Member Reviews

Thank you to the author, Crystal Seitz and Netgalley for the eARC!

This is one of those books that is definitely not what I thought it would be but was all the better for it! It’s a paranormal romance / urban fantasy on the order of Small Favors and Together We Rot but in my opinion, is more interesting and unique than both of them!

Also, I have no idea if this was on purpose but the one main plot of this book is: “girl awakens demon-boy from another era who was cursed to sleep by his old lover who looks like her” …. It’s Inuyasha! 😂 And I love it, the nod to the anime/manga. It made me laugh a lot to see the parallel. Obviously that the only similar thing between them but it was still fun.

The book is definitely upper YA with dark tones and prevalent violence. I could see 15+ reading it as long as parents allow some violence. It’s written in an easily understood narrative and I don’t think there are any ideas that would be too complex for teens. I actually love the idea that a family cannot bind you if you feel their values are not your values. It’s something teens SHOULD be told, especially if maybe they don’t agree with their older family members.

I did guess most of the twists but they were well done and not obvious. The only one I didn’t guess was the twist about midway through. I liked that one a lot and should have seen it coming.

My only holdup in giving this book five stars is that it felt REALLY long. It is stand-alone so obviously she had a lot to put in, but at times, I felt like I really just needed things to move faster. 🙈 I wasn’t necessarily bored but it was draining my energy a bit at times.

I would recommend this one to someone who likes paranormal romance and dark forest vibes.

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I would first like to thank the amazing Crystal & Netgalley for the amazing opportunity to read this book a tad early for its release date (10•1•24) y’all are the best ♥️
This book is high on my most anticipated books of 2024 based on the cover alone, throw in Norse mythology and I was sold.
That cover is absolutely stunning and so fierce. 🔥🔥
The story revolves around our main character, Astrid, accidentally waking up imprisoned Draugr and must follow him into a deadly magical forest to rescue her grandmother.
What I loved:
•Crohn’s Rep
•Norse Mythology
•Twists and Turns
• A MC who fights to change her destiny
I absolutely adored this debut book. I finished it so fast with all its twist and turns, tension with the love interest and scenes that absolutely shooketh me. 🥲
The Crohn’s rep was everything. It was a disease that I knew nothing about and was eager to learn more which is a key to a great book. Representation is everything Friends.
Thank you for reading my review, would 100% recommend this book ☺️

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Thank you Netgalley and Simon and Schuster’s for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

“Inheritance of Scars” by Crystal Seitz is a spellbinding debut that blends contemporary fantasy, Norse mythology, and romance into a thrilling adventure. The story centers around Astrid, a determined and headstrong young woman who, along with her father, returns to her grandmother’s town after her mysterious disappearance. Believing her grandmother is lost in the dark, fabled woods surrounding the town, Astrid sets off on a journey that unearths ancient secrets and terrifying creatures. This is a book with absolutely stunning world-building as well as a unique plot that centers around Astrid who has Crohn’s Disease. I absolutely loved the representation of Crohn’s Disease in this book, especially since it is a high fantasy; you rarely see such inclusivity in a fantasy book. It’s refreshing to see such a strong, relatable main character who isn’t defined by her illness but who still navigates its challenges while dealing with family tensions, personal growth, and romance.

One of the most striking aspects of “Inheritance of Scars” is its unique plot, which introduces you to Soren, a centuries-old Viking warrior. Astrid discovers him imprisoned beneath her grandmother’s house and inadvertently frees him, sparking a perilous quest through a magical, menacing forest. The enemies-to-lovers dynamic between Astrid and Soren is deeply engrossing, with their complex chemistry growing against the backdrop of dark folklore and mythological threats. Soren, dark and brooding yet layered with emotional depth, is a standout character. The tension between the two only builds more and more throughout the story, and I absolutely loved the development of their relationship, especially as it never overwhelmed the engaging plot.

Seitz’s writing shines with its balance between straightforward storytelling and lush, detailed descriptions that breathe life into the world she’s crafted. The creatures from Norse mythology add a gripping element to the plot, making the dark forest both captivating and terrifying. While the world-building focuses more on the mystical forest and its dangers, rather than the modern-day village, the rich lore and legends are enough to keep you hooked. The world-building and descriptions made me fall in love with the world Seitz created, and I want even more of this unique world in future stories.

Overall, “Inheritance of Scars” is a dark, atmospheric, and compelling read that is a unique, fast-paced story. I definitely can’t wait to read more from Seitz, whether in this world via a companion or a brand new world waiting to be explored.

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“<i>As their cold hands touch me, each hand bearing the same mark as mine, I realize that this is my inheritance. An inheritance of scars. Skaga left her mark on every one of us, on our entire lineage, shaping us in ways seen and unseen. Of all of us, she left the greatest mark on me.</i>”
I absolutely loved this book, in every way. I don’t even think I’ll be able to accurately describe this book because I was so enraptured from start to finish that it felt like I was actually there. The atmospheric writing and journey through unknown lands really brought me right into the world. The Norse mythology and creatures, along with the unique twist on vampires, were so expansive and intriguing. There’s nothing I love more than a vampire book and this was something totally new and fresh from other vampire books I’ve read. This had ancient rituals, magic, gods, runes, and oaths, alongside history fated to repeat itself. The male main character is a vampire who has been asleep for hundreds of years that gets woken up in present day by a fierce girl that looks like the woman who betrayed him. I loved this broody, yet protective man so much. The chemistry was off the charts from first bite. Sorry for the stupid joke, but I do actually mean the first time he bit her had me screaming from the tension. The pacing was just right from beginning to end, no dragging or rushing. A lot of times standalones feel like they have to rush to fit all of the information at the end but this didn’t have that problem at all. This wrapped up nicely and I cannot wait to read more from this author in the future. Inheritance of Scars is a perfect standalone with main characters I would die for, a unique fantasy world, thrilling plot twists, and my favorite: vampires.

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Thank you Margaret K. McElderry/Simon & Schuster for sending me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Inheritance of Scars by Crystal Seitz is a dark fantasy inspired by Norse mythology that follows a teen girl as she and an unlikely ally venture into a deadly forest in search of her missing grandmother.

I really loved how the author brought the story to life with her imagery and seamless incorporation of Norse mythology that gave the reader a ton of information and world-building without overloading the story. I also enjoyed how the story pushed me out of my comfort zone, exploring heavy topics such as grief, family bonds, ancestry, legacy, and tradition. I found myself questioning what our main gal should do faced with such insurmountable odds and it was refreshing that there wasn't a clear cut, perfect answer. It was muddy and difficult and it just raised the tension all the more for me as I read.

Overall, I gave this book a four-star rating because the storyline was unique, the writing was well-executed, and I truly enjoyed getting to know the characters. I would recommend this book especially to fantasy readers who are ready to dip their toes into dark fantasy/horror. I think it was a great gateway book into that side of the fantasy world.

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I loved this book. The characters were amazing and complex. I loved peeling back each layers of them as the story continued because with every layers I learned, the characters became more interesting and grew to be more and more invested in them. The world building was one of the best parts because I was brought straight into the world and really felt like I got to experience it through the eyes of the characters. The use of Norse Mythology was one of my favorite parts because Norse is one of my favorite branches of mythology and I think this book did it really well. I think the tension was a constant throughout the story and I was on the edge of my seat. Especially with the adventure as well as the lovers to enemies arc. This book was captivating and I loved it. This was my first time reading a book by Crystal Seitz and I want to read more from her in the future because I loved this book so much.

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