Member Reviews

This was my first book in this series and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I was pleasantly surprised by the first half of the book. The premise was interesting, a locked door whodunit involving six people in one train car. The protagonist, Hillary Green, was a well crafted character. She’s smart, confident, and engaging, and it was enjoyable getting to know her and seeing how her mind worked. The remaining cast of characters were also entertaining and it was interesting to see parts of the story play out from their points of view.

Unfortunately, the book took a turn in the second half when the main focus drifted away from the murder investigation to a secondary storyline about a criminal mastermind trying to use one of the murder suspects to expand his criminal empire. It became less about the investigation and more about him, his minions, and his plans to remove any obstacles that stood in the way of that expansion. We’re left with a somewhat disappointing ending to the murder investigation with Hillary simply emailing the identity of the murderer, along with clues on how to find evidence against him, to the investigator in charge.

This can be read as a stand alone and it didn’t feel like anything was missed not having read the previous installments of the series. The first half of the book was enjoyable, but it lost the plot in the second half. If the same thread of energy that we saw in the first half had continued through into the second half this probably would have been a 3 star read for me.

Thanks NetGally and Joffe Books for the advanced copy.

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The 21st book in the D.I.Hillary Greene series and I have read it very much out of order but it was new and available and I could not resist.

Hillary is on holiday in Wales and joins a group going up a mountain by train. There is only room for six in a compartment, so she sits elsewhere on the train. When it reaches its destination one of the six people has been murdered and no one admits to seeing it happen. Hillary finds herself involved in helping the local police solve the crime.

I have read the first ten books and love the character of Hillary Greene. I suspect the author loves her too because she is always shown as being a smart, confident woman who basically always wins. Never more so than in this book where she passes on some of her experience in solving murders to the local police, actually solves the crime herself, and at the same time, gives as good as she gets in several fights both verbal and physical. Definitely one tough lady.

Possibly the best book I have read in the series so far and easily deserving of five stars.

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Former DI Hillary Greene left for her two week holiday in Wales, the first she'd taken away from home in many years. She was looking forward to her stay in the luxurious B&B in Hay-on-Wye, relaxing and reading. Plus her first crime book - one written many years ago and now accepted by a publisher - was releasing at the same time. Hay-on-Wye had a number of bookshops which she planned to browse contentedly. Her old car, Puff the Tragic Wagon, behaved, after she gave him a talking to about the hills and her journey went well.

Meeting the other guests in the B&B - there were six of them - proved inconsequential, and while she didn't tell her fellow guests about herself, she soon learned things about them. The following day was a planned steam train ride up and through the picturesque Cambrian Mountains and with only six seats per carriage, Hillary left her party and joined another carriage. But when they had arrived and Hillary went back to their carriage, one of their fellow guests was dead, still sitting in the seat. Hillary soon determined it was murder, and keeping her identification to herself, had the train manager call police. She was confused though - how did none of the others notice the dead person? And would they discover the sneaky culprit?

Murder on the Train is the 21st in the DI Hillary Greene series by Faith Martin and once again I loved it. This was completely different from the usual stories, but it still has Hillary's magic threaded through the pages. She's an exceptional character and I really hope the series doesn't finish any time soon! Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley & Joffe Publishers for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a locked room type mystery with Agatha Christie vibes and a limited number of suspects (6) all locked into a carriage on a steam train when the murder occurs. The setting is the very scenic Hay-on-Wye which is a new area to me. It's a good and entertaining story, well written as expected and with twists and turns as well as surprises along the way. It’s not necessary to have read the previous cases to enjoy this book as I have not read them all. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A classic who did it murder mystery on a train that will have you guessing all through the story as you find out more about each of the characters.

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Which of the five passengers who shared the carriage is the killer? And how come no one saw a thing . . . ?

This is the first book out of the Hillary Greene series that I have read. It works as a standalone book, and I don't feel that I have missed anything that would take away from the story. It is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good murder mystery.

The book is well written and nicely paced. I liked the host of characters and trying to figure out Whodunit! I also liked the setting of Hay-on-Wye. This is a place I'm yet to visit, and the author did a great job of setting the scene. I also liked the murder in plain sight theme as it became a puzzle that needed to be solved.

The only thing I didn't really like was the way the murderer was revealed. I won't ruin it by going into detail, but it fell a bit flat for me but I do think thats just bevause I was expecting it to done a different way. However, I enjoyed it overall and will definitely give other books in the series a go!

With thanks to NetGalley,  and Faith Martin for providing an ARC of this book. This is my honest review that I'm leaving voluntarily.

