Member Reviews

"The Mesmerist" is excellent historical fiction based on a crime that took place in Minneapolis in 1894. The time period is descriptive and atmospheric, and Woods creates a sense of palpable tension. Recommended for readers of historical fiction. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Mesmerist paints a vivid world of suspicion, second chances and unfortunate circumstances. This book has planted itself onto my list of favorites.

The Bethany Home for unwed mothers houses young women who are desperately seeking refuge from a turn of events that leaves them with nowhere else to go while they await the birth of their child. When a young girl shows up on their doorstep bedraggled and seemingly mute, rumors start to swirl about who she is and where she came from. Some of the girls say she is a Mesmerist who has been casting spells on them. Others say she is not mute, just pretending to be. Who is she?

This book is based on true events and the author has done some incredible research to bring this story alive. The characters are described beautifully and it’s easy to get immersed in their mysterious lives before and after their pregnancies. If you love great historical fiction, give this a try. It’s a fantastic 5-star read. Thank you, NetGalley and Doubleday Books for the ARC.

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I really liked The Mesmerist. A good read about giving woman second chances. One of my favorite time periods, the Gilded Age. I loved the setting and the characters. An interesting Fiction read based on a real place, with a true crime that occurred in Minneapolis in 1894. This is the second book I've read by this Author, I love The Lunar Housewife. Looking forward to reading more of this Authors work.
#TheMesmerist #NetGalley

I give The Mesmerist 4 stars for its interesting read.
I would recommend this book to Historical Fiction fans.

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I was thrilled to get a eGalley for The Mesmerist because I enjoyed Woods' earlier titles. This one did not disappoint. Part spooky mystery, part historical fiction with great pacing and vivid characters!

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I thought this was a great read. The entire premise of the book was something fresh and new, which I really appreciated.

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