Member Reviews

I’ll forever be grateful that I got to read an arc of this book. The long-awaited story of Gus and Teddy exceeded every single expectation I’d set for them. It’s definitely my new favorite book in the series, they just keep getting better and better.

Lyla always knows how to write incredible character and relationship developments. I was obsessed with them from the very beginning, but seeing how they slowly opened up to each other was so beautiful to read. Her books always have something that makes them truly special.

I was looking forward to their story ever since I finished Done and Dusted, and now that I’ve read it, I’ll be thinking about it until the end of time. Literally.

Now, onto a new obsession; Cam and Dusty. I’m already so so excited for them. I cannot wait for their book. I just know it’s going to be yet another masterpiece.

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This is the first book of the series I’ve read and I’m so happy it was so good! It can definitely be read as a standalone, all necessary info is presented very smoothly and in the right quantities.

The story of Teddy and Gus is a slow-burn, enemies to lovers, bff’s brother romance that felt so nice. There was character development, meaningful relationships, thoughts and feelings that you could connect with and it just felt real! There was chemistry and banter and I liked how our heroes were next door people and behaved as one would expect in difficult situations like sickness.

I couldn’t put this book down, I read it in a day. I’m going to get the previous 2 books for sure. My only wish is that the end lasted a bit longer, it felt slightly abrupt.

-Dual 1st person POV
-Spice: 🌶️🌶️

Overall: 4.5/5 ⭐️ for me.

Thank you Quercus Books for providing this book for review via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lost and Lassoed by Layla Sage
Rating: 10/5
Release Date: 5 November 2024

Teddy Andersen isn't one for planning; she's always been more of a spontaneous type. However, this time around, the current of life isn't flowing in her favour.

Gus Ryder finds himself inundated with responsibilities. Known for his reliability, he struggles under the weight of his tasks, realising he can't handle it all alone. He reluctantly acknowledges the need for assistance.

Unexpectedly, Teddy, his younger sister's friend whom he can't quite tolerate, becomes his sole recourse when no one else can step up.

Amidst clashes and mounting tension, Gus and Teddy find themselves viewing each other through a new lens. As unspoken emotions simmer, they face the choice of whether to act upon them or not.

I'm utterly speechless about how much I adored this book!

"Lost and Lassoed" marks the third instalment in the Rebel Blue Ranch series, and in my humble opinion, it surpasses its predecessors by far.

The characters were impeccably crafted, and I immediately fell in love with both Teddy and Gus, thrilled that they were given the spotlight they both deserved.

The tension practically emanated from the pages, with each turn of a page more captivating than the one last.

This book was also undeniably spicy, with a capital S. Lyla held nothing back whatsoever.

If you're in the mood for a sizzling cowboy romance that tugs at your heartstrings, look no further! Treat yourself and grab a copy of this book pronto. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Quercus Books, and the author, Lyla Sage, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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I think they were my favourite couple so far, I absolutely loved their grumpiness towards eachother that turned into sizzling chemistry 🔥

Besides them, I adore all of the characters in the books and found it hilarious that Ada and Wes had a bet going on in the background and everybody else just thought they truly hated eachother, but obviously the ✨hate✨ was just a representation of their chemistry.
So many points in this book got me laughing out loud, like how Teddy covered her hickey with paint when Emmy got curious was so unexpected and on brand with Teddy 🤣

It was so adorable to see how Gus's grumpy heart was slowly melting and how utterly confused he was that what the warm feeling in his chest might have been. Besides that to see the part of Gus that only his daughter sees extend to Teddy slowly and how the two of them realized how they both could be exactly what they need and that they are more alike than visible on the surface.
I cannot wait to see their relationship grow stronger as I've seen the other couples whose books have come before through this book and I really enjoy that I know how these love stories played out and now see the evolution of their relationship after their book ended. Besides that, I think I just neeeed to know where Dusty will be taking Cam 👀

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Omg Gus and Teddy 😭

Gus hasn't been my favourite character in the first two books, but Lost and Lassoed turned it around, and now I think he comes out on top. I loved this book and I loved Gus!

Lost and Lassoed is light-hearted, while tackling some bigger issues around family, health and relationships. Teddy is a bundle of fun, and I really enjoyed seeing how she helped Gus open up, and how he helped keep her centered. Plus this book heavily features the world's cutest kid, Riley.

I liked the amount of spice, the very entertaining banter, and of course Rebel Blue. I read through this quickly, it's an easy book to devour.

I'm so keen for the next book now, bring on Cam and Dusty!!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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I love cowboys, I love romance and I loved this book. I’ve seen this author floating around on TikTok and Bookstagram for a few months, but never got around to picking up one of her books, but I’m going to be binge reading all of them now. This was so heartwarming and the romance had me on the edge of my seat. I really liked the western setting and the characters were all beautifully crafted. There’s something about enemies to lovers that scratches my brain just right and Sage nailed that with Teddy and Gus. I love the found family element as well, and the focus on female friendship. What a perfect romance!

