Member Reviews

This was a pretty solid and enjoyable thriller. It really is scary to see the way the world of drugs and corruption works.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an early copy.

Was this the most on the edge of your seat book I’ve ever read? No.
But did it keep me wanting to know what’s next and fully engaged in the story? Absolutely.
For those interested in a mystery vs a story about addiction this is what you want. It’s not SOLELY focused on living with addiction, but it does involve this, so if this is a trigger for you please be mindful.
Looking forward to reading more by this author.

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The Body Brokers by Brian Cuban is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the dark underbelly of the fentanyl epidemic. The novel follows Jason Feldman, a lawyer and former addict, as he investigates the mysterious overdose death of his girlfriend, a case that could easily be dismissed as another relapse. Driven by grief and suspicion, Feldman goes undercover to expose the ruthless "body brokers" profiting from this crisis. His quest reveals a corrupt and violent network preying on vulnerable addicts, forcing him to confront the grim realities of addiction and the extremes people will go to for power and profit. This book builds on Feldman’s earlier troubles from "The Ambulance Chaser," continuing to captivate with its engaging narrative. Though it features some unresolved plot holes, the story remains highly entertaining, and I look forward to seeing deeper character development in future installments.

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC of the book. I enjoyed the story and the character development. I was engaged from the very beginning. As a fan of thrillers, I loved this story.
The mystery and intrigue was there and I found myself staying up late to finish chapters.

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I loved this book!

I was sceptical that it would focus too strongly on the daily struggles of addiction while not giving enough attention to the plot, but that was thankfully not the case.

Jason Feldman’s struggle and past with addiction were described with enough detail to keep you curious and wondering about all of the ways and reasons his life fell apart. The way he and Emily formed their relationship and seemed to heal and grow together at their own pace was a great addition to the book to keep the topic of addiction and the overall plot from being too thick and heavy.

The theme of how addiction and substance abuse can ruin lives was multifaceted and consistent throughout. It was a nice touch where it was made clear that while addiction ruins lives much the same, there are different risks involved with buying and dealing depending on your socioeconomic circumstances. The theme really brought the book down to earth and made you as a reader have more compassion and understanding for the depth of the opioid crisis in America.

There were some areas in the book that could have been written better or potentially not been included to have given this a 5 star rating for me.

While it is made clear that Jason has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and has had a tough break with law enforcement, it was quite confusing how it was written quite aggressively that he needed to gain Delaney’s trust right off the bat when there was zero context or background given into what he had actually done in his past that made him untrustworthy to others. It would have been better to have gone into more detail and depth on Jason’s past to have been able to understand him as a character more. For example, Jason says “I’ve lived that life, afraid for myself, my son, and my then-wife”. This adds a great deal of curiosity about his life but it’s never fully addressed anywhere in the book.

I also found the circumstances of how Emily’s phone was found - this was pretty far fetched after what Jason, Doc and Delaney went through. It would have been better to have it be that her phone was never found in my opinion, rather than write that in there with what felt like little effort or thought.

Overall, I would highly recommend giving this book a read. The plot twists, descriptive writing and character development were all excellent.

#NetGalley #TheBodyBrokers

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The Body Brokers by Brian Cuban is a gripping crime thriller that follows lawyer Jason Feldman as he delves into the dark underworld of the fentanyl epidemic. Driven by the mysterious death of his girlfriend from a suspected overdose, Feldman goes undercover to expose the ruthless individuals profiting from this deadly crisis. As he navigates a treacherous world of corruption and violence, Feldman uncovers a sinister network of "body brokers" who manipulate and exploit vulnerable addicts for their own gain, forcing him to confront the devastating consequences of addiction and the lengths people will go to for power and profit.

Absolutely loved this novel. I'm giving it my highest rating at 5 stars. Will definitely be watch for anything new by Brian Cuban...

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This book has a lot of potential. I was attracted to it based on the summary and i liked the characters. In all honesty it feels like a 2nd draft. Could use both structural and line editing. I look forward to seeing what the author comes up with next :)

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Thank you to NetGalley and Post Hill Press for this ebook ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is second in a series of books following Jason Feldman, a lawyer and former addict. We met him "The Ambulance Chaser" where he was accused of murder, well trouble has followed him once again. This time his girlfirend is found dead of an overdose. A former addict herself, it could be easily written off as another relapse death.
But, Jason is suspicious and with his girlfriend's roommate they chase down leads to a corrupt system within treatment centers.
A good story with some pretty unanswered plot holes, this is a really easy read and honestly will entertain you. I would like to see more opportunity for depth in the character is his series goes on.

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Jason Feldman finds more than he bargained for when he starts investigating his girlfriend’s somewhat suspicious death. A recovering drug user, it appears that his late girlfriend took one for the road. Jason, like the author of this book himself, is a recovering addict and lost his license to practice law. That element is a substantial part of the book and it’s to the author’s credit that he can call on his own experiences to create a novel.

The twist is delivered fairly early in the piece and from that point on, it’s a fairly smooth ride whilst the dominoes fall. Not being in that world myself, I don’t know how much truth is reflected in this novel about the pitfalls of so called recovery homes but with the opioid epidemic being what it is in America, nothing would surprise me.

A novel that speaks openly about the demons that are out there but doesn’t deliver enough grit to be a thriller.

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I think this book has really good bones. The story is interesting, and I really like the main character. However I think there is a lot of holes in terms of some of the plot points. We are hinted at a back story for the main character but never get it fully fleshed out. Also the main female lead feels very wishy washy, she doesn't hold firm on anything she says. The ending also felt incredibly rushed. Overall I think it had a lot of potential but fell a little flat. I would not be opposed however to reading more books by this other.

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