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"As two lives collide, will love bloom on the French Riviera?"

Nina's divorce papers come through on her fortieth birthday and her ex-husband makes it clear that he expects the family home to be sold. Nina decides that enough is enough and she is fed up with playing it safe and being sensible. It's time to take a few risks and choose excitement over security for a change, before it's too late.

Even after all this time, Nina is still hung up over her first love, Frenchman Pierre, whom she met aged 17, when she was part of an exchange trip with her school. She remembers how beautiful, thoughtful and poetic he had seemed, making her heart race, especially when he had begged her not to return to England when the exchange was over, but to run away with him. She goes online and with relative ease, manages to track him down to the same small town, where he is now the owner/manger of a chain of Patisseries.

Silly as it may sound, she decides that the only way to find out if their relationship could ever have a second chance, is by heading to France for an extended break, in the hope of 'accidentally' bumping into the enigmatic Pierre. Acting completely out of character, Nina hands in her notice at work and searches for a short-term house swap, with someone who wants to spend some time in England, whilst the sale of her home goes through. She can't believe her luck, when almost immediately French businessman Jean-Luc agrees to swap his idyllic, spacious, bougainvillea-strewn villa on the French Riviera, for her rather mundane estate house.

The place is dreamlike, the town exactly as Nina remembers it and a convenient café across the road from Pierre's office means that she has already managed to catch a glimpse of him. Then, Nina's peace is shattered by the unexpected arrival of Jean-Luc's sister Sabine, who knows nothing of the house swap arrangement. Sabine moves into the house and Nina, despite not wanting to, begins to like the vivacious woman and her carefree lifestyle.

Jean-Luc also has a younger brother Antoine, a widower and father, who runs the local repair garage and who takes an instant shine to Nina. When Sabine decides to move things along for Nina and Pierre asks her out, everyone assumes that this is going to be the start of a beautiful romance. However, Pierre's actions are not those of a man smitten and wanting to rekindle an old flame, in fact anything but. They do say that love is blind, but it takes Nina a seemingly inordinate amount of time and almost one of the most fatal mistakes she has ever made in her life, before she opens her eyes to the reality of the situation and her own rather naïve stupidity.

Can she salvage any of her dreams of a new beginning?


Contemporary romance is not usually one of my preferred genres and simply by reading the premise, I knew that I might have to suspend belief in reality just a little to read this story. So, whilst being fully aware of exactly what I was letting myself in for, I was prepared to go along for what turned into a very bumpy ride for Nina.

Well written in short punchy chapters, this entertaining story moved along at quite a pace, in a dual timeline format - the present day and flashbacks back to when Nina was a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl - both told in her own words and replete with her own unique and individual style of delivery.

Whilst as an outsider, the storyline was a little predictable and I could probably have worked out very early on, how this inspirational, escapist adventure and leap of blind faith was going to end for Nina, I was quite happy to enjoy the journey and let it to play out at its own pace, even though I knew it wasn't going to look pretty when Nina finally removed the blinkers!

As well as being a definite page-turner, as I found myself literally shouting at Nina not to be so stupid and to wake up and smell the roses, author Gillian Harvey also filled the storyline with some well placed descriptive snippets featuring the sights and ambience of this particular region of France. Not enough to overwhelm the senses, but sufficient to make me wish I was there and able to offer Nina some much needed advice in person. That tantalising cover art really does help set the scene for this particular novel.

There was a relatively small cast of principle characters and whilst I may not have connected with all of them, I was quite happy to be in their company, with the exception of the nauseating and duplicitous Pierre who got off far too lightly as far as I'm concerned. Sabine added a touch of spontaneity, levity and French joie de vivre to the occasion, whilst the erstwhile Antoine was the perfect gentleman to the end. Nina had some pretty quirky ideas about relationships and what she expected from them, so I am just keeping my fingers crossed that she reaches the right decision in the end.

So, whilst there was no real Wow! factor for me, the story nonetheless ended in such a way that the possibilities are there for a sequel.. maybe?

