Member Reviews

I loved this book by Max Lucado. As with all his books, Max talks to you not above you. He breaks things down so you understand and can follow along all while using examples and stories that you can relate to.

I love the premise of the book and that "Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared; informed, not intimidated." This is first book about the "end times" that explains the timeline in a meaningful way by looking at events that have already occurred to help us understand those that are yet to occur.

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What Happens Next Aug 23

Why should we think about the future when there is so much to concern us now - family, bills, the state of the world ?

We should seriously consider the future because Jesus warned us about what to expect in the Last Days - wars, famines, plagues, earthquakes, and economic turmoils and also about the AntiChrist making a deal with Israel. This was not possible until Israel became a state in May of 1948 with the support and recognition of President Truman.

Max then goes on to say that God has always kept His promises to us, through Adam, Abraham and Daniel. Daniel prophesied when Jesus came and what it will be like in the Tribulation.

The subject of the Rapture of the Church and the Millennium are discussed with various theories on what the Millennium is, if it is a thousand years period or if it is something different.

You will learn about the various covenants God has made in the past and how a covenant will be made in the Tribulation era between the Antichrist and Israel.

Think about what the future hold and your part as a believer in it.

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You can count on beloved author Max Lucado to make the complex simple and understandable. One area of the Christian faith that can be hard to comprehend is the End Times. Mr. Lucado encourages us to consider “What Happens Next.”

Some of us may be longing for the Second Coming, some may be concerned about it, and some may have no interest whatsoever. Max Lucado outlines the chronology of end times in a positive and loving, friendly way. “We do not know when our Lord will come, but we know he will. May he find us watching.”

“Let the promise of the next life define the way you spend this life.” This book is thoughtful, positive and compelling. It is based on Scripture, with plenty of Max Lucado’s charming stories and anecdotes. I was blessed to have read it and I highly recommend “What Happens Next”.

Thanks to Net Galley and Thomas Nelson publishing for an Advance Review Copy. This is my honest review.

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I love Max Lucado books and this new book is no exception. His writing style is clear and easy to understand with Bible verses relevant to his topic. By using life examples it just reinforces his point all the more. He makes the books interesting and thought provoking. I have learned so much from his writing. He is one of my favourite Christian authors.

I think anyone who picks up this book or any of Max Lucado's books will want to learn more and will be excited for the future. It fills the reader with hope of what is to come.

I highly recommend this book to everyone. Thanks to NetGalley and Nelson Books for an advance copy of this book.

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What Happens Next by Max Lucado is a clear, easy to understand resource on what the Bible tells us to expect in the coming days. He illustrates with heart warming stories and references scripture throughout. I don’t know how any believer could pick up this book and not be excited for the future God has planned for us.

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Thank you for this ARC.
As I get older, I keep enjoying Lucado's books. Every chapter is a lesson from the Bible with Max's life story attached to it some way. Helps through the fear and anxiety you may have. Have an open mind and try to be a child of faith. As you get closer to your end time, because we all live on borrowed time, have patience and love.

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What Happens Next
by Max Lucado
Pub Date: August 13, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I am a fan of Lucado's writing style and bible studies. I have read and done as many studies as we can. I highly recommend this book.
Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for me? Max Lucado's optimistic, accessible, and non-sensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven's timeline will empower readers to face the future with faith.
Max explores four big ideas that will provide a solid foundation for understanding God's plans and will remind us that we are headed to a far better place than where we started. He explains that

we were made to reign with Christ; God has made and will keep his promises; heaven has a timeline; and a golden era, the millennium, awaits God's children.
In this book we are reminded: It's all about Hope! It's all about HIM!

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I’ve heard it said that “fear not “ is in the Bible at least 365 times. One for each day of the year. As we live in these last days, there are many books out there that are more fearful instead of being filled with hope and faith. That is not the case with “What Happens Next.” This is a very good book where Max tackles not being anxiety ridden about these last days as we wait for the return of Jesus. It is possible to be prepared and ready without being in fear. Max did well explaining this subject as he always does.

I received an advanced reader’s copy from Nelson Books/Thomas Nelson and Netgalley. Opinions are my own.

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