Member Reviews

eARC Review: The Kiss of the Nightingale by Adi Denner 🎭

I’m not sure if this was meant to be a book that was supposed to have large amounts of Phantom of the Opera (never watched the musical nor read the book) elements or not, but it felt like it had the idea of it while reading. I honestly found myself sadly bored here and there by the plot and rather frustrated with the characters at times that it really accumulated into an odd reading experience. 🫤

The story is set in a fantasy 1890’s Paris where people are able to control Talents: gems that have been fed blood to keep specific traits or abilities of people that can then be passed on to others. I wish we could’ve gotten a little more background on whether or not specific Talents have special gems assigned to them or not and how one goes bout identifying what Talent a person has. 💎

The story follows Cleodora who is a modiste that is desperate for money to save her sick sister. Her introduction was well done at the beginnng but towards the middle part, she just kind of petered off in character development. Cleo just assumes the Talent she is given will magically make her a perfect opera singer while doing no work at all and that kind of annoyed me since she’s supposed to use that as a flawless front to her given mission. I also didn’t particularly enjoy the relationship she has with her sister. At first, Anaella seems to be used as an excuse and moral compass for Cleo, but at the same time Anaella fails to see what her sister has suffered through in the first place and expects all to go back to normal. 😐

The love interests are also rather odd. Dahlia is presented as a femme fatale like figure with a hidden emotional side, but Cleo fails time and time again to realize that she’s been manipulated into loving her. Also, it’s never really explained what Dahlia’s Talent is in the first place: manipulation, seduction, stealth. . . Which is it?? 🫨

And Nufiel comes off as an ass for a good portion of the book but then suddenly has a change of heart? It felt rather abrupt this change of character for him and I’m also confused as to why he refuses to use his mathematical Talent for the side gig he deeply loves. 😕

All in all, it just left me with a really confused feeling the entire read because the concept was there, but the execution of it just left me feeling like it could’ve been done better.

Thank you goes out to Tundra Books and NetGalley for accepting my request to read this in exchange for an honest review. I wish I had a better time with it. 😔

Publication date: October 1

Overall: 2.5/5 ⭐️

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first off the cover is beautiful i got bridgerton phantom of the opera vibes and im sooo here for it.
the story itself is beautifully written and i really liked cleodora 🩵

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The unique magic system is what piqued my interest when I read the description for this book on NetGalley. The idea that gems can be imbued with magic that will heighten different types of talents in people, then be passed down through generations. It was something I've never heard of!

Although I was in love with the idea of Talents, it quickly took a backseat to Cleo and her story. To be a girl that wants to do everything to help set up her and her sister for a better life. But to then experience the reality of hard decisions. I did not expect to be so consumed by Cleo’s feelings.

I started this book wanting to hold and protect Cleo, to give her advice to make better decisions going forward. Then I turned into a proud parent as she lays everything on the line to fix her story and change the narrative for others. The ending was a beautiful way to experience the closing out of Cleo’s story.

I'm honestly so thankful I took a chance on a cool description and a gorgeous cover because as a reader I feel lighter and happier after finishing this book!

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When cleodoras sister is sick she makes a deal to get a talent if she helps steal .ore talents.
I thought it was kind of a phantom of the opera retelling

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The Kiss of the Nightingale is a standalone romantasy with sapphic Phantom of the Opera vibes. (3.5 stars)

Cleo didn’t inherit her sewing talent infused family jewel, leaving her and her orphaned sister penniless in a struggling dress shop. When caught attempting theft? Cleo is thrown into the underworld of a criminal mastermind. In exchange for her thieving services, Cleo will be blessed with a singing talent gem, and become a successful opera singer. But such a wonderful rags to riches story always has its consequences - will
Cleo be able to face hers?

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada and NetGalley for an advanced electronic copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book gives major Bridgerton and Red Queen vibes!

Before I give my review, I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this wonderful ARC!

Synopsis: Cleodora Finley, a nineteen-year-old girl trying to provide for her sickly sister, will do anything to change her life. She stumbles upon a gem that will change her life in a very unexpected way. She is caught up in a love triangle, betrayals, regrets, and homesickness.

4.7 ⭐️
This book is magnificent! It’s so magical and unique, with excellent world-building and characters. I love that Cleodora was driven to questionable morals all for the sake of Anaella. In the end, she did it to keep her sister safe and to let her thrive among the elites.

Vicomte Lenoir is my favorite character in the book. He is a very complex character who seems to only have eyes for Cleo. I only wish they had more interactions with each other. He seems perfect for her, with his talent complementing Cleo’s ability to sow. He is guaranteed to be the new favorite book boyfriend of the year!

“We are quite the pair, aren’t we?” - Vicomte Lenoir

Dahlia Sibille is a very manipulative character that had a special place in her heart for Cleodora. She was protective and showed Cleo a side of herself she never showed anyone else. She played with her heartstrings and used her against her own morals. Cleo would do anything to please Dahlia, even as far as killing for her. She would lose sense of right and wrong when she was with her. Perhaps I don’t remember, but I wonder what Dahlia’s talent was and if she used it against Cleo.

