Member Reviews

I’m always on the lookout for more books set in the Gilded Age and thereabouts, and I’ve seen Shelley Noble recommended a few times before, so I was excited to try The Colony Club. The concept intrigued me, particularly the establishment of the first women’s social club. And Noble did her research into the era, capturing how the Colony Club helped open women up to a world beyond the domestic sphere which had previously been considered their primary (sometimes only) domain.
Various historical people populate the pages, and while I didn’t know a ton about them prior to reading the book, Noble does a solid job bringing them to like, from Florence “Daisy” Harriman to Elsie de Wolfe to , and more, not to mention other major figures of the Gilded Age, like JP Morgan. But she also weaves in some of her own fictional characters, particularly Nora Bromley, who fits right in among the other brilliant women.
I enjoyed the narrative overall, covering the establishment of the club and some of their early achievements, and it was fairly engaging overall. But my one issue comes from the timeline and how it impacts pacing. On the one hand, there’s a framing narrative set in 1963, largely following older Daisy telling the story, and I found the times that it would dart back to this framing narrative rather jarring. And as is the case with historical fiction that covers several years, the story felt rather disorienting, with all the skipping around, instead of feeling more fluid and like a more cohesive narrative.
But in spite of these subjective issues, I mostly enjoyed this book, and am interested in reading more from Shelley Noble in the future. I’d recommend this to readers looking for women-centric historical fiction.

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Super fun & interesting to read. I even looked up the building (which is still there!) on Google Maps. The POV shifts between people rather bluntly and somewhat confusingly... perhaps a little tilde between them? My students (all young men) would not be interested, but it could be a feminist manifesto!

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In the very early part of the 20th century a woman by the name of Daisy had the idea for a womens club. She gathered a group of her friends and fellow socialites and The Colony Club was born.

I chose this book because I liked the cover and love reading about the Gilded Age in America. The story was very interesting and well told. While I thought the book would be about Daisy and her socialite friends it was very heavy on Nora, a young woman who wants to be an architect. I did enjoy Nora's story. I did think at times the story got bogged down a bit with some repetitive details.

I found all of the descriptions of New York and the club well written and I could easily picture the scenes. I thought it was extremely easy to feel part of the story and really feel what Nora was experiencing and also feel the excitement of The Colony Club and everything it stood for.

Fans of historical fiction are sure to enjoy this book. As will fans of New York, architecture, and The Gilded Age. A well written story with lots of great detail.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion which I have given.

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This is the type of book that I love to read: historical fiction based on the lives of trail blazing women. And then throw in a murder, and I’m sold! This novel features 2 real life figures, society matron Daisy Harriman and glamorous actress Elsie de Wolfe, and 1 fictitious female architect, Nora Bromley, who come together to design and build the first women’s club in New York City during the Gilded Age. The women have to fight misogyny and overcome the scandal resulting from the murder of the primary architect on the project, Stanford White. l enjoy reading about high society during the Gilded Age, and this novel was clearly well researched. Unfortunately it didn’t grab my attention enough that I felt unable to put it down. I think I was anticipating more focus on the murder and subsequent trial, and not the day to day life of the 3 women during construction. 3.5/5⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read and review this ARC.

I was originally interested in this story after reading another book about Florence "Daisy" Harriman called The Last Light Over Oslo, which took place years after this historical fiction novel. In The Colony Club we meet Daisy as a young society mother in the early 1900s eager to make positive changes in the social and health spheres of women and children. Along with Daisy, we follow the POV of Nora, a young (fictional) wannabe architect who must deal with a tough family situation, money woes, and misogyny in the workplace; and Elsie de Wolfe, a famous actress of time who becomes a celebrated interior designer. All three women's paths cross in the creation of The Colony Club, the first of it's kind social club in NYC.

I really enjoyed Nora's story and it seemed like most of the book focused on her. Daisy and Elsie's characters were pretty one-dimensional and didn't really add much to the story. The description of the book indicates that the murder of the Colony's Club main architect, Stanford White, will be a bigger catalyst in how these women come together but it only happens about 70% of the way through the novel.

I liked learning about the fight for the existence of the Colony Club and learning more about how buildings are designed. Would have loved some images of the real people and places but I guess that's why Google exists.

