Member Reviews

3/5 -thanks Netgalley as usual for the ARC. This is part of a series - but it wasn’t too bad in terms of picking it up. It was a fine stand alone book. You are missing some context for some of the back story - but nothing crazy. It is based in UK so talks about A levels and the UK system of education which is always a little confusing, but that’s not the book/authors fault.

I thought it was a tad confusing with all the characters and honestly thought the author probably could have gotten rid of a few characters without anything seriously changing in the plot. It was hard to keep the detectives and the school kids straight. Overall - it was a fine book with a decent plot but nothing special.

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Book 4 in the DI Holly Turner series. An enjoyable read though I didn’t find it as gripping as books 1-3 , I thought the storyline was a little slow.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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Detective Hollie Turner returns when sixth former, Kyle Wilson is found brutally and fatally attacked in a derelict outbuilding. Who would want to harm this quiet teen? A series of clues lead to a group of popular kids that Kyle was on the periphery of. It appears Kyle unearthed a dark secret and the killer was determined to keep it a secret.
A well written police procedural that is gritty and will keep you hooked. Although 4th in the series,Ifeelthisinstalmentcouldalsobereadasastandalone. Plentyoftwistswithan outcome you wont see coming. A first class read.

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I love this series so much!
I love the pace and cannot wait for the next one the fact he’s releasing them so quickly is a bing watchers dream

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I was excited when I got approved to read this book before release and as soon as I got accepted I started it instantly! This book did not disappoint and I highly recommend it to everyone to read it.

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A student is found dead in the middle of the school day - cue a whole school lockdown as detectives rush against the clock to try and uncover how, who and why!

I loved how all the characters felt very real and nuanced, and I thought all the red herrings throughout were brilliant. At one point I could think of so many possible murders all with motive and means so I was kept guessing for quite a while (which almost never happens!). I was really sold on this read and the believability right up until the last few chapters where everything felt, to me at least, to take an unrealistic turn. I just don’t think the way everything unfolded was necessary and I think this would have been a much stronger read if things had unfolded differently.

I didn’t know going in that this was actually the fourth book in a series. So I am sure I definitely missed out on a lot, especially in regards to our FMC’s personal life. But honestly this can be enjoyed as a standalone as I didn’t feel like I was lost because I hadn’t read the earlier books.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-ARC

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The Killing Circle delivers a gripping and intricate true crime mystery that hooks readers from the opening scene. Paul J Teague has once again authored another professional book with a plot that will leaves you guessing until the very end.

This is the fourth book in this series and the story takes place in a school, where a teenager is found dead after being assaulted by a group of people. The school is then immediately put into lock down but despite this it seems like the offenders are always one step ahead of the police as they try to unravel the young boy's death. Social media can be a useful tool but it can also lead to many realistic problems as Cyber bullying becoming more widespread in schools. The pressure builds to solve this case for the police officers, teachers, and pupils, who are all feeling the stress of how this was allowed to happen. This book is action packed with some truly shady characters. Some are misguided and some are just evil. If you enjoy a well-written crime procedural, you will love this one as much as I did. I would definitely recommend this book to other thriller readers. It can be read as a standalone book. Thanks to NetGalley and to the publishers of this book for giving me a free advance copy of the book to preview and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A fantastic read.
Fourth book in Detective Hollie Turner series and another brilliant book. Hollie is back when the body of a 17 year old is found dead at school. As the sad and devastating circumstances of his death get revealed, Hollie and her team are finding it difficult to get answers.

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Great murder mystery for fans of Hollie.
Book number four of the detective series.
Thank you Netgalley & P T Teague for an advanced copy

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The body of a teenage boy is found on school grounds. When the police arrive, they find that there are more questions than answers, and it seems that no one wants to talk. As the team dives deeper, they find that their victim had a secret, and someone wanted him dead silent. Was it that secret that came back to get him? How many were involved? When dealing with teenage suspects, the team has to tread carefully..

Oh my goodness, I absolutely loved this read! I was hooked from the start, and some of the twists (you have to read it to find them) took me by surprise. I have enjoyed the books by this author, and look forward to reading more by him.

