Member Reviews

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

In the labyrinth of crime thrillers, Paul J. Teague’s “The Killing Circle” stands out as a beacon of dark intrigue and suspense. This fourth installment in the Detective Hollie Turner series grips the reader from the first page and refuses to let go until the very end.

Teague masterfully weaves a tale that is as complex as it is compelling. The narrative follows Detective Hollie Turner as she finds herself entangled in a web of murder, secrets, and lies. The stakes are higher than ever, and the suspense is palpable as Turner races against time to unravel the mystery before the killer strikes again.

The prose is sharp and evocative, painting a vivid picture of the grim reality Turner faces. Teague’s skillful use of language draws readers into the heart of the story, making them feel every twist and turn with a visceral intensity. The pacing is relentless, each chapter propelling the story forward with new revelations and heart-stopping moments.

What sets “The Killing Circle” apart is its deep dive into the psyche of both the hunter and the hunted. Teague explores the moral ambiguities of justice and the toll that such a harrowing case takes on Turner’s personal life. The character development is rich and nuanced, with Turner’s strength and vulnerability on full display.

The book’s title is a metaphor for the cyclical nature of violence and retribution that haunts the characters. As the circle tightens, the lines between right and wrong blur, leaving the reader questioning their own sense of morality.

“The Killing Circle” is a psychological journey through the darkest corners of the human mind. It’s a testament to Teague’s talent that he can deliver such a powerful narrative without sacrificing the intricacies of plot or character.

For fans of the mystery genre, “The Killing Circle” is a must-read. Paul J. Teague has crafted a masterpiece of suspense that cements his place among the greats of crime fiction.

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We have a teen brutally murdered at school and everyone is a suspect so Detective Hollie Turner and her team have their work cut out for them and need to get it solved quickly. As they start to uncover things this is where everything unfolds and they find out that there is a lot more going on at this school. I found this to be such a great story with lots of layers to it that made me not want to put it down.

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This was a bit of a heavy read. I had to pace myself, as I'm fairly distanced from what school kids and that environment is like today.

Kyle Wilson is found dead in the academy's outbuilding, with no direct indication of who killed the young man. DI Hollie Turner is the investigator in charge, and has a great team in place to assist. Trying to pry information out of the students proves difficult as both they are a tight-knit group, and many are under 18.

Kyle was an aspiring film student and his single mom was suffering from a degenerative and debilitating neuron disease. I did not see the ending coming so that was a great surprise! We have all kinds of characters from nosy or overbearing parents, aloof instructors, and a friend group that might remind you a bit of the Breakfast Club in variety of personalities.

Be prepared for some tough topics that may be triggering - primarily bullying.

Thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and Paul J. Teague for the eARC.

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Hollie Turner is back with a new case.

I had high hopes for this book after I was blown away by the trilogy of books one to three and my hopes were not dashed.

The author writes with detail, emotion, clarity and thought.

It highlights the challenges and vulnerability that the younger generation face.

As with the other books that I have read by this author this was equally as deserving of its five stars.

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The Killing Circle is a police procedural novel that delves into the deep, dark underbelly of a seemingly idyllic school. The attention to detail and descriptive nature of the novel ensure the reader understands the steps taken in crime scene investigation. The main character, Hollie, is a likable character whose life is just slightly a mess, which makes her relatable. I love the dark humour employed throughout the novel. Although I didn't find that the novel required much guessing or twists, it was still enjoyable being along for the ride of discovery, treachery, and debauchery. Thank you #netgalley and #stormpublishing for this ARC!

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The Killing Circle is my first introduction to author Paul J Teague and protagonist DI Hollie Turner and what a great introduction it is!!

As this is a police procedural that makes no bones about the constraints police are under and how budget cuts, the media and social media have a massive impact particularly when the victim is a child.

And this is a case that really hits home as seventeen-year-old Kyle Wilson has been beaten and stabbed to death on school property and in all likelihood the killer or killers are other children.

Which makes Hollie and her team's job even harder and more pressurised. As the school has an agenda, parents want answers and the other kids aren't talking.

And with enough red herrings and twists to keep me on my toes and an ending I found extremely satisfying if a little sad. This was a brilliant introduction to the author and protagonist, and I'd definitely read more from this series in the future.

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The Killing Circle is Book 4 of Detective Hollie Turner. DI Hollie Turner and her team are called in to investigate the mysterious circumstances of 17 year old sixth former Kyle Wilson's death and why was he found in the abandoned school building. What happened to him? How did it happen? Why? Who? Hollie is faced with finding the reasons behind the death and why so people are keeping secrets.

I found the book to be well written and descriptive. I will be recommending this book.

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Well written and straight into action with a challenging case for Hollie and her team. A child is murdered at school and no one is talking, but Hollie is determined to find out who and why. The story unfolds, filled with secrets, lies, deceit, blackmail and more. An excellent read. I received an ARC copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I have to be honest, this was just ok in my opinion. I found it incredibly slow, and maybe that’s because there really weren’t any shocking twists to grab hold of you and pull you in. I wouldn’t say it was predictable; it was repetitive. I just didn’t find it exciting. I like my pulse to race and my heart to pound when I read books like this. The last 10% of the book was suspenseful and I enjoyed it! It was still a decent story to read and I do think the author makes an incredibly good point regarding bullying and technology and the negative effects both of those have on school aged children these days!

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC of this book

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This is a gripping and unputdownable book. The book is filled with secrets, murder mystery, revenge, buried truths and twists. This book was so heartbreaking. The story is multilayered.

