Member Reviews

I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

The perfect mix of magic, fantasy, world building and mystery! We start with a laugh and a floating maggot and end with so much more!

I wanted to enjoy this book. The cover caught me, and I was interested in the blurb.
I had so many issues with this book I am genuinely wondering if I've read the same one as everyone else who left reviews.
The good - I thought the magic system was interesting. There seems to be more than just elemental magic happening in this world and people can have multiple types of magic. The class of magic and description of tangling as a class, closed vs open minds, I thought that was good. The hags early on and their wandering the woods, super interesting. There were more than just magical people but also creatures, we have Pegasi and there were mentions of unicorns. I even really liked the flashback scene when we hear how Sabella met Diarissa.
The everything else.....I had a lot of problems with.
- The writing is not strong enough nor are the voices different enough to enable first-person POV.
- The constant use of ellipses.
- The is so little dialogue throughout that it results in 'Tell the reader' approach rather than information coming out in a natural and organic way.
- I did not care about a single character. I couldn't even tell you Sabella's name for the first few chapters. I thought it was Sabrina. But it's fine cause she's the best of her class and top dog and super tough girl. Rill is such a post girl for 'not like other girls' and 'misunderstood, loner, I've not had friends'. Keeva is your shelf standard rich girl who is coddled but doesn't want to be coddled because she's an adult and wah wah wah. Then they're tough independent characters, then they're whinging, then they're relying on Sabella's male mentor to get them out of trouble but never mind because later it's girl power! The characters were so two dimensional and inconsistent. I literally did not care about anyone but the Pegasus.
- I was so not convinced by the letter delivery, the demon summoner reveal, the monologues from the various antagonists, the 'I did this for power but also I'm in love with your mother!' because that made absolutely zero sense.
- In-Charge-Mentor-Man learns about Rill's power and that's interesting but they don't have time. But also let's talk about these three other things while we're standing in this room.
- Did the magic require vocal spells or not? I have no idea how anything works except the tangling.
- Everything convenient just happened at the right moment.
At about the 75% mark, the writing, character depictions and interactions become almost difficult to get through. You could feel the expectation of background triumphant music being announced. It felt like four teens finding themselves in trouble but still investigating like 'pesky kids'. If this were a debut author, I'd probably be more generous on some of this, but here we are.

I enjoyed this one more than I thought. I mean, obviously, I was hoping to enjoy it and I was intrigued by it, or I wouldn’t have requested it. But from the first page, I was completely drawn into the story, and I had a great time all along.
I enjoyed the characters, Rill was my favorite, but I liked all the others, and I have to say that this is one of the few books in which we have a police force that is not only good or bad, we have both in there, and we have people from all the walks of life. It was refreshing! (and we have a pegasus!! So cool!) and the story was intriguing and perfectly paced.
I enjoyed the magic in there, especially Rill’s, and I would have loved to have seen more of it around. I think that my main complaint with this book is that there wasn’t enough magic in it. But it is a minor one because there are reasons for it (but still, a bit more wouldn’t have hurt) and because the book is pretty beautiful all the same.
Another thing that I wanted to see more of was Rill’s training. But I think this is just because I love school setting and training scenes, and I may be biased. But I think they would have worked so well in there!
But again, I get why we don’t get them because the story is progressing fast, especially because there is a killer on the loose, and he kills with the help of a demon, so they have to stop the killing and they need to do it ASAP.
We have a mystery, we have intrigues, twists, and politics. We have a bit of everything, really, and I really enjoyed the time I spent with it!

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc of this book!
Overall, this was an fun fast paced, mostly plot driven, fantasy that definitely kept me on my toes. The magic system was interesting, based in the elements and giving those who have magic a numbered rank. I wanted more from the worldbuilding in the magic system, but I'm sure it will be built upon in the following books in the series. The characters were lively and I loved the way the three POV characters work together.

I was pleasantly surprised by how good this book was! One part fantasy, one part murder mystery, 100% fun. Multi POV, great character & world building, interesting magic system, a smidge of love interest. I love that it had a nice round ending that tapered into what comes next. No cliffhanger. I look forward to reading more from this series!
I originally picked this book out of the read now section so I could walk a friend step by step through navigating NetGalley. So yes I am very glad I did. If it weren’t for that happy coincidence I would have missed out on a great read.

The world building was excellent, and the characters were well written. I loved the murder mystery aspect all wrapped up in a fantasy- two of my favorite genres in one. I had a hard time putting this one down.

