Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, Macmillan Audio, and Maggie North for an audiobook arc in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the narrator, Gail Shalan, was phenomenal. I really enjoyed the autism representation of Liz as she was very relatable to my own social struggles and the anxiety when one struggles to express themselves or standing up for themselves.

I did struggle with the improv storyline as I felt it was unbelievable that an employer would require an employee to sign up for a class to be considered for a project pitch. While this part of the storyline did allow for the introduction of quirky and loveable characters, it made Liz and Tobin read a bit juvenile than their early 30s.

I also was not expecting an epilogue pregnancy, and quite frankly I’m not a fan of the pregnancy trope. It felt unnecessary to the overall storyline and a bit out of left field, especially since Liz and Tobin were still working through major issues in their marriage.

I love a second-chance romance and this was a solid read for me.

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This is definitely a different type of love story. The tag line being can true love happen twice with the same person. Liz and Tobin are struggling in their marriage and work to try and see if it is worth saving. Their second chance fight was a little heavier than the cover indicated. Even Liz’s attempts at improv to prepare for a pitch at work aren’t light.

I loved the MCs’ occupation was wilderness guides for a company. And I loved the MC was shown in all her social awkwardness even though I do wish it wasn’t every moment in the book. This would have helped me to connect with Liz earlier in her story.

I loved the yes and philosophy practiced as part of the improv and how that ultimately helped Liz figure and get what she wanted.

There was heart in the writing style that included both heartbreaking and heartwarming moments. And that ultimately there was redemption and hope in all of the couple’s trials and tribulations.

Gail Shalan did an excellent job voicing Liz and showing the ups and downs and anxiety that encompass her daily life. I wasn’t terribly fond of the male voice she used and that she used it for every male character. It made it a little harder to remember who Liz was speaking with. But I did appreciate that she made Tobin’s voice a little quieter than Liz’s. That seemed to fit with his personality.

While this wasn’t what I was expecting, I enjoyed this second chance romance between Liz and Tobin.

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✨ARC Review✨

Rules for Second Chances by Maggie North is a lovely romance, that proves that second chances may be closer than you think.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

After being being mistaken for a waiter at her own 30th birthday party, Liz Lewis realizes that there are quite a few things about her life, her relationship with her husband Tobin, and her job that are making her unhappy. She feels invisible and secondary in her own life. To try to take back some ownership, she sets out to improve herself and find herself, through improve comedy.

I have to say that I really appreciate that the female main character’s second chance was with something that she already has. Her second chance was reconnecting with her almost ex-husband and gaining some confidence in herself and her ideas at work. So often second chance romances are all about the romance, but for this novel, the most important second chance is her relationship with herself.

I also really appreciate that this novel gives us two neurodivergent characters. In fact, we see the world through the eyes of our female main character who later in the novel realizes she may be a neurodivergent.

I listened to the audio of this one, and I want to get a shout out to the audiobook narrator (Gail Shalan) who provided a fun and easy listen.

Rules for Second Chances is an interesting, thoughtful and delightful romance. I definitely recommend it to other romance readers out there!

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Liz has reached a crossroads with both her professional and her personal life. At age 30, she finds herself unhappy with both and wanting to make a change. When it is suggested that she join a local improv class, she takes this opportunity in hopes that it helps her gain some confidence to act on her goals.

Rules for Second Chances is a stand-alone romance with open-door content.

What a glorious debut! Rules for Second Chances is a moving, beautiful love story. Marriage in trouble romances seem to be on the rarer side as far tropes go. The author really did an exceptional job with what could be considered a more sensitive topic in romances while keeping it realistic.

I highly recommend the audiobook. I actually read through the ebook 1st 6 months ago and enjoyed listening through the audio just as much now. The book is solo narrated by Gail Shalan and she does well keeping all of the characters separated and distinctive.

This was one of the first books that I read this year and still one of the most impactful. I look forward to reading many more books from Maggie North in the future.

I voluntarily read, listened to, and reviewed advanced copies of this book and audiobook. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Rules for Second Chances by Maggie North
Contemporary chick lit, romance with diverse characteristics for the couple. Second chance in that the couple is working on themselves and their marriage through therapy and improv.
Liz Lewis isn’t comfortable in social situations. She’s a data analyst and a numbers person. It’s where she excels. But that also means she is overlooked at promotion time since she doesn’t have the skills or experience to sell her ideas or her personality.
Her 30th birthday is a catalyst for herself and her marriage. She needs to learn to stop being a bit player in her own life. She’s told an improv class may be the ice breaker she needs. Maybe it will help her marriage as well as her confidence at work.
One key is to stop saying “no”. Use, “yes, and” to keep the conversation moving.

