Member Reviews

Greek Villa had beautiful scenery descriptions and the travel abroad trope really tugged close to my heart. The romance between the characters however felt overused and not as hooking as the rest. If you want an easy read, this is it.

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This is a great story of being lucky enough to reach for your dreams. With the help of a hefty inheritance Claudia is able to make her dream a reality. With its descriptions of the food, views and locals it feels like you’re in the story. Buying a villa sight unseen can have it’s draw backs. With some frustrating mishaps she gets to spend extra time with her sexy carpenter. Listening to her friends and families relationship woes and past experiences she is jaded on dating. Forming a bond with Dimitri and giving advice that helps to mend relationships she finds hope again. Thank you to NetGalley for this free advanced copy. I’m leaving this review voluntarily

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The Greek Villa is a nice, easy summer read that explores relationship challenges amongst the main characters and the side characters. The author does an amazing job of describing the setting and scenery so you really feel like you are in Greece while reading.

I was stuck between rating 3 or 4 stars but decided to go with 3 for one main reason. I don’t mind slow burn romances but this book felt extra slow burn. Much more of the plot is spent on the villa renovations and the main characters move to Greece than there is on the budding romance. There was a nice build into their relationship, but I would’ve enjoyed there being more to that story line earlier in the plot.

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC. This was such a cute love story. It was a tad predictable but most romance novels are. It didnt stop me from rooting for the couple and enjoying the other characters. I am glad I picked this book and you will be too.

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The Greek Villa sweeps readers off to Greece in a story of love, second chances and friendship that permeates throughout the characters. The descriptions of Greece captures the reader's attention with the vivid images of the culture and scenery that made me slightly envious of Claudia and her Greek villa when reading! The author creates a stark contrast from the dreary and mundane world of working in an office in the UK to the stunning world of Greece that pulls Claudia deeper into building her dream life and villa. I also enjoyed the depiction of various relationships from old friends turned rivals to friends again, father - son relationship and Claudia's family dynamics that proved that it doesn't matter the situation, relationships and friendships always take work and love to flourish.

I didn't feel that Claudia and Dimitri had a great level of chemistry and their relationship didn't have that build-up that made me root for these two to be together. I think the relationship would have benefited from a situation that forces the two characters to spend a lot of time together (aside from renovating the villa) that creates tension and helps the reader understand the characters more deeply.

The Greek Villa is a fun, light-hearted and fast paced summer read that entwines second chances, love and community in the perfect for holidays in the sun! Let Sue Roberts take you on a journey to Corfu and back with her vivid characters and imagery that makes the reader experience the delights of Greece without leaving the house.

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I absolutely loved this novel. The setting, the characters, the storyline, everything just worked and I really enjoyed it. Although I will say I love all books by Sue Roberts. They’re easy to read and I struggle to put them down.

Overall, a lovely summery read. Would 110% recommend.

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This is a great holiday read and I was instantly transported to a beautiful Greek island alongside Claudia. The descriptions of the scenery and the food are so vivid and amazing. It's a really enjoyable romantic fiction. I would have loved the epilogue to be a bit longer as the ending seemed quite brief.

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If you want to transport your mind to the Greek Isles, this is the book to take you there. It has definitely bumped Greece even further upon my bucket list. The story itself was slow to get started but worth “ beach read” consideration.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

Claudia works for the UK passport office and is very judgemental towards the poor souls who just want their passports in time, as if they always have a say in when it can be renewed. She buys a dilapidated villa in Corfu from an inheritance she received. The book details the renovation and her growing feelings for builder Dimitri.

The blurb tries desperately to make this sound interesting, but there is basically no conflict. Every minor building problem is solved within half a page. Every Greek person she meets is lovely. Her brother's and her friend's two marriages just get better by themselves.
The realities of Brexit are ignored, and foreign buyers of Greek property hailed as doing good.

This is light-hearted but forgettable fluffy escapism that has no grounds in reality. It's a nice quick clean summer read with a gorgeous cover, and the 11th book about Greece this author has written. This would be perfect for people who don't want to have to think while they're reading, and just soak up Greek atmosphere and tales of friendships and romance.

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This was just what I needed to help me through a tough week. Nothing is better than delving into a Sue Roberts escapism read. This was a fabulous light hearted fun read with everything in there to cheer you up and get you into the spirit of summer. The characters were engaging and as usual the descriptions of the food and the location made the reader feel like they were stepping through the cobbles of Greece on a summers evening or dipping their toes in the sea.

It is a story of hope and second chances and of never giving up on following your dreams

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What a beautiful summer read! I absolutely loved being transported to Greece and the little village just sounded absolutely stunning. I could definitely imagine myself living there.
Wonderful characters.

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It was a fun, summery read - perfect to read when you are on vacation!

I have never been to Greece but while reading this book, i felt like a was there - all the descriptions were so detailed, i loved it! Now i want to go there and check for myself if it's really that beautiful.

My name is also Claudia so i felt a good connection to the main character, i too would love to get myself a home in a foreign country (but i do not, in fact, have an uncle with a lot of money, so i will stay in Germany). Getting out of your comfort zone is hard, but sometimes you just need to take a chance and go with the flow!

The only thing that bothered me was that i didn't feel THAT much of a chemistry between the main characters - it was lacking something, i do not know what yet. But anyway it was a nice story which I've read in one evening and i will definitely check out the other works from this author!

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to read this ARC, it was a pleasant journey!

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It was fine. Predictable but still enjoyable. Nothing really rememberable about it. But I enjoyed it while I was reading it

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If you need a book to transport you to an island in Greece, The Greek Villa by Sue Roberts does just that! The writing in this book is so descriptive, you can’t help but feel as though you are actually in Corfu. I loved the originality of the concept in this story & the characters were well written too. Definitely a great summer beach read!

Thank you NetGalley & Bookoutre for an ARC copy of this book.

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After the truly awful weather we’ve had in the UK recently, I knew I needed to transport myself to sunny Corfu as soon as I received an advance copy of Sue Roberts’ new book. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it’s a tale of friendship, blossoming romances and new experiences. The plot unfolds well and I was completely invested from the beginning. The characters are relatable and likeable devoured this book in a day. The descriptions of Corfu leave you feeling as if you’re right there with Claudia, you can almost taste the mouth watering food as it’s described and feel the hot sun on your skin. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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I liked the descriptions of life in Corfu but must admit not not particularly enjoying the way the book was written - I felt it was just one long description of a process and it seemed too closely related to a recent TV programme where someone bought a house in Skiathos and did it up….

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What would you do if you inherited a handsome sum of money from a family member? For Claudia, she finally makes a bold move to live the life she has been dreaming of and moves to Greece to embark on a fixer-upper journey! Claudia is a character that is so beautifully relatable, she acknowledges the blessings in her life and uses the generous inheritance to not only fulfill her goal, but recognizes it is something to honor her Uncle Jack’s legacy. The Greek Villa is a beautiful read that really makes you want to start following those dreams!

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