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It is an enjoyable, classic murder-on-the-train mystery set in Wales with a unique Hillary Greene twist. Hillary, now a consultant for cold cases at Thames Valley Police, is taking a reluctant holiday, hoping to promote her recently published crime novel. Arriving in Wales, she finds the classic Bed and Breakfast full of tourists. They all decide to take an excursion on a steam train, and one unassuming lady dies, Leaving Hilary and the local police with a locked room-style murder mystery to solve. I like the detailed investigation that allows the reader to participate in solving the crime. I also enjoyed the dynamic between Hilary, the young detective, and the cast of suspects with secrets to reveal. It's an easy and entertaining read with vibrant characters and vivid descriptions of the events and locations.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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This was a great cozy mystery with a real "Who Done It" feel. The plot had a little Agatha Christie tone to it. A woman was found murdered on a tourist train, with only 5 other passengers. The suspect pool its small, but finding a means and a motive is going to be very tricky. But, with semi retired Hillary in town on vacation, and present during the crime, local investigators would be remiss if they did not utilize her skills in solving the murder. But, there may be more than one criminal mastermind in town!
Great story, love the characters, and the plot kept me guessing.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Three and a half stars.

Retired Hillary Greene is recovering from surgery and decides to take a holiday to Hay-on-Wye in Wales where she can also tout her first novel which has just been published (Hay-on-Wye having a large number of book shops and an annual literary festival). Staying at a modest bed and breakfast establishment, her fellow guests are an unusual group.

When one of the guests announces that they are going to take a nearby scenic steam train journey up into the mountains, all the other guests decide it sounds delightful and decide to make it a group outing. Never the most gregarious of women, when the carriage isn't large enough to accommodate all of the guests, Hillary quickly volunteers to sit in another carriage. When they reach the end of the line, all the passengers except one get off the train, one of Hillary's fellow guests has been murdered but no-one else in the carriage saw anything!

As always, this was well written, however I can't help but feel that the identification of the murderer and their motive was a bit obscure. I prefer a mystery where the reader can either guess the murderer or at least think they saw all the clues but didn't put them together whereas with this mystery (in my opinion) the murderer/motive came out of nowhere.

I think/hope that this was an intellectual challenge for Faith Martin, along the 'can I write a locked room Agatha Christie style murder mystery?' and that normal service will be resumed.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

Also available on Kindle Unlimited.

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Six passengers in a locked train carriage. One of them has been stabbed neatly and cleanly through the heart. No one saw a thing. Former Detective Hillary Greene is on a two week holiday in the beautiful Welsh town of Hay-on-Wye, where she plans to spend her time browsing the old bookshops for which it is known and generally relaxing. Hillary arrives at the picturesque Riverside Inn where the other guests are an eclectic a charming Irishman, a rich American and his spoilt daughter, a thrice-married Canadian influencer, a wealthy widow and a taciturn taxidermist. The next day, Hillary and her fellow guests set off on a steam train ride through the stunning Cambrian Mountains. But when the train arrives at its final destination, not all the passengers get off.
The twenty first book in the series & another well written enjoyable murder mystery. It’s a while since I’ve read a ‘locked room’ murder & I thoroughly enjoyed trying to work out the villain. I really like Hillary, her down to earth manner & her dogged determination. The characters have depth & I thoroughly enjoyed it
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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This was a very enjoyable detective mystery! It’s not necessary to have read the previous cases to enjoy this book. Reminded me a bit of Agatha Christie, but with a more modern twist. A very satisfying resolution! The author has a writing style I enjoy.

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Murder On The Train
By: Faith Martin
Genre: Mystery/Detective Mystery
Pub Date: May 29, 2024!

I actually found this book while on @netgalley and was able to download an immediate advanced copy from @joffebooks. Murder On The Train is actually the 21st book in Faith Martin's series featuring D.I. Hillary Greene. This series takes place in the UK, and in this story, specifically the beautiful landscape of Wales.

Retired 50 year-old D.I. Greene is on a much needed holiday after writing her first detective novel (based on a former case of hers), and finds herself at a beautiful Inn in the Welsh countryside. Six other guests are also staying at this inn, and all decide to embark on a train ride up to Beggar's Peak. When they all arrive at their destination, one passenger does not leave the train, as she was murdered on the journey, somehow in plain sight!

Hillary Greene is compelled to use her detective skills to assist local D.I. Ian Jones in this 'locked room' mystery to figure out who knew the victim, Imogen Muir, since all the passengers did not appear to have known her previously. Will Hillary be able to keep her former job a secret while working covertly to solve the case, or will her past make her another target for the murderer??

This was a very enjoyable detective mystery! It was not necessary to have read the previous Hillary Greene cases to enjoy this book. I loved her as a former detective and she had major Poirot vibes, but with a more modern twist. Her set of skills and intellect were fun to follow, with her big reveal at the end a very satisfying resolution! I would definitely like to go back and read the author's previous novels. A solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!