Three stars.

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I received a free e-arc of this book through Netgalley.
I really enjoyed this fast-paced look at some of the first women in interior design and architecture in the United States. It kept my attention. I really liked Nora and George. The idea that men could have men's clubs all over, but that women "belonged in the home" is so aggravating to read so I'm sure it was a million times worse to live through. I'm thankful for these pioneers of women's rights.

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After she can't get a room at the Waldof because she's a single female, Daisy Hariman, decides to build a women's club so they'll have a place to gather and stay while in the city.

Set in the Gilded Age, high society Daisy, architect Stanford, actress turned interior designer Elsie, and Nora - a low society new graduate determined to become an architect are put together trying to pull this club together. Nora felt she was being demoted to working on a women's club, until she sees it coming together. All the characters are entertaining and the storyline moves fast - it's a really interesting book!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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Nora Bromley is studying architecture when she wins first prize in a school competition, catching the eye of Daisy Harriman, a New York socialite who is in a contest of her own, to build an exclusive club for women where members would have a place to exchange opinions, research issues, stay physically fit and promote important social causes. With Stanford White as chief architect and Elsie de Wolfe as interior decorator, the Colony Club will be an aesthetic meeting place. When Nora is taken on as an intern in White’s firm, there is much unrest and abuse. As she proves herself worthy and talented, her projects increase; unfortunately, when she is appointed as assistant to the interior decorator, she believes her architectural career is challenged. Even worse, in June of 1906 when White is murdered by Harry Thaw, her reputation is threatened. Shelley Noble’s storyline is based on a 1963 interview of Daisy whose life would reflect what the Club would come to represent: women’s activism and New York City history.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Harper Collins Publishing for an early copy of The Colony Club by Shelley Noble

Author Shelley Noble has created a detailed and believable narrative focusing on the life of Florence Jaffray "Daisy" Harriman who along with other prominent women in early 20th century New York worked tirelessly to establish a place where they could socialize, hold meetings, dine, exercise and avoid a hotel when in need of accommodations. The Colony Club was the dream they envisioned an d realized, although not without hardship and unfair press.

Alongside Harriman's story (her husband, Bertie, was diplomat Averell Harriman's cousin) is the compelling portrait of a young woman, Nora Brimley, who dreams of becoming an architect in a world where women are expected to stay home and care for home and family. When Nora wins first prize in an architectural contest, she realizes the beginnings of a career in her chosen field. Being accepted in a labyrinth of men tests Nora's resolve at every turn. While Brimley harbors feelings of inadequacy, it is her persistence in making the Colony Club a success that sees her through.

When the murder of a Nora's boss along with the mistaken belief that Brimley is somehow involved becomes the top news story in New York City, the plot takes some dramatic turns that lead to triumphs for the women who never gave up and were armed to continue to fight for child labor laws, women's suffrage and better hospitals for tuberculosis patients. What a debt of gratitude we all owe these courageous women!

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I don't know where to start - this is a phenomenal book that will be extremely difficult to set down! The publisher's description notes "a thrilling historical novel about the inception of the Colony Club." It was on that basis I selected this novel. While the details of the Colony Club were painstakingly researched, I was entranced with the character development, especially Nora. Nora has worked hard to achieve her skills as an architect - in a male dominated field. She persists despite her male colleagues. Ms. Noble wraps character development around several characters including society matron Daisy Harriman and others. While Daisy is wealthy, she wants a club that "will nurture social justice." The end of the book comes all too quick and will leave you wanting more - as it did me!

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The Colony Club by Shelley Noble

I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley for review. My opinions are my own.

4/5 stars

I really liked this book as it’s a topic I knew little about - women in architecture in the early 1900s. I do think that it speaks to women in the working field in general, and what they had to do to get into male-driven fields.

This book intertwines two stories together - the women of the Colony Club, working to be taken seriously and advocating for social issues, and Nora, a brand new architect hired by Stanford White’s firm. The stories eventually overlap.

My favorite character in this book is Nora - I was so invested in her story.