🎧 I alternated between an ebook and audiobook. The audiobook is performed by Gail Shalan who does a wonderful job with the two distinct voices, as well as the clear stress and anxiety that Liz is going through. She also performs Tobin’s voice a bit softer and appeasing which fit his character dead on. I listened to this at 1.5, my preferred speed.

Sad story that has a happy ending after a lot of soul searching and obstacles. I’m glad I was able to listen to this and not just read an ecopy. I’m not sure I would have finished if I just had an ebook. I need more happy, love and laughter before the 94% mark. So yes, a lot of angst here but they are dong the right thing in working on it. Yes, they clearly loved each other. But the story is them both finding a way to start over and get out of the trap of not talking to each other. Doing what they individually think is best without ever discussing. Which was sometimes hard to then have them walk away from each other as they were still working through their issues for the majority of the story.
They wanted and follow a form of therapy and that is never a bad thing in my opinion. It’s just a lot of work.
If you like angst and self improvement and figuring out those deeply hidden emotions, this romance is ultimately happy so don’t be afraid to jump in.

I received a copy of t this from NetGalley and Macmillan Audio.

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I listened to the audio version of this book narrated by Gail Shalan. I had issues with the narration because the difference in volumes. She spoke very softly at times to where I couldn't hear what she was saying at all. At times she would yell. I was constantly adjusting the volume until I got to the point that I just gave up on hearing the soft parts.

The story was a second chance trope, which I love. I loved Tobin wanting a second chance with his wife. He was a super sweet guy. Liz is kind of a mess, but then you find out why. The concept of her trying to do improv as a way to further her career was kind of strange to me. I think if some of that had been removed from the book and more emphasis had been put on the marriage it may have been more appealing to me.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for this audiobook. All thoughts are my own.

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A brilliant and raw examination of self love and marriage — 𝙍𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 is so much more than I expected. I loved this book, and I will likely read it again (not something I really do).

As a woman diagnosed with autism in her 30s, I related deeply with Liz. Her journey filled my heart with so many emotions. 💗

Brimming with heart, I highly recommend this for readers interested in a second chance romance that delves into topics beyond the surface.

I listened to this on audio, and Gail Shalan is exquisite. 👏🏼
𝘔𝘺 𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨: 5⭐️

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲:
🏔️ the great outdoors
🏔️ second chance romance
🏔️ journeys of self-discovery
🏔️ neurodivergent — autism rep
🏔️ emotional stories
🏔️ found family
🏔️ a little improv comedy

Thank you for the gifted review copy. Opinions are my own.

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I thought I would love this book, since many people wonder about the “one who got away” and occasionally fantasize about a second-chance. This book didn’t really fit the second-chance trope for me, as this was about a couple trying to save a marriage. That’s great, but this book was all over the place. The FMC was trying to save her marriage, her job, relationships with various families members, etc. Random things would come into play & just disappear with no further mention. It was all a bit too chaotic for me and I couldn’t connect with the characters.

Special thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for an advanced audiobook copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this second chance romance that explores the power of improv to both build confidence to help rebuild a floundering marriage. I loved the setting of a beautiful Canadian tourist town. I really liked Liz and Tobin and I appreciated all the romcom references. The side characters are fantastic. I especially liked Stellar and Sharon.

The audiobook is narrated by Gail Shalan. I enjoyed the way she brought Liz’s story to life. I’m not sure if Gail is Canadian or not, but I loved the subtlety of her accent in this performance. The elongated vowels are definitely present, but they come and go in a way that felt very true-to-life. (I grew up in Northern Wisconsin, where people tend to have similar speech patterns to some parts of Canada.) I also appreciated the slight variation between the intro and outro music for this audiobook. It seemed to embrace the spirit of both improv and this story.

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I loved the concept of using improv to save your marriage but it didn’t seem worth saving. Tobin was likeable but Liz was not. Neither were the other characters. I couldn’t connect with any of them and found this book confusing. This one just was not for me.

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Thank you to @netgalleyand for the #gifted copy of this book.

"Maybe true love only happens once in a lifetime. But what if it happened again with the same person?"

Summary: Liz Lewis has always been labeled as different despite trying her best to be exactly what everyone wants from her. After being mistaken for a waiter at her 30th birthday party, Liz vows to stop being a side character in her own life. She decides to try improv at the local community center to help her achieve her life and career goals. Along the way, after being separated from her husband Tobin, they decide to work on their relationship using an improv-inspired relationship advice book.

