Member Reviews

This is the 4th book in the Proper Scandals series by Esther Hatch. The book is a standalone story but does feature characters from previous books quite prominently, particularly A Proper Charade.

Since it is part of the Scandals series, scandals do play a role in the plot. I have read other reviews for this book, both positive and negative. I can see where both sides come from but am going to base my review on my initial reaction after finishing the book.

I think I loved it. Both characters frustrated me at times by their words and actions. I don't view that as a fault of the story but rather part of what drew me to it. There was immaturity at play and growth happening. Yes, there were misunderstandings and non communication, but I think that was part of the characters themselves.

There were some fabulous heart melting moments. I think I may need to add at least one of these to my list of most favorite scenes in a book. Oh, Mercy!

I'd like to thank Covenant Communications and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy of this book. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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When the young Duke Nicholas is ready to find a wife, you know that the mamas of the ton will be chomping at the bit.

He feels the need to be as proper as can be. He finds the right one right away, but she has no idea that she is talking about the Duke, to the Duke.

Mercy is confused and unsure when his attentions come her way. Nicholas won't drop her facade of being exactly perfect in every way. And that facade keeps her from getting to know him. So she decides to play a game of courtship in her own way. Too bad that game takes a turn that she wasn't expecting when her heart unexpectedly becomes entangled.

I kept wanting Nicholas to snap. I wanted him to just say one thing that would allow Mercy to see him and not second guess. The tension was great and it kept me coming back to see when it would snap. It finally did and was worth the wait.

I'm not always a huge 3rd act break up fan, but when it is done well it can be beautiful. This was one of those great 3rd act break ups. The intentions were more than just stupid miscommunication-in my opinion. Esther did a great job with this book.

This was a great way to end a series. I'm very happy with how this ended. (And that ending!! Oh my gosh swoon!)

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This is my first Esther Hatch book and my first in the series.

The protagonists Nicholas and Mercy want the same thing, a marriage based on love. But due to circumstances and miscommunication take a long time to get what they want.

Both Mercy and Nicholas are attracted to each other. Nicholas has been hurt in the past when he was very young and impressionable and has since curbed his emotions and feelings quite tightly. So when he decides to court Mercy, she is just not taken in by him. Between him not letting down his wall, her being a bit childish and annoying, other women jumping into the equation along with family pressures, you get one big drama filled with angst (a bit too much).

Overall, I enjoyed the read. The authors writing style is good, and I think I'll go back to book 1 of the series. #netgalley #AProperFacade

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This is an enjoyable read for sure, but I did struggle with the heroine, especially with her constantly pushing the hero toward other women. None of that part of the plot felt romantic at all. If you get into the story and feel the same, I will say the romance definitely picks up, though I wish it didn't take quite so long.

So, while the pacing and some of the plot weren't my cup of tea, I liked the book still.

Thanks to NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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Another amazing book by Esther Hatch! Honestly as I begin every book of hers, I tell myself that it probably won’t be quite as good as all of the others — but instead each one seems to surpass those I’ve read before. And that is definitely no easy task!

Nicholas is such an interesting character and so well drawn. He has based his life entirely on propriety following an incident that happened when he was much younger and his ultimate self reproach. He, therefore, decides to make a very logical and informed decision when choosing a wife that can help him in his political career.

All of that begins to quickly disintegrate from the moment he unexpectedly meets Mercy (which is a rather “meet cute”). Mercy, who is such a delightful character, is Nicholas’ opposite…overflowing with laughter and charm.

As Nicholas tries to woo her, his feelings are anything but obvious to her, and yet internally he is like an inferno that he constantly tries to repress — doing his best to hide this side of him from her and from society. Unfortunately Mercy believes his intentions toward her are purely practical and unemotional so she plots to find someone better suited for him… until THAT KISS!!

There is some confusion and drama that interrupt what is obviously the beginning of an outrageously beautiful romance — but fear not, you will definitely get a most delightful HEA from Esther Hatch!

One of the things I particularly like about stories from this author is that we get to meet any number of characters from previous stories which only adds to the feeling of being part of their world.