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I devoured this book in a day! Lyla Sage has done it again, she has figured out her perfect cowboy romance formula, and it happens to be exactly what I want from my romance books.
The tension and longing between the two main characters was executed so well. At first I though the feud between Teddy and Gus seemed a bit childish, but it's probably because we only get to see snippets of it in the first two books. Now that they are the leads and we get to see their perspectives, it all starts to make sense and actually feels quite natural how miscommunication and poor handling of one situation can turn into years of hate. And once the walls start coming down, their attraction is undeniable.

I also love that these books don't only focus on the main couple, but highlight the importance of other relationships - with friends, siblings, parents. 'Lost and Lassoed' has a big focus on father-daughter relationships and it is so beautiful and heartwarming to see.

So in my eyes this book was utter perfection (and the best cover out of 3) and I cannot wait for more from Rebel Blue!

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• Enemies to lovers
• Grumpy single Dad
• 8 year age gap
• Nanny romance
• Forced proximity
• Mustached and (reading) spectacled hero
• Dyslexia rep (hero)
• Caretaking (period care)

> Setting: Wyoming
💕 Teddy + Wes
📖 368 pages

Thoughts 💭
• The sexual tension between these two was delicious. They bickered and butt heads, but underneath were secretly digging each other ((and hating that they were)) which I loved! 🤭

• The Dyslexia rep. The scene with Gus practicing reading his daughter's books alone so that he could read them with her was heartmelting.

• They are definitely some deeper themes in this one with Teddy's dad and his health struggles- which did take up a large part of the plot.

• Gus's friendship with his daughter's mom Cam was so refreshing to read. There was no drama, and she was fully supportive of his and Teddy's relationship. (Cam is the heroine of the next book, btw!)

Though I did feel the ending was rather abrupt, I really enjoyed this story and it's lovable characters!

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This is the best Lyla Sage book yet!

This book centres around Gus and Teddy, also my favourite characters in the series.

The chemistry from the first book was off the charts and I have been waiting for them to explode for 2 books now! As side from how gorgeous the spice was, there was so much more to this romance.

Teddy is going through a crisis that i think a lot of people will relate to in life (I certainly did) and Gus has spent his life controlling everything. Although on the surface these two seems world apart they really relate to each other.

I ate it up... with relish

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

When Gus is left with his daughter whilst his ex does an internship in another city, he realises that running an 8,000 acre ranch and parenting a very energetic 8 year old at the same time doesn't quite work. Following a family intervention, he realises that he needs help. Enter Teddy, loud, bright, troublemaking best friend of his younger sister. Teddy is in limbo. Her dad is sick, her best friend is getting married, and she just lost the job she thought she'd have forever. Nannying for Gus for the summer should be a walk in the park. But what do you do when the man you work for, who you claim to hate, starts to confuse your feelings with how sweet he is?

Oh. My. Gosh. I read this in an afternoon. I was screaming, giggling, kicking my feet. I'm a HUGE fan of Lyla Sage and all her books, but I have been waiting with baited breath for Gus and Teddy's story. And Lyla did not disappoint.

This book combines grumpy x sunshine, opposites attract and single dad romance tropes and is the perfect sweet and spicy read for anyone who loves cowboys, fashion, and romance. Not only is it well written, but it has been obvious from book one that Gus and Teddy had a significant amount of chemistry. Watching them combust was the single most entertaining thing I have read in months. Teddy, as a character, is my absolute favourite. I love her strength, her willingness to love, and her pure love of life. Her bravery was evident throughout the entire book, her strength admirable despite everything she was dealing with. Gus was grumpy and loves his daughter - nothing could make me love him more. Their banter was beautiful and tinged with tension that, when it broke, was hotter than hot. The way they cared for Riley, for Gus' family and, in turn, for Teddy's dad made this book jump from a 4 star to a 5 star. I love anything with a found family element, and this book more than delivered on that. There was just so much to love about this story and the characters. Teddy's best friend Em was very irritating at times, but I can see how this added another facet to Teddy's character and another layer to the story itself.

Stylistically, this was exactly the kind of book I needed. It was not too complicated, but with enough stylistic writing that it was insanely entertaining, this book was the perfect romance. I can't wait for this to be out in paperback so i can add it to my collection!

Easiest 5 stars I've ever given a romance book.

