Member Reviews

I've been revisiting some older reviews from my reading list, and this one stood out to me. It is amazingly popular in my library. As such, it is always out and it has been a while since I read it. Here’s what left a lasting impression. Overall, it was a decent read. The character development was well-executed, adding depth to the story and making the characters relatable. The narrative pacing was steady, maintaining my interest without feeling rushed or overly slow. While it may not be a standout favorite, it’s a solid and enjoyable book.

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Lauren and Elizabeth find out they will be rooming together as Freshman. Lauren is only an hour away from campus. Elizabeth (EB) is across the country. She decides to reach out to Lauren. What transpires is a back and forth emails as they get to know each other sharing their lives as this transition and change gets closer.

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I really enjoyed this book. I appreciated the styles of the different narrators and found myself engaged in both of their stories. Would recommend.

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I love Sara Zarr books and this on fits the bill. The writing makes sense and flows nicely. The characters are realistic and well developed with believable voices. The book and their stories were relatable to today's teens. I will continue to read Zarr's books and as a librarian I will continue to put her books in as many teen's hands as possible. Thank you for this ARC and thank you to Zarr for writing this relatable books.

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If any of you lived in a residence hall in college -- do you remember the terror of meeting your roommate?

When I first went to college, Facebook was not a big thing yet. My roommate and I talked on the phone once before moving in together -- the night before I moved, actually -- and emailed a bit about fridges and microwaves. The emotions of walking into that room for the first time are still fresh in my mind, and living with my roommate was a huge factor in how I experienced my first year of college.

Roomies is about that -- about that first contact with your future college roommate, about figuring out if you’ll still be who you are once you move across the country or state or county and live on your own. Figuring out if you can live with this other person who you may not have a choice about living with.

There’s a lot more going on in Roomies too -- each of the girls are dealing with family issues and figuring out what it means to leave the people in their lives behind. There’s romance and friendship troubles and all the wonders of being a teenager.

I enjoyed Roomies! It was a fun story and a story I’d never read before. Full disclosure: I won this book fo free in a contest, but I honestly truly enjoyed it. Four stars!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. We did go back and forth between Elizabeth (EB) and Lauren, on different sides of the country, about to become college roommates. And it was just a fun read, there were some emotional, difficult moments, but it was a great read!

These are different characters, they've lived different lives. Elizabeth's parents split up when she was 5, because her dad is gay, a dad that currently lives in San Francisco. She's an only child, and there's drama because her mom is dating someone who is married. Oh, and Elizabeth ends up dating his son. So that's fun.

And then there's Lauren, who was an only child for a while-and then her parents had a bunch of kids in a row, she's sharing her room with her single digits aged sisters. So she wanted a single, but she's going to be rooming with Elizabeth. And initially, their emails to each other were a bit awkward, but I loved their developing relationship.

I loved how they bounced their current situations against the other. From Elizabeth's dating drama, to Lauren's developing relationship. I did enjoy that both girls focused on their currently, in person relationships, as well, which helped when there was major drama about Elizabeth's dad. But I enjoyed how it all worked out.

This was a really fun, enjoyable read, and I'm glad that I read it!

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Kind of a bridge book between YA and NA with girls going off to college. Good story, kept me interested throughout.

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This was a cute and quick read. I enjoyed the growing relationship between EB and Lauren over the summer before their first year of college.

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This book was really sweet and I loved how different the girls lives were. Stories like this show that no matter how different you or your surroundings may be, there's always a possibility of friendship. Sometimes the things or people we're not seeking out but, that are thrown to us by life and circumstance, end up making the biggest impact. Cute book.

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I really enjoyed this story. I commute to college and didn't get the chance of experiencing going far away for school or getting a roommate and this story really let me "experience" that for myself. I absolutely loved how different EB and Lauren are from each other because it makes it that much more believable. They have absolutely nothing in common, but still manage a way to become friends. I do wish there was a little more background info about the other characters in their lives, but the story was still great without. I would highly recommend this to those who are college-bound.

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More like 3.5. I enjoyed this book on my long bus ride, the story took me back to my first days at college and all the insecurities that come with that. The main characters, Elizabeth and Lauren, were the selling point for me, as the plot itself was good but not memorable. Would definitely read more by these authors.

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I unfortunately didn't get to finish it in time before it expired on my computer. Thank you to the publisher for giving me access to this book, and if I manage to read it in the future I shall edit my review accordingly.

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Ah, roommates. This will appeal to YA with all the drama and their preoccupations. The issue about race might seem dated now, six years on. Nevertheless, the dialogue and the epistolary exchange between Elizabeth and Lauren feels organic and hashed out.

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I really enjoyed the format of this book and oh boy did it make me nostalgic for that summer before college where it feels like things are ending but also beginning. I knew my college roomie beforehand so I loved watching two girls get to know each other through emails and figure out just who that person would be they would be sharing a room with as I never experienced that part. I loved each of their stories a lot!

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