Member Reviews

Lyla Sage does not ever fail when it comes to realistic and effective character development, both individually and in relationships with one another. Teddy and Gus truly had so much growth in this book, both in their own characters, their behaviours and actions, and also with each other, learning to grow and lean on each other. Her writing throughout made you absolutely adore these characters and Riley, god i love that girl this family truly deserves the world!

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Lost and Lassoed is the latest book in the Rebel Blue Ranch series and I enjoyed it! I've been waiting for Gus and Teddy's story since book 1, the little hints of them throughout the other books were just enough to make me know I would love their story.

I absolutely loved their banter and the way they went back and forth, I think the main thing I didn't really like was how fast this died out once they got together! They quickly become quite sappy and use pet names and they just lose the snark and tension which was so good before.

The overall plot did feel a little bit lackluster, there's not a lot going on. Teddy's whole arc is that she doesn't feel her life is going anywhere and it doesn't get resolved until right near the end and without much work towards it. I was just left wanting more, it felt like the story needed to be longer or maybe more fleshed out, I'm not sure but it didn't quite feel finished.

The sneak peek for Cam and Dusty's book is incredible and I can't wait for their story next!

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I absolutely adored this book and the story of these two characters. Usually i’m not the hugest fan of a trope that was in this book but i was pleasantly surprised bc i LOVEDDDD this book! it was so so good.
When i read the first book in this series i was so intrigued by this couple and i was so excited for their book! It’s safe to say that this book exceeded ALL of my expectations! The slow burn of their relationship was executed PERFECTLY. The witty banter between the two main characters was incredible and had me laughing out loud it was PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT.
Side note: I AM SO SO SOOO EXCITED for Cam and Dusty’s book the little snippets we got of them had me desperately needing their book!

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I really enjoyed this easy to follow, slow burn romance. I loved the first two books in the series and Lost & Lassoed certainly didn't disappoint. If you like slow burn, small town romance then this is the book for you. I loved the story and the characters. I highly recommend it.
❤️ Thank you to netgalley, the author and publisher for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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this series has quickly become my fave series yet. the friendships are so beautiful, the setting is absolutely gorgeous and the romance is perfect. no third act break up? no unnecessary drama? I LOVE IT. ty lyla sage for becoming my comfort author!!!

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We're back in the third installment of the Rebel Blue Ranch series and I love it!

In LOST AND LASSOED we see Teddy and Gus go from enemies to lovers - and I love to see it. I loved seeing their journey from snarky filled hate to heart in their eyes love. And it's filled with all the same likable characters, beautiful scenery and steamy smut.

Single Dad x Nanny was the perfect trope and the plot, development and tension was perfectly well done. I can't wait for Dusty and Cam's book up next!

Loved Lyla Sage's other books? LOST AND LASSOED is Lyla Sage's best yet

Thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for the ARC! Opinions are my own

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Lyla Sage has absolutely nailed the enemies to lovers trope! The most perfect book for Gus and Teddy!! Since book one I was so inlove with both Teddy and Gus!

We all know Teddy and Gus hate each others guts, Gus is the handsome, small town, grumpy single dad and Teddy is the loud, vibrant, happy go lucky small town girl. We follow Teddy's story line and it brings to the surface she is struggling that everyone is moving on with their lives and she seems to have no direction and when the unimaginable happens she jumps to take that step back and enjoy summer before getting her head down and finding her direction and that step back means spending the summer with single dad Gus!

I absolutely loved reading how Teddy and Gus helped each other through the summer and watching them balance each other out whilst peeling each others layers away (And peeling other things!)! The passion and chemistry between them was something else and it was written so beautifully and along with the insight of there relationship from the get go has the rated 5 star plus for me! I also absolutely loved that the way they used to treat each other changed from enemies to lovers but still kind of stayed the same but changed to banter! They just go perfectly together!

The plot was incredible and it really was the perfect book for them!

Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review!! <3

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While I'm usually not a fan of the single dad x babysitter, the characters Gus and Teddy really made that work for me this time! I absolutely fell in love with them and their struggles, they felt super real and I couldn't help but also fall in love with their story!

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This series is just the cutest!! I will probably pick up every book that Lyla writes. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I just need them to be longer!!