Thoughts: I'm so pleasantly surprised by this book!! I was blown away by the message and growth throughout this book with Liz and her relationship with Tobin. As someone who has social anxiety as well, I could relate to Liz's fear of being in certain social situations. I love that she jumped with two feet into the world of improv despite all the chaos in her personal life. Liz didn't realize how much she was stretching herself outside her comfort zone until Tobin brought it to her attention. Also, Tobin.... I mean he was such a sweet man who loved Liz for her. But he had to work through some areas of his life to help their marriage grow as well. I loved that he took the initiative to find them counseling, even seeking the help of his friend who wrote a book featuring improv to help with relationships. The fact that he wanted to help work on their relationship made me love him more. This book was so much more than a marriage in-crisis book, it was also about Liz liking and embracing the person she is, rather than molding herself to fit a certain shape.

Gail Shalan did a fantastic job of bringing this book to life. It kept me entertained throughout and I really didn't want to stop listening. Highly suggest listening to this one!!

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I usually like a marriage in crisis romance, but this one didn’t work for me. I feel like there was too much going on here in Liz’s head. She wanted improv to find herself but it ended up being too much to use it to save the marriage, too. I wish we had gotten Tobin’s POV because that would’ve helped balance out the feelings about this marriage. I also wasn’t a fan of the narrators male voice. While this was a miss for me, I hope it finds the people who enjoy improv and this trope.

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Read if you like:
🥈 Second Chance Romances
💍 Marriage in Trouble
🏞️ Outdoors
🧠 Neurodivergent Characters
🐣 Breaking out of your Shell

I really enjoyed this book especially as someone who has lived safely in many aspects and struggled with friendships and putting myself out there, I saw myself and some of my struggles in many small ways through Liz.

Liz and her husband Tobin have had a passionate relationship but there is much more that needs to happen other than the passion in the bed, like communication and actual quality time together. For too long Liz has not communicated her needs and allowed herself to live in a shadow cast by her popular and outgoing husband, but now, her final straw has been pulled when she is mistaken as a sever by a guest at her own birthday party.

Rashly when Liz can’t take it anymore she tells Tobin they are done and she needs a break, and she isn’t sure for how long.

This begins the start of her road to discovering herself and what she wants as she tries to step outside her husband and coworker’s shadow.

When Liz is recommended to take an improv course by her supervisor when she discusses interest in more at work, she absolutely sucks and to make matters worse, she can’t find a partner until her husband she is separated from steps in willing to help.

This story is truly a love story to individuals that struggle and receive late diagnoses for a diagnosis on the neurodivergent spectrum as adults that always felt different and unseen though Liz as she experiments and explores to figure out what she wants and needs in life outside of trying to people please and fit in.

As someone who has struggled with feeling different and out of place, Liz’s journey really spoke to me and truly makes me hope I can figure out a formal assessment because though a diagnosis won’t change who I am, I think as with Liz, it will help me give myself grace and understand myself and my needs more.

Thank you so much to St Martin’s press for my ARC and Macmillan Audio for my ALC of this one in exchange for my honest review!

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Publisher's Summary:

[...]Liz Lewis has tried everything to be what people want. But she’s always been labeled different from everyone else in the boisterous world of wilderness expeditions—that is, if anyone notices her at all. Her marriage to popular adventure guide Tobin Renner-Lewis is a sinkhole of toxic positivity where she’s the only one saying no. In a mountain resort town built around excitement, introverted Liz gets…spreadsheets.

When she gets mistaken for a server at her own thirtieth birthday party and her last line of communication with Tobin finally snaps, Liz vows to stop playing a minor character in her own life. The (incredibly well-researched and scientific) plan? A crash course in confidence…via improv comedy class.

The catch? She’s terrible at it, and the only person willing to practice with her is a certain extroverted wilderness guide who seems dead set on saving their marriage one bonkers improv scenario at a time. But as Liz and Tobin get closer (...again), she’s forced to confront all the reasons they didn’t work the first time, along with her growing suspicion that there might be more to her social awkwardness than anyone realized. Liz has just eight weeks to learn improv’s most important lesson—"yes, and"—or she’ll have to choose between the love she always wanted and the dreams that got away.

My thoughts:

Rules For Second Chances is a unique second chance romance. The third act breakup comes in the first act and the couple's miscommunication isn't something trivial, it's the theme of their marriage. Liz's insecurities have led her to feel as if she's a secondary character in her own life and Tobin refuses to show the world anything but the heavy rose colored glasses he feels he has to wear to maintain his relationships in his life.

The theme of the book was second chances but Liz and Tobin started to realize they never really knew themselves, let alone their partner. Through improv and a nontraditional relationship workbook the two turn around the marriage that used to make Liz feel invisible and Tobin feel like showing his true feelings would lead to more abandonment.

