Member Reviews

As a foster parent it remains imperative that I dig into the Word daily and lean into God along the many highs and lows of this journey. This 60 day devotional encouraged me to do that.

It felt like the author could see into my heart and my home as so many of the things that she wrote spoke to me. The foster care journey can be so isolating and lonely and to know that others are walking alongside me is such an encouragement to me. It reminded me too to keep my eyes on Jesus no matter what is happening in my "foster world".

This is a must read for those who are foster parents but for everyone to give a glimpse into the world of a foster parent.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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I've been a foster parent for 3 years now, and I wish that I had had these thoughts from Jamie at the very beginning of my journey. Every single story that she shared resonated with me and validated my own roller coaster that I have been on as a foster parent. I loved the bible verses that she shared. I can't wait to go back and study it more intently and allow God's word to change my often aching soul.

Thank you to the publisher for the advance copy of this book. A review was not required.

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When walking the path of foster care, we come upon times where the journey leaves us completely and utterly empty. Where we ask ourselves why are we doing this, why is this my calling, why has god asked me to do this each and everyday? Filled is a tool that allows or reminds us of our why. The scripture and word that wraps us up and gives us the support to be the sojourning we have been asked to be. To care for gods children, to love them and help heal the community as a whole.

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