Member Reviews

This was a really good book by Max Lucado, I especially appreciated his first half. I have read many of Max's books throughout the years and have wanted more from him. He tends to write all of his books for seekers and/or new Christians and I have wanted him to dig deeper into the Bible. I thought that this book hit the mark a little more for people who are already strong in their faith but wanting to keep learning. I really look forward to his next book to see if he continues digging deeper. This book covers the return of Christ, which can be scary but is also to be celebrated. He paints a great Biblical picture of what is to expected.

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In What Happens Next?, Max Lucado dives into the often-intimidating subject of end-times prophecy with his signature storytelling and pastoral warmth. Lucado begins with a thought-provoking question he uses to spark conversations: “Where are you headed?” This question sets the tone for the book, as he explores humanity’s ultimate destination through the lens of Scripture.
Lucado explains that understanding biblical prophecy isn’t just about predicting the future; it’s about gaining hope in the present. He emphasizes that God has revealed His plans to encourage and prepare us. Through themes of redemption, the return of Christ, and the Millennial Reign, Lucado offers a clear outline of what Scripture says about the end times.
The book thoughtfully navigates complex topics like the Rapture, the Second Coming, and the three primary views of the Millennium—amillennialism, postmillennialism, and premillennialism. Lucado also highlights prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament and those still awaiting fulfillment, drawing heavily from Daniel and Revelation.
One of the most touching sections is Lucado’s discussion of Paradise. He describes it as Heaven’s "front porch," where loved ones and saints cheer us on to finish our earthly race. This depiction provides comfort and hope for those grieving or wondering about what lies beyond this life.
While Lucado uses modern translations like The Message and New Century Version to simplify complex ideas, some readers might find the phrasing too casual. However, his intention to make eschatology accessible is evident, and his conversational tone breaks down barriers for readers wary of end-times theology.
With humor, humility, and heartfelt insights, Lucado reminds readers that God holds the future firmly in His hands. Whether you’re curious, skeptical, or fearful about the end times, this book offers a biblically grounded guide to understanding what’s next in God’s story of redemption.
Max Lucado’s What Happens Next? is both a theological roadmap and an emotional balm. It equips readers with hope and clarity while emphasizing that God’s plans are good and trustworthy. For those intimidated by prophetic passages, Lucado’s accessible style and deep faith provide both comfort and confidence.

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What Happens Next
A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age
by Max Lucado
Pub DateAug 13 2024
Nelson Books |Thomas Nelson
Christian| Nonfiction \(Adult\)| Religion & Spirituality

Nelson Books/Thomas Nelson and Netgalley have provided me with a copy of What Happens Next for review:

Prepare, don't be scared

Do we live in the end times? If so, How does that affect you?

In contrast to the confusion and anxiety often associated with this topic, Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared; informed, not intimidated. He writes: "The future is not frightening if you know the future. And you can know the future when you know who holds it."

With What Happens Next, you will learn what the Bible says about heaven's time line and be empowered to face the future with faith. As Max presents a well-researched overview of what God's Word says, he offers four key insights that are key to understanding God's eternal purpose:

We were made to reign with Christ.
God has made and will keep his promises.
Heaven has a time line.
A golden era-the millennium-awaits God's children.
Plus, Max takes you on a journey of the time line of history, examining essential milestones such as the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and the glory of heaven.In addition, Max explores the timeline of history, including the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and heaven's glory.
.We will encourage you to ponder God's future promises, regardless of whether you are "I can't wait," "I'm almost ready," or "I'm not sure about all this."

Max's encouraging style reminds us, "It's all about hope. It's all about him."

I Give What Happens Next five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.
Max Lucado is a great author and this book did not disappoint. I found it to be a great read.
Highly recommend.

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Max Lucas is a wonderful writer who makes me say wow so many times. In this book he shows the reader timeline of history. He helps the reader to get closer to God.

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What Happens Next was an informative and uplifting look at what the Christian end times could potentially look like. As someone who was raised outside of the this worldview, I can see how impossible these events would look to someone outside of the Church, but it gave plenty of scripture to back up the optimistic perspective that all will be made right in the end. Thanks so much Max Lucado and NetGalley for the opportunity to read.

