Member Reviews

It is amazing to me, that after 36 books [with more on the way], this series as never felt old, tired, or repetitive. The story's are well-thought out, the mysteries are good[dead bodies or not], and because one is now 36 books in, one gets <i>seriously</i> INVESTED in these characters. I often tell people that Meg and Co. are people I would love being friends with [in SPITE of the chaos that is their lives and their household. Also, even with the plethora of dead bodies ;-) ], and I am always genuinely glad when it is time to "go visit" with them [as I know that I will not be disappointed and I will have an enjoyable read].

It's Christmastime [it feels weird to write that in October LOL] and for once, it is not chaos personified at Meg and Michaels. Delaney is pregnant and on bed-rest and everyone [mostly Rose Noir, but even Meg's mother is pitching in] is doing all they can to both keep her quiet AND keep her entertained. Rob is house-hunting [it will be weird to not have him and Delaney at the house since they have been there for so long; they are almost always in a book, even peripherally], Meg is helping Cordelia [her grandmother] with a crime/forensic conference at the Caerphilly Inn [because NOTHING says Merry Christmas like a good crime.forensic conference amirite?], that includes people from The Innocence Project [that was a cool inclusion] as well as some nay-sayers that are, shall we say, super obnoxious. All is well [even with said nay-sayers] and the conference is going smoothly [and who doesn't want to go and stay at the Caerphilly Inn and have all that they offer available to you? I know I do], Delaney is being entertained and Meg is breathing a sigh of relief. Until...a scream awakens the whole house, a dead body is found, and the hunt is on for a [very clever] killer.

The mystery was very good as there were many possible suspects and everyone, even the twins [I have loved how these books move along at "real time" and that the twins are almost teens now, instead of still toddlers like they would be in so many other cozies] along with their friend Adam, are involved and I was surprised at the reveal [which was really well done] and that is always a plus IMO.

I've said this before, but I will say it again, Donna Andrews could be giving lessons on how to write a fun, well-paced mystery, with good/great reveals that aren't rushed, well-developed characters and often stories that tug at ones heart ALONG with the mystery [as was the case with this one]; she has it down and while this is just my opinion, there are few that do it better and that is why, after 36 books I continue to read [and will read as many as she writes] her books and why I recommend them to everyone. She is, quite simply, amazing.

When I first started listening to the audiobooks for this series [after read reading them for so long], I was not a huge fan of Ms. Dunne's narration [I had my own voices for the characters in my head and it was really tough to make the switch]. I kept with it though as I was not about to give up these books [I NEEDED to read them LOL] and now, finally, I have settled in and I look forward to Ms. Dunne reading me the newest story of Meg and Co. and bringing these stories I love to life. Well done!

Thank you to NetGalley, Donna Andrews, Bernadette Dunne - Narrator, St. Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for providing the eBook and audiobook ARC's in exchange for an honest review.

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I was a latecomer to this cozy mystery series, but now it's one of my must-reads! As with all the other books I've read in the Meg Lanslow series, this one has a fresh story line, smart mystery, and interesting and (mostly) likeable characters. Christmas is days away but Meg's grandmother, Cordelia, is hosting a "Presumed Innocent Conference", leveraging the expertise of the extended family, including cousin Festus, a lawyer who works to get the wrongly accused freed, true-crime podcaster Kevin, Meg's cousin who is also a computer wizard who often helps the local police with their investigations, Meg's father, a doctor who acts as the local medical examiner, and her grandfather who has a lab working on cutting edge DNA analysis methods. The conference has brought together true-crime fans, people working to get new trials or the release of a friend of family member they believe was wrongly accused, two individuals recently released from prison through such efforts, and one loud, obnoxious detractor who thinks anyone found guilty in a court of law should stay in jail, period. When one of the conference attendees winds up dead, the local crew puts their crime solving skills to work to try to find the killer before Christmas. As always, there are side stories involving Meg's family that keep the returning reader abreast of the latest developments with the Laslow's extended family. If you enjoy clever cozy mysteries alongside some heartwarming holiday cheer, you should definitely put this book on your TBR!

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Rockin’ Around the Chickadee AUDIO by Donna Andrews is the newest Meg Langslow mystery which finds us at at conference, organized by Meg’s grandmother, focusing on those wrongly accused and how to get their convictions overturned. Of course, Festus, as a lawyer, is hugely involved, as are all the law enforcement people in town. Meg meets come very interesting people and Kevin, who is normally in the basement, has met a woman who seems to interest him. That and the fact it is nearly Christmas is keeping everyone busy. Rob and Delaney are expecting heir baby any day and still without a house to buy, but that will work out. If not, Meg has plenty of bedrooms.