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Thank you to Quercus for sending me the ARC of this book!
I was so excited for this book after reading the first two in the series! I feel the tension between Teddy and Gus has been building for so long in the previous two books I was so curious how it would pan out. I was slightly disappointed and the anti-climax of it but I still really enjoyed it! I think the tension was so much I thought it would build a bit more in the book but I think it fizzled a bit due to the plot and then they got together. I still really enjoyed their relationship an di think it was surprisingly mature, despite all their arguments, name calling and banter (which I love). I think I perhaps built it up too much in my mind that it would be this crazy tense enemies to lovers but it was actually a sweet enemies-to-friends-to-lovers which I think suited the characters more. Loved the development of Gus' chararcter and how he learnt to ask for help, very refreshing for a male character to show emotional maturity and development!
I really would recommend these books as such a fun, sweet cowboy romance. The writing was beautiful and I enjoy the way Lyla Sage writes mature adults who communicate healthily at the end, its really refreshing. Also the romance was top tier as always. Can't wait for the next one!

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I’d give my soul to be able to move the Rebel Blue Ranch and live in the world Lyla Sage has created. I love everything about the characters and the world they live in. So I immediately requested the ARC when it was made available.

I was so looking forward to diving back into the world to see how Gus and Teddy’s relationship would play out and how they would come together as their dynamic is an interesting one. Teddy loses her job and of course Gus needs someone to help with his child during the summer.

The relationship between Riley and Teddy was so lovely and it was a joy to read how well they got a long. I wish I could say the same for Teddy and Gus. I don’t understand how they spent 50% of the book hating each other to suddenly being obsessed with one another. There was no natural progression. They hated each other and then they loved each other which was a bit disappointing.

I had really high hopes for this one and I’m afraid it fell a bit flat.

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Theodora Andersen is out of a job, and while she was never one to have a plan, she suddenly needs one.

August Ryder is in over his head. He’s trying to be everywhere at once, and now has full care of his daughter Riley for the summer. He needs help. Enter Teddy. His little sister’s best friend, the bane of his existence, and new part-time nanny.

Lost & Lassoed is book three of the Rebel Blue Ranch series, the most anticipated to date, and within in the story of Teddy and Gus unfolds. An enemy to lovers, single dad, part-time nanny romance that should have hit every spot, but sadly fell flat.

My issues with this book:
• The book is written in the past tense, which was incredibly annoying, and kept dropping me out of the story.
• Teddy and Gus went from sniping at each other (which I loved) to being all over each other in the space of maybe a week.
• The emotions in this book fell flat.

What I liked:
• Riley and Teddy’s relationship.
• Teddy and Hank.

I had been looking forward to reading this book since I finished Swift & Saddled, but I was disappointed before I finished reading.

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Well, that was fun! "Lost and Lassoed" is the third installment in the bestselling "Rebel Blue Ranch" romance series by Lyla Sage. The book tells the story of Gus, a grumpy cowboy single dad, and his eternal nemesis (who happens to be his sister's best friend), Teddy.

I have to admit that I decided to do an experiment with this book and read it without knowing the previous two parts to see if it could stand on its own. As it turned out, it did quite well. I was pleasantly surprised because I easily grasped the characters and the relationships that connect them, and I felt the atmosphere of the series. I didn't feel like I was missing any context.

The book itself reads very well. The plot is actually quite simple, and perhaps my only complaint about this book is that it doesn't offer anything particularly new. I don't read a lot of contemporary romances, but I still felt that "Lost and Lassoed" was very similar to all the other small town romances I know. Of course, this is not a major flaw, as the book is meant to be pure entertainment, not groundbreaking literature. So I can say that it fulfills its role in that respect.

Still, the author did a great job with enemies to lovers. It is obvious from the beginning that Gus and Teddy hide their warm feelings for each other under a layer of gruffness and coldness. Over time, this barrier begins to crack, and it is very rewarding. One of the strengths of this book (and the series, I think) is also the portrayal of family relationships. I really appreciated it in the context of Teddy's relationship with his father and Gus' relationship with his daughter.

I'd also like to add that it's a very good thing that the book isn't coming out until November because that gives the editors plenty of time to make some more revisions. The version I read was unfortunately full of mistakes, including linguistic ones. I was able to notice them even though I am not a native English speaker. Yet, this does not affect my rating because I am aware that I was reading an ARC.

In the end, I found „Lost and Lassoed” to be good entertainment, and I will definitely pick up the previous two parts. I recommend it to all romance fans!

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This book gives! It is the best amount of humour, romance, tension and ranching. All 3 books in this series are fun and this latest instalment is no different.
Two opposites attract and can't fight the vibe that they feel. Even though you know the end game the adventure getting there is perfection.