The audiobook has great narration and Gail Shalan performs the role of a woman struggling through the emotional process of discovering her own(presumedly) neurodivergent mind with the care North put into Liz's character.

If you're looking for a unique open door marriage-on-the-rocks romance, Rules For Second Chances comes out in print and audio on June 25th.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for this ALC of Rules For Second Chances by Maggie North.

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3.5 ⭐️ First off I want to say that the narrator for this was wonderful! Great delivery. I just have no many mixed feelings on this one…. Liz Lewis WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!? Tobin is a doting dreamboat! I really loved his character so much and I was very irritated at how Liz was giving him the run around. Like ma’am this is your husband not just some random guy. I do think her boss was a dick and loved her major girl power moments with him. I did understand where she was coming from about them needing to be separated at work things, but everything else?! Liz you wild.

The improv stuff and the “get magic” were weird for me personally. Also can we talk about Jess Andy?! Just no. lol

Their jobs were cool and the steamy moments were really well written!

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I am super picky about second chance romance, and while this one was okay, it did fall a bit short for me.

There were some cute moments, but there was truly a lot going on and it seemed a bit confusing. I didn’t think the work was done with the relationship.

This was just pretty bland for me, unfortunately.

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This was a unique take on a second chance romance. My heart broke for these characters several times throughout the story because they kept misreading each other and the situation. But it was worth hanging in there because I really did grow attached to both of them and was eager to see how their story resolved itself.

Liz and Tobin are married but have drifted apart. Liz feels like she's overlooked by everyone and that Tobin outshines her. Tobin is always trying to make their marriage appear perfect while not realizing that just because it "appears" perfect doesn't mean it is. They each have past issues that they have brought into the marriage and it's eroding it. Unless they do some quick repair, things will truly fall apart. At the same time, Liz is trying to obtain a job promotion and is going through some improv classes to help herself become more comfortable in front of people. It's a lot for her to be trying to work on at one time - - two major life events is a lot.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: I really enjoyed the audiobook narration. It was really well done and kept me invested in the storyline. I kept listening to this audio one day at work because it kept me mesmerized. 4 1/2 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for early copies of both the ebook and audiobook.

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Raw, real, relatable neurodivergent character, Liz, is determined to be seen.

Liz would never make a big deal out of how hard she works and the success that comes with it, unlike many of her coworkers.

Used to keeping her head down as the dedicated and devoted employee she is, she bravely decides to ask for a raise and a promotion into a different department.

When her boss says she’s a vital, behind the scenes worker Liz decides she’s had it! She’s sick and tired of being invisible and only having magic and light shine on her when standing beside her handsome, outgoing husband whom works for the same company.

Going so far as to reevaluate her relationship with her husband, Liz moves in with her sister determined to find out who she is and how to make her own magic and light for the first time in her life. And how does she do that? Through improv classes, of course!

*I absolutely love and relate to the character Liz. While not personally being labeled autistic, I have been diagnosed with ADHD, severe social anxiety and bipolar 2 which falls under the neurodivergent umbrella.
I, too, am prone to keeping my head down and working hard, not needing to be acknowledged, coddled, or celebrated since that often feels uncomfortable. It always feels great to read about neurodivergent characters and seeing how they manage it. I adore Liz for stepping out of her comfort zone and realizing she has to feel good about herself and not rely on others to make her feel a sense of worth.

I highly recommend this for those who enjoy romance, women’s fiction, and neurodivergent characters!

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I typically really enjoy second chance romances and while this was OKAY, it wasn't anything great.

There was a lot jam packed into this novel which lead to a lot of unanswered questions and confusion while I read. I didn't fall in love with any of the characters and actually found Liz to be quite frustrating at times. Heres to hoping others like this book more than me!!

Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press & Macmillan Audio for the opportunity to read / listen to this ARC.

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This debut pulled me in quickly and I loved this book! The characters and the story kept me listening to this wonderful audiobook. The narration was very good!! It is a second chance romance but with a twist. This book had me laughing and crying!! Very emotional read for me.

Liz and Tobin have been married for 8 years but neither one is happy. Liz is an introvert and is mainly unseen by everyone. Tobin is an outdoor adventure guide that everyone gravitates to. Liz decides to move out as she is so unhappy. Can she find the way to heal herself so her marriage can be healed?? Impov is recommended to Liz for a job competition and Tobin becomes her partner. They will explore a lot that will hopefully allow both of them to grow and ultimately heal their marriage.

Highly recommend this book that comes out on 6/25. Maggie North has written a stunning and heartfelt debut that will have readers captivated into this story!!!

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