I love this series, which wasn’t what I said when I was first introduced. These are a group of interesting people, mostly family, who live in the Small town of Carfilly, Virginia. They are a group of characters, well-written and by this time, well-rounded. It is an amusing cozy mystery which presents some interesting cases to solve. This is one of them. Many of the people here are already accused murderers and no one liked this guy. Meg works hard to figure it out and, of course, is successful.

Bernadette Dunn is the narrator and I didn’t like her at first, either, but I have changed my mind. I thought she made Meg sound to old, and I still think that, but it seems to fit her personality. She makes listening very entertaining. This is a good book to read but far more entertaining to listen to.

I was invited to listen to Rockin’ Around the Chickadee by MacMillan Audio. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #MacMillanAudio #StMartinsPress #DonnaAndrews #BernadetteDunn #RockinAroundTheChickadee

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Meg Langslow is used to a house filled with family and friends at the holidays, but this year, it’s just the immediate family at home. Her sister-in-law Delaney is on bed rest for a high risk pregnancy, and they are trying to keep the drama to a minimum for her and Rob. So instead of interacting with family this year, Delaney is laying in bed watching the chickadees who come to the bird feeder on the farm. She can even turn on a speaker to listen to them. It’s a great distraction for her, which works for Meg, who has her own distraction.

Meg’s grandmother Cordelia has put together a Presumed Innocent Conference, to bring together those who are interested in true crime and want to help those who are jailed but innocent change their fate. And actually, Meg has a lot of family there, as her cousin Festus is an attorney who helps those who are innocent get out of jail, her nephew Kevin is a true crime podcaster and a computer tech who often helps the police with investigations, her doctor father was the local medical examiner and still helps out as needed, her cousin Horace is a well-respected crime scene investigator, and her grandfather has established a DNA lab originally to help with his work at the zoo but increasingly to help with criminal cases. Add in the local sheriff and some exonerees to tell their stories, and the conference has a full slate of speakers.

But true crime fans and friends and family wanting to help someone prove their innocence are not the only ones at the conference. The podcaster known as The Gadfly, Godfrey Norton, is known for stirring the pot by telling lies about potential exonerees and doing what he can to keep them in jail. Cordelia wouldn’t have let him register for the conference at all, had she known his real name. But he got past her and showed up to stir strife during the talks. However, he took things too far, and Cordelia kicked him out of the conference, and the manager of the hotel kicked him out of his room. He reached out to Meg to try to get her to change Cordelia’s mind (as if that were possible), but she wasn’t able to help him.

And then he turned up dead behind Meg’s barn.

The good news is that there were plenty of crime fighters nearby ready to get started to find Norton’s killer, and the conference means that all the suspects are at the Caerphilly Inn. But it will still take all of their collective skill and expertise, as well as Meg’s ability to bring it all together, to solve the case before the baby comes.

Rockin’ Around the Chickadee is book 36 in the popular Meg Langslow series about her big extended family and their ability to catch killers. These books balance the warmth and comfort of friends and family with the darkness of murder, blending humor with crime science and adding in lots of heart and soul.

I am a big fan of Donna Andrews in general and this series in specific. I have read these for many years now, and I love how the series has morphed. At first, it was a pretty typical cozy series, but it has grown through the years into a modern series that includes true crime podcasts, support for The Innocence Project, and ideas for innovating with DNA research. These characters have gone on a journey, as many true crime enthusiasts have, from merely learning about it from documentaries and podcasts to jumping in to do research and help support those who are doing the work of exonerating the innocent. These books are not just cozy stories, they are a reflection of a larger community, and I for one applaud Andrews for working so hard to keep Meg and her family relevant.

I listened to Rockin’ Around the Chickadee on audio, and narrator Bernadette Dunne knocked it out of the park again. I have listened to many of these book on audio, and Dunne is now the voice of Meg in my head. I think she understands Meg’s intelligence and tenacity as well as her dedication to her family, and Dunne brings her to life in these books. I especially love listening to the Christmas mysteries in the car, riding around doing all those holiday errands. If, like me, you have a low tolerance for Christmas music, then you should give it a try.

Egalleys for Rockin’ Around the Chickadee were provided by Minotaur Books and a copy of the audiobook was provided by Macmillan Audio, both through NetGalley, with many thanks.

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Another fun mystery for Meg and the gang to solve. This one was really close to home! Like in her backyard. There is so much going on at the moment in Meg’s life, a convention at the Inn, which friends and family are involved in. Her sister in law due any day now and on bed rest staying in her home. The twins on Christmas vacation and since not planning the usual huge Christmas party at her home she with her curiosity peak gets in the middle of another murder to solve.
I did read and switched over to the audiobook, which I truly enjoyed listening to. Does help if you have read a few of her previous books for the background of the characters.