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Lyla Sage can do no wrong! My goodness, this was worth the wait! I knew it would be hot, but I was not prepared for how heartfelt Gus and Teddy’s story would be. I absolutely LOVED getting to know them better, and their vulnerability was so pure and raw. The spice was spicing. I mean, it was PERFECTION! I honestly didn’t want this book to end. I could read about these two forever. A very special shoutout to our Little Miss Sunshine, Riley, who is just an absolute joy, and I adored her being such a big part of this story. As always, Lyla Sage has left me wanting more, and I genuinely can’t wait for the next book!

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<b>“But just because you thought you’d be ‘settled’ by now— whatever that means— doesn’t mean you’re behind. Maybe everyone else is just ahead.”</b>

I really enjoyed this book!
What I liked so much about the previous books was the openness and the pure emotions and fortunately that was also the case in this book!

The main characters were both very nice and I saw how they complement each other. The tension between them was palpable and when the first kiss finally came I was giggling.

They both have such sweet, caring fathers who are also not afraid to show emotion and discuss a difficult subject.
The side characters were also very nice and I felt real close friendships that also feel very real because they do not always agree with each other.

<b>“Luke is my fiancé, my partner, my everything. But you’re my soulmate, Teddy Andersen, and I’m the luckiest girl in the world because of it.”</b>

A moment that really sticks out to me is when Teddy is completely out of sorts after something that happened and it always annoys me when the main characters have sex instead of a good conversation or just take care of each other.
Luckily this wasn't the case in this book! Gus took such sweet and good care of her. When he started washing her hair I really melted for a moment.

<b>“You try to carry everything by yourself even though you don’t have to. It has to be heavy, even with your arms.”</b>

I would definitely recommend this book and can't wait for the next book with Cam! (loved the little plot twist in the end)

What can you expect:
🐎ranch life
🐎small town
🐎grumpy vs sunshine
🐎very sweet fathers
🐎great side characters
🐎single dad
🐎very cute kid
🐎creative fmc
🐎dual pov
🐎age gap
🐎sisters best friend

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Love this series! Gus and Teddy's story was the one I couldn't wait to get my teeth into and I wasn't disappointed. I loved the way they bantered with each other, and the grumpy/sunshine trope worked soooo well here! Made me laugh and swoon in all the right places. August is such a grumpy git and it makes his arc all the sweeter to read.

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I loved this story and found the unraveling of the Gus/Teddy relationship delightfully satisfying

I identify with Gus and so recognise that Teddy is his other half, that she has all the things that Gus needs to be whole, and vice verse.

I adored the interactions with Riley and secretly want Amos and Hank to be my dads.

I adored Emmy and Brooke’s story, felt a little adrift and incomplete with Ada and Wes bus this story puts me back in a fab place with this series and I’m excited to see what happens with Dusty and Cam

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The Plot: 5/5 The Characters: 5/5 The Setting: 5/5 The Writing: 4/5


4.5 rounded up 🤩🐎
Oooh I’m so grateful that I didn’t need to wait until NOVEMBER (!!) to read this 3rd book in the Rebel Blue Ranch Series. But now I’m desperate for Cam & Dusty’s story which isn’t getting released until JANUARY 2025 (!!)

I loooove how each book in this series covers all four siblings in the Ryder family and their love interests. It makes for such enjoyable reads and entices you to keep reading the next one! Also this is my fave cover yet 🤠 Teddy’s suede tassel jacket :’)

This was such an enjoyable story & Lyla Sage’s writing has improved so much with this 3rd book.

Thank you NetGalley & Quercus Books for the arc 🤗

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"Drink some water," I said. The glass I'd gotten her was still mostly full. "Do you need anything else?"
"I'm good," she said. "Thanks, Daddy".
"Fuck off with that," I said, but I couldn't help smiling.


*kicks feets*

I was both excited and anxious for this book.

I loved Gus and Teddy the moment they started arguing with each other in book 1, and I needed their story to be perfect. AND LYLA SAGE DELIVERED.

A single dad x nanny romance was the perfect story for them. The plot, the development, the tension was so well-done and you can see the growth in Lyla Sage's writing. This is definitely her strongest book to-date. This book

Gus x Teddy have to be my favourite in the series and Lyla has set the scene for book 4 perfectly. I am beyond excited for Dusty x Cam's book.