Kyle Wilson, a seventeen year old boy is found dead. While his body tells a different story. It’s horrifying how he died. While Detective Hollie Turner is trying to get to the bottom of it. Everyone knows something but they are not letting the truth out. There are secrets and lies. Kyle has taken the secret to his grave but Hollie is determined to find the clues leading to his death. The book was so heartbreaking and the kind of book that keeps the readers on the edge. I felt deeply for Kyle. The secrets were horrifying too.

Many Thanks to the Author and Publisher

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A tense, well plotted,and twisty novel that kept me hooked and reading.
Poignant and moving at times, an excellent descriptions of the academia world with its secrets and revenges.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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An intriguing investigation to what should be an open and shut case- a murder on school premises that surely should have been witnessed or caught on CCTV or filmed for social media in the world of lockdown drills and constant monitoring by both the powers that be and peers with camera phones.
However the plot thickens as the alibis pile in, cause of death is unveiled and motives become more clear.
Some sterling investigative work and some truly shady characters- some just evil, others so misguided you want to take them by shoulders and shake them!

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This is the fourth book in the Hollie Turner series. If you have not read the other three, this could be read as a stand-alone. 
Detective Hollie Turner is called in when 17 year old Kyle is found dead at his school.  The Crestwell Academy has been locked down and the students and staff are closemouthed when it comes to any questions from the police about the school or young Kyle and his fascination with filming his fellow students.  Hollie finds that Kyle has been finding disturbing notes left in his locker at school. Now Detective Turner must find the person or persons who murdered Kyle. Time is running out when Hollie is uncovering more secrets and lies every step of the way.  Will there be another victim before Hollie Turner can solve this?
This is told in multiple POV’s which was wonderful. As soon as I thought I knew who it was, there would be another POV.  I found Paul J. Teague late last year, and have been loving the Detective Hollie Turner series. This does not have to be read in order, they are easily read as a stand alone book as well.  This is a totally gripping and addictive crime thriller.  I will definitely be recommending this to other thriller readers.  This was a 4 ½ star read for me.

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This is a great crime thriller.
A teenage boy is found dead in an old building on school premises and when Detective Hollie Turner arrives it’s clear the boy has been murdered.
Hollie and her team start to ask questions but it’s clear the sixth form students don’t want to talk to the Police.
They need to work out why somebody wanted Kyle dead as he’s been brutally beaten by multiple people, but it looks like his death was caused by a stab to the neck.
We have chapters from Kyle’s perspective so we get an insight into events leading up to his death.
This is the first book I’ve read in this series and I’d say it can be read as a standalone book.
Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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The characters are well developed. Although the solution seemed to have many resolutions, I felt the one the author portrayed was well done! This book highlights the fact that high school and the friendships (or enemies) that are made are fraught with drama that leave you reeling at times.

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The Killing Circle
by Paul J. Teague
Pub Date: Jun 14 2024

The Killing Circle is a totally gripping and addictive crime thriller (Detective Hollie Turner Series Book 4). Although it is book 4 in a series it can also be read as a stand-a-lone book. I personally have not read the first 3 books and totally loved it so much I can't wait to read the series from the beginning!

It's a great mystery with well defined characters, a fascinating story you won't put down from the beginning until the final ending.

Synopsis: One school. A killer hiding in plain sight. 72 hours to uncover the truth. Lose yourself in this page-turning murder mystery that will have you glued to the pages.

Many thanks to #TheKillingCircle #NetGalley & #StormPublishing for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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This book highlights the fact that high school and the friendships (or enemies) that are made are fraught with drama that leave you reeling at times. I literally could not stop reading this book. There was not a good place to stop, so I was determined to finish it in one night. I had to know the truth. The blurb on the front is enough to make me want to read it - "Six people know the truth. One of them is dead." Wow!

Seventeen year old Kyle Wilson is dead. He has been viciously beaten to death which displays a lot of rage. When Detective Hollie Turner and her team arrive on the scene, they are appalled at the scene before them. The school is on complete lockdown. With the security measures in place, there is no way that an outsider came in and committed this horrible crime, which means the killer and/or killers are still in the building, or is this campus as secure as it seems?

As they work to investigate this horrid crime, they are taken off campus where secrets come to light that will chill you to the bone. You know something evil has happened, but you are not exactly sure what happened and why. I had to put on my thinking cap for this intriguing crime thriller, and I was still shocked to my core as each dramatic layer is peeled back to learn exactly what happened in that abandoned building at a prestigious high school. You are able to see inside the mind of the victim throughout the book as the mystery builds. I am still sitting here stunned. If you enjoy a well-written crime procedural, you will love this one as much as I did.

Thank you to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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"The Killing Circle" by Paul J. Teague follows Detective Hollie Turner in her quest to solve the murder of a teenager at a local school. Her suspects? A room full of uncooperative teenagers. As Hollie continues to navigate obstacles with these teens, secrets start to unravel, revealing just how dangerous the circumstances of the murder really are. The book adeptly portrays the duplicitous nature of teens in the digital age and the potential consequences of using technology maliciously.

The book maintains a good pace, slowing down for necessary explanations and picking up speed when appropriate. There were times when unfamiliar concepts were explained throughout the book, which came about in a cheesy way by the main character Hollie asking someone to explain. I would recommend this novel to those new to the thriller/mystery genre. While part of a series, reading the preceding books is not necessary for understanding this standalone story.

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This books moved a little slow for my taste, but it has a decent twist at the end. It may have been more difficult of a read for me because I'm from the US and I'm not familiar with some of the terminologies mentioned. Especially regarding the school system

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Very good police procedural with well written police characters. This is a chilling case for the detective to solve as she has a teenage child. The school practises and procedures have been well researched too. This is a compelling read.

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