Member Reviews

I have been dying to read Gus and Teddy’s story since the first book in the series and was therefore so excited to get my eager little mitts on this one. It did not disappoint!! Gus was a wonderful mix of grumpy, responsible, loving and vulnerable. His love for his family, the Rebel Blue and most especially his daughter shone through as did the overwhelming effect the responsibility of all these things had on him. Teddy was just perfect, bold, funny, full of energy and creativity and so giving to her family and friends even at her own expense. Both Gus and Teddy’s fears and feelings of being lost/ untethered were so relatable. Getting to watch them figure themselves and each other out was just as good as I had hoped. The two of them taking care of each other because they recognised how much the other needed it was everything and made it so clear why they were so right together (there were a couple of examples of this from both Gus and Teddy that made 😭 because of how lovely, soft and caring those moments were). These two characters were so alike in so many way which is why it made perfect sense that they would butt heads so much. The chemistry between them was everything and I loved the sizzling tension (past and present) and the circumstances that threw them together and let them see each other properly for the first time. I also loved the back and forth between them, with each giving as good as they got, even after things developed between them.

Away from the romance, what the author does really well is build and develop the supporting characters and their relationships with the leads. Some of my favourites in this:

- Teddy/Hank and Gus/ Riley: the respective father daughter relationships and the overwhelming love between them just warmed my heart;
- Teddy/Emmy; wow, loved these two. The confrontation when it happened was exactly what they needed and I cheered when Teddy spoke her truth. the fall out and resolution was handled well and as you would expect from two people who know and love each other as much as they do.
- Teddy/Riley: they were so adorable together and as much as she spent the summer falling for Gus you could see she also fell totally for that little girl and it was lovely to see.
- Amos - the patriarch, gentle and loving but also tough when it was needed and so good at supporting his children and helping them find their way.
- and finally special mention to Cam/Gus. A lot of stories would have made that whole relationship difficult and Cam would have been written as a harpy standing between the two leads/ trying to wreck Gus’ relationship with Riley but since the start of the series I have really appreciated how LS has written her and incorporated her into Gus’ life and the friendship group as a whole. The friendship and honesty, trust and support between her and Gus was just so clear in the story and that conversation at the end between them about the Teddy of it all and Cam’s encouragement just made me cry it was so lovely.

My absolute favourite book in the series *until the next one 🤭 5 gushing ⭐️

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Oh I think I may be slightly in love with Gus! Grumpy cowboy with the most adorable daughter who was also a main character all the way through. It was a real feel good, spicy read that made me laugh and tear up as the book progressed. Great storyline, brilliant characters, however I did feel the ending was rather abrupt sadly. All in all though I loved it!

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Another excellent book in this series by Lyla Sage. The characters are deep and brooding or carefree and light, and yet under it all the author really manages to get to what makes them tick, what bruises they are carrying or hurts they are trying to hide. The outward facing, beautiful butterfly also wants to settle down and fall in love and be known for more than being a flirt. The 6 year old is an excellent almost narrator, bringing up the unsayable at the right moments and absolutely making this book. Such a winner for the romance ane the emotions.

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thankyou netgalley for allowing me to read this copy early! and I'm so glad I did! Lost and Lassooed is, now, my favourite book in the series. Teddy is awesome, she's so strong and bubbly, tons of personality. Gus is moody and handsome but deep down he's a softie. Really enjoyed their story, and it wasn't just about them either. I appreciated the side plots too, which made the whole book really enjoyable to read!!

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I started this almost embarrassing fast after it landed on my Kindle - after two books of build up between Teddy and Gus, I was beyond ready for the payoff! Lyla Sage has such a way with these cowboys and I was so glad to be back in the beautiful Wyoming countryside and the wonderful world of Rebel Blue. Needless to say, Lost and Lassoed didn’t disappoint!

Teddy and Gus have been dancing around each other for years, their relationship only growing more antagonistic as time goes on. But when Teddy finds herself jobless and Gus needs someone to help look after his daughter for a few weeks (live-in, might I add) these two might need to put aside their differences and learn to be something like friends. Or more?