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I wish I could swap a house in the riviera. Lovely writing, engaging, and great characters. I am glad I made time to read this story. 5 STARS.

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Well this book just didn’t sit well. The editing of this book seemed all wrong and for that reason I didn’t finish it.

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Nina is at a crossroads in her life. As she reaches a significant birthday and faces up to her recent divorce, she finds herself re-evaluating what her future is going to look like. Taking advantage of her imminent house sale, Nina decides to take the plunge and embarks on a House Swap in the French Riviera. Nina finds herself looking back at her youth and wonders what would happen if she was to meet up with her first love.

On her extended break from work, Nina is hoping for a quiet period of isolation and solitude. What she gets are unexpected friendships, naked swimming and quite a few surprises. This is an escapist and heartwarming read. There are several romances in the mix and you find yourself hoping that Nina will take a few risks and stop trying to please everybody else.

In short: a great summer read

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Engaging book but could have used a stronger hand in editing.

Thank you to NetGalley aan the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publishing house and the author for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of this book in return for a review based upon my honest opinion.

Nina is still reeling from her divorce, turning 40 and not being where or who she wants to be. Nina plays it safe, she didn't go for the career she wanted, she took a safe job with security, she didnt' run off and marry the man of her dreams, she chose the stable, easygoing man, her now ex-husband. Nina makes lists before every choice she makes, weighing the pros and cons. Turning 40 throws her for a loop, she is now divorced and realizes she has never taken a chance at anything. She thinks about Pierre, the one that got away, a boy she met on a french exchange program, who asked her to marry him.

Nina casually decides to google him and when she sees he still lives in the same area, she decides that she is going to quit her dead end job and run off to France to accidentily on purpose bump into Pierre to see if that spark from many years ago is still there. She finds an ad for a house swap and as she goes to Jean Luc's house in the French Riviera, he goes to her house in England. Jean Luc's sister, Sabine shows up on her doorstep and ends up inviting herself to stay for a few weeks, while Nina at first is reluctant, she quickly finds herself enjoying Sabine's company. Sabine and her brother antione end up trying to assist Nina with her plan to bump into Pierre. When she finally meets up wioth Pierre will it be all she expected it to be or will her future lie somewhere else.

I really enjoy this author's books, they are a delight to read. Her characters are easily likeable and relatable. This book had some giggles and the scenery was gorgeous. I look forward to more books by this author.

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In this fun and cozy modern novel, readers follow Nina, who has a chance at a new start on her fortieth birthday when her divorce papers come through. Realizing that choosing security over excitement her entire life has made her life dull and sensible, she decides to take some risks -- leaving her steady job and seeking out her high school exchange boyfriend and first love Pierre. Recreating that experience through a house-swap with French businessman Jean-Luc, Nina wants to find some excitement, happiness, and love as she starts her forties on her terms. A fun, enjoyable read full of heart and emotion, Nina is a fantastic, realistic, and relatable heroine whose struggles are all too common and relatable for modern readers. Her relationships with her new and old friends in this novel are supportive and kind, and the novel flashes between her present day life and her time on exchange when she was seventeen and in love with Pierre. The setting of France is whimsical, romantic, and beautiful, very different from Nina’s prosaic life in England, and it helps create the shift in choices and life for Nina’s character arc. The characters are the star of this fun and easy summer read that fans of cozy reads and holiday reads are sure to enjoy.

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Gillian Harvey’s The Riviera House Swap is a gloriously escapist tale drenched in sunshine, romance and heart perfect for Jo Thomas fans!

Nina has spent most of her life playing it safe and taking the sensible option – and it’s got her nowhere. With the divorce papers having come through on her fortieth birthday, all Nina has to show for her life is a boring job and ex husband who was the human equivalent of dry paint. At seventeen years of age, Nina had her chance at excitement having met a gorgeous French boy called Pierre. But having refused to elope with him she has spent the intervening decades stuck in a boring rut -but not any more. The time has come for Nina to unshackle herself from her daily routine and take a few risks.