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Going into this book I had really high hopes. Ever since done and dusted I have NEEDED Teddy and Gus their story, so I am extremely thankful the moment is finally here. What I didn’t expect is that it would not only live up to my expectations but also make me cackle, sob, scream and throw my phone across the room (yes it survived). Teddy is not only such a great character, but also a very real one. I connected with her in ways nearly indescribable and Lyla Sage did her so much justice. Gussie was our classic grumpy cowboy who is such an incredible dad, and both characters showed their other sides this book, while still remaining true to themselves. Together their story was not only extremely captivating and entertaining but also heartbreaking, soothing and adorable. I can’t wait for dusty and cam🫶

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Thanks so much to Quercus, Lyla Sage and NetGalley for the eARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

I was intrigued by the premise, seeing snippets of the couple in the other books had me intrigued, the enemies to lovers element was so strong in the beginning, the witty back and forth between Gus and Teddy kept me engaged.

However, the rest of the book did not live up to expectation, the writing, especially the inner monologue just seemed really basic and at times, ridiculous. And whilst I like the element of the live in nanny role, and the relationship between Riley and Teddy, the books fall into the trap of trying to hit as many tropes as possible, it seemed formulaic rather than natural an their relationship development quickly turned into one of lust almost instantly. Their past connection was not explored enough. There were a few instanced where elements were mentioned eg. Gus' dyslexia and Teddy's ADHD, in a throwaway comments/paragraph and then never mentioned again. and the love confession came out of nowhere.

I really wanted to like this book, unfortunately I was left disappointed.

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Gus and Teddy's long-awaited story in "Lost and Lassoed" finally unfolds, fulfilling eager expectations. Gus, a mix of grumpiness and vulnerability, showcases his deep love for family and the Rebel Blue, especially his daughter, while Teddy exudes boldness and generosity, adding sparks to their relationship. Their relatable fears and journeys of self-discovery resonate, as they navigate their chemistry amidst the challenges they face. The author skillfully crafts not only their romance but also develops the supporting characters, enriching the narrative with vibrant relationships.

Beyond the romance, the captivating storyline and dynamic characters, particularly Gus and his endearing daughter Riley, make for a compelling read. The blend of humor, tenderness, and spicy moments keeps readers engaged, though some may find the ending a tad abrupt. Nonetheless, Lyla Sage's addictive storytelling ensures an immersive experience, leaving readers eagerly anticipating more tales from the enchanting world of Rebel Blue.

I received an ARC copy of this book for free from netgalley and I’m writing this review voluntarily based on my own opinion.

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I've been a fan of this series from the beginning and this is my favourite so far. i absolutely loved Gus and Teddys romance. I really related to Teddys character which i think a lot of people will, the feeling of everyone around her moving forward while she is stuck and not going in any firm direction unlike her best friend Emmy. (from the first book Done and Dusted) Teddy and Emmys friendship faced ups and downs but i loved how strong there friendship ended up and how important it was to both characters. I cant wait for the rest of this series !!
Thankyou Netgalley for the early copy.

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Lost and Lassoed is the third installment of the Rebel Blue Ranch romance series and features Gus, the eldest Ryder sibling, and Teddy, Emmy Ryder's best friend. Both of them feature in the other books and the fiery banter they shared in Done & Dusted made me desperate to read their story.
When Teddy's place of work shuts down she's in need of a job and who better to employ her as a nanny for his sweet daughter than Augustus Ryder, Teddy's best friend's brother and the one man she cannot get along with. But Gus is desperate for help, his co-parent, Cam, is away and he's struggling to manage his responsibility for the ranch and his daughter, Riley. He begrudgingly agrees that Teddy is better than a complete stranger and Riley already knows and loves her. It just means she's got to stay with them a few nights a week and they have to put up with each other, what could go wrong?!
I do love a good enemies-to-lovers, best friend's brother, single dad, forced proximity romance as much as the next girl but the pacing with this one was a little off. It started off well and I whizzed through the first 50% in one sitting but after that I felt it deflated a little. There seemed to be no slow progress from them barely talking to suddenly being intimate and I think an extra scene or two would have made it slightly more convincing. The constant hinting at what had happened between them in the past also felt unnecessary, especially as it ended up being slightly anticlimactic when we get a quick flashback scene. Then the pacing suddenly turbo drives in the last 10% and the epilogue just irritated me (no spoilers but arggghhhh whyyyy do these endings have to be soooo sickly sweet?!)
I do love all the tropes in this one - but perhaps there were a few too many?

The sense of location is captured really well and I'll never not want to move to Rebel Blue Ranch. The characters are all so lovable and you can't help but wish you were a cowboy alongside them but personally I felt this needed a little more finesse. There were a few lines that felt utterly ridiculous and incongruous to the rest of the book - Teddy talks about eating an Oreo and has a “I'm not like other girls” moment which was bizarre honestly. Also, I don't believe that relationships in which you would rather fight with your current partner than be with anyone else are particularly romantic or healthy #justsayin

I'll definitely be reading Swift & Saddled because I loved Done & Dusted but this one wasn't for me.

P.S. Not to kink shame at all but the phrase “saddle up” should never be used in a sex scene.

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