I really enjoyed the slow burn between these two and how emotional intimacy really came first. They were so caught up in the snipes and jabs that when it came time for something real, it was truly wonderful to see how well they actually know each other beneath all the antagonism. I love a bit of forced proximity and it really worked well here, and Riley is just a sweetheart. Teddy might be my favourite of the Rebel Blue women and it was great to see her hold her own again Gus and his scowls. Overall, I wouldn’t perhaps liked to see the fire continue on into the romance once they gave into the tension, but this was a very sweet read that left me satisfied and warm and fuzzy by the end, and desperate to read the next instalment!

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4.5 stars 🌟
This is the third instalment of the series and so far it’s my favourite. We follow Gus and Teddy and they don’t really like such other. Gus thinks Teddy is just his little sister’s trouble making friend. And Teddy thinks Gus is grumpy and mean. They have great banter though it’s sometimes very harsh. When Gus is overwhelmed having to parent his daughter Riley on his own over the summer and Teddy is out of a job, they help each other. Over time, the two start to open up to each other and it’s adorable and sizzling.

I love both Gus and Teddy deeply. Teddy isn’t really having a great time right now, she feels a bit stuck and left behind, which is deeply relatable. Some of her inner monologues had me tearing up. The way Riley loves Teddy and Teddy loves Riley is tooth-achingly sweet, it makes me want a child and I really don’t want one. Gus is your average grumpy single dad working on a ranch, so obviously he is irresistible. The book had the perfect level of spice for my tastes with the tension building up up up until it finally explodes. I also loved this take on the single parenting trope. The co-parenting works so well and the way the whole town is invested makes me happy for Riley, she is truly growing up with a town at her feet. I’m super excited for book 4, although the disadvantage of reading book early is that you have to wait even longer for the next one.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an advanced copy of this book.

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I admit that I expected a bit more from what, so far, remained the most anticipated book in the series. With further developments it is clear that there will be another, but the love-hate story between Gus and Trudi had caught my attention (and not only mine) from the first book. Clearly it was not easy to please all expectations so I will just say that it was an enjoyable book, but I hoped for more.

Ammetto che mi aspettavo un po' di piú da quello che, fino ad ora, restava il libro piú atteso della serie. Con gli sviluppi ulteriori é chiaro che ce ne sará un altro, ma la storia di amore odio tra Gus e Trudi aveva attirato la mia attenzione (e non solo la mia) dal primo libro. Chiaramente non era facile accontentare tutte le aspettative quindi mi limiteró a dire che é stato un libro piacevole, ma speravo in qualcosa di piú.

I received a complimentary advanced digital review copy from the publisher, in exchange for a honest review.

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I don’t know what Lyla Sage puts in her books, but they’re the most addictive books on the planet. There’s something so special about being able to return to Rebel Blue.

Following on from previous books in the Rebel Blue series, Lost and Lassoed follows grumpy rancher, Gus, his hilarious six year old Riley, and sunshine incarnate Teddy. After years of bickering, Gus needs Teddy’s help, and well, the slow-burn enemies become lovers.

Like with every book in this series I devoured it in one go as I could not put it down. I swooned, I welled up and I fell in love with all the characters.

I’m so glad there’s going to be more books to come, too.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for the ARC.

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I’ve been waiting for this book since reading Done + Dusted and I was not disappointed! Geddy has been simmering away for 2 books and I’m so happy they got their story 🔥 I also loved seeing more of Riley, Cam, Hank et al and the rest of the Rebel Blue fam, I’ve grown attached to them all.

I’ve since reread both Done + Dusted and Swift + Saddled, twice. I know it will be the same for Lost + Lassoed too, I’ve preordered the book + audiobook already, and November 5th can’t come soon enough! Mark your calendars 🤠 💚✨

Thank you so much to Quercus + NetGalley for making my year, twice! and allowing me the opportunity to read an ARC long before the book is out, it will NEVER get old. Lost and Lassoed is out on 5th November 2024, giddy up! #LostAndLassoed #NetGalley

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Just as good a the rest. The development of Teddy and Gus is really enjoyable to read. Will definitely continue the series.

