Member Reviews

The Girl Next door was an enticing read. So many twists and turns that kept you guessing. I enjoyed the different POV’s for different chapters. But I did find the storyline at the end to be a bit of a letdown. Not major enough for me to reduce my star rating, but still a bit of a letdown.
Overall the storyline was good, the character development was great and I liked there weren’t too many characters introduced overall - as it’s easier to keep a track of what is going on.

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This one was pretty entertaining and pretty binge-easy. This is a 3.5 star story rounded up to 4. Told in a few POVs - you have the revealing of dark pasts, secrets here and there - sketchy ongoings - I thought for sure I had the true villain - but in the end, I was completely off again. This is the first thriller - by this author for me and I'm definitely intrigued to check out more of her work. And it turns out she also writes romances. Thank you to NETGALLEY and the publisher for this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Extraordinary- this novel is full to the brim with twist and turns. I was invested in this story from the first page!

This novels forces a family to face the fact that one of their thoughtful and affectionate teenage sons may have done the unthinkable.

This psychological thriller will keep you on your toes. It was fun trying to figure things out just to be wrong!

Karen King is an amazing author, you should definitely read this book!

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The publishers description of this book is SO enticing! A blended familyhappily living their lives when a new family moved next door. A friendship / flirtation between the teenage children of these 2 families develops, but tragedy strikes when the neighbours' daughter falls from her bedroom window and all evidence points to the rebuffed teenage neighbour!

This book absolutely lived up to the hype, it was SO hard to put down - escapism at its very finest. Much of the novel is written from the perspective of the 2 mothers, and the author has created these characters beautifully.

I was intrigued throughout this book - I absolutely could not work out what secrets were being kept, and I absolutely defy anyone to correctly predict the ending!

Such a great psychological thriller, I can 100% recommend with the commendation that it is one of my top reads of the year!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for advance copy.

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One of the most thrilling, exciting books I have ever read. Every page was full of tension, everyone came across as having secrets to hide. The author kept the excitement going until the very end. Can’t wait to read another book by this fantastic writer.

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Karen King, has written a swift, engaging, and entertaining read. The story is done in the classic whodunit style, with twists and turns that are not all easily figured out. Throughly entertaining read.

Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for an advanced eARC in exchange for an honest review. All,opinions are my own.

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Two families living next door to each other, one terrible accident (or was it?) and suddenly the friendships and the trust are broken. Secrets, suspicions, lies. Lots of twists and turns had me constantly changing my mind about who might be guilty, but in the end I felt the resolution was a bit of a letdown. A good read though.

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I enjoyed this book a lot! It held my attention from beginning to end. I couldn't wait to find out how it all ended. It had a lot of different twists and turns, and kept me guessing. I would recommend to other thriller readers, and I look forward to reading more from this author!

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I legit could not put this book down. It's a classic tale of whodunnit, I was so convinced it was one person and then more evidence came out and it had me looking at everyone as a suspect. Then when the ending came it fell flat for me. Everything was so big leading up just to an okay ending and even more questions. I guess I didn't understand why certain things were added to the plot when there was no mention previously. And when we finally found out who did it, it was just a sentence and it wasn't jaw dropping to me. Overall was a good read and would recommend just be prepared for a flat ending.

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This book is full of twists that will keep you hooked. I couldn't put this down. Literally flew through the pages to find out what was going to happen.

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It started well; we were introduced to Vanessa, her kids, her husband Aaron and the new neighbours. Rachel is the neighbour's daughter whom Vanessa's sons had crushes on. The usual sibling rivalry happens when both boys are competing for her attention and the parents side their own child (the boys, Lucas and Jacob are step siblings).
When Rachel falls from her window and is sent into a critical condition, everyone is suspicious of whether it was a suicide attempt which worsens the rivalry and tensions at home. The story drags on and on, lots of filler chapters that makes it longer than it should be. I wanted to DNF but pulled through.
The mystery is boring, the characters are bland and the writing is very amateur. It's a disappointment for psychological thriller and mystery lovers.