At a few false starts (first person POV does not always work for me), I very much enjoyed this story! The story definitely benefits from having POV chapters for the three main characters, Rill, Sabella, and Keeva. Through magical circumstances, these three women must solve a chain of demonic murders that occur over three nights. It was important to me (and I believe to the narration in general) to get separate viewpoints from these three to move the story along and keep me invested, as each character has a different connection to the murders. Their individual growth throughout the novel was refreshing, even though it was a bit predictable. The ending and big reveal is nicely done, though not unforeseen if you read a lot of fantasy novels.
Overall, I think this was a great opening novel for Arliss' new Simgra Series, and I am looking forward to reading the next tale!

3.75 ★
Ternion of Tarr follows the adventure of three women trying to find the demon summoner that is collecting six souls in three nights. Full of tension and action, it's an exciting read that lets the reader dive into a vivid world of fantasy and mystery.
Rill, Sabella and Keeva are all strong female characters in their own way that is realistic with some dynamic character development at the end. With multiple POVs, you gain so much insight on what each person is going through, where you can't help but cheer each one of them on. The action is tense and fast paced with some surprisingly visceral descriptions of the crime scene (which is nice in a deranged way?). I did expect a more in-depth magic system, but it doesn't hinder the story and there is magic used indirectly like wards and unlocking spells.
I received an ARC of this book from BookGoSocial and NetGalley, and am voluntarily leaving a review.

I really enjoyed this. The book sucks you in from the very beginning, and it's a rollercoaster of action that doesn't really let up. I couldn't put it down!
The pacing is excellent. It's very fast with a lot going on. The events in the book take place in just a handful of days, and you can tell that it's a whirlwind for the characters as well.
Speaking of the characters, I really like them, especially Rill, who we first meet in prison. I also really liked Tavell, even though I wasn't sure I would when he first appears.
I am already looking forward to the next one!

This was the perfect combination of two of my favorite genre's: mystery and fantasy!
I really enjoyed this story, and the fact that it was told from the perspective of 3 different characters made it even more engaging. The world it takes place in isn't overly described, with the main focus being on the plot of solving the crimes. The subplots for each of the 3 characters helped develop them as individuals with their own issues and backgrounds.

Thank you to Bethany Arliss and Netgalley for an free e-arc i exchange for an honest review!
"Ternion of Tarr" is simply captivating.
From the first sentence I was instantly drawn to the plot, characters and setting. Arliss masterfully crafts realistic, complex characters - each of who have different traumas, goals and dreams. We see how these aspirations intersect and allow each character to heal by finding friendship and belonging. What I perhaps find most endearing is that this is a story of friendship between 3 different, powerful women. It is refreshing and heart- warming.
A brilliant read.

Ternion of Tarr is a wonderfully written novel and the perfect blend of fantasy, magic, and mystery. It has everything that makes a fantasy great, with fantastic world-building and solid characters who come together in an unexpected yet wonderful way!
Rill Narin is imprisoned in Lapana Prison for a crime she did not commit. She was caught while searching for her missing sister and accused of theft. Rill has been in prison and hiding a secret that can cost her her life. She is a tangler and can inhabit someone's body with just a touch. This type of magic is not only dangerous but illegal. One day, Lady Keeva Dalton, the Earl's daughter who usually visits the prison, touches Rill and as hard as Rill tries to fight the temptation of tangling, she cannot. She tangles with Keeva while she was at a dance and witnesses a murder. This murder is not just any murder- it is a demon killing. The sorcerer of this demon spots Keeva and Rill rushes her to safety in her home village of Ikra. Seeking help for Keeva and a way out of prison, Rill connects with Keeva's guard, Sabella. Sabella agrees, but now Rill has to become her fledge guard. Brutal murders start happening in Lapana, murders that can only be described as demonic. The ladies soon find out this demon is set to collect 6 souls in 3 days, and now they are on a race to find the sorcerer and stop him from stealing souls.
This book is such a compelling book and drew me in from the very first page! It is well-written and steadily paced, with wonderful world-building. The characters are so different, especially Rill, Keeva, and Sabella. Rill is in a completely new world, different from what she has ever known due to socioeconomic divisions. She is tasked with not only saving lives, but also understanding and controlling her power, which she tried so hard to suppress for most of her life. This book is a great book and touches on so many important topics- hate, prejudice, strength, courage, the power of friendship, and self-acceptance. By the end of the book, the 3 women learn a lot about themselves, and their character development can not be denied!
"Courage is not the absence of doubt, but action despite it."
4.5 stars!
Thank you NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and Bethany Arliss for such a wonderful ARC!

