Member Reviews

This is a must read! I have been listening to Pastor Joby online for several months, so I knew when this book came out, I had to have it! The book did not disappoint. I highly recommend that you read this book and share it with your family and friends. Grace is the single greatest gift we could ever receive. Pastor Joby did a fantastic job of laying out the gospel in a way that is easy to understand! Whether you have always gone to church or never attended, we can all benefit from reading this book.

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This book is powerful. Powerful in its description of God’s Grace. Powerful in its delivery and imagery. Powerful in its conviction. The Lord gave His Grace to me, ME! And the only thing that I did to deserve it was sin. “I did the sinning and He did the saving!!”

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Joby Martin and Charles Martin did it again. They present the truth of the gospel chapter after chapter in ways that are relatable, clear, and through tears and laughter I ended up on my knees in awe that Jesus saved me. Their use of constant bible references allows the reader to constantly be reminded that this is not just a good story, it’s the truth of the Bible.
I have known Jesus my whole life and I grew up in church and youth group. I was taught that my good behavior made God happy, and my sin made God mad. I grew up feeling that God’s mood was determined by my behavior. This book reminds me that “Jesus plus nothing equals salvation”. My behavior is in response to God’s love end approval of me, not the other way around.
I highly recommend this book!

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An entire book on God’s Grace! On the surface, maybe a seemingly simple concept, but in reality, so many layers to understand and so many critical components to wrap your head around to truly comprehend the magnitude of both our need for Grace and the great cost that Jesus paid on our behalf to make this gift available to us. In true Pastor Joby (Martin) fashion, he uses everyday illustrations to unpack and help us understand the many different facets of God’s Grace in our lives. As a follower of Jesus, one of the biggest questions this book caused me to grapple with is this…. Does the life you are living demonstrate to those who are watching that you actually HAVE been “Run Over by the Grace Train”? Even if you think you understand God’s Grace, I can promise you this book will deepen your understanding and challenge you to consider just how much you’re allowing God’s Grace to change your life. I’m praying that everyone who reads this book will encounter God’s Grace in a real and tangible way. Thank you to Pastor Joby Martin and Charles Martin for this third collaboration!

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I liked this book. I can't really tell you why I liked this book, since it is guilty of so many things that make me not like a book, but I liked it anyway. There were some turns of phrases and some straight truths in the writing that caught me and wouldn't let go, and for that, I am always appreciative.

It does seem to be a book geared toward more immature believers - those newer to the faith. Perhaps it is meant to be this way. As a more aged person of faith, then, it really hit me in spots like swirling spiritual milk around in a glass. Which is why, I say, it's the kind of book I would not typically like, but here I am, liking it anyway.

I think the author would be better off to stop drawing attention to himself as soon as he speaks truth. He will say something that is straight-up biblical truth, then immediately give the sense of kind of backing up a little bit with his hands in the air - don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. I just tell you like it is. And now, all the tension that the truth creates (in a person who would be seeking truth by picking up this book) is relieved and resolved because the truth doesn't linger there; the author does. So I think that distracts a bit from what he's trying to do.

I quoted this book several times on my social media as I was reading through it, and a few more in my personal journal. It is, largely, well done and has a voice that will reach the intended audience well in most places.

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This book is packed full of scripture but presented in such a way that all people can relate to it. The analogy of the impact of Christ on our lives being compared to encountering a locomotive is a powerful visualization (take if from someone who worked for the railroad industry for 10 years).

“Many of you feel shame and condemnation and you need to stand on the tracks and let the train run over you on its way to glory. You need to receive the Grace of Jesus.”

After you are run over by the Grace Train the old you is dead and you are no longer defined by the scars of your past, but by the love of Jesus who gave up his life, so that you could live.

Each chapter ends with an earnest, heartfelt prayer that gives the reader a glimpse into an intimate and personal conversation with God.

It also contains many examples taken directly from the Bible of people like Peter and David who were not perfect people and made many mistakes in their lives but came to realize of the magnitude of God’s forgiveness. Chapter 5 quotes David’s prayer “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10) Which Joby explains as “God, I need to be different. I need you to change my wants and change my desires and do something for me in here that I can’t do for myself. You see, it’s not enough for me to be sorry. I need to be different.”