Booking a house-swap in France seems like an excellent starting point – although what businessman Jean-Luc is going to make of her cottage in rural England is anyone’s guess! But Nina just wants to leave her staid life behind and indulge herself by staying in a beautiful villa on the French Riviera. Being in France will also enable Nina to try and find Pierre and recapture all the hope and passion of their youth. But is Pierre still the man of her dreams? Or should Nina look elsewhere for her happiness?

Gillian Harvey writes with such verve, style and élan that reading one of her books is the next best thing to a luxurious French holiday. The Riviera House Swap is a lovely read about letting go of the past, love lost and found and taking a chance on yourself that is so hopeful, inspirational and entertaining, I found myself completely immersed and engrossed in Nina’s story.

Witty, charming and enjoyable, The Riviera House Swap by Gillian Harvey is a fabulous page-turner that makes for the perfect holiday companion this summer.

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I really wanted to like this book, but the FMC goes on at length about the guy who was her first love, and how great their life will be all these years later. Very tiresome, DNF.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley, I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The lack of editing actually offended me as a reader. One page a character is Brigitte, the next page it's Bridgette.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC for an honest review.

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A brilliant synopsis, very promising, but the result was... well... not so brilliant. I mean, it was not bad, it has its moments, but on the whole it felt very simplistic, very predictable, very meh. At the beginning the characters almost killed me with their dialogues, they took PAGES to get through one conversation - the whole book, to be honest, was more on the slow side. The retrospections to Nina's exchange in France read as if they were really written by a 17 - year - old, so not sure if it's good or not so good, but for me they read awfully.

If you're looking for something absolutely undemanding about self - discovery and starting afresh, this might be a book for you - it's easy to read and it's there to entertain you, not to make you think.

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When I saw this book I was so drawn by the synopsis and I simply had to read it.
If you're familiar with "The Holiday" starring Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet (which is my all-time favorite movie, by the way), then you'll understand the concept of a house swap.
It's quite straightforward: two individuals exchange homes anywhere in the world for a set period. This is precisely the premise of "The Riviera House Swap."
I devoured most of the book in a single day, finding delight in every page.
Gillian transported me to the south of France, and although the story unfolds in November, I envisioned splendid summer days, savoring buttery croissants and sipping rich, sweet coffee at street-side cafes.

"The Riviera House Swap" unfolds over two time periods: the present and flashbacks to when our main character, Nina, was seventeen and participating in a French exchange program. Now at forty and feeling discontent, Nina begins to ponder the paths not taken...
Stumbling upon a collection of old but unforgettable love letters while clearing out her cupboard, Nina is inspired to make a significant change. She decides to embark on a solo adventure, arranging a house swap with a man whose residence is on the French Riviera—the very place her long-lost love hailed from.
Will she seize her opportunity for a second chance?
I won't spoil that for you. You'll have to read the book yourself!
My gratitude goes to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing an advance reader copy.

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A woman leaves her train wreck of a life to see if she should have followed her heart years ago and married the 17 year old boy she met in a French student exchange program. The premise was pretty predictable, but I did find it interesting how blinded the woman was by creating a love story for herself and not seeing all the red flags popping up when she meets her first love years later.

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All of this author books I have read have been a fantastic read and The Riviera House Swap
Gillian Harvey was no different. This book was a wonderful read and beautifully written from start to finish.

Now, Would you swap houses with a total stranger?

Nina, is a 40 year old and recently divorced English woman she is at a crossroads in her life and has become miserable! She feels she is in a bubble and she needs a big shake up and big life change.

Impulsively Nina goes online and finds another kind of French exchange….......a house-swap.
She can’t imagine what French businessman Jean-Luc wants with her terraced home in rural England, but she can’t wait to stay in his beautiful, spacious, bougainvillea-strewn villa on the French riviera......

What an adventure this will be?

Maybe Nina will find love she missed all those years ago!?

But will Pierre still be the man of her dreams after all this time?

This book was a lovely read and touched my heart.

I highly recommend this beautiful book.