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What Happens Next
By Max Lucado

Though I requested and was excited to receive this book, it took me a while to actually be able to sit down and read it. This is one of those books that is best when it is taken in small measure. Each chapter discusses more and more of the prophesies of the bible and how they apply to the modern day. It is enlightening and yet scary if you don’t have a deep faith in the Lord.
Often when speaking about what the bible teaches us in the book of revelations about the end of times and what to expect it shakes you to your core. You can often apply many of the things the bible teaches us to today’s world. If you’re not ready to receive the word as it is written in can be truly terrifying. Those of us that know our god and know what to expect are ready. Knowing that we are safe in our father’s care, we trust that we are taken for rapture and won’t have to suffer but what of those people that do not know our lord and father yet currently? What will they go through? How should they prepare? Do they need to prepare? These are all valid questions and if you want answers you should read this book. It will tell you everything you need to know. So I only have one question: Do you have the courage? Lets pray you do. #netgalley #whathappensnext #maxlucado #modernchristianfiction.

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What Happens Next: A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age by Max Lucado is an important book for us today. This author consistently writes with wisdom and grace, in prose that is highly readable. This book is that and more. This book is for you if you are wondering how current events match what the Bible says. You’ll find those answers in this book. But you’ll find something unexpected— you will find hope. Here, there are clear answers and reassurances of God’s control and His faithfulness to His promises. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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Max Lucado is consistently excellent. His newest book What Happens Next gives a clear Biblical understanding of End Times and the hope of eternity.

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Max is America's pastor! He has a unique way of sharing Biblical truths that anyone can understand and apply to their lives. When I need the comfort of a pastor, I always turn to Max Lucado. The end times is a confusing and challenging topic to cover, but as with all of his books, Max breaks this down this very complex topic into an easy to understand format. He does well to compliment the biblical truths of the end times and at the same time, brings hope!

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What Happens Next: A Traveler's Guide Through the End of This Age by Max Lucado
hopeful medium-paced

The description from NetGalley said it so well. This book was encouraging on a topic that I honestly find terrifying most of the time. He gives us hope and encourages us that it is something to be excited about, not scared.

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This was a truly inspiring book. Reading it gave me hope that God is in control of all things and has a plan for us. The plan goes back to the beginning of the Bible in the book of Genesis and continues throughout the Bible until the end in the book of Revelation. I love how Max Lucado drew me back to focusing on what God has in store for us instead of the things going on in the world. I loved reading this book and will recommend it to anyone who needs hope.

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I received a free copy from Netgalley for an honest review. Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors. Anytime he explains anything it will be easy to learn. A very good book on the last days and how to prepare for it. Will highly recommend this book and author.

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What Happens Next by Max Lucado is one of the most in-depth, encouraging books written about the return of Christ and the fulfillment of end-time scripture I have ever read. I have enjoyed his books over the years, and found his approach to be ever hopeful and compassionate. This tome is written for those new to the study of prophecy and explains each phase with that in mind, with Bible verses and commentary. With each disclosure of times of great testing and judgement, Lucado explains using the Bible how God has made provision for all and is not unjust. What Comes Next culminates in the fullness of the glory of God, when the very best is at last, and evil is no more. This was a very powerful writing of a difficult subject that some people avoid, but this is the book you need if that describes you.

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Wow! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ++
I absolutely loved and devoured every chapter of this book. Max Lucado writes with a unique voice that deeply moved me. As a believer, I gained new insights on my traveler’s guide through the end of this age, and found affirmation in what I thought I knew about what happens next. I look forward to the day when I journey to my eternal home in Heaven—a place I now understand more clearly, filled with the promise of a beautiful homecoming.

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When I read a book by Max Lucado, because of his unique writing style, I feel like he is having a friendly conversation with me. He explains things clearing in a way that is easy to understand, and his sense of humor shows through, even on a serious topic like this one.
I have read the book of Revelation more times than I can count and can’t say that I ever completely understood it. Max’s explanation with examples, about this very important topic makes it clear, even when speaking of the book of Revelation.
Everyone who is still breathing should be concerned about this topic of what happens next when either the Rapture occurs, when those who are Christ followers will disappear in the clouds to meet Jesus in the air and what happens to those who have already died. If you are left behind on the earth, it is very important to know what happens next.
Max expertly outlines exactly what happens to those who disappear, those who have already died, and those left behind to live through the tribulation. Everything he tells us is backed up with the scripture reference, so any doubters can look it up themselves.
I highly recommend this informative, important book, that will be a valuable addition to a home library.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. All comments and opinions are my own.

