Member Reviews

Soap Lake, famous for the largest lava lamp in the world. Or is it? Things aren't what they seem in Soap Lake. Is TreeTop just a bedtime story to keep children in line? Or is it something more?
Why do people keep dying?
Why do locals not want people looking into their precious lake?
These are the questions that newcomer Abigail accidentally steps into as she begins digging in to the past.
Always hard being the first non-five-star-review, but for me this book was good. Just good.
Starting out with the positive, the book has a lot of potential to be fast paced and keep readers coming back for more. It felt spooky at times and I found myself questioning if TreeTop was real or fake. The duel POV, combined with timelines from past and present slowly coming together, kept the pace moving and reader at the edge of their seat. It was an overall good mystery/thriller.
The 'needs improvement' comes from the overwhelming amount of unnecessary information. One example is, the famous lava lamp. I'm not sure where that plays in to any part of the story other than it made a MC excited to arrive at Soap Lake. It (like a handful of other moments) were talked about way too much without adding anything of substance to the story.
The dialogue would become awkward at times. Didn't feel natural. Plot has some loose ends, confusing moments and needs tidying up. As I'm reviewing this so far in advance, I am assuming the author and editor will work through any potholes before publishing date.
Finally, now this is my personal opinion, I didn't like the name TreeTop as the villain. It is an odd enough name to be scary, sure, but it didn't make sense for what it was prowling around doing. Again, purely my opinion.
The author's note was a wonderful cherry on top and something as a reader I always appreciate additional insight from the writer. The fact that Soap Lake actually exists and how the author took inspiration from the actual location to create this thriller is super intriguing.
Overall, a pretty good book and I'd be excited to see what else the author has up his sleeve.
Amazon Link - (none yet, will update review when book is posted on Amazon)
***Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing, NetGalley and of course, Matthew J. Sullivan, for a copy of the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Publishing on April 15, 2025.

NetGalley sent me an e-book by Matthew Sullivan titled Midnight in Soap Lake. It was really good. The story of a newlywed couple that moves to a remote lake in Washington State so the husband can study the water that is supposed to have un before studies properties. The husband ends up taking a temporary job in Poland leaving the woman alone in a strange town. The woman ends up making a few friends and a few enemies. Oh yeah, there is an urban ledged in town that terrifies the children and some of the adults into behaving and minding their own business. Lots of twists and turns.

"Midnight in Soap Lake" is a strange and interesting novel with references to an urban legend. It is best left for the reader to take in so that they can experience the world Sullivan creates without distraction. Recommended for mystery and suspense lovers, and those who enjoy strange towns and characters. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

Wow, I was very pleasantly surprised with how good this book was. The story was unique and interesting. Tree Top is such a cool, and spooky, idea. The dual POV I loved, despite at first thinking I wouldn’t care about Esme’s story, I quickly changed my mind and loved it. I honestly couldn’t figure out who/what it was for the ending.
4.25 stars because I think there’s some things to work out before publication, but given that’s a year away I have faith that will happen. I wish it was a little more concise at times with unnecessary info, but then the very end felt rushed. The last two chapters confused me and I’m not sure what ended up happening with a couple characters. Some of the dialogue was a little awkward/jumpy. The overall plot is just so cool and unique, that I think it could be a very fast paced, can’t put down, staying up way too late to finish kind of novel.
Overall this book had me on the edge of my seat!
The real life Soap Lake blew my mind! I need to know more about this healing meromictic lake that’s being ruined by irrigation canals. I fully thought this book was entirely made up until the authors note. What a cool basis for a story!

Well the beginning already had me VERY intrigued. WTF is going to happen. I was thinking monsters, aliens, ghosts, the people from the hills have eyes. The possibilities were endless at this point. That was chapter 1. As I moseyed into the next few chapters that just intensified…
Another book that was read during a distracted time but SO intriguing! Every time I picked it up I was completely engrossed in the story, I never wanted to put it down. I really don’t want to say much because it contains such a crazy path, but this book was fantastic! I felt like I was THERE! You have no idea where this book is going the entire time. The possibilities stay endless with this story! I cant wait to see what everyone thinks about this story!!! I would go into this one as blind as possible and just dive into this story about a town with a special lake!