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*Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

Just like many others I was very excited for Gus and Teddy's story. An enemies-to-lovers journey through forced proximity, mixed in with the single dad and grumpy/sunshine tropes, their story was extremely fun and very satisfying. Again, a fairly angst free story with just enough drama to make the tension and plot work.
After only seeing both of their characters from other people's perspectives, it was great to finally get in each of their heads. They're complex people who appear in very specific ways from the outside, and their coming together works incredibly well. It was also great to see so much more of Riley, and Gus' friendship with Cam.
It was just such an enjoyable read. I love this series a lot.

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If i could smootch the author I would.

Thank you for giving Teddy and Gus the story and love they deserve. Thank you for creating a wonderful story full of giggles and delight.
I wanna bathe in the mountains and the valleys and ride a horse (fun fact I once had to call 911 because my mom fell off a horse (she was fine))
Anyway please do yourself a favor and read this wonderful book.

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I just knew Teddy and Gus would be my favourite from the first interaction we saw in Done and Dusted! I'm a sucker for a single girl dad, and Riley was so cute!
Another absolutely great addition to the Rebel Blue Ranch series. I cannot wait for more with Wild and Wrangled

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Lost and Lassoed by L. Sage, published by Quercus Books, is the third stand alone in the Rebel Blue Ranch Series.
The book can easily be read as a stand alone, anyway, for best reading experience I recommend to read the books in order. And yes, there are a few cross-overs, the reader'll meet characters from previous books.
The previous books are Done and Dusted, Emmy and Luke's story; and Swift and Saddled, Ada and Wes' story.
Now it's Teddy and Gus' turn.
Both are total opposites, like oil and water, fire and gasoline - an explosive mixture when provoked. The single dad takes care for the family ranch, was always the reliable one who everyone can lean on. And Teddy rubs him the wrong way since the first time he met her when his little sister Emmy brought her home. That's the tricky thing, Teddy is Emmy's best friend and Gus is her big brother. Put the adorable sprite sidekick Riley in the mix and you get the perfect read to snuggle up with on a couch under a cozy blanket.
I recommend the book and the series, they deserve all the stars.

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🌺 Best friend's brother
🌺 Small town
🌺 Cowboy romance
🌺 Close proximity

This book was the one I was most excited to read this year. I had high expectations for it, and I have to say that Lyla exceeded them.

This story is much more than I could have imagined.

Gus and Teddy are characters I've been in love with since Done and Dusted. When we were first introduced to them and found out they didn't get along, I thought, "This is going to be my favorite couple."

The story developed beautifully, and I felt it was natural. Even though the book isn't very long, I think everything happened at the right pace. The connection they have is incredible. As they get closer, they realize they are everything the other needed. They see each other, and I also think they bring a sense of calmness to each other's lives.

Beyond them, I think all the relationships in the book are heartwarming. I love the positive relationship between Gus and Cam, the fatherly relationship between Gus and Riley (Riley is amazing), and Teddy and Hank.

This book totally won my heart. And August Ryder, the man you are! I don't want to say anything that could be a spoiler, but to me, he's the definition of a passionate man.

I read it in a few hours and was sad when it ended. This book has made it to my all-time favorites list.

Thank you so much, NetGalley and Quercus Books, for sending me this ARC.

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Loved getting Teddy and Gus’ story. The relationship she develops with Riley is so lovely, and you get a good understanding of why both characters are how they are!

Thoroughly recommend!

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I LOVED this! So heartfelt and lovely, the relationships were such a brilliant continuation of the previous books in the series. Often with enemies-to-lovers, there is a lack of believability, but I really enjoyed the development between Gus and Teddy.

The setting, as always, was dreamy. I cannot wait for Cam’s story!

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I so love this series and so couldn't wait for this story. These hate to love relationships are one of my most favourite and this was simply so sweet. Lyla left us hanging with preview of WILD and WRANGLED tho which I think will be best story of this series so far.
This book was simply awesome.

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Lyla Sage gets better and better! This book was a incredible! I totally loved it - Gus and Teddy have my whole heart. The chemistry, the care and the love galloped off the pages. The hair wash scene in particular was incredible! I can't wait for the next book.

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The third book was even better than the first two books! If you are a fan of great banter, enemies-to-lovers, or cowboys, you have to read this book!

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