That is what we need. Not just forgiveness, but transformation, so we don’t continue to go on being controlled by our sinful nature and repeating the same mistakes.

Read this book and reach a fuller understanding of what it means to truly accept God’s grace.

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Wow! Joby does it again with this one. A phenomenal reading experience. It is one that brought me to tears on many pages. Tears of joy knowing what God has done for me and tears of sadness at accepting my part in Jesus need to suffer. Thank you Pastor Joby for showing the light in the darkness.

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If you have ever doubted how God could ever love you. Run Over by the Grace Train magnifies God's amazing love for ALL. God's amazing Grace is written with honesty, openness, humor and frankness. The truth found within the pages of this book can help you to truly be free.

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I know Pastor Joby Martin from his sermons at the Church of Eleven 22. His ability to take what I see as “complex theology” and breaks it down seven ways to Sunday provides me the opportunity to finally grasp onto a deeper understanding of the Bible I think I already know. It seems like a gift, if not an art form. Learning the deeper meaning of Bible passages such as the talons, although talking about money is really talking about forgiveness. He emphasizes how forgiveness is so important to keeping our eyes on Jesus, since He covered all our sins, it needs to be the lens of Grace-that loving, free gift of forgiveness we did not earn, that we look through that helps us to be slow to anger. This book is full of gems like that.

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As usual, Pastor Joby Martin had me laughing, crying, learning... and inspired! Although Joby and Charles Martin AREN'T family, they write so beautifully together you just know they share a Savior if not a bloodline!

The worse you feel, the ugliest and dirtiest you can possibly be, the further beyond-help you can get is covered over by God's royal robe of love and forgiveness and all you have to do is just LET HIM! The worst, most terrifying sin you can imagine- is not too big for God's Grace. Joby and Charles show us through God's Word that the only sin too big for His forgiveness is the sin we don't bring to God. That His Grace is a free gift for the asking is so beyond our comprehension that you ARE just blown to smithereens when it hits you!

Joby brings us closer to God and brings God's grace down into the reach of our grimy, sticky, human hands. The joy of finally stepping out in front of that "grace train" with all your sins and baggage in hand WILL change your life forever!! Praying that this book does, too!

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This must read book is beautifully written. Pastor Joby has a way of delivering messages with such love, understanding, discipline and patience. If anyone is ever in doubt as to whether they are worthy of redemption please share this book.

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Love it! Run Over by the Grace Train grabbed my attention and heart to renew the great, overwhelming power of God’s lavish grace in Jesus Christ. Joby Martin, as always, is real, witty and writes with passion for the gospel. I’m ready to read it again and plan to have several extra copies to give family, friends and whoever the Lord lays on my heart. Great read!!

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I preordered this upcoming book by Joby Martin, lead pastor of the Church of Eleven22, and received an advance copy electronically on I have to say, even though I have read the book already, I am still greatly anticipating receiving my copy in the mail. I am the type of person to highlight key passages, and mark up books like this because they speak to my life, and how I am living it.

This book started off explaining what grace is, and how when we get run over by the grace train, we should look different than we did before. Honestly, that part was simply a bit of a reminder for me, as I accepted the grace of Jesus Christ years ago. But it is always good to look back and remember what we were like before Christ walked into our lives.

Joby Martin goes on to talk about forgiveness, anger, making amends, and so many other things. Each chapter hit a spot in my soul that needed to be hit, even those spots that I didn't realize I needed to work on. I am still a work in progress, and thankfully there is more grace in Jesus than sin in me.

When this book becomes available in mid-September 2024, pick up a copy! You will be glad you did!

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Just like his other two books, Pastor Joby Martin has again made the sometimes difficult to understand Bible so much clearer. His use of everyday examples, comparisons and stories helps the reader understand God's word, His Grace and His great love for us. And most importantly, for the non-believer it will answer so many questions about inadequacy, sin, and just being "Good enough" for God's Grace. Well done Pastor Joby!

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