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I really enjoyed this historical fiction novel!
The story of how The Colony Club, the first womens’ social club, came about was very interesting.
I loved the fictional character Nora, I was routing for her throughout the story. She was determined to succeed and would not be deterred in a profession, at the time, where were not welcome.

Thanks to netgalley for this eArc

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I loved this book! Historical fiction based on the establishment of NYC's The Colony Club, one of the first women's clubs. Set just after the turn of the 20th century, and focusing on the build-out of the Club's actual building there are several real life characters: Stanford White, Daisy Harriman, Elsie de Wolfe (considered to be the first interior decorator) and a spectacular scandal that enveloped all of them. It's also the story of fictional Nora Bromley, one of the first female architects. Nora is a wonderful character, smart and charming and very aware of the trouble she will encounter working in a male-dominated field. She's lucky enough to encounter a few men who aren't threatened by her and that's how she comes into contact with the women of the colony Club. There's a great sense of time and place in this book that it almost becomes an additional character. Lots to love here! Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Quick - how many women architects can you name? The only one I can easily identify is Maya Lin. Lin’s design of the famous Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a now a cherished monument to Americans. However, she faced harsh criticism of her artistic design and public doubt of her credibility as a young female architect when she first won the memorial design competition.

Shelley Noble takes us on a journey nearly a century before Maya Lin’s career to discover the long history of gender discrimination in the architecture field. Noble’s her newest book, The Colony Club, refers to the ground breaking initiative of the first women’s club in Manhattan, which was established in 1903. The storyline explores the prejudice and hardships a female architect faced at the turn of the 20th century. The talented young woman in the story is fictional, but Noble expertly sourced facts from several women architecture pioneers.

One of the few opportunities for women at that time to study architecture design was the New York School of Applied Design for Women. What a amazing opportunity for female creatives when the school opened in 1892. True to life women mentors, trendsetters and women’s rights advocates fill in the story details for an inspirational tale. This includes social reformer “Daisy” Harriman, interior designer Elsie de Wolfe (considered to be the first in this field), and theatrical and literary agent Bessie Marbury. Famous architect Stanford White (of McKim, Mead, and White) is also brought into this intriguing story since he was the actual contracted architect for the Colony Club.

As I read about the interlocking roles of these historical figures, I was motivated to look up other biographical and historical details around the story. To me, a curiosity for more information is the true test of a successful historical fiction novel! I was also enthusiastically cheering for the fictional character (young female architect), wanting to see her succeed and gain more recognition of her talents. The only weakness, in my opinion, was a side story exploring this character’s family relationships. It didn’t seem to add value to the story. If it was meant to earn my empathy for her, I didn’t need it. The character already had my support from the moment she sat down at the drafting table.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to fans of historical fiction. Noble herself is a successful architect in designing a story that brings several key interests together. We walk the New York City streets during the Gilded Age in the shoes of both wealthy Socialites fighting for social causes and young career women struggling to find their place in the business world.

Thank you William Morris for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Net Galley and William Morrow for the chance to read and review this book! All opinions are my own!
I love books about strong women, and this one fit the bill perfectly! It featured so many interesting women! When Guilded Age matron Daisy Harriman cannot find a place to stay overnight as an unescorted female, she gets the idea to create a women's club. She gains the support of her friends, and they hire architect Sanford White to design the building that will be known as The Colony Club. This club will be a place where women can meet, discuss new ideas, have dinner and stay overnight. The other storyline involves a young architect named Nora Bromley. In spite of the prejudice involved in hiring a female architect, Sanford White decides to take a chance on her. She becomes involved in the designing of The Colony Club. The characters were very well developed, and I liked all of them. Even though the story was historical fiction, there was a lot of factual information and characters. I enjoyed reading the author notes where she explained fact and fiction. I really enjoyed this book and the way the plot moved along. I would recommend this book to all historical fiction lovers!

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I love historical fiction, and what better era to choose than the Gilded Age? This was a time when women were starting to realize their worth, yearning for equality, and fighting for the rights of all. This was a very liberal era in certain circles. Of course, it sure helped if you had money!

Ms. Noble was certainly able to blend fact with just a touch of fiction and did it with elegance. She chose a complex subject, spun a tale (most of it historically factual), and pulled the reader into the era in a way that made me feel as if I were making history.

