Member Reviews

I wanted to like this series, I love supernatural and sci fi, but it was more repetitive than I could take and I didn't feel like the world building was strong enough to give it the kind of depth that I was hoping for.

Winter's Dawn is one of those stories I had a like/hate relationship with. The plot had a lot of potential: Four alpha pairs that hold dominance over the seasons. The alphas were chosen by the gods to wield great powers and bring peace and balance to their people. Over a century since an alpha pair existed and now a new winter pair is born heralding a coming of a new age. It really sounded great, right up my alley of what I look forward to in a PNR. Yet I struggled to keep reading.
The story follows the winter alpha, Max and Susan. From birth. Literally. Following a couple from birth offers the chance of world-building. Lots of world-building here. Quite a bit was brought up repeatedly. And while I do like world-building but this time around, it was just too much. Which in turn caused the story to drag frequently for me and it was hard to keep invested.
Besides the dragging the other thing, and probably the primary thing that made this book unappealing, were the couples themselves. Not the individual who they were but what they were. Mates of brother and sisters and cousins. It was just a bit to incestuous for my taste. Normally, I have no issue with pack mates becoming couples. It’s when those pack mates are direct blood related and hook up or form into couples that when it’s a hard no for me.
To sum it up: Winter’s Dawn was just okay, a little boring for me and a hard pass on the couple dynamics. While other may enjoy this book, I found it was just not my cuppa. I will not be continuing with the series.
Stars: 2
I received this book from Netgalley. I was not compensated for the book other than the entertainment it provided. All thoughts and opinions are my own.