I most highly recommend this book! I can’t wait till it eventually comes out in audiobook format, so I can share it with my daughters.

I received an advanced copy of this one from NetGalley. I was asked to give my honest opinion which I have done above.

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I didn't want to put this one down! I love this series but this one is might be my favorite!

I received an ARC through Netgalley and all opinions are my own.

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English romance and royalty come to life in this latest novel by Esther Hatch. The Duke of Harrington is trying to live up to his father's legacy and make inroads while fighting for just causes in Parliament. But due to a past indiscretion, he is fighting an uphill battle. Mercy Rothschild has been given a long leash by her indulging parents when it comes to finding a husband. So, when she enters her third season in London, she gaily enjoys the numerous balls without a care in the world. But this season is different - her parents are constantly questioning her as to who might be a suitable match. But Mercy has no idea what has changed. The Duke decides maybe it is time to take a wife - and he has a plan - that's always his way. Plan every little detail, take out the guess work and who needs to worry about feelings? Just approach this logically and practically - having a wife will help him further his goals and give some woman a wonderful match in return. But can it be? Follow along and Mercy and the Duke stumble through a maze of unpredictable circumstances. Can they listen to their hearts respectively instead of what the ton requires? Or will family scandal and detailed plans ruin whatever future they might have?

I was gifted a copy of this novel by the publisher through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I love this series. It was so fun to have another book to read with some of our favorite characters reappearing. Nicholas and Mercy were a cute couple. I related to this romance more than others because of my own courtship with my husband. I enjoyed the other novels and how they included some elements of business, this book however was mostly driven by the romance and it just felt that there could have been more here. All and all it was still a fun read.

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I love Esther Hatch and have really enjoyed this series. Nicholas is great and I was happy with many scenes in the book (the cravat scene stands out) and the ending, but there was a bit too much one step forward, two steps back for my liking.

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Nicholas, the Duke of Harrington decides he needs a wife to to help him succeed in society and parliament and puts his plans in motion. Nicholas comes across as stuffy, unwilling to show emotion and overly concerned with all things proper. He is desperately looking for a match where no emotions will come into play and has drawn up a list of suitable, potential proper young ladies who would be suitable to the task of being his duchess. However, all this goes out the window when he sees Mercy for the first time

Mercy on the other hand, has always dreamed of a love match, similar to what her parents had but cannot see this materialising with Nicholas! She proceeds to ruffle his feathers and try to get a reaction from him and get him to display more emotion.

These two are made for each other! Nicholas' desire for level headed discussions versus Mercy’s desire for passion always ends up creating some really good chemistry between them. A lovely read.

I received an ARC from the publishers and NetGalley and submit my honest review voluntarily.

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Esther Hatch's *A Proper Façade* is a delightful Regency romance that mixes humor, romance, and social commentary.

Amelia Kennington, a noblewoman with philanthropic aspirations, must navigate societal expectations, leading her to create a façade of compliance. Lord Bryant, known for his charm and scandal, hides a man of depth and integrity beneath his carefree exterior. Their encounters are filled with witty banter and chemistry, gradually revealing their true selves and growing affection.

Amelia is a refreshing protagonist, balancing strength and vulnerability as she pursues her charitable goals. Lord Bryant evolves from a seemingly typical rake to a supportive partner, adding depth to his character. Hatch's witty writing and keen period detail immerse readers in the Regency setting, with brisk pacing and engaging dialogue.

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

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This was a fun and compelling regency romance. Mercy is so genuine and unapologetically herself, but she is definitely naive about true romance at the beginning of the novel. Nicholas, on the other hand, isn't so naive, but he has been traumatized by his own difficult experiences with romance and high society. Their relationship is a rollercoaster of misunderstandings, sweet moments, peer pressure,etc. I enjoyed this novel!

I received a copy from Netgally, and all opinions are my own.