It is a perfect blending of fact and fiction.

*ARC was supplied by the publisher William Morrow Paperbacks, the author, and NetGalley.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️From Harper Collins Publishing: When young Gilded Age society matron Daisy Harriman is refused a room at the Waldorf because they don’t cater to unaccompanied females, she takes matters into her own hands. She establishes the Colony Club, the first women’s club in Manhattan. She hires the most sought-after architect in New York, Stanford White, to design the clubhouse.
As “the best dressed actress on the Rialto” Elsie de Wolfe has an eye for décor, but her career is stagnating. So when White asks her to design the clubhouse interiors, she jumps at the chance. He promises to send her an assistant, a young woman he’s hired as a draftsman.
Raised in the Lower East Side tenements, Nora Bromely is determined to become an architect in spite of hostility and sabotage from her male colleagues. She is disappointed and angry when White “foists” her off on this new women’s club project.
But when White is murdered and the ensuing Trial of the Century discloses the architect’s scandalous personal life, fearful backers begin to withdraw their support. It’s questionable whether the club will survive long enough to open.
Daisy, Elsie, and Nora have nothing in common but their determination to carry on. Together they strive to transform Daisy’s dream of the Colony Club into a reality, a place that will nurture social justice and ensure the work of the women who earned the nickname “Mink Brigade” far into the future.
My review: Amazing look at early 1900's New York. Famous names abound in this novel and I had to keep researching what was actuality and what was fictionalized.
The women in the novel (real and fictional) were all strong and determined and not the quiet, doting types one may think of from this time period. Nora fights her way through life to attain her goals and she meets amazing people along the way: Daisy, Bessie, Elsie, George, and all the secretaries at the firm.
White's murder was the "trial of the century" and his activities were far ranging and affected many people. It was fascinating to follow that in this novel.
The Colony Club was real and much of its creation in the novel is how it happened. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and learning about the people and lifestyles in New York during this time period. This is a wonderful female centric look into NYC history.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins Publishers for an advance digital copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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What a wonderfully researched book about the Gilded Age in New York City. The story is told through the eyes of three women from different walks of life. The wealth in contrast with the poverty of the city is well written. The development of the characters, especially Nora, was delightfully depicted. I read late into the night, the story was so compelling. Very highly recommended. I will have to investigate other books by this author.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. The thoughts and opinions in this review are entirely my own.

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The Colony Club
Shelley Noble

When the Waldorf refuses to let her have a room because she's an unaccompanied woman, Daisy Harriman decides women should have a club to call their own. Hiring Gilded Age architect Stanford White to design the clubhouse, Harriman learns some men will try to limit a woman's ambition.

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For fans of: The Personal Librarian, The Davenports
Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
Genre: Historical Fiction
TW: Bullying

The Colony Club follows 3 women—socialite Daisy, actress-turned-decorator Elsie, & aspiring architect Nora—as they found & build NY’s 1st women’s club. Noble juxtaposes the splendor of Gilded Age NY against the subsistence living of Lower East Side families, allowing readers to revel in its splendor while placing it in its social context. While the story is told from 3 POVs, I think of this as Nora’s book, though she is the only fictional one of the 3. Her story of growing up poor and training to become an architect at a time when women struggled to enter the field is inspiring. She also has the biggest character arc, not only in how her situation evolves, but also in how she grew personally & professionally. If I had to give 2nd ranking to a character...The Colony Club itself. As a student of history and an architecture & design nerd, I loved its origin story. Especially how its evolution—from inception to opening—was tied up in women’s struggle for literal and figurative space beyond the approved spheres of daughter, wife, & mother. My only minor critique: Nora’s resolution is perhaps a bit tidy. I’m all for a HEA, especially for someone who faces down obstacles with Nora’s determination. In reality, few women in Nora’s situation would have had those hurdles resolved so quickly or in so fortuitous a manner. But this is fiction. We’re allowed to recognize that there were 100 sad stories for every triumph and to cheer when our fictional protagonist gets her due. If you read only one historical novel this year, I highly recommend you make it The Colony Club.

Thank you to William Morrow Books & NetGalley for a gift copy in exchange for an honest review.

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