I love all the friends she made along the way, such as Madame, Lirone, Renée, and José. I always love books that include masquerades, love triangles, plot twists, and false identities. This book is perfect for any Shadow and Bone, Powerless, and Heartless fans! It’s a very fast-paced book, and is guaranteed to get you out of a book slump!

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Thank you Netgalley and Tundra Books for the chance to read an advanced copy of The kiss of the Nightingale by Adi Denner. The premise and the cover is what drew me to request this book, and it didn't fail me! It is a YA fantasy romance that has Phantom of the Opera vibes and a unique magical twist of artistic talents being imbued into gems, that can be transferred to other people. This standalone novel kept me interested to the end, although I did find some of the characters a bit two dimensional.

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Honestly this book in the beginning has a lot of build up. It was a little hard to get through at first but holy moly did it pick up! It was a very unique read with thr concept of magic gems and jewelry. Havent read a book like this. Wraps up quite nicely at the end. Interesting enemies to lovers to enemies to a different enemy almost to lover to enemy for raging sure, to lovers. I liked the main character after about halfway through the book, she was a bit woe is me look at how unfortunate my life is, but then it got bettet and I really liked the ending.

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-Phanotom of the Opera Vibes
-Love Triangle

I knew I would love this book from the moment I saw the cover. My first thought was Phantom of the Opera vibes (which I love). I truly appreciated the historical romance aspect of this book along with the attention to detail on the fashion description. The world build was easy to follow along with which I needed after some of my more recent reads. This book took me through all the emotions the character was feeling and it was easy to get sucked in and not be able to put it down. The emotional intensity of the love triangle between Cleo, Dahlia and Nuriel was chef's kiss! I felt this underlying danger and urgency while reading the book and I ate it up! I would defineately recommend reading this book!!! Thank you Adi Denner and NetGalley for allowing me to read a ARC copy of this book! I truly enjoyed it!

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The Kiss of the Nightingale is an enchanting story set in 1800s France with vibes similar to Bridgerton and Phantom of the Opera. The biggest fantasy aspect of this world is the Talents which give people exceptional abilities. The main character accepts a deal to help her sister and ends up with the Talent of singing. This concept is really cool and I loved how opulent and rich the setting felt. However, nothing really happened. For most of the book, the main character is going back and forth to the singing lessons. She hardly interacts with the two love interests and when the romantic scenes happen I was questioning if I missed something because there wasn’t nearly enough build up. If this had a few more entertaining plot points and more believable romance, this would’ve been a hit for me. I didn’t hate it, but didn’t particularly love anything about it so I’m giving this a solid 3 stars.

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Interesting premise. the book was a little slow moving and it took a bit to get into. but by half way through the book I was hooked finially and wanted to know the outcome. all and all I enjoyed the book and found the story and characters well written.

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“The Kiss of the Nightingale,” by Adi Denner

I loved this book! I adored the entire world and worldbuilding, it was lavish and glamourous but also had a dark underbelly of poor and gang type groups. Magic stones give “talents” to people, usually their successors are unique and added a level of fear in the people’s mind who has talents that it could be stolen. It is very YA and has a F/F attraction relationship as well as F/M relationships, I wish there was a little more development and tension in the main love relationship though. The book was so good, 5 out of 5 stars.

-F/F, F/M
-Rags to Riches

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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The Kiss of the Nightingale by Adi Denner. Vivid world, heists, and love triangle.

I rated this 3 stars.

The Kiss of the Nightingale is a standalone book that has a vivid world. Cleodora is given a singing talent by the Queen of the underworld in the city for helping take others talents. Talents are stored in jewels that can be passed from one generation to the next.

I felt as though Cleo was underdeveloped and plain as a MC for most of the book. It’s as if everything developed around her as you read but she stayed flat till the end of the book. So with that I wasn’t able to connect with her. I think more could have been done with this book, more to be desired, still unanswered questions.

Thank you, NetGalley and Random House Publishing Canada for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book! I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Each chapter made me more curious and helped me appreciate different aspects of the story.
The main character is the oldest daughter who is trying to protect her younger sister in a strict and divided society.
The bi panic is real.
I enjoyed every character, even the ones I didn't like.
The magic in the story is interesting and was explained clearly, making it easy to understand. The author clearly did a lot of research and wrote with great enthusiasm. The plot was exciting and well thought out, with no gaps or predictable moments.
I would definitely read this book again to catch details I missed the first time.

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I enjoyed The Kiss of the Nightingale from start to finish, devouring it in less than 48 hours. Heart racing along with Cleodora’s, I anxiously awaited every decision she made and its consequences. I enjoyed stepping into the life of the elite with her as well as exploring the romance. Denner’s writing kept me enthralled from start to finish

**I received an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley and the publishers**

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Why is this book so amazing? From the captivating story to the richly developed world and unique magical system, it all unfolds like a movie in my mind. Also the cover just looks so pretty. (I judge books by their covers—sorry 😅.) ‘The Kiss of the Nightingale‘ follows Cleodora, who is facing many hardships. She's considered talentless and is burdened with an ailing sister. In her desperate attempt to save her sister, Cleodora is hired to steal a magical gem from a man of prestigious background. While I'm not usually a fan of love triangles, this one stood out due to its sapphic elements. I highly recommend this book

Thank you author, NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada for the ARC

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I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Beware of possible spoilers.