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An interesting, informative, enjoyable read with easy-to-understand (or as easy as it can be, anyway) explanations of the end times. In typical Max Lucado fashion, anecdotes and relatable examples draw you in. This isn't a theology book, but the explanations, justifications for Lucado's views, and Bible references seem to be on point. Kept me engaged, and reading, from beginning to end.

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In the book What Happens Next, author and pastor Max Lucado, writes about end times with optimism and hope. Lucado writes: “Understanding the future empowers us to face the present. That was Paul’s opinion: "I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us" (Phil. 3:13–14 nlt).”
While Lucado writes optimistically, he also gives us the reality. He writes: “Jesus told us to anticipate choppy waters. According to him, the final days will be marked by escalating events of…. • deception • signs in the heavens • economic turmoil • seismic activity • persecution of Christians • political conflict • famines • pestilence • commotions • ethnic conflicts • false prophets • waning faith • fearful sights • wars and rumors of wars • diseases (Matt. 24:4–14; Mark 13:5–13; Luke 21:11)”
Lucado gives good overview and encouragement about the future. I would highly recommend this book. I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Christian author and pastor Max Lucado has written a guide to end times with a title that reminded me of another book I enjoyed in my college years. What Happens Next? A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age reminds me of Douglas Adams' title for his book, A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe. I need a guide like Max to understand biblical prophecy, especially the daunting book of Revelation. Every book Max writes entertains while teaching me.

Max joked that older folks usually enjoy new hobbies like gardening, crafting, and baking. His new hobby is eschatology. A friend questioned Max about his choice of topic. Why not talk about the here and now? Carpe diem and all. Max said understanding the future God revealed in His Word gives Christians hope in this turbulent present age (Matthew 24:3-44 ). Max begins with a question he said works well for him when initiating in airport conversations: Where are you headed?

Whether in travel or in life, Max wants us to know where we’re headed. The Scriptures show us God’s plan for humanity before, during, and after life here on planet Earth. He said the Bible has more than 700 references to Heaven; 300 passages about the return of Jesus Christ, which equates to “one out of every 25 verses”; 23 out of 27 books in the New Testament describe the Second Coming.

His takeaway? Scripture wants us to ready ourselves for “what happens next.” The Bible said no one knows the day or hour – not the angels, not the Son, not any televangelist, only the God the Father. (Matthew 24:36) To understand the end, Max said we need to start at the beginning, or protology, the study of origins and first things. Adam and Eve were created to have dominion over the Earth and creatures God created (Genesis 1:26-28). The serpent tempts Eve to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They would be like God, knowing good and evil, but that choice brought sin into the world. Their sin separated them from God. (Genesis 3)

That didn't mean God canceled His plans for the Garden of Eden when He barred Adam and Eve from entrance, Max said. He put a pause on the plan. Sin had a price to be paid. Only a perfect, sinless human could pay that price. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Jesus Christ became flesh – fully human, fully divine - and bore our sin on His body. He took our punishment when He died on the cross. He defeated sin and when He arose from the grave, He defeated death. In Scripture, Jesus is the second Adam Paul talks about succeeding when the first Adam failed.

Two themes emerge in Scripture, Max said: it’s all about hope and all about Him. Our hope centers on what Christ accomplished at the Cross for us and the fact that today we serve a Risen Savior. He defeated sin and death. Our hope is also centered on the return of Christ. For now, He is at the right hand of the Father “until the time comes when all things will be made right again.” (Acts 3:19-21 NCV)

Old Testament prophecies have already been fulfilled as seen in the New Testament, but others have not yet happened. And that’s what Max’s discussion centers on in this short guide to the end times. After talking about God’s covenantal promises to Adam and Eve, Abraham, Jeremiah, and David, as well as the new covenant with His Church. He discusses the Rapture and the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth. He explained that most Christians agree that Christ will visibly return in the clouds as written in the New Testament (Mark 13:26-27). Christians agree that the dead will rise again, just as Christ arose from the grave. We will live in eternity with God. Max here gave three views of the Millennium: amillennialism, postmillennialism, and premillennialism.

