I still don't understand this book... I felt like I just kept waiting for everything to be explained and it never really was. So here's the best synopsis I can offer; Cemmy is a Hue which means she's the child of a typic (a powerless human) and a Shade, a human with a power based on a colour. Each colour has a different power but don't ask me what they are because I have no idea. The world she lives in doesn't like Shades, but REALLY doesn't like Hues. She and her friends (who are also Hues) are abducted and forced to help this evil bloke Savian to rob the Dominion (don't ask me about this either) and steal the Siphon which is like a power sucker thing that will take away everyone's abilities (I think). They don't want to do it but kinda have no choice. Cemmy is trying to look after her mum so she'll do anything to help her. Additionally, there's this guy Chase who works for Savian and he's maybe not quite so bad? And he's also pretty which always helps. I feel like I've done a terrible job of explaining the plot but that's as good as I'm going to manage (sorry!)

I really wanted to love this, I adored Mindwalker and can't wait to read Mindbreaker. Those books have a really well described and established world that this book is severely lacking sadly. I just still don't understand the powers and the Grey and the In-between and all the Hues and Shades and what it all means really - they're just sort of meaningless words that keep being repeated without every being truly explained. Even after reading the whole book I have no idea what power Cemmy had as a Bronze. There's also magic too but that's never expanded upon so...

It's a strange one because the world isn't explained nearly enough, and the only detail we get is about 40% in which is too long to wait in my opinion, but it's not necessarily badly written. It could have been so much better if it had been simplified a little and maybe edited a bit more. Alternatively it could have just been explained again (I'm someone who needs spoon feeding when it comes to fantasy so maybe that's a me problem).

I couldn't really tell you much about any of the characters which meant I just wasn't impacted by the dramatic things that happen to them, and I didn't buy into the romance at all (despite being a romance girly through and through).

Overall, I didn't love it and I didn't hate it but I certainly wouldn't pick up a sequel if there ever was one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hodder Books for the eARC.

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