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I love a Welsh crime / detective novel so this was the one for me. I felt excited and hooked as we were on a journey to find the killer.

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Having read most of the books in this series already, I was happy to see this title. I needed some light reading and this fulfilled my wish.
Hillary is a very steady character. Even after her retirement, and even now she's a consultant on cold cases, she's still the same person we got to know in her previous 'adventures'. It's very out of character for her to go on a holiday but she could do with a change of scenery, while also trying to drum up more interest in her recently published novel.

What attracted me was, besides the fact that I like the series, is the promise to read more about Hay-on-Wye and one of the numerous lovely little steam trains that are still in operation in Wales. I've spent a lot of wonderful holidays exactly in that area. But while the murder case in this book is certainly interesting, for me it fell short on the setting. Or maybe I just hoped for too much setting - after all, a Hillary adventure is no travel brochure.
In my digital copy not even the name of the railway is mentioned... but I think it is the Vale of Rheidol Railway.

Anyway, I liked the book because the murder was quite unexpected, and because of the old-fashioned feel overall. Hillary is only in her mid-fifties but sometimes she acts as if she's ten years older than that. And still moaning about having the last name of her good-for-nothing husband. She could have done something about that a long time ago.

This book was just what I needed and I think it's a solid and entertaining story, nicely written and with some surprises here and there.

I found this title in the Read Now section of Netgalley.

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In MURDER ON THE TRAIN Hillary Green is finally taking a vacation and promoting her new book. While there she stays in a bed and breakfast and then decides to go on a daytrip with some of the other guests. Of course, Hillary discovers the person dead to the surprise of everyone else. The story kept my interest until the end and I was surprised who the murderer was when finally revealed in the end. The story is the 21st in a series, but I had no problem following the story. If you like Agatha Christie you will like this book.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Faith Martin for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Murder on the Train coming out May 29, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I’ve read another book by this author and really loved it. I didn’t realize this was a book in a long series. I haven’t read the other ones. I loved the cast of characters. It was fun they all came from different backgrounds. Murders on trains is always a fun genre to me. Reminds me of Agatha Christie. Of course it always ruins a good vacation. Hillary was a strong character. I really enjoyed the mystery. I thought it would be a little cozier, but it was really good. I would definitely check out more books by this author.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys train murder mysteries!

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Although this is book 21 in the Hillary Greene series it is pretty much a stand alone as it is a case she becomes involved in while on holiday in Wales so if you haven't read any of the other books you will enjoy this one just as much.

Hillary is recovering from an operation and takes a holiday in Wales to recover and also to promote her recently published crime thriller. On a day trip up the mountains one of the group she is travelling with is murdered and Hillary finds the victim which lands her right in the middle of a murder enquiry but is she a suspect or part of the investigation team?

A very interesting case that has all the makings of a locked room mystery. I had to smile as Hillary tries to work out how to worm her way to the inside of the investigation at the same time as Wales Police are trying to work out how to tempt her on board.

A very gripping read that has suspense as well as a walk through the nitty gritty of detective work. Several red herrings thrown in but also a lot of descriptive text which could appeal if you are interested in the area.

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I must admit to not totally enjoying this particular DI Hillary Greene novel. I did find it lacking in substance compared to previous storylines. I found the drug dealing aside a bit of a filler, which did not really add anything. I really feel as if I am being really negative, but this is the first Faith Martin that I haven’t totally enjoyed. I do love DI Hilary Greenes new role with Thames Valley which does leave an opening for future novels.

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Thank you for allowing me to read and review ”Murder on the Train” by Faith Martin.
I have enjoyed all the Hillary Greene books, so it was almost like putting on a comfy pair of slippers. I say “almost”, because I thought that this book felt more like one of Faith Martin’s Jenny Starling books…which I also enjoy, by the way.
The characters were, as expected, an unlikely and disparate group, who happened to be staying in the same guest house. The limited group of suspects had you trying to figure out who the culprit was, and I admit that I didn’t get the answer right! The reveal answered all the questions, although the discussion of the dark clothing (no spoilers!) was a little tenuous, I thought.
The location of the story was wonderful. Having visited Devil’s Bridge, I could easily picture the scene that took place there. Hay-on-Wye is also a beautiful place to visit, although I envy Hillary’s success when touting her debut novel around the bookshops. Sadly, I had little success when doing that with my debut novel!
Fans of Hillary Greene (& Jenny Starling) will certainly enjoy this book.

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My first Hillary Greene book having really enjoyed the Jenny Starling, Monica Noble books. This book was a bit different to the others. I didn't really click with the characters musing "will the police know..." on a regular basis. It was a bit long winded and too much time spent on very unrealistic fight scenes.
Having said that, I did enjoy the book and if you found it in the library on holiday you'd happily read it by the pool

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