Member Reviews

Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of Girl Next Door. This was a quick read. Vanessa was a little too much in the beginning with the neighbors, it was a bit unbelievable. The plot twist was good. I definitely had the wrong person. There was a lot of lies in this book and it showed how even if it’s difficult to speak truth you need too. The book was wrapped up nicely, but the epilogue WOW!!!!

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My Rating 4.5

Girl Next Door by Karen King begins with Rachel. Rachel has somehow fallen out of her bedroom window to the pavement below. In the pages that follow, we go back in time where we meet Rachel. We continue up until the day of the fall and beyond. I will not say much else about what happens beyond that because my goodness, what a ride you need to enjoy for yourself. A lot happens within the pages of this book! I will however give you a breakdown of most of the characters. Girl Next Door is told from multiple POVs.

Vanessa - mother to Jacob and Erin; wife to Aaron
Aaron - dad to Lucas and Erin; husband to Vanessa
Amanda - mother to Lucas
Ricky - dad to Jacob
Suzy - mother to Rachel and Ben; wife to Carl
Carl - dad to Rachel and Ben; husband to Suzy
Hazel - sister to Vanessa
Amy - Rachel's best friend

Carl, Suzy, Rachel and Ben are new in the neighborhood and move next door to Aaron, Vanessa, Jacob, Lucas and Erin.

Young Love
Blended Family

Quote: "I'm sticking to my story. There's too much to lose if I don't."

What really happened to Rachel? Accident? Attempted murder? Attempted suicide?
How well does Vanessa really know her husband? Is this marriage a repeat of her last one?
Are Lucas and Jacob hiding something?
Did the crush Lucas and Jacob both have on Rachel lead to the unthinkable?

These are some questions you'll be asking yourself as you journey through the pages of Girl Next Door by Karen King. Make sure you see this one to the end because that Epilogue will have you gasping. The only problem I had is I wish it would have stayed clean all the way through. It made it to almost 90% without foul language. I would have given it five stars before that. I really enjoyed this one.

Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review Girl Next Door by Karen King.

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Thanks to the publisher and net galley for this ARC.
When Aaron,Vanessa, their 2 sons Jacob and Lucas and Erin receive new neighbours, everyone gets along well. Rachel (the girl next door) is taken under Jacob and lucases wing. At school. BUT is it all as it seems?. When cracks appear in the boy's relationship, it becomes apparent Rachel is the cause, but why?
When Rachel falls out of her bedroom window, which puts her into a coma, the boy's are the prime suspects.... Did they do it? Would Jacob or lucas hurt Rachel?.
The neighbours are divided, and Aaron and Lucas stand off against Vanessa and Jacob, the house is divided too.
Aaron has a secret of his own, what is it? Will it come out? Did Aaron hurt Rachel??????
This is highly addictive, and all is not as it appears. Great read, definitely recommend....

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An edge of your seat and devourable thriller. I enjoyed the psychological aspect of two neighbouring households embroiled in the mystery of who attacked the girl next door with multiple suspects. I had the sense throughout that twists were coming and I wasn't disappointed. I think fans of popcorn, domestic, and psychological thrillers will enjoy this one.

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I didn’t know what to expect from this book as I have never read anything by this author before, but I was pleasantly surprised with the ups and downs of this mystery!

Rachel falls from her window, but no one seems to know how. Everyone is a suspect! I think I changed my mind about a hundred times throughout the story!!

I liked the multiple points of view, the before and after timelines, and the overall tension in and between the neighbors involved in the story.

I thought Rachel’s back story was really interesting and made sense with her trust issues. What I liked most about this book was that all the secrets and lies just kept building and building to its final conclusion!

The biggest flaw was the ending. I liked the way it played out, but I didn’t like who the perpetrator was or how we find out who they are. It was a weird curve ball, in my mind.

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This was an ok read with an interesting plot, however I felt that it dragged on a little and took a while to get to the point sometimes, leaving me feeling slightly bored. I also felt like it got to a point where each chapter felt somewhat repetitive, as though you were going 1 step forward towards getting answers and then going 2 steps back again. I did enjoy the ending but I just felt like the main body of the book was disappointing and dragged out too much. I had high expectations for this book based on the description, however unfortunately it didn’t live up to them in my opinion and I probably wouldn’t recommend it to family and friends.

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My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Girl Next Door’ written by Karen King in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

The house next door to Vanessa’s has been empty for two months so she’s delighted that when new neighbours Suzy, Carl and their family move in they immediately become friends. Vanessa and her partner Aaron’s sons, Lucas and Jacob, are particularly smitten by Rachel with good reason as she’s a pretty dark-haired vivacious girl who’s bubbly and friendly. When Rachel falls out of her bedroom window she’s in a coma fighting for her life and as suspicion falls on Jacob the whole family is plunged into a nightmare as they confront secrets and lies within their own home.

‘Girl Next Door’ is a compelling thriller with plenty of twists and turns that have kept me on the edge of my seat reading continually. The plot centres on the two families and how friendship rapidly spirals into distrust and even hatred as secrets are being kept, while the two mothers will go to any lengths to protect their children. What begins as an interesting novel quickly turns into a thrilling and exciting story with increasing tension, drama and suspense as lies are uncovered and blame falls on a number of the characters without any proof of their involvement. Throughout the story I thought I knew who was responsible for Rachel’s accident so I wasn’t prepared for what happened in the final chapters which made the conclusion fall a bit flat, but despite this it’s been a thoroughly enjoyable read which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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"Girl Next Door" by Karen King is a 5-star thriller! Vanessa, along with her husband Aaron and their children Jacob, Lucas, and Erin, welcome a new family next door. Suzy, Carl, Rachel, and Ben are excited to live next to Nessa and her family. Jacob, Lucas, and Rachel are all about the same age, and quickly a crush starts driving a wedge not only between the boys but also within the whole family.