Many Christians know they are saved by grace, and that Christ is coming again. How they view the Millennium rather informs how they interpret what happens next. Max wants to help us crack the code.

Max presented for consideration the prophet Daniel. He read Jeremiah’s prophecy about the 70-year Babylonian exile and interpreted the words "as is" when he prayed for God to keep His promises in the 67th year. Those 70 years were not symbolic or figurative to Daniel. While praying, he received a prophetic word from the angel Gabriel that involved 490 years (See Daniel 9.) Max said Daniel wrote what is considered “the backbone of Bible prophecy” in that passage because people are still waiting for those 490 years. Daniel inspired Max to consider a word-for-word, literal interpretation of biblical prophecy, especially Revelation. Max also presents other Bible scholars who mined the prophetic Scriptures in similar fashion to explain how they interpreted these difficult passages from AD to today.

Jesus told us it’s going to be a bumpy ride in the final days (Matthew 24:8-10). He wants His church prepared, watchful and waiting, but not fearful and fretful about the future. Max gives the plan of salvation to readers to reach others for Christ, so they will be ready when He returns for His own.

I loved when Max talked about Paradise, the place the thief on the cross heard Jesus say they were going. Paradise is Heaven’s front porch, Max said, with loved ones and other saints praying for us to finish this race well. That brought me immense comfort.

Max is a gifted storyteller and pastor. He knows how to search out just the right story to go with the points he wishes to illustrate. He weaves memoir with biblical teaching. One example he gave was that his Dad took his sons on camping trips back in the days when we had no GPS. His Dad would highlight the route, the campgrounds, and then reveal the plan to his sons. He told them of the great activities planned as well. Everything happened just as he said, down to the expected climate, views, food, and recreational activities. Max compared this to God’s plans for us in Scripture. What God says, He will do.

Max joked in his author’s note that he has “a reserved seat at the PWPOET Café in Heaven – Pastors Who Preached On End Times” where they will probably laugh and shake their heads over what they missed or misunderstood. He provides an easy to follow outline of his discussion seasoned with humor and love for his audience. His intended readers are those who are leery, confused, or cynical about the subject of eschatology – end times. And he helps readers mine the prophecies found in Scripture for themselves so they too can know “what happens next” in God’s story of our redemption and new life in Christ. Max reminds us that God has tomorrow in His hands, and we can rest in that knowledge. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t change His mind. What He plans, He will do.

Max uses various translations of Scripture, including the Message and New Century Version. I balked a bit about those translations. I linked some passages to the NCV in this blog just to give you a feel for how those verse sound. Certain translations seem way too colloquial for my taste. The words don’t always have the same impact.

That said, I did understand his motivation. He uses easy to understand language when talking about difficult material to decipher, and he does it like a boss. He knows how to turn a phrase. Max is the king of alliteration. I enjoyed highlighting those gems. If you’ve thought those end-times prophecies were difficult to follow (especially found in Revelation), you might want Max as your guide. Reading prophecies in the Old Testament fulfilled in the New Testament adds to my confidence that what hasn’t happened yet will happen.

Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas Nelson for allowing me to read and review this advance copy of Max Lucado’s What Happens Next? A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of This Age. I need to read the last three chapters, but wanted to share my review now. It's so good! I cried through much of the second half, so I’m glad I had an electronic book. Why did I cry? I think it’s because I have loved ones in Paradise. I felt relieved and happy, and the pictures formed from Max's words filled my mind with joy and excitement. What if I’m here for the Rapture? What will it be like to see Christ for the first time? I know now why God gives us crowns. He personally hands them to us for reason I never expected. And we lay them at Him feet.

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Max Lucado’s latest book is sure to become a bestseller among those seeking to better understand what the Bible says about end-times. In Max’s own unique style he uses stories and illustrations to help readers unlock the mystery of end-times prophecy and tells what they can expect as heaven’s timeline of events unfolds. At the end of the book there are questions for reflection to be used for deeper individual study or group discussion. This is certainly a very timely and relevant book given the current events of today’s world. It’s definitely a must read for all those wanting a better understanding of what lies ahead.

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