This book includes:
- Dual POV
- Single daddy x nanny
- Banter
- Small Town Romance
- Grumpy x sunshine

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"Lost and Lassoed" has truly captured my heart. Lyla Sage has an incredible talent for building characters and crafting a world in Meadowlark that feels like home. I devoured this book in a single day, unable to put it down.

While Wes has become my favorite male character in the Rebel Blue Ranch series, it’s Teddy who has completely stolen my heart as a female protagonist. Lyla has created a character in Teddy that resonates deeply with me, making me feel seen and understood, especially in relation to the feelings of being left behind as others around you get married and have children.

I only recently ventured into the romance genre, particularly cowboy romances, with "Done and Dusted" serving as my introduction. Since then, I am committed to reading and supporting any book Lyla Sage releases, as she consistently creates lovable and unforgettable characters.

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Thank you so much to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the free copy provided in exchange for an honest review!

Ohmygod this was the best one yet !!!
When I finished the arc of 'Swift and Saddled' and got a little snap shot of Teddy and Gus's story I almost screamed with excitement, when I got approved for the ARC of 'Lost and Lassoed' I think I did let a mini scream out.
To say I had high standards going in would've been an understatement, first off, I loved seeing all the build up between Teddy and Gus in the past two books, the banter, the tension AHHHH.
Despite my high standards going in this book did not disappoint, I completely abandoned my exam study in favor of smashing out this book in a couple of hours, it was so much fun. Not only was there humour, soft moments and great tension, but the conflicts where characters actually acting their age and coping like adults!? Loved to see it. Although (kinda spoiler?) broke my heart to see Emmy and Teddy have a little fight (it was literally one scene with a slight disagreement and they made up right after, but it made me anxious okay!). We got some cute domestic moments, as well as a severe case of eldest child syndrome from both characters, Gus especially (might have felt a little called out me with my three jobs and full time uni but I'm not gonna think about that too hard).
And because I do this when going through reviews, the tropes ✨✨:
- best friend's brother
- enemies to lovers (although I am a person who only considers enemies to lovers to be valid in fantasy books cause girl there was no actual murder here so it was more dislike to lovers when really they just teased each other obsessively and were really horny)
-single dad
- dyslexia rep (love the subtle rep in these books !)
- small town
- care-giving (i do not know if this is a trope people look for but Teddy is primarily looking after her sick dad so might trigger some feels in people!)
Overall was an amazing addition to the series, can't wait for the next one!

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GAHHH I'm so in love with cowboy romance books and no one is doing it like Lyla Sage, While Done and Dusted remains my favourite Rebel Blue novel, this one is a close second. The chemistry between Gus and Teddy is ELECTRIC and the strong emphasis on family in this book was so heartwarming and a wonderful way to drive the story. The characters are really what make these books shine, along with the witty banter (Gus and Teddy truly came alive with their snarky dialogue), and the small-town setting. It's rare that a book feels like home, but this is a perfect example of one that does, because as soon as I picked it up I felt like I was gearing up to visit one of my favourite places and meet some new (and old) friends. Would I have liked a *little* more plot to break up the character-heavy scenes? Perhaps. But do I think this book is wholly binge-worthy and heartwarming as is? Absolutely I do. And I cannot wait for the next installment in this series!!

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If you have read the previous books in the series I would imagine you will be like me and have been looking forward to this match up for some has been on the cards!
It was fun and spicy and with oh so much banter and laugh out loud moments I couldnt put this book down. I am not sure a moustache has ever been appealing to me and that may have been my one point of issue with our MMC. The story between Teddy and Gus is a mix of tropes best friends brother / enemies to lovers / maybe even a hint of second chance but it seems to all fade away pretty quickly without much drama.

I received this book as an ARC and provide an honest review.

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Although this is the first book I've read from this series, I loved it and all the characters. The book is incredibly engaging, with no dull moments, and you're always eagerly anticipating the next chapter. I appreciated that there wasn't an unnecessary third act breakup. The characters knew what they wanted and just needed space to work things out in their own minds, in a healthy way. I would say the only downside was the ebook format: it was poorly formatted and had some errors, but this didn't make me enjoy the book any less, it was just a bit confusing at times.

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