Big thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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Thank you @netgalley for the ARC of The Riviera House Swap by Gillian Harvey. I like reading books about middle aged women redefining themselves and can relate to the restlessness at this age. I also like romance about people going to little European towns to do so. I liked the story of Nina taking a break from her life and becoming more adventurous. I wish it had been just her going instead of hunting down a romance from her teens. It was a bit creepy for her to stalk him and surprise him in France and also to have been pining for him all these years over a short fling. This is a cute summer romance perfect for a beach read.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book. It made me feel like I was on vacation!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!

I really enjoyed this book. I wasn’t sure I was going to be fell in love with the characters and the setting and the writing style of this book.

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So poorly written that it was a chore to finish; I do not recommend this book- save your money for one of the many good books out there.

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A divorce, a 40th birthday, a job she has become miserable at have all lead Nina to a crossroads or as she says mid-life crisis. She has lived her life doing the "safe" thing and now feels that it has all blown up in her face. Impulsively she does a house swap with a man from France taking her back to the site of her student exchange town from high school when she last acted impulsively. Will she find the missing love of her life or will it be a flop? Even better, will Nina find her true self?

This book has some truly fantastic characters that show what true friendship and support are supposed to look like. Supportive, funny and at times the dose of reality that you need. While at other times, the "bad influence" to get you out of your rut! The book has wonderful dialogue and slowly shows Nina as she navigates her holiday with her pro and con lists on hand continually. The plot was well thought out, although it did move slowly at times, but it did keep you entertained and engaged in Nina's journey. The underlying theme being that you must love and trust yourself before you can love and trust someone else. I enjoy this author's writing and she definitely gives me wanderlust. Everytime I read her books; I end up wanting to go on an adventure of my own!

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3 Stars
One Liner: Good concept and themes but…

Nina has played it safe for years but when she receives the divorce papers on her fortieth birthday, she decides to make the most of her remaining life. Nina plans a trip to France to track down the only man she loved, Pierre.
A house-swapping chance makes it easier for her to take the next step. It is a good opportunity for a fresh start. But will it be with Pierre or will Nina find something else?
The story comes in Nina’s third-person POV.

My Thoughts:
I enjoy lighthearted reads with some important themes. This book promises fun with a touch of romance and some introspection. While the premise is attractive, the results are sadly mixed.
What I Like:
The side characters are cool (except for one person). Nina’s best friends are the right mix of support and caution. They know when to let her rant, when to tease her, when to encourage her decisions, and when to remind her to be careful.
Sabine is proper sunshine. She can be overwhelming but gives exactly what Nina needs. Moreover, the humor in scenes with her feels more realistic and natural.
Nina’s pros and cons lists are great. As a list maker, I see the rationality of this approach even if her actions and decisions aren’t great.
Some scenes with Nina’s fears and vulnerabilities are well done. Her confidence has taken a hit, which makes her do some stupid things but she does realize in time.
The hubby is not the bad guy (this is not a spoiler). Given how most ex-husbands are supposed to be jerks, I like that he is a decent human.
What Could Have Been Better:
For a light read, the pacing is a bit on the slower side. While the plot doesn’t drag, it doesn’t sustain the tempo, either. I was easily distracted during the first half.
This is not a romance. It is women’s fiction with barely a touch of romance. While I enjoy both genres, I wish the ‘love’ track was better handled. I couldn’t feel any chemistry despite liking the character.
The track with Pierre was easy to smell from a mile away. While predictability is a thing of the genre, I think the whole part could have had a little more depth. It is not fun when the reader thinks the FMC is not using her brain cells even when we are 70% into the book.
The initial humor feels forced. It doesn’t become seamless until Sabine enters. That makes the FMC a weaker character. In fact, I never laughed or chuckled when she tried to be funny. It was the others who made me smile.
To summarize, The Riviera House Swap is an easy read with some decent themes. I’d say your enjoyment will depend on how well you connect with the main character.
Thank you, NetGalley and Boldwood Books, for eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.
Links updated.

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