More like a 2.5 star rating.

This book isn't bad; it just left a lot to be desired. When reading this, I couldn't help but pick up plot holes and wonder how the story could be changed to flow a little easier.

Firstly, the concept is incredibly interesting. That's what really grabbed my attention in the description. The ability to pass talent down through generations, allowing it to grow over a series of people, is just so fascinating to me. Even the idea that it has to be put into a gem, which can be so easily stolen or lost.

Unfortunately, this leaves a lot of questions for me. The gems are limited. They've essentially run out, from what I gather. So why are there not more people attempting to steal them? We're told that some were stolen in a group once before, but then...that's it? You're telling me that no one else attempted it after that? Especially if people are so desperate to get their hands on a talent?

And all this brings us to our main characters who, unfortunately, I struggled to connect with. Her want of having a talent and being loved would have been far more interesting if she didn't feel so...vain?

She missed out the chance of gaining her father's talent and her sick little sister has their mother's talent. Their family own a fashion shop, but without their father's sewing ability, they have no way to make the designs the little sister comes up with. Except...the main character CAN sew? She just doesn't view it as good as her father's talent. Even though she has his book on how exactly he makes these gowns? And she carries it around with her everywhere, especially to places she knows she shouldn't take it? If she had no ability for sewing at all, I could understand the struggle. But at this point I don't understand why she doesn't just do it herself, or hire someone to help them out. I know they talk about the fact that they have no money, but then they go on to talk about how the sister's designs are absolutely gorgeous and would sell for a fortune. They just have to sell one dress and they have enough to pay a worker, essentially.

I felt like there were almost too many characters. Most of whom never really get much of a story themselves. At one point, I wondered if the little sister was needed at all. Especially when the main character forgot about her multiple times...

The love triangle felt a little strained. Her relationship with the main antagonist sometimes felt too forced and the relationship she has with the man she's supposed to be stealing from is often overshadowed by other aspects of the plot.

I will say that I absolutely adored Lirone and he was the main reason I kept going with this. He has to be protected at all costs. I also did find the concept of the talents very unique and would have loved to see that be expanded more.

Having grown up in a family surrounded by music, which included a mother who sang opera, it's always funny to read a book focused on music and have the first song they listen to or learn be Clair de Lune. Without fail, almost every time. It made me smile when it popped up.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read an advanced copy!

The Kiss of The Nightingale is a magical novel, full of a glittering 19th century Paris with a dark illicit underworld. The world is so immersive and descriptive, and it definitely gave Caraval vibes (description wise). I'm mostly sure this is a Phantom of the Opera retelling, and I adored it so much, despite a few flaws.

I loved how "Talents" are coveted gems. The main character, desperate for a talent, strikes a deal, but finds herself caught between Dahlia, the woman who made said deal, and Vicomte Lenoir, the man she's sent to steal a talent from. The worldbuilding is perfect, yet also dark and seductive.

The reason I (sadly) had to bump this down to a 4⭐️ was because of the lack of character depth. I couldn't relate enough with any of the characters, and this eventually lead to the crumble of the romance. The love triangle between Dahlia and Vicomte Lenoir inevitably suffered, and it felt like there was no "true" attraction between the characters, just immediate desire.

Otherwise, you should definitely read this if you like:
✅️ Debut Authors
✅️ Sweeping and magical worldbuilding
✅️ 19th century Paris
✅️ Caraval and (even though I haven't seen it) Bridgerton vibes
✅️ Phantom of the Opera retellings
✅️ Perfected magic systems
✅️ Upper YA fantasy
✅️ Suspense, mystery, and dark haunts

You're in luck. Definitely give this a read. Personally, I will be reading more of this author in the future. For a debut novel, this is great, despite flaws :D

✧*̥˚ 4 Stars *̥˚✧

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3.5 ⭐️

had fun with this one— read it in one sitting and never once felt bored. It was an easy read.

the magic system of magical “talents” being passed down through jewels was a very interesting concept! I can’t recall a similar magic system like this one, so points for it being unique! my only “complaint” per se is I wished this was further expanded on, the magic system behind it felt a bit ambiguous and would have loved to see it fleshed out more.

the main plot of Cleo meeting Dahlia and her life transforming felt a bit rushed in the beginning, but the execution of the book felt very lush and romantic. It definitely had “phantom of the opera” vibes.

thank you Penguin Teen Canada and netgalley for this eArc in exchange for an honest review.

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I think one of my favorite things about this was the setting. Late 19th century France, where the world was so fleshed out and I felt I could walk down the alleyways and speak with the characters themselves. I really had fun reading this. It wasn’t revolutionary by any means, but I don’t think it meant to be. It was fun and exciting, fast paced and carefully researched and crafted. Exactly what I needed.

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