Member Reviews

I couldn't put down A Mercy of Widows by @ marcy lane! This novel tells two parallel stories of women becoming widows too young as the result of cancer.

When Heddie finally is able to pick herself up and get back on track 3 months after her partner Hugh died, she finds herself in a terrible battle with Hugh's brother Stanley, the executor of his estate. Even though Heddie and Hugh dated for 6 years before he passed away, they were never officially married and were only living common law for about 10 months, not enough to legally make her to beneficiary of his estate, and as the result of some hard feelings on Stanley's part he is not willing to budge an inch when it comes to splitting the estate. To add to her stress (and homelessness and financial strain), Heddie is selected to be a juror on a trial where a widow is accused of killing her husband when he didn't meet the eligibility requirements for MAID.

As the case in the courtroom unfolds, Heddie's own story also comes together for the reader. There are many parallels between the two womens' stories and, as a result, many interesting angles to consider when it comes to planning a humane and relatively-comfortable death for cancer victims. The ethics related to suicide and consent are examined and debated from every perspective, as well as the difficulties of carrying out the wishes of ill and deceased loved ones when they are no longer able to voice their wishes.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read and review this book!

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This book addresses the controversial subject of right to die, and the author did it in a very gentle and unbiased way. Excellent character development .

The main character’s point of view , her grief journey and the courtroom scenes made it more genuine.

The story was told with humor and best of all there was a cute dog!

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This is a heavy read involving a character grappling with loss and grief. The trial of mercy killings was so fascinating and I truly enjoyed this book.

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A story of Heddie, who mourning the loss of her boyfriend, becomes involved as a juror in a trial of mercy killings. A heavy story-line, and must admit struggled a bit. Worth the read, but not one I would read multiple times. Still though, would recommend.

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