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the arc in exchange of an honest review
I really enjoyed this book. I loved the regency fantasy setting and everything that came with it. The three main characters had a great dynamic and it was interesting following each of their POV. As for the murder mystery, I thought it was handled perfectly. A lot of twists I never saw coming. The book grabbed me from the start and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

At the beginning of the book, you're introduced to Rill Narin, a prisoner at Lapana Prison. At first, I wasn't sure if she was going to a protagonist or antagonist, but I was pleasantly surprised by how fond of her I became the longer I read. Quickly, we're introduced to Lady Keeva, and her guard/friend, Constable Sabella Rivers.
The plot forces the three into an unlikely and uneasy alliance that forces all of the characters to grow, which as a reader, was my favorite part of the book. I truly felt I got to know all three girls and watch them change in the short timespan of the story. Based on their backgrounds, their personalities suited them, but the changes they each went through also made sense as the story unfolded. I think it was well written and easy to follow.
This book examines socioeconomic class divisions without outright saying it by instead of dividing the population by poor and wealth, by sanctioned and unsanctioned magic users. It was woven through every part of the storyline and allowed the reader to related to both sides of the coin, no matter what socioeconomic class they're from in real life.
While the book had a slow pace, especially compared to other fantasy novels currently on the shelves, I never felt bored. There was enough intrigue in the story and conversation between characters to keep me turning the pages. That being said, I do hope for a bit more action in the following books of the series, as I was disappointed that most of the action was towards the end. That is the reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5. The characters in this book had magic, yet it was so infrequently used. Increase the action and magic usage and I'm at a 5 out of 5.

First of all, I want to say thank you to NetGalley and Bethany Arliss for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Well, I could say that Bethany Arliss's Ternion of Tarr is an enthralling blend of fantasy, magic and mystery. The novel introduces a unique magic system and follows Rill Narin, whose life is thrown into chaos.
The world-building is immersive without overwhelming the reader with info-dumping at the beginning of the story, I liked the fact that the details were revealed naturally throughout the story. The character dynamics are particularly engaging, oh how I adored the interactions between the three main characters! Also, I think the pacing is perfect, making it an easy and captivating read for me.

This book was excellent. I was riveted from the beginning, the plot picks up very quickly and the reader is just thrown in with very little hand-holding. This book is sink or swim.
Characters (of which all POVs are female) are engaging and realistic. I wasn’t as much of a fan of Keeva as I was Rill and Sabella but all three were good narrators for their sections. Supporting characters were interesting, I especially liked Tavell who struck me as a character I would normally hate early on in the book, but who did a complete 180 in my opinion for no real reason other than being awesome.
Chapters were short too, which I like immensely. One complaint, however, was that the “class five” and “level five” witches were talked about but not really explained (unless I blinked and missed it). Also I could have enjoyed more magic being used over all. I don’t really understand how someone can be an elemental magic user as well as a tangler/truthsayer etc.
This book was also excellently written. The dialogue and descriptions were easy to imagine but the story wasn’t bogged down by flowery language. All too frequently recently I find myself in a slog to get through the middle section of a book and I didn’t feel that way at all reading this book. I am thoroughly looking forward to book 2.

Superbly entertaining YA fantasy. The story is fun and fast paced, and the magic, characters and world building are equally well crafted. Rill Narin is about to have her life turned upside down, and we as readers get to experience the rip-roaring mayhem that unfolds. The book could be read as a standalone, but I look forward to spending lots more time with Rill and her friends in future books. Read Ternion of Tarr and I’m sure you will be waiting as expectantly as me for more from Bethany Arliss. Thank you to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

I loved this!! Definitely a different system of magic than what Im used to, which was refreshing! The world building was exquisite making the reader fall in love with the story and characters. This was an easy pleasant read!

Es la primera vez que leo a Bethany y me gustó su estilo de escritura, definitivamente estaré al pendiente de sus siguientes libros.
El libro está narrado por:
Rill, tiene magia y fue arrestada mientras buscaba a su hermana.
Keeva, hija del conde de Tarr, se vió involucrada e la caza de demonios porque fue testigo del asesinato de un amigo. Sabella, una guardia en la prision de Rill, tiene poderes, pero no le gusta utilizarlos esta enamorada del hermano de Keeva.
Le faltó una mejor construcción del mundo, pero me imagino que en el siguiente libro se desarrollará todo lo que aquí quedó en duda y sabremos más sobre la magia, los demonios, etc.
Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.