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I received an early copy of Girl Next Door in exchange for an unbiased review by NetGalley and the publisher! Thank you for the opportunity to read and review.

This was a slow burn psychological thriller that followed two families that live next door to one another. The main character is Vanessa, who is married to Aaron and they share a blended family with two teenage sons, and share a young daughter. When Rachel’s family moved in next door they all hit it off until the boys start fighting over Rachel and then she takes a nasty spill out of her bedroom window. Vanessa’s son is being blamed, and her family slowly starts to unravel from all the accusations.

The tension is palpable at times, and the build up was a bit slow. Once the action picked up I really enjoyed this read! I’d recommend for anyone who loves the thrill without any gore or scary bits.

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Wow what a great read. When a new family move in next door Vanessa , her husband Aaron and their 3 children are pleased. They hit it off straight away especially as they have a pretty daughter around the same age as their own 2 sons. It all begins to go wrong when her sons both like the girl and one starts going out with her. What was once a happy family is now an unhappy one. When the girl Rachel falls from her bedroom window and is in a coma they both come under suspicion from the police and the girls parents.
They both deny pushing her but Vanessa knows they are both hiding something along with her partner. Who is telling the truth and who is lying.
It will all come out in the end.
Brilliant story especially the twist right at the end.

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Girl Next Door is a psychological thriller that follows two neighboring families. The first family, Vanessa and her husband Aaron, along with their three children, for the most part, live happily as a blended family. Aaron came into the marriage with his son Lucas, and Vanessa, with her son Jacob. Although they have different parents, the boys are as thick as thieves. The other family, Suzy, her husband Carl, and their two children, Rachel and Ben, move in next door. Jacob and Lucas quickly warm to Rachel and all three become close, until one day Rachel starts dating Jacob. Because of their relationship, Jacob is automatically the primary suspect when Rachel falls from her window and slips into a coma. Police believe she is pushed, but the boys deny knowing anything. It becomes clear they are hiding something.

This psychological thriller is a good one, with enough suspense that'll make you want to see it through to the end. Unfortunately, however, the ending didn't do it for me. It felt flat and uneventful, and it felt like something random to close the book out with. Even Aaron's secrets were far from what I thought they would be. The story itself was good, but the telling also felt a bit lackluster and dragged at many points, making the book seem unnecessarily long.There are several POVs in this book, which I appreciated. It added a lot to the story. Overall, the book is an ok read, 3 stars.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture, and Karen King for this ARC.

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I love a good thriller, but this was poorly written and predictable. There was a lot left to be desired with this novel.

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WOW! I was hooked from the very beginning. I was OMG the entire time and read in one sitting! If you're questioning reading this book, just do it!!!!

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While this book was predictable, it still kept me guessing and there were still some surprises. It read very YA to me but I didn’t mind that. 3 stars from me

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Girl next door was such a gripping read for me I could not put it down. It was such an original story I was engrossed from start to finish. It was filled with so many secrets I didn’t know who the culprit was or how it was going to end. Fantastic can’t wait to recommend this fantastic book to all everyone. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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I received Girl Next Door from NetGalley for an honest review. Girl Next door is a psychological thriller that follows a family of five after their new neighbor falls from the window and goes into a coma. The focus of the story is to figure out if Rachel, the girl who falls, was pushed, jumped, or if it was an accident. The two sons and husband all become possible suspects in Rachel's fall and the divides that are created as they blame each other

The story gives multiple POVs that give you tidbits about what happened and who could have been involved. I felt that the author did a lot more telling than showing. The writing often felt unpolished and parts dragged. This wasn't a bad story, but I've seen it before. I you like an ending that you can figure out and piece together on your own, this is not it.

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To say I wanted more would be an understatement. This was a delicious page turner right from the start. Everytime I had to put it down, it was all I could think about. I did end up finishing way past my bedtime, just so I would be able to sleep. If you love a quick, immersive thriller, than this is definitely for you!

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