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Tis the season for this year's festive, slightly chilling holiday edition of the Meg Langslow mysteries! Donna Andrews has written another outstanding addition to this series filled with the love of family, friends, the preservation of nature and the nurture of everyone, while they all endeavor to solve the most recent crime! Caerphilly is fully decorated for all of the winter holidays, and Meg and her family have decided to hold an innocence symposium designed to explore the efforts and technology being used to aid in the exoneration of those wrongly convicted. Besides Meg's family and local law enforcement, there are a few of those who may have been wrongly accused in attendance, as well as an outspoken detractor of any type of innocence investigation. When things turn deadly for one of those in attendance, Meg, along with the sheriff, and her family and friends pull together to discover who is responsible and safeguard everyone else. The beauty of these books goes beyond solving the mystery in each, to Donna Andrew's splendid creation of her characters, and the growth of the regular characters from one book to the next. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the holiday trip to Caerphilly! Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy. The opinions of my review are my own.

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I always enjoy Donna Andrews’ Christmas mysteries, and this one is no exception.

It has a great holiday atmosphere - over-the-top decorations, Christmas concerts, huge meals, and snow. But this specific book is less about the cultural details of Christmas and more about the meaning and values of Christmas - caring for others.

This book has everything that I’ve come to expect from a Donna Andrews’ mystery - an interesting plot, a nice pool of suspects, great pacing, just enough clues to help me solve the mystery alongside Meg. Plus, of course, there are the wonderful characters from Meg’s family and community.

However, this book has a bit less humor than usual, and I think that’s because the topic of Cordelia’s conference is a very serious one. She’s helping to train people who are trying to seek exonerations for those who have been erroneously convicted and imprisoned. As a result, some of the content is pretty heavy. Important, but heavy. It makes me glad I read it slightly before the holiday season and not a couple of days before because it’s a bit less jolly than some of her other Christmas stories.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me with the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It’s always fun to spend time with Meg and her family and friends especially at Christmas time. In Rockin' Around the Chickadee, Meg’s house is strangely quiet because her sister-in-law, Delaney, is on bedrest for her pregnancy. She is staying in Meg’s dining room with her husband, and Meg’s brother, Rob.

However, don’t worry, Meg has plenty to do. While helping with her grandmother’s innocence project conference, Meg ends up investigating a murder of a vile podcaster.
There are an immense number of suspects to wade through but Meg is up for the challenge.

The mystery was good. However, I really missed the large family gatherings typical of this series. Rockin' Around the Chickadee just wasn’t as humorous without them or any reference to Meg’s career as a blacksmith. Even Meg’s boys are barely present. This book was definitely not a great addition to this usually hilarious series. 3 disappointed stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for providing me with an advanced review copy.

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Rockin' Around the Chickadee is book 36 in the Meg Langslow series by Donna Andrews.
A cozy mystery with a dash of humor and a whole lot of holiday spirit.
This book did not disappoint!
A fun cozy mystery with a bit of holiday cheer!
Meg was so funny to follow along with, and her wild crazy family.

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This has to be the quietest, most serene Christmas season in Langslow family history, even with a body behind the barn. All for the benefit of pregnant ready to burst Delaney. Grandmother Cordelia is running a conference aimed towards victims of unjust criminal convictions and their friends and families trying to exonerate them. An interesting mix of guests attend, including true crime buffs. A number of Caerphilly friends and family are on the panels as Meg patrols the conference. This story is an interesting change from the usual Christmas mayhem!

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Rockin’ Around the Chickadee by Donna Andrews (Meg Langslow #36) 5 stars

It is Christmas time and Meg Langslow is extremely busy – preparing for the holidays, helping her grandmother Cordelia with “Presumed Innocent” her conference about how to exonerate unjustly convicted individuals (with True Crime lovers along for fun) and taking care of Delaney who is ready to give birth anytime now. But it wouldn’t be a Meg Langslow mystery without a dead body and the future victim shows up early in the book. There are a plethora of suspects (some with shaky alibis) and too many clues too count. Can Meg solve the mystery before Delaney gives birth?

I absolutely loved this mystery. It had all my favorite things – a victim that you love to hate, a lot of suspects in the vicinity, Horace doing his CSI thing, appearances from beloved family members, cameos of several Pomeranians (Widget and Watson) and best of all – a description of the food served at the conference banquet. I still think the best food description passage was in “Owl Be Home for Christmas”, but this one comes close. I had a wonderful time with this book – it demanded a Hot Cocoa and a cozy blanket for company. I am looking forward to the audiobook version with Bernadette Dunne narrating I really can’t wait for the next one, “For Duck’s Sake” (Meg Langslow #37) in Fall 2025.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press/Minotaur for this ARC.

