Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Del Rey for this amazing ARC.

I'm torn between unfettered joy and debilitating misery. I loved this book. I'm upset it's the last of the series. We get to see just about everyone again. Al and Buck tear things up, there's a suitcase laced with raw chicken, murderous mushroom sigils, Lhurnog and a sneaky Paul Simon quote!!

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Chris, my husband, occasionally picks books for me. Something by himself as a gift for me and sometimes when I've walked past a book 40 times and he just says omfg buy it.

The Ink & Sigil series is one of the former and one that I will love him forever for picking because it has been such a wonderfully hilarious ride.

This is the last book in this Trilogy and while I expected to be annoyed that Hearne decided to end our time with Al, Buck, Nadia, and Gladys Who Has Seen Some Shite, this is probably the best of the three books. While it is clear that Hearne is winding everything down from pretty much page one he also drives home that Hearne and Al and Buck and Nadia are sick of the world's shite. With the help of myths and gods our heroes end a human trafficking ring, rescue a Blue, Pink, and White Dragon, create a whole new God who eats assholes, and sees The Morrigan do what she was always meant to do. And while we do not get anymore stories of how the Hobgoblins invent Truck Nuts we do get to see Ares get devoured which while yes is a bit of a spoiler was genuinely the funniest godsdamned thing I've read in awhile.

Ares is the second reason you should read it though. Because the first is that it is just so positive, so welcoming, so loving, hell it's even a bit healing, especially when we get to Buck's side story, that you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not reading it. Al is genuinely the grandfather we all deserve and Buck and Nadia are the friends we should all aspire to be.

I normally don't do this in a review but Kevin Hearne deserves all the very best for bringing Al into our lives.

As always thanks to Random House Publishing-Ballatine and NetGalley for the eArc!

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I may or may not have had tears in my eyes as I finished the last charter. Saying goodbye to this series is like saying goodbye to an old friend, and I know I’ll take comfort from rereads.

Without giving any spoilers, Al, Buck, Nadia, and Roxanne are all given satisfying character arcs that do them justice. Speaking of justice, I truly appreciated the running thread of social justice and equity in this novel. It gives me hope that the world can be a better place.

I’m eternally grateful to Hearne for creating this world. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

This book will be featured in the Books Are Magical podcast upon publication.

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I am so sad to come to the end of the trilogy. The wrap up of the series was phenomenal! I love the characters, the obvious research that goes into each story, the overall arch and each individual book. Start at Hounded, The Iron Druid Chronicles and read them al.

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Sad that this trilogy is now over. I really enjoyed this series; in fact, it could've gone to four imo since this book has a few long plots filled in with vignettes and mini adventures. I wish we spent more time in a few places actually! Anyway these are fun and good reads for those who enough urban fantasy

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