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This is book number 4 in the Detective Hollie Turner series, and although it can be read as a stand alone book I recommend reading the first 3 books, which were published as a trilogy, to get the back story.
The Killing Circle is another well written police procedural book set in Hull, North East England. When the body of a 17 year old school boy is discovered in a disused building at his school, Hollie and the team are brought in to investigate. With so many suspects it is a difficult case to unravel but the characters are well drawn and true to life which makes the story believable.
Told from multiple points of view it is a cracking story with a plot that will keep you guessing, and I am already looking forward to the next book in the series.
I recommend it to readers who enjoy Robert Bryndza and Angela Marsons.

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The Killing Circle is book 4 in the Hollie Turner Series.

In this installment, Kyle, a teenage boy is found murdered on school grounds.

Action packed right from the start. It was good to connect with Hollie again. I have read all the previous titles int he series, but think this one could be read alone.

I couldn't wait to find out why this happened to Kyle. I found myself glued to it until the end

A timely story of bullying and so much more. The ending was satisfying after all the intrigue along the way.

This was my favorite in the series so far.

Thanks to netgalley and Storm Publishing for the arc.

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This was a totally absorbing story, with it being set in the modern era, made it all too real. Some really good characters and lots of surprises, kept me involved right to the end.

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Oh wow, what a book this is! Thrilling, tense and completely addictive. I was gripped from the first page and just could not put it down. A masterpiece in suspense. Brilliantly written. Very highly recommend to all.

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The Killing Circle is a great read

I really enjoyed this book. This is book 4 in the series I did not read the first 3 books so it can be read as a stand alone but its so good I wish I read the first few books first. I think the author did a fantastic job writing this mystery, detective book. I think the characters and storyline is great. I couldn't put this book down, so I read it all at once lol.. This is a new author to me and I'm looking forward to reading more of his book in the future!

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Thank you for allowing me to review this book. I am enjoying all the Hollie Turner stories. This latest one reflects how social media is impacting student life in schools. The murder of a quiet teenage boy, appears to be a case of bullying that went to far. DI Turner's investigation shows how much more can be a factor and how naive the staff are. The storyline had me fully engaged to the end, which was unexpected.
A great series which I'm looking forward to reading more of.

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This was an excellent read. At times absolutely heartbreaking, readers will be glued to the pages unraveling the mystery. Great characters, twists, suspense, and a stunning reveal make for a read you can't put down.

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Detective Hollie Turner returns in her 4th outing, and to my mind the best book of the series so far. A 17 year old boy is found murdered in a school outbuilding, Hollie and her team have to find the killers quickly. Full of twists and secrets heading to an explosive finale. A well plotted novel that grips you till the end. Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for this review ARC.

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The Killing Circle is book 4 in the Detective Hollie Turner series by Paul Teague. If you haven't read the first books in the series you can still thoroughly enjoy this book. Hollie gets a call that a student has been found dead at a local school. The student is 17 year old Kyle Wilson, a shy boy who ate in a teacher's classroom to avoid his peers. Kyle's favorite thing was filming people and places around him. He wanted to be a filmmaker and was going to college to study it. Some students got annoyed at Kyle as they didn't want to be filmed without them knowing it. Did Kyle catch something on video that he shouldn't have? Would someone kill for that?

As Hollie and her team investigate the murder it becomes clear that Kyle was receiving threatening messages. Who sent Kyle those messages and why? Making things harder the murder happened just after lunch. Any student or staff member could be the killer. Kyle's mom had just told him about her rare disease that would make her body get weaker and weaker before she would die. She could no longer work and was receiving bills she couldn't pay. Kyle was stressed out over this and looking for a way to make money to pay these bills. What would Kyle do to help out? Did Kyle have any friends at school? Will someone help Hollie to understand what happened to Kyle?

This book is a fantastic thriller that keeps you guessing until the end. I thought I knew who the killer was, but I was wrong. Sit back, enjoy the mystery, and try to figure out who killed Kyle. I rate The Killing Circle 4 stars with a high recommendation. I look forward to book 5 in the series. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an advanced copy of The Killing Circle in exchange for a fair review. #TheKillingCircle

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