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I was so excited to see another book in this series! A Proper Facade was the perfect slow burn romance with moments of sizzling chemistry and the most perfect hero! This love journey was just that, a journey, but the romance is worth the wait for this couple! Mercy is all about passion and romance and Nicholas is all about control and order. Mixing these two brought about many noteworthy scenes as Mercy tried to ruffle Nicholas’s feathers and loosen his composure a bit. This story was full of layers as the characters got to know one another and their friendship and romance began to blossom! There might be a sizzling kiss that was worth the wait!

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This was well written and a lovely romance. I want to read more from this author.
It was believable and the relationship developed at a nice pace.

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Wow! This book was enthralling! I was already excited having read all the other books in this collection, but this far surpassed by hopes for Nicholas! He was downright adorable in his struggles, and Mercy was a hoot to get to know! I just love Esther Hatch's books, and this one is no exception! Well done! This book left my heart beating in my chest so many times. I felt like I was going to die from all the second-hand embarrassment Mercy put me through, but it was so worth it! Thank you to Netgalley and Covenant Communications for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to read this book early!

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I picked this up thinking it would be a fun Victorian read and that I’d have the willpower to put it down to get some things done. I was wrong. I was pulled in and stayed up entirely too late to read it, I have no regrets though. I could not put it down, my curiosity was piqued. That scene with the handkerchief. IYKYK. And their meeting!! After reading, and loving the previous books, I could not wait to get my hands on this one, and it did not disappoint. The ending and how everything was resolved were so romantic and I could not put it down. I highly recommend this book!!

I received an EARC from Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

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This is a story about first impressions being misinterpreted.

When Mercy and Nicholas meet each other, they are obviously very different, although deep down they want the same thing: love. Mercy is all about showing emotion and living it, and Nicholas likes order and keeps his true self hidden. This led to enough awkward situations and to her thinking he's not the man for her.

It's a slow burn romance in which they slowly discover each other and how perfect they are to one another. It has some elements reminiscent of Pride & Prejudice. It was also fun to see the couples from the previous stories.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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I have enjoyed this series of books and was excited to come back to it. I will say the characters fought so hard against themselves and their internal demons I felt it was not resolved enough for me to truly see their romance. I do believe in forgiveness and enjoyed that theme throughout, however I am a big believer in boundaries as well and some of it was hard for me to accept.

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I enjoy this group of books, and this one is no exception. How often do we put on a face, a facade, to fit into whatever situation we are in. Sometimes that facade can take over our lives!

Nicholas allowed his facade to over take his life. As a young man, he made mistakes and embarrassed himself and his family, especially his father. Since that time, he has been trying to be the perfect man, keeping all emotion and passions hidden.

Mercy has been enjoying her London seasons, when suddenly her parents are pushing her to wed. When a chance encounter places her near a Duke, her life takes a turn. But can she find the true man behind the mask, the one able to love her how she wants to be loved?

This is a sweet story, with all of life's twists and turns. We all make mistakes and we all have to learn from them, and from mistakes of those around us. What we take away from that learning is what creates who we are.

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After reading another review that much better matched my own thoughts, I am scrapping my original review to write something more honest. I love this author's books, and so I tried to only focus on the good things in the book in my original review, but really there were many things that irked me and even made me put the book down. It's hard to give honest feedback when it isn't positive. I would much rather write a glowing review for this lovely author, but I have to be true to myself.
This book focused so much on Nicholas craving Mercy and how he needed to suppress his sexual desires so often. Because so much of the writing is dedicated to the character's inner thoughts in this book, it was hard to be Nicholas' head. Taking a scene here and there out of context, I have to admit there were some very lovely scenes and if I just squinted enough and gave the characters enough benefit of the doubt, then I could empathize and celebrate with them through their ups and downs.
Also, the kiss scenes yo-yoed for me between romantic and cringey. They were so drawn out and spelled out. I prefer it to be more understated so I can fill it the blanks the way I want the scene to look.
Where are the secondary characters? They are there, but the interactions and subplots all felt half-baked. I wanted side characters that helped me love the characters more and side plots that tested the characters mettle and forced them to fail or become stronger.
Still, I was entertained often, but I wasn't won over. I want a hero and heroine that win me over by the end and who bring out the best in one another.

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