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The holiday season doesn't give Meg much opportunity to rest in this latest in the long running series, especially after their bird watching camera catches a murder in her back yard. Fans of of the Caerphilly crew know that the real point of these cozies is, IMHO, the antics of Meg, her family, and her friends. This time out, Delaney is pregnant and meant to be keeping calm but, hah! Meg will of course solve the murder but what about the rest of the issues? No spoilers from me. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. It's a good read.

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Who holds a conference in the week before Christmas? Meg's grandfather when it is for a worthy cause. Inviting those who have been wrongfully convicted to meet others that might be able to help them defend their case is his idea. He knows that many of them do not have family to spend the holiday with, so this might bring them joy. Until murder occurs, and they are all under suspicion again. Men's family is also anticipating the birth of her brothers first child just to add more tension. Good holiday read!

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It’s the Christmas season in Caerphilly but, with Delaney, Meg Langslow’s sister-in-law, very pregnant, festivities are being held away from the house. Among these activities is a Presumed Innocent Project sponsored by Cordelia, Meg’s grandmother which has attracted many people including exonerees, others seeking help to exonerate friends or relatives, as well as true crime bloggers and their fans. When a body of one of those bloggers is found dead behind the Langslow house, Chief Burke has his hands full given the number of suspects. The blogger had believed that the vast majority of exonerees were guilty, had been rude and obnoxious to other attendees, disruptive during the conference and was finally tossed out of the host hotel when he abused an attendee’s dog. With all this facing the chief, Meg jumps in to help by doing her own sleuthing.

Rockin’ Around the Chickadees is the 36th entry in the Meg Langslow cozy mystery series by Donna Andrews and, as always, it is a whole lotta fun. Reading one of these books always feels like linking up with old friends and meeting new ones while providing an entertaining mystery to grab my attention. I also appreciated the information about the number of wrongful incarcerations that led to the actual Innocence Project and thought their work fit perfectly with the Christmas season.

I read the book from St Martin’s Press while listening to the a audiobook from Macmillan Audio narrated by Bernadette Dunne who does an excellent job of giving individual voices to very large cast of characters.

Thanks to Netgalley, St Martin’s Press, and Macmillan Audio. All opinions expressed are my own

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I enjoy this author & series. I find the characters fun. The mystery kept me guessing.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my eARC in exchange for an honest review. .

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I'm a huge fan of Donna Andrews. I've obsessively read every single book in the Meg Langslow series and always eagerly await the next. Unfortunately, this book felt cobbled together to me. Too much was happening, and not enough time was able to be spent on anything. We have the Presumed Innocent conference, Delaney's pregnancy, Delaney and Rob trying to find a house, and Meg trying to keep everything and everyone under control. From the back cover blurb, I expected Delaney and Rob to have a bigger presence in this book, but I ended up being highly disappointed because Delaney and Rob don't contribute much, if anything, to the story other than a few lame obstacles to Meg trying to solve the murder. Having Delaney's pregnancy and her and Rob trying to find a house bogged down parts of the story and felt thrown in rather than a part of the book. I also felt like we didn't truly get to know the exonerees, so I wasn't particularly surprised or didn't particularly care when the killer was revealed. A disappointing Donna Andrews book, but I am still looking forward to the next!

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The mystery was both entertaining and kept me engaged from beginning to end. The fun part was trying to figure out who hated the victim that strongly to murder him among the many suspects. The visually descriptive narrative and fetching dialogue, put me in the middle of all the non-stop action as I watch every scene play out until the killer was left standing for all to see. Donna knows how to tell a story that keeps you mystified and glued to the pages until the last words have been spoken. Bonus seeing Josh and Jamie have a larger role in this book. My have the grown and I especially love their conversations about food consumption. Too funny. Boasting an eccentrically lovable, yet quirk cast of characters and a small-town atmosphere, this book will put you in a festive mood and is one of the best Christmas-themed books in the series.

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Christmas time in Caerphilly and the Langslow family is preparing for the season. Delaney is pregnant and on bedrest and living in the Langslow dining room so the festivities are elsewhere. Meg’s grandmother is running a Presumed Innocent Convention which is a gathering of true crime buffs, families who have a deemed guilty party but believe them innocent, and those that have now been declared innocent. Not quite a seasonal activity but lots of seasonal activities are built-in. Early one morning Rose Noire finds a dead body by the barn. Which member of the convention could be the murderer? Another great book in this series. I love the characters and the town.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Megan and her family are hoping to have a nice quiet holiday. That changes when a man's body has been found. With a growing list of suspects, it will take some time to find the guilty party. I liked this book.

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This book is awesome! I loved it. It’s amazing that this far into the series, they don’t feel repetitive or stale. I do wonder though, how old is Cordelia & Dr. Blake? #RockinAroundtheChickadee #NetGalley

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