Member Reviews

This story had an interesting plot and a different perspective on romance.
Many thanks to the author and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book was requested when I was young and requested more books than I could possibly read. Sadly, I no longer have access to this book and my tastes have changed. Thus I will not be able to give feedback on this title.

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This book was great! It follows Lily and Lo who have been friends since they were kids. They are helping each other hide their additions from the world. There are times when it is sad and you really come to love the characters. Once I got about half way through, I couldn't put it down. I recommend for anyone who loves romance novels.

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DNF at 40%

I know lots of people love this book and series, but its really not for me. I can’t connect with either main character and I find myself skimming. The hero is an alcoholic and the heroine is a sex addict with nothing else going.... too much drinking and too much sex does not make a story in my opinion.

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This was an interesting book, with a much heavier take on fake dating. Most fake dating books I read are fun and light. This one was definitely not that. There is a lot of talk about addiction in this book, and how it is controlling both of their lives. I really liked how at the end of the book they both faced their addictions and got help. I would like to see more about how they are now though. I also liked the way it ended with Loren giving Lily something that she couldn't bear to lose in order to start the process of overcoming her addiction. I also wanted to know more about the twist at the end with the family members. I feel like that left me with some unanswered questions. (I know there is a second book in this series, so maybe that will answer some of these questions, but I would have loved for them to have been answered in this book).

3 stars
I received this book for free in return for an honest review.

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I did not have a chance to read this book, but it is effecting my feedback rating. I am giving books 5 stars that I haven't read to improve my feedback rating. I am not recommending the book for my classroom or students since I have not read the book. There needs to be a better system of leaving feedback for books not read.

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So it’s been a while since I’ve read this book, but felt it need exploring.

This book deals with abuse......really and not really. He abuses booze and she abuses sex.
They emotionally abuse each other, best friends, lover....could they be more! I’m sure they could. I really enjoyed this book and their plights. I want so much to read the next book. It’s something that has been speaking to me for a while now!

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This is a really well-written book that focuses on the lives of two college students who both struggle with different addictions. To their families, they're together, but they're actually only friends living together to help cover one another's tracks. Lily is addicted to sex, has to have it, but she won't use Loren for that fix. Loren is an alcoholic. At some point though, they know it'll all come crashing down.
I enjoyed this book and the perspectives of both main characters. He sees her, she sees him, and they're both in denial. Not only about their addictions, but also their feelings.

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