The prologue starts this story off with a bang! Then we go back three months to witness what led up to this terrible disaster. This story pits wife against husband as well as neighbor against neighbor. There are multiple POVs that keep the story moving forward, ensuring you get to know what is happening from several perspectives. The narrative is layered with lies upon lies, making it seem that no one can tell the truth. All the deception keeps you guessing about what really happened to Rachel.

Although I thought the ending fell a bit flat and the surprise wasn’t as impactful as expected, I enjoyed the story overall. I plan to try out other books by Karen King.

Thanks to Bookouture, Karen King, and NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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This is the type of book I usually choose for a reset when I'm in a reading slump. The plot sounded interesting and it was enough to make me want to know the answers as soon as possible.

However, I did find that while it has a lot of potential the book was quite slow for the majority. The middle especially felt like it dragged a little and that it was repetitive.

Then towards the end everything speeds up, almost too much. The reveal felt almost like a dice roll, as if it was left to chance and the author had to make it fit somehow. Considering how much the other theories were pushed throughout the book, it felt strange that the actual answer was never hinted at.
Overall, I did enjoy this book, it was an interesting concept and despite being a slow burn it was well developed and kept me reading. I just feel the ending missed the mark for me.

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Thanks Netgalley for my copy.

I liked this book, it was set to be a 4⭐ rating until that ending. Uh, no, that was farcical. Overall, the characterisation was okay but the teens didn't seem very "teeny" to me. I liked the writing overall and the storyline was good until the end. One wasn't a twist at all in my opinion, it was just thrown in there to say "ha, got you!".

Looking forward to reading more by King though.

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Wow, such a good book that i was on the edge of my seat the whole time!!

The Girl Next door was full of so many twists and turns that kept me guessing. I enjoyed the different POV’s for different chapters. i defiitely recommend,

thanks publisher and netgalley. All thoughts are my own and isnt influenced by anyone else.

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Girl Next Door by Karen King is a psychological suspense that follows two neighbouring families.
The story starts positively and is presented from multiple POVs, letting you absorb the story from all angles. This is definitely a great holiday read, so pack in your suitcase!

Vanessa and her son Jacob, and Aaron and his son Lucas, become a family. They were blessed with a baby of their own, a little girl named Erin. They lived in harmony and everyone respected everyone.

Suzy, her husband Carl, and their two children, a teenage girl, Rachel and 6-year-old Ben, move in next door. The connections were instant. Kids become best friends. Mums become coffee friends.
Then things get shady between Jacob, Lucas and Rachel, but one day tragedy strikes and Rachel falls out the bedroom window onto concrete...
The mystery - who pushed Rachel out of her window? Will Rachel recover and be able to tell everyone what happened?
Everyone was a suspect, everyone had a reason or at least we think they had... and then, the ending came in, and it fell a bit flat for me. The last twist helped to get a gasp out of me, so yes, full fat 4 stars from me!

Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture for this copy!

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The pacing of this felt very much like a slow burn. It did keep me guessing and I felt invested in the story. However, the ending felt underwhelming and rushed. I kept waiting for a big twist or shocking revelation that never came.

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A nicely plotted tale of neighbors, teenagers, and secrets. What happened the night Rachel fell from her window? That's the question that hovers over all of this even as you wonder who the villain was. No spoilers from me. King has a nice storytelling style that will pull you in and keep you turning the pages. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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A brilliant thriller full of twists and turns, it kept me turning the pages and guessing until the end.

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This one has some very definitive pros and cons for me. The pros first. The story line was great. It was immersive and had a solid plot line to it. The characters were wonderful and you came to know them which is a huge part of a book for me. The plot twist at the end was a great revelation as well. It had all the making of a great read. For me the one thing that killed this was the story is basically told from the mother point of view and her point of view is literally saying/thinking my sons couldn’t do this could they? Over and over and over. Like that concept was the basis of almost every chapter and it grew annoying. That alone made my review drop a star or two. It didn’t need to be stated with every chapter. There could have been a bit more added to the story line or a few more twists to avoid that having to be the conclusion of each chaoter

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First off a big thank you to the publisher as well as to the author and NetGalley for letting me read and review Girl Next Door , I was so happy when I saw this book because I've read other books by Karen King and loved them, her writing never let's me down , it's has the right mixture of suspense, twist and turns, as well as how she Portrays her characters.

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I really enjoyed this book, there are plenty of suspenseful twists and turns throughout to keep you on the edge of your seat. The characters were great and the style of writing was perfect.
All the books that I have read by this author I have loved and I can’t wait for the next one to come out. I would highly recommend this book and its author to anyone that likes to read psychological thrillers.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a honest review.

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Oh this book was GOOD! The suspense was incredible. I loved the main character and just was so taken aback by the ending of this book. I loved this book! Great read

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Overall this was an enjoyable read. It started of really well and grabbed me from the start. I did however find it very slow and repetitive in the middle before it picked up again towards the end

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