Member Reviews

There are folk out there who will warm to the wit and imagination of Baxter’s latest, but I’m not one of them. Too slow, too indulgently discursive. And I’m afraid too trivial. Sorry.

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Kingsboro, Ohio resident Brock Hobson is a divorced dad, an insurance salesman and a Sunday School teacher. Pretty much a good guy. He takes a predictive blood test and gets some disturbing news about his potential proclivities. This begins the drama that turns his life upside down.

And everyone who is a part of his life is involved. There’s his sweet girlfriend, Trey, the paragon of toxic masculinity for whom is wife left him, his ex-wife, herself, Cheryl, who always needs just a little more money from him, and his teenage children, Lena and Joe who are beginning to explore their sexuality. Can Brock come to terms with everything?

From the author of FEAST OF LOVE this is an enjoyable look at fate, middle age and “I think this story has been about love and not about the blood test in the title.” Some great witty moments too, “If you were to ask him where Italy is located on the globe, he wouldn’t know, but he would despise you for asking. Did I mention his hat? No. But you can imagine the hat. I don’t have to explain everything.” Oh, we laughed as